I can't watch football anymore. I love the Seahawks. But....


May 4, 2009
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Maelstrom787":3p3laad6 said:
I'm going to make a serious post here....

I'm 17, so I'm a minor....

I've single-handedly turned most of my school into a breeding ground for new, young Libertarians.

Rock-on young Libertarian....change the world! :th2thumbs:


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Mar 6, 2007
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Happy trails. Choosing family is always the right choice. I can easily relate to the "taking over your life" aspect of reasoning.

Just as an aside, I can't really relate to your emotions (specifically today)- the Seahawks did their damndest to kill my emotions in the first 3 quarters. I had no emotions this game. I was just happy that Seattle was making a game of it at the end. Sounds like there were other forms of stress and the game just kind of melded with them.


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Mar 1, 2007
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Kent, Washington
Hang in there Shark. Do what you have to, I have considered similar options as well. Family wins out every time. They are the ones who matter and your sports passion cannot replace them when it is all said and done.

Following sports can be such a rush but in the end it is fleeting. I think the sense of being part of something is somewhat an illusion as your own fans really aren't your friends some times. See this very thread of the good and bad of how varied your fellow fans can view you. We try but not all are that connected.

Best of luck with whatever you decide.


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Feb 23, 2007
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Umm, no Shark. How about that?

Learn to manage your emotions AND enjoy football. You can do it.

You know JS and Petey are going to pull more WAC/MWest players out their ass again, right? You expect me to listen to Kiper for thos players?


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Apr 30, 2009
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Shark, you posted something the other day about your mom's HOA. I am not there, I don't know what your life is like, but your anger doesn't seem tied directly to the Hawks. Your anger is YOUR anger, and getting rid of your football team is treating a symptom, not treating the real issue. If you don't fix the inner issue, it will be something else next time.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Fort Worth, TX
I'm right there when it comes to wearing my emotions on my sleeve when it comes to the outcome of Hawks games. To the point where my wife just wants them to win so I'm in a good mood for the next week. Taking a step back has helped me and like others said puts the "game" part of it in perspective. I want my boys to enjoy the sport too...and they won't if they connect it to an angry parent, so I know where you're coming from. Balance can be had though...so hopefully you'll come to find some. Stay strong, brother!


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Apr 30, 2009
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Part of life is imperfection, our emotions are volatile, that's part of being human. Football isn't the issue, thats not the root of anger, its merely an vehicle that it comes out. Removing football from your life, in my opinion, does not solve the root of the problem, it merely hides it until you invest yourself in something else.

I don't have children, so I haven't experienced that exact situation, but I've lashed out at loved ones and friends multiple times over the years about the Seahawks. It's amazing how much a game that we are not participating in compels such powerful emotions. I never, ever, get as upset when I'm actually playing a damn sport.

That's my two cents.


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Mar 16, 2012
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It is a football game. A football game. A football game. Sure, I'm not in as great of a mood when they lose as I am when they win, for a couple hours, but it is a football game. A game of football. For 16-20 days per year, they entertain us, some years more than others. If you live and die with your team, you're going to die almost every year, or every year to date if you've been a Hawks fan. Let us clank our glasses when they win, whine a little when they lose, and enjoy being an American in a city that has a football team to make the soggy Sundays a bit more enjoyable. My friend, I hope you are with us next year rooting on our favorite team, but if you don't think you're up for doing it without harming yourself or your family, I completely respect your decision.


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Mar 5, 2007
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I didnt read all the posts, But to walk away from the game of football isnt the answer. A build up of everything you mentioned is a hard pill to swallow. it could have been one of many things that set you off to do such a thing. Just so happened the Hawks game was on. And it was freaking intense! My kid is a Falcons fan and 17 and full of trash talk! I must admit, It was real hard to keep my cool.

You lost it. Okay. You threw a remote. cool. it shattered just like the twenty remotes I have thrown. But it has never gone further than that! Do you have anger issues beyond this episode? Is it built up stress? I guess only you can answer that. I do not know you personally, But from the story I just read. You need to apologize put it behind you but dont forget it. Punch a pillow, Get a man room, something. But we as men have this normal aggression that is driven by competition. Sports, Video games, lawn darts, or flick football. lol

You made a mistake, You know it, you regret it. If it isnt a common theme then move on and learn from it. But to not watch the hawks? NEXT SEASON! Makes me wannna smash my screen just thinking about it!

Take care. Dont beat yourself up.


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Sep 13, 2009
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It's not just a game, its life and I' m postponing death until the Seahawks win the super bowl.


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Jan 11, 2010
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Pikeville, KY
I understand where you're coming from, Shark... And I've been there myself in the past. Back when my wife was still my girlfriend, she made the mistake of calling me right after a Seahawks loss. I don't recall exactly who it was that they were playing, but I believe it was the Redskins or the Jaguars in the Super Bowl season. It was a game they had multiple chances to win, but it was blown because of missed field goals if I remember correctly. I believe the game was lost in OT but it's all fuzzy now.

I ended up taking out my aggression on her for absolutely no good reason and we ended up breaking up because of that.

After that, I made a vow that I would never let sports aggravate me that much again. It's not worth it, because as much as I sometimes want to convince myself that it does... It really doesn't mean anything.

I haven't read more than just the first few posts in the thread, so maybe you have calmed down and changed your mind. I certainly hope so, as I enjoy reading your posts and think you bring something valuable to the table. Nothing is so broken that it can't be fixed, you just need to take things in stride and let the chips fall where they may.


