Luke Willson - new host of All Day

Hockey Guy

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Aug 26, 2017
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Luke is great on TSN up here in Canada & his reaction to SF losing the SB was genuine & hilarious.
Didn't particularly like this episode as he wasn't prepared with any RW or ML stories that he could tell. The whole episode was questions from the chat so did he seriously think those questions weren't coming?


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Feb 9, 2010
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As we learn more about Russell in hindsight, by his performance in Denver, I had started to think that Bevell was underappreciated for the job he did with Mr. Limited in the Super Bowl years. Bevell had to design an offense with a QB who was incapable of reading many NFL defensive looks, though capable of reading some, like the 4th and 7 4 verts adjustment play in the 2013 NFCCG, and the TD pass to Kearse in the 2014 NFCCG to send the Hawks to SB49. Bevell, by using Marshawn appropriately and coming up with the read-option for Russell prevented many opponents from going to the 2-high safeties look that Russell struggles with. (He "ran them out of" 2-High) Bevell truly made the most of Mr. Limited's skillset.

The biggest issue I still have with Bevell is how he threw the late Ricardo Lockette under the bus after SB49 "...could have been stronger to the ball". This was a major violation of "protect the team", and Bevell never apologized and faced no consequences, which put Carroll's hypocrisy and inconsistency on full display. I've never read anything about Bevell addressing this.
Great analysis. Great points. I'm taken a litte back by the hypocrisy comment though. I think the main issue with that has been from Sherman. A more level headed player would have to understand that QBs are not ever held to the same standards as the rest of the team (perhaps not NE Bill Bel), as their job is different, and requires extreme confidence.

You can also say that perhaps Pete knew his qbs mental state, and what could be detrimental, and protected him.


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Feb 9, 2010
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Also, I put that on yesterday for a road trip with the kids in the car. Lol not for kids.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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Luke Wilson is a great replacement.

surprised so many know what happened last play of SB. I shut the TV off right away and never watched the play again.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2012
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Great analysis. Great points. I'm taken a litte back by the hypocrisy comment though. I think the main issue with that has been from Sherman. A more level headed player would have to understand that QBs are not ever held to the same standards as the rest of the team (perhaps not NE Bill Bel), as their job is different, and requires extreme confidence.

You can also say that perhaps Pete knew his qbs mental state, and what could be detrimental, and protected him.
I suppose not every QB is a Brett Favre. I'd like to think that Russell would have been same-ol Russell even with *defensive* teammates trash-talking him in practice, but I really don't know. As a QB he had to deal with trash talking in games and still keep his focus, all through HS and college years. In Pete we ...used to... trust. Then there is the part where Russell ran essentially the same play as the SB49 "The Pick" play for Denver, in a game-winning situation, and Russell acted like he had PTSD and didn't even look at his first read and missed a wide-open KJ Hamler for the TD and the win. Yes, the helmet-throw play. Plus it was interesting to see Sean Payton rip into Russell on the sideline in Denver during another game. Leaves us outsiders guessing. Well, it's Pittsburgh's problem now.
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Well-known member
Apr 17, 2012
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Luke Wilson is a great replacement.

surprised so many know what happened last play of SB. I shut the TV off right away and never watched the play again.
You're a better man than me. It took me years of .NET and YouTube therapy to break down that play and realize that it wasn't just schitt-for-luck, that it was almost an inevitability with all the schtuff going on with that play.

Personnel mismatches, Browner knowing what was coming, Pete calling for a pass but Bevell actually calling the play, a play that had a short QB height issue (Russ couldn't see Butler lurking), going to a special teamer #6 WR in crunch time, and just so many other nuances.

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