Fire Pete? Tough Crowd (Long, so be forewarned…)


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Mar 13, 2014
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Truth Ray
FidelisHawk":lyfjkfxl said:
Fade":lyfjkfxl said:
Unfortunately it looks like the team has quit on Pete Carroll. (Give it two more weeks to confirm.)

So nothing really matters in terms of what he could/would do, exp, and the past. The players would just walk all over him and do what they want anyway. Just like they do right now, it is an absolute mess.

Hire Josh McDaniels to be the Head Coach instead.

He would bring the Patriots way in terms of no nonsense, and even more importantly scheming for opponents. Paired with JS to find the talent. I think it would make for a nice match.

Double bonus look up his work with QBs. He is in the same class as Shanny, McVay, & Payton.

Sentimentality and living in the past isn't going to get this team back to the Super Bowl in the next 5 yrs. Only a new coach can do that.

Josh McDaniels may deserve another HCing job, but all I can think about is he traded UP to draft Tim Tebow and the fiasco that was his almost two years in Denver.

As far as his Bonus work with QB’s I’m not sure being Tom Brady’s QB/OC coach means much, maybe his time with the 1&9 Sam Bradford, or the 8&7 Kyle Orton will impress some, just not me, sorry no thanks.

Josh McDaniels was the GM in Denver as well, that is what did him in. Too young, and too much power. Here he would just be the Head Coach.

original poster

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Nov 24, 2014
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Good post, thanks for the time it took.

I think this team needs some youth and innovation in the coaching department. Innovation, though, is more important than youth.

I firmly believe now is the time to build around our star QB. This goes against PC's philosophy and even if Pete was fluid enough to change his philosophy, no guarantee it works.

The coaching has become stagnant, we do not have a single 'star coach' that could class their job as safe. So what do you do? Be smart, evaluate your options and if an opportunity presents itself for someone to come in with good ideas and change the philosophy of this team for the better, you take it.

My number one goal would be for Pete to adjust, wipe out his coaching staff and get new guys in, unfortunately I cannot see that happening. Even Pete firing one of the coaches doesn't seem overly likely, that's why he needs to adjust. The only person that can force him to adjust is Paul Allen and even then PC may not be happy with that and leave.

This January is going to be very telling, if they do get new coaches in, it needs to be early and way before the draft.


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May 19, 2017
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Nice write up Fidelishawk. I enjoyed reading it. As for Pete, we Seahawks fans will always be grateful that he delivered the ultimate prize, but is he capable of doing that again? He built a custom team around his scheme and it worked and was wonderful to watch. The problems arise when the players no longer fit and work within that scheme. Where Belichick will evaluate his players strengths and create a game plan or scheme around them, using the most of their abilities, Pete doesnt do that. Pete plugs players in and wants them to change in order to fit his philosophy instead of changing the philosophy and that just doesnt work. Its why Jimmy Graham has never been used correctly. Its also why we have struggled to find a decent RB. Etc,,,. I'm all for keeping Pete if he does in fact change, but I seriously doubt he will. Next season will be more of the same with the same old tired philosophy and the same coaching staff and I dont think any Seahawk fan wants to see that.


Dec 16, 2016
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oldhawkfan":1vzdm0c2 said:
Beren":1vzdm0c2 said:
I really enjoyed this post although I disagree with the rationale behind it. History is fascinsting, but you have to do what is best for the Seahawks going forward and for me that means: I'd be in favour of keeping Carroll if he doesn't bury his head in the sand come the offseason and makes some overdue changes in coaching roles.

Thanks again for the write up.

Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.
Kudos to the OP. Great post!

I very much agree. I think there is a lot to be learnt from the past, and people often sell short history.

My fear is that the coaching staff ignore recent history entirely in their analysis of what's best to do next, focusing exclusively on days long since past. Recent history is beginning to rack up!


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Nov 21, 2016
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I think the idea that Pete has lost control of this team is plain wrong. This team has already maintained a rogue attitude, it's gotten them to the top, and Pete likes players to have the freedom to show passion and express themselves. That said, there are limits to this. Pete has to find the right balance.

