Critical breakdown of Seahawks roster 2021


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Nov 30, 2021
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Wilson forcing throws downfield and not taking what is underneath. Play action will not work if you don't take what is underneath. Teams don't respect the short passing game and the running game would be better if teams had to respect a short up tempo passing game. Which then opens up the deep shots that Caroll wants to see. You have to set up the deep shot with a combo of smash mouth football and short passing game. Smith and Eason are typical of backup QBs around the league and are fine.


Good rotation of RBs. Penny being a bust hurts the rotation because Dallas and Homer are primarily utility backs. That leaves Collins to shoulder the load. For PCs philosophy to work need to draft a RB in 2022 and also sign 2 UDFA RBs to compete. Collins should be re-signed because he will be integral in building a 1-2 punch for the early downs. That should be the new identity of the Seahawks on offense.


Solid position group and underused. Play action offense should run through these TEs, Metcalf, and Lockett.


OL is okay but needs a bonafide stud to anchor this group for the run first offense to work. Draft 2 OL early and let them compete. Re-sign whomever you can in 2022. It would be too difficult to rebuild an entire OL in one off season with limited draft resources.


Metcalf and Lockett should be the backbone of a heavy play action offense. Screens and slants to Metcalf should be easy first downs and yardage. Even running Metcalf OR Lockett on decoy go routes can clear things out underneath for easy roll outs or play action to Everett.

Seahawks offense has enough talent to compete. Everett, Locket and Metcalf are studs and easy first downs with average QB play when throwing to these three. Wilson needs to stop believing he is superman on every play. If Wilson can not do that he needs to be benched.

DL: Solid collection of rotational players that are interchangeable and can be moved around. Missing a bonafide stud to anchor this group and elevate them The rent a pass rusher philosophy of current Seahawks organization needs to end. Commit to a bonafide stud pass rusher and build around him. Need a Captain of this group as you already have plenty of shipmates.

LBs: Very underrated group of LBs. Brooks and Wagner would be in the discussion for Pro Bowl if they had a dominant front letting them cut loose.

CBs: Satisfactory group of CBs but having a stud to anchor this group would be nice. But not enough draft resources to do that though. Bigger priority should be towards having studs anchor the DL/OL and upgrading the RB position.

S: Diggs and Adams are fine but one has to go to free up resources to upgrade DL/OL IMO.

ST: Satisfactory

Overall the Seahawks are talent wise above average compared to most NFL teams. But they lack impact talent along the OL/DL that limits their ability to compete with upper echelon teams in the NFL.

Currently the offense has enough talent to compete and need to sustain drives. The Seahawks defense isn't dominant enough to patch up the feast or famine display shown by the offense.

Complimentary football needs to come back into the fold.

The 2021 Chiefs are a good example where they too are feast or famine on offense. The difference is that the Chiefs defense has made more plays to help their offense during their slump. And likewise Mahomes is still at a 2:1 TD/INT rato.

A lot of teams are employing cover 2 to slow down offenses like the Chiefs, Bills, Bucs and Seahawks.

Brady and the Bucs rode playoff Lenny to counter the Colts this past Sunday while taking underneath stuff to Gronk. Chiefs modified their offense and stopped being stubborn. The Bills are still in a tail spin.


Active member
Oct 21, 2011
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Good post.

I see the following slightly differently:

Unfortunately we banked on Carson but he just can't stay healthy. Without Carson we have Collins (who's decent) and the rest who are replaceable.
We either need a ball-cow back, or 2 other serviceable running backs to form a rotation with Collins.

I still think we need one. We used M-Rob incredibly well as a chess piece, no reason we can't return to this principle.

We're in the troubling position of needing a new LT, and realistically a new C. I'm fine with Lewis, Jackson, and Shell if they switch the guards back around.

Looks like time has come knockin' for Dunlap and possibly Mayowa too, we need to replace both of these with above-average vets, Taylor and Robinson look like solid rushers with high-upside, if we draft another high-motor pass rusher I'd feel better. Hyder and Green are steady rotational pieces. We could do with another interior DL guy, can we just clone Al Woods?

Wags looks slow to me. He's generally good at making the tackle but plays to him are gaining about 5 yards more each time than they used to. Brooks looks good, need to draft another LB or two though

I like the starting pairing of Reed and Brown, with Jones as a backup. Need to add at least 2 more CBs with potential though, and preferably with some height.

No complaints

Very solid overall but we need a kick returner

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