ADB gets real (KJ podcast)


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Aug 30, 2014
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I'm only about halfway through listening to it, but there's some pretty blunt discussion here.

Kj's podcast is awesome.


Nov 29, 2015
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oh man lol ADB's first words to pete... lol "sup pete, still hurtin over that ass whoopin we gave you?" LOLLOLOL

Year of The Hawk

Well-known member
Dec 30, 2012
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I always loved this guy and his intensity when he played. The more interviews I see with him the more respect I have for him. He is extremely well spoken and intelligent. It was obvious he was leaving something out about a certain someone. I don’t think he needs to drag anyone through the mud because it will change nothing. If he said anything right now it would be front page sporting news and a huge distraction for all involved. Best to leave that for the tell all book that Sherm will one day hopefully write.


Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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Great Podcast. Man that call screwed a lot of stuff up.


Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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I always loved this guy and his intensity when he played. The more interviews I see with him the more respect I have for him. He is extremely well spoken and intelligent. It was obvious he was leaving something out about a certain someone. I don’t think he needs to drag anyone through the mud because it will change nothing. If he said anything right now it would be front page sporting news and a huge distraction for all involved. Best to leave that for the tell all book that Sherm will one day hopefully write.

That certain someone Russ or Pete?


Jul 12, 2013
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On the lake, Livingston Texas
Holy Catfish, these get deeper as they go.

This is a must watch.

No spoilers from me, and you have to listen between the lines.
Every time he has one of the guys on we get a better understanding of what actually was happening.

it’s a tad long, but do yourself a favor.
I promise you won’t be disappointed.
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Well-known member
Dec 22, 2013
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^Pete should be held accountable for this to no, for letting it drag on for so long?


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
Let the record reflect, once and for all that the failure of our team over the years, our offense, team chemistry and culture, wqs rooted not in Ciara coming on the scene. , not in a meddling coach, not in OCs who couldn't call plays, or a scheme that was too vanilla.

The team collapsed because #3 was given a license to fail at his job, and his HC sacrificed the culture he created (in mandating #3 not be openly held accountable for his failures by not just the players on defense, but the offense as well) so that he could protect his qb from criticism and allow the team to be molded around him.

It is sooo infuriating to hear player after player now report essentially the same thing and especially for Doug (one of my all time favorites) to admit the frustration he felt at working his butt off to perfect his craft and have it so often be for nothing when plays that should have worked, didn't, because the guy most responsible for making them work didn't do his job correctly and then wasn't held accountable for it... AND THEN, to have to be told that it would also be frowned upon to address the issue directly with that player... that's so depressing. And so unfortunate that Pete allowed that environment and those special circumstances to exist for one player. While others who genuinely walked the line of accountability and worked everyday to get better, to elevated themselves and the team, were left to wonder why it was even worth it.

I can't think of a parallel for what happened to our team and what continues to still happen now in the storm that has followed #3 to Denver. For Russ to in reality have been so flawed at his job that it garnered the degree of resentment that it obviously did, and still for him to have seen the statistical success that he has AND have created what was until recently, an image of himself that was of a player at the top of his craft, an elite qb, and a God fearing, good doing man.

He is smoke and mirrors embodied.

But if you actually let all of the pieces finally sit... push them together, the picture you see of the dude demystifies everything that's happening in Denver now and that happened to our team post SB victory. Russ has never been able to play the position the way it should be played. He played it his way and forced the offense to follow him - follow him on his highlight real, MVP pursuit, and follow him through, at times (too often) bewildering 3 and out futility.

Russ won his champiosnhip and the success went to his head. Not his wife. He early on, became more concerned with his image than actually winning. And when the most important player on the team is flawed in that way, nothing good will come of it.

Russ isnt over the hill now. He's not punch drunk. He's simply exposed. This is who he's been, just without the shield Pete placed in front of him and the blanket he draped on his shoulders. It's stunning how completely he deluted even himself into believing his own myth (he ASKED to be where he is now), and remarkable how much of the football watching world he fooled.

@toffee - you should post a link to the podcast on the Broncos forum.


Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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Make sure you read though some of the comments.

He’s a sample

Not convinced its Russ though. I still think its the play call and the years of poor game planning and stagnate philosophy that caused the loss of culture. After the Super Bowl loss, the players quit buying in.


Well-known member
Sep 23, 2022
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IMO, the whole idea of the Seahawks' culture and where is manifested from during their Superbowl runs originally came from Marshawn. The offense and team ran through him. I'm not convinced the Seahawks would have been the team that everyone learned about on a national stage without him. I'm not even sure the LOB would have been as dominant without him on the roster.