If anyone is capable of evolving it is Pete. This was not his finest year, but he has more than earned the right to another season. There have been some awful moments (that fake FG with the pitch to the TE would have been questioned by Pop Warner kids), but the team has also had to endure lots of injuries to key players. Some things are just beyond any coach's control.


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Oct 11, 2016
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Portland, OR
FidelisHawk":1mri6zk3 said:
Slick":1mri6zk3 said:

Too bad, there's a lot of good stuff in there if I do say so myself :lol:

Yeah there is, it's a great post Fidelis.

It's also TL;DR... Lots of old folks here need to catch up with the chat slang :mrgreen:

Mad Dog

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Aug 11, 2015
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SoulfishHawk":1h0hyv4u said:
Except that he clearly HAS lost the team.

Really? Only two weeks ago they looked awesome against the Eagles. Now we get blown out for the first time ever and its "He's lost the team." as the sole conclusion?

Sorry. Not buying it. We had a bad game in all phases. Drawing massive unknown conclusions from one game is getting a bit ahead of ourselves. For all we know they could walk into Dallas determined and ready for revenge.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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Mad Dog":e6f3sn9z said:
SoulfishHawk":e6f3sn9z said:
Except that he clearly HAS lost the team.

Really? Only two weeks ago they looked awesome against the Eagles. Now we get blown out for the first time ever and its "He's lost the team." as the sole conclusion?

Sorry. Not buying it. We had a bad game in all phases. Drawing massive unknown conclusions from one game is getting a bit ahead of ourselves. For all we know they could walk into Dallas determined and ready for revenge.

From one game? You haven't been paying attention if you think it's just this one game.

It started after SB 49 when Marshawn and other criticized the playcall. Then even up to last year when Sherman again criticized the playcall, as well as calling Pete's speeches "Kumbayah."

In fighting, yelling at each other on the sidelines, chirping back and forth on Twitter, refusal to get on the bus, on and on. It's BEEN going on for 4-5 years, we've just had the talent to overcome most of this nonsense.

Now we don't have the talent to overcome it.


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Nov 16, 2015
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Mad Dog":1jojo566 said:
SoulfishHawk":1jojo566 said:
Except that he clearly HAS lost the team.

Really? Only two weeks ago they looked awesome against the Eagles. Now we get blown out for the first time ever and its "He's lost the team." as the sole conclusion?

Sorry. Not buying it. We had a bad game in all phases. Drawing massive unknown conclusions from one game is getting a bit ahead of ourselves. For all we know they could walk into Dallas determined and ready for revenge.

Lost Sherman last season.

Lost Bennett this season.

Never had Ifedi (has his own personal mission to destroy his team).

Lost Graham last season.

Russell does what he wants and Pete is powerless to even pull him out from the game (part of the Sherman gripe)


Look at Pete's face and expressions. He is dumbfounded, bewildered, lost confidence, lost sense of humor and getting very tired and worn out looking. He sure as hell does not have another rebuild in him IMO. He knows he laid it all on the line with this team, hurt the future of the franchise doing it, and it is blowing up before his eyes. The Rams are what we were and Pete knows it.


Dec 3, 2009
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Seymour":2db7ud5m said:
Mad Dog":2db7ud5m said:
SoulfishHawk":2db7ud5m said:
Except that he clearly HAS lost the team.

Really? Only two weeks ago they looked awesome against the Eagles. Now we get blown out for the first time ever and its "He's lost the team." as the sole conclusion?

Sorry. Not buying it. We had a bad game in all phases. Drawing massive unknown conclusions from one game is getting a bit ahead of ourselves. For all we know they could walk into Dallas determined and ready for revenge.

Lost Sherman last season.

Lost Bennett this season.

Never had Ifedi (has his own personal mission to destroy his team).

Lost Graham last season.

Russell does what he wants and Pete is powerless to even pull him out from the game (part of the Sherman gripe)


Look at Pete's face and expressions. He is dumbfounded, bewildered, lost confidence, lost sense of humor and getting very tired and worn out looking. He sure as hell does not have another rebuild in him IMO. He knows he laid it all on the line with this team, hurt the future of the franchise doing it, and it is blowing up before his eyes. The Rams are what we were and Pete knows it.

