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  1. S

    Disappointing - Irvin’s contract numbers

    Learned today that Irvin's cap number is $5.2 million. The Seahawks' most glaring need this offseason was pass rush, and I am disappointed in how it's been addressed so far. The offseason is far from over, but it looks like the Seahawks chose quantity over quality. The Seahawks have no game...
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    I know many won't like this, but I think the front office is focused on next year, and not this year. Yes, they drafted Taylor, but you can't expect rookies to contribute after this strange offseason. I think there are something like 20 OL on the roster, but they need much more help on defense...
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    In Need of Optimism

    The moves this offseason have been strange. I find it hard to believe that the front office thinks Mayowa and Irvin are adequate solutions to a pass rush that has been an issue since before last season. As of today, it's looking like neither Clowney nor Ngakoue are coming to Seattle. Griffen...
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    Pete Ball is NOT the Problem

    I have been critical of Pete on this board; I have been a strong critic of his in fact. Pete's philosophy works, however. Look at the Titans as an example: running game and defense, and limit possessions. The shortcoming this year, in part, was an inability of the coaching staff and the team as...
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    It's Ok to Have Expectations for This Team

    It's ok to have expectations for this team as a fan base. It's ok to believe that yes, this team had a great year. Yes, this team battled through injuries. The result however, was not good enough. It's ok to not be satisfied. Russell will turn 32, next year. His prime is now. I hope Pete...
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    Thirty two Halves of Football

    Considering that the Seahawks elected to only play 16 of 32 halves this season, I'd say they overachieved.
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    Lamar Jackson is certainly a special talent and a gamebreaker, but watching Lamar look human during the first half of this Titan's game has made me appreciate Wilson's all-around game even more. Wilson is special. There's no QB I trust more with the game on the line.
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    Did Pete Just Lose the Team?

    I am not all doom and gloom, but a loss like that has the potential to linger into next week. I think Pete and Russ might of just lost the team. There was no excuse for that delay of game. I will be interested to see what team shows up next week.
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    Seahawks at a disadvantage

    Thursday night football gives Niners more prep time. Plus, niners have had their bye. They will be the fresher team.
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    Something is Missing

    Suprised that the Seahawks didn't make a move today. Something on this team is lacking; probably because they haven't played a complete game all season. I see a wild card run and first game exit. I wish I was more optimistic, but something is missing on this roster.
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    Lack of Pass Rush is Officially Alarming

    Still nothing of note from Ansah.
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    Pete's Philosophy

    Pete's conservative nature only works with a good defense. The defense isn't good, and Pete can't adjust.
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    Expectations for Reed's Return

    What are peoples' expectations for Reed's return? I don't think it's unreasonable to think that it'll take till at least his 3rd game back to have an impact. More generally, I have been concerned by this team's lack of pass rush since the preseason...People are seemingly saying give it time...
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    Ramsey Trade

    Did the performance today change anyone's mind on a trade for Ramsey? I say keep the draft picks as the secondary clearly lacks playmakers.
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    Lack of Pass Rush

    First ever post. I've liked how this team has looked so far this preseason, but I think the lack of a consistent pass rush, and the d-line depth in general, will eventually show itself to be this team's Achilles heel. This group of linebackers has shown itself capable of generating good...