The one thing that bothers me is that it feels like the Superbowl loss vs the Patriots and how it occurred somehow overshadows the dominant victory they had the year prior against the Broncos. That's the impression I get from some of the players and coaches.

I don't know any of the players personally, it's just an observation. Because the Superbowl loss gets talked about way more than the Superbowl win. Which is quite sad.
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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
Not convinced its Russ though. I still think its the play call and the years of poor game planning and stagnate philosophy that caused the loss of culture. After the Super Bowl loss, the players quit buying in.

I don't understand how you don't believe it's not Russ.

Luke Willson stated how poor the culture was when he came back and mentioned in a round about way that the MVP pursuit wasva potential reason ( he was careful to not point directly at Russ, as all of his former teammates have).

KJ has remarked on the lack of accountability and how that tore tye team apart and mentioned the same meeting ADB did when Pete told the whole team to not be critical of Russ.

Richard Sherman was quoted in the Athletic article (anonymously) after the 2020 season that stated pretty flatly that the issue in Seattle between Russ and the FO was that he was for the first time being held accountable for his mistakes and didn't like it.

And Sherm also corroborated KJ and ADBs account of the break in culture that occurred with Pete putting a bubble around Russ.

And now ADB gives that interview and essentially credits the lack of accountability around Russ as a contributing factor to him even losing passion for the game and ultimately retiring...

His story about about the game in San Diego when he got into it with Pete and Wags about the 3 and out crap fest the offense was on again...

And still you don't think it wasnt Russ?

The former players all coming out for game 1 last year and standing in solidarity with Pete against Russ...

And his play now, in Denver when he's been guven Rodgers OC and now Brees's coach and hes STILL a dumpster fire reading defenses...

If Russ came out and actually admitted he was a fraud, there'd be some who'd STILL not believe it and swear he was only saying it to cover for Pete.

Richard Sherman never criticized Petes offense. He criticized Russ. Adb? Never criticized the plan and Doug doesn't pull punches. He's squarely saying he prepared rye way he should have , as the others did, as the culture demanded, and there was someone who was protected who was allowed to make the same mistakes day after day in practice and then in the game.

They've all been interviewed and asked about their experience during that time and have all pointed to the same thing. And not one pointed to game planning or coaching.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2020
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Taboão da Serra, SP, Brazil
Not convinced its Russ though. I still think its the play call and the years of poor game planning and stagnate philosophy that caused the loss of culture. After the Super Bowl loss, the players quit buying in.

Of course you don't think it's Wilson. At this point, it looks to me like Wilson could curb-stomp you, completely unprovoked, and you'd find a way to blame Pete Carroll. Saint Russell the Blameless can do no wrong.

As @keasley45 points out in detail in his last comment before this one, the players who were there, even the ones who had semi-public beef with Carroll later, have come back to Carroll and made it clear that their problem with Carroll was that he was protecting Wilson from accountability for his failings. In Sherman's interview with Carroll from a few weeks ago, you can see how much he not only likes Carroll, but also deeply respects him as a head coach.


Well-known member
May 18, 2012
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^Pete should be held accountable for this to no, for letting it drag on for so long?

The problem is that what do you do if the QB simply doesn't want to be held accountable? If you have a player like that at any other position you trade them or cut them or whatever you need to do to get rid. With franchise QBs so difficult to find, it's a lot harder to do - the "next man up" from Russ isn't going to be anywhere near as good so you can't cut them - you CAN trade them, the problem is that you still need to get value for that player to finalise the trade. The rumours came out that we did try to trade Russell back in what, 2016? So just 1 season after losing the Superbowl, that's clearly a statement of intent. There's evidence we were looking seriously at Mahomes, Allen etc over the years. All of this culminating in a no-trade clause for Wilson, who used his position of power to control how accountable he could be held.

Maybe the right thing to do was to bench Russell (when? In 2015 he closed out the season with one of the best 8-game runs ever seen in the NFL, 2016 he gets injured in the first game and battles through, 2017 he was the ONLY player in our team who could run the ball), but next man up was Tarvaris Jackson, then Trevone Boykin, then Austin Davis - how are you going to bench Wilson for one of those guys?


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2013
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Let the record reflect, once and for all that the failure of our team over the years, our offense, team chemistry and culture, wqs rooted not in Ciara coming on the scene. , not in a meddling coach, not in OCs who couldn't call plays, or a scheme that was too vanilla.

The team collapsed because #3 was given a license to fail at his job, and his HC sacrificed the culture he created (in mandating #3 not be openly held accountable for his failures by not just the players on defense, but the offense as well) so that he could protect his qb from criticism and allow the team to be molded around him.