I not so sure about this as fans we stand afar and draw conclusions with very little information.

NFL players are competitive by nature and don’t handle losing very well. They yell at their OC, their OL, their WRs, even the NFL commissioner, and that’s just some of Brady’s blowups.


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Oct 11, 2016
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Portland, OR
Don't buy Pete losing the team. Bennett has always been like that, Sherman is like a young Pete so he gets extra leeway, Ifedi idk but it's not Pete's fault more than Cable's, never had an inkling about Graham being lost except between then 20s.


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Sep 7, 2017
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Appreciate the warning but damn that was a novel.

I've been around since the get go and PC won us a SB in convincing fashion so imo he can be our coach for as long as he wants. We all would have loved a dynasty but I'm not greedy. I can't see how anyone could call for his head having lived thru those early years of close but not quite. Season after season of clawing our way into the playoffs just to lose. After all that the frosting was the loss to the refs in our first SB so you know your a true fan for not giving up.


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Oct 29, 2013
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The reality is if you don’t get rid of PC you don’t get rid of any of the other coaches.

This offens3 isn’t going anywhere wi5h the current coaching staff.

He’s too soft on his assistants.


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Feb 5, 2015
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HawkNuts":14rbgnyn said:
The reality is if you don’t get rid of PC you don’t get rid of any of the other coaches.

This offens3 isn’t going anywhere wi5h the current coaching staff.

He’s too soft on his assistants.
Been to 2 Super Bowls in past 5 years. Best staff to right the ship. They know what they’re doing.


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Oct 11, 2016
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Portland, OR
Siouxhawk":sbkm0s46 said:
HawkNuts":sbkm0s46 said:
The reality is if you don’t get rid of PC you don’t get rid of any of the other coaches.

This offens3 isn’t going anywhere wi5h the current coaching staff.

He’s too soft on his assistants.
Been to 2 Super Bowls in past 5 years. Best staff to right the ship. They know what they’re doing.

How much rope are you willing to give them? You've said before this season that within three years this team will win an SB. If that's the case, one year down.

West TX Hawk

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Nov 8, 2013
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Siouxhawk":1k6mejrz said:
HawkNuts":1k6mejrz said:
The reality is if you don’t get rid of PC you don’t get rid of any of the other coaches.

This offens3 isn’t going anywhere wi5h the current coaching staff.

He’s too soft on his assistants.
Been to 2 Super Bowls in past 5 years. Best staff to right the ship. They know what they’re doing.

Blockbuster Video was in the SB of movie rentals for over a decade. They must obviously know what they're doing so don't change a thing. Pan Am, Eastern, Woolworth's, Bon Marche, Mervyn's, TWA, Northwest, Compaq, Standard Oil, General Foods, etc. All huge, wildly successful companies at one point.

Because when something once worked, keep on with the exact business model-same management, same executives, same schemes, same coaches, same formations. Never evolve, never adapt and always be satisfied with below projected earnings reports, declining revenue and wins because hey, years ago we were once on top.


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Sep 15, 2015
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West TX Hawk":1o4xndcp said:
Siouxhawk":1o4xndcp said:
HawkNuts":1o4xndcp said:
The reality is if you don’t get rid of PC you don’t get rid of any of the other coaches.

This offens3 isn’t going anywhere wi5h the current coaching staff.

He’s too soft on his assistants.
Been to 2 Super Bowls in past 5 years. Best staff to right the ship. They know what they’re doing.

Blockbuster Video was in the SB of movie rentals for over a decade. They must obviously know what they're doing so don't change a thing. Pan Am, Eastern, Woolworth's, Bon Marche, Mervyn's, TWA, Northwest, Compaq, Standard Oil, General Foods, etc. All huge, wildly successful companies at one point.

Because when something once worked, keep on with the exact business model-same management, same executives, same schemes, same coaches, same formations. Never evolve, never adapt and always be satisfied with below projected earnings reports, declining revenue and wins because hey, years ago we were once on top.
Lol. No joke, I thought to bring up, "Sioux, do you still rent your VHS tapes from Blockbuster Videos as well?!"

Lmao. Agreed!

Seriously...time to move on!!

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