It is sooo infuriating to hear player after player now report essentially the same thing and especially for Doug (one of my all time favorites) to admit the frustration he felt at working his butt off to perfect his craft and have it so often be for nothing when plays that should have worked, didn't, because the guy most responsible for making them work didn't do his job correctly and then wasn't held accountable for it... AND THEN, to have to be told that it would also be frowned upon to address the issue directly with that player... that's so depressing. And so unfortunate that Pete allowed that environment and those special circumstances to exist for one player. While others who genuinely walked the line of accountability and worked everyday to get better, to elevated themselves and the team, were left to wonder why it was even worth it.

I can't think of a parallel for what happened to our team and what continues to still happen now in the storm that has followed #3 to Denver. For Russ to in reality have been so flawed at his job that it garnered the degree of resentment that it obviously did, and still for him to have seen the statistical success that he has AND have created what was until recently, an image of himself that was of a player at the top of his craft, an elite qb, and a God fearing, good doing man.

He is smoke and mirrors embodied.

But if you actually let all of the pieces finally sit... push them together, the picture you see of the dude demystifies everything that's happening in Denver now and that happened to our team post SB victory. Russ has never been able to play the position the way it should be played. He played it his way and forced the offense to follow him - follow him on his highlight real, MVP pursuit, and follow him through, at times (too often) bewildering 3 and out futility.

Russ won his champiosnhip and the success went to his head. Not his wife. He early on, became more concerned with his image than actually winning. And when the most important player on the team is flawed in that way, nothing good will come of it.

Russ isnt over the hill now. He's not punch drunk. He's simply exposed. This is who he's been, just without the shield Pete placed in front of him and the blanket he draped on his shoulders. It's stunning how completely he deluted even himself into believing his own myth (he ASKED to be where he is now), and remarkable how much of the football watching world he fooled.

@toffee - you should post a link to the podcast on the Broncos forum.
Your comment reminds me of the movie Glass Onion. Ed Norton is Russell Wilson.


Jul 12, 2013
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On the lake, Livingston Texas
I don't understand how you don't believe it's not Russ.

Luke Willson stated how poor the culture was when he came back and mentioned in a round about way that the MVP pursuit wasva potential reason ( he was careful to not point directly at Russ, as all of his former teammates have).

KJ has remarked on the lack of accountability and how that tore tye team apart and mentioned the same meeting ADB did when Pete told the whole team to not be critical of Russ.

Richard Sherman was quoted in the Athletic article (anonymously) after the 2020 season that stated pretty flatly that the issue in Seattle between Russ and the FO was that he was for the first time being held accountable for his mistakes and didn't like it.

And Sherm also corroborated KJ and ADBs account of the break in culture that occurred with Pete putting a bubble around Russ.

And now ADB gives that interview and essentially credits the lack of accountability around Russ as a contributing factor to him even losing passion for the game and ultimately retiring...

His story about about the game in San Diego when he got into it with Pete and Wags about the 3 and out crap fest the offense was on again...

And still you don't think it wasnt Russ?

The former players all coming out for game 1 last year and standing in solidarity with Pete against Russ...

And his play now, in Denver when he's been guven Rodgers OC and now Brees's coach and hes STILL a dumpster fire reading defenses...

If Russ came out and actually admitted he was a fraud, there'd be some who'd STILL not believe it and swear he was only saying it to cover for Pete.

Richard Sherman never criticized Petes offense. He criticized Russ. Adb? Never criticized the plan and Doug doesn't pull punches. He's squarely saying he prepared rye way he should have , as the others did, as the culture demanded, and there was someone who was protected who was allowed to make the same mistakes day after day in practice and then in the game.

They've all been interviewed and asked about their experience during that time and have all pointed to the same thing. And not one pointed to game planning or coaching.
Yea I tend to agree.

Maybe not from Doug’s interview alone, but if we go back and listen to all of KJs interviews with ex players from the SB teams, then total everything up it gets pretty clear.
Least for me it does.


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
There's a reason why that in almost every one of his podcast interviews with a former player G tries to get someone to just openly and directly name THE person that everyone is referring to when the topic of culture shift / collapse is brought up.

And credit to them that to a man, they won't just say 'it was Russ'. But it's beyond obvious in their omissions, their praise for their coach, the way they try to tactfully side step placing blame directly. One, because that's just how strong the culture was between the guys outside of Russ. They knew what they built. They knew how special it was and hiw strong. They don't NEED to say anything directly because it's blatantly obvious. They've maintained their bond and the code to this day. And two, they're all just class acts. They have set the record straight without gloating.

Whatever Pete told them when he decided to protect 3, for all the division it caused, they all respected it. They all understood why, even if they didn't agree with him, and they all uphold the word they gave, to this day.

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