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Mar 5, 2007
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SharkHawk":2752xhl0 said:
At this rate I'll be dead in about 30 minutes. Stupid blood pressure won't go down. Well, it was a fun ride. 35+ years invested and all I get is a wife who hates me and kids who are scared of me and a bunch of stupid navy and royal blue clothing. Not worth it.

This is what I did......

We're about the same age.
I went on Facebook and announced my retirement from the NFL. lol. It's pretty fun actually.
It really did change my way of thinking.
When I watch games at home, I watch games ALONE. Unless my wife is home.
It calmed me down greatly. I didn't like people barking random BS that always pissed me off.

I'm a really quiet football watcher now and it allows me to process the game better.
Unless I'm at the stadium. Then, I'm a raging idiot!


Dec 6, 2012
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You need to stop taking football so seriously sometimes. Yes, it sucks that we lost, but anger is not going to make the loss go away. Instead of giving up on football, you might need to take anger management classes.


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Feb 28, 2012
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Canby, OR
Shark, I wouldn't quit, just yet. You just need to learn to control your emotions. I've learned to do it over the last 8 or 9 years. I took the mindset that I can't control the outcome, I love the Hawks and support them win or lose. I appreciate the good plays, shake my head at the bad ones.

What football has become to me is a time with my wife and kids. Time to time I may lose my composure (but usually my wife and kids are upset too, and they definitely understand).

What I am saying is, your son has a wonderful opportunity to grow up enjoying games with his Dad. Also, he's liable to be a Chip off the old block, so the best thing you can do is show him how to manage his emotions while watching a game he has a passion for.

That's just my .02.

I do enjoy your contribution to the boards. I've been around a lot longer than my account says. I do hope you reconsider.


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Mar 4, 2007
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Kennewick, WA
I ate a whole half gallon of ice cream and a Papa Murphy's pizza after this loss. I now have acid reflux and actually have been gagging regurgitated food back up I'm so stuffed. I should have avoided all of this by masturbating.......

Anyhow, serious shit in this thread. I hope Sharkey learns from this. No hand-wringing from me.


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Aug 21, 2011
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Shark I'm with you. Been there, had a similar incident during our super bowl game. It is truly a life lesson. I love my kids dearly and part of my healing process from today's game was talking to my two 17 yr olds and my 10 yr old. I realized during the super bowl that I can be frustrated with that of which I can not control I CAN NOT get angry with that situation. There is NO positive out come. I will get up tomorrow and go to work like every other Monday I just won't be as happy as if we had won. Guess what I get to get my 10 yr old ready for school and tell my teenagers to get the hell out of here :). If we won today that wouldnt of changed at all.

You need to do what's best for you and your family ,I know you have the support of all the .net gang and we would all like to have you back but we will completely understand if your presence is missing.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Huntsville, Al
Scottemojo":y4l2csw6 said:
Shark, you posted something the other day about your mom's HOA. I am not there, I don't know what your life is like, but your anger doesn't seem tied directly to the Hawks. Your anger is YOUR anger, and getting rid of your football team is treating a symptom, not treating the real issue. If you don't fix the inner issue, it will be something else next time.

Thought the same thing when I first read this thread.


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2011
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I think we all forget that we watch this game for entertainment. We needs to learn to enjoy every play whether its good or bad. In the end we are fortunate to watch the game let alone this team. We have a much more exciting team than alot of fans get to enjoy


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Oct 31, 2010
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SharkHawk":4yuild5o said:
No, walking away isn't impossible. I've walked away from several "addictions" to keep my family intact. It's hanging by a thread as it is. This is the last one I had to kick. I used to play softball for about 5 teams. Let it ruin a lot of important stuff. I walked away from my one true calling in life... an elementary school teaching job that I'd had for 10 years, because it was threatening my family. Baseball and basketball consumed me. Now I don't watch either. Football was the last on my list. The one I thought I could hold onto and still have balance in my life. Unfortunately, my actions today and my REACTIONS (such as my BP hitting 185/120) show that I can't take it in "moderation". I am a football addict like some are crack addicts. It hurts my family. I have to quit. Just like I did with my ridiculous softball habit and every other stupid thing I've done. Football has to go. My kids are small and need me here longer than that and they should NEVER have to see such a thing from me. Not ever. I've humiliated my family enough through my actions. I owe them this.

meh, nothing wrong with learning about passion at an early age... everyone has to have something

may I suggest next year a cage type set up, your wife locks you in the cage with just a big screen covered with bullet proof glass and all your food and drinks come in plastic containers, finger food only no sharp utensils, no remotes, I also suggest she locks you in buck nekkid in case you get an urge to do something awful with a pant leg or some other article of clothing... ;)


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Oct 14, 2010
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SharkHawk":3pmpmlw7 said:
I think seriously I have to be done. I did something I am so horribly ashamed of after the game and I don't know that I can in good conscience watch another game EVER. I feel awful. Just awful.

I snapped at my kids and then threw the remote and it shattered against the wall and scared my kids. They both started crying. It's time for me to walk away. Everybody is really upset here. I think this is corny, but I also think it has to be my farewell. Sorry for putting it in the main forum, but it is most definitely Seahawks related, and I am sure many other fans are having a hard time coming to terms.

Let what I did be a lesson. I'm lucky no pieces hit my children. But I can't put them through that anymore. I love them with all my heart. More than the Seahawks. I've given the Seahawks 36 years of my life to get it done. They've come close. But I can't leave my family without a father due to a heart attack, and I can't ever EVER harm my children by my words or actions. They deserve a better father, and unfortunately the Seahawks don't bring that out of me. Please don't label me a quitter or a whiner or a baby. Understand that my life has been destroyed in the last two years financially, career-wise, emotionally, and physically. This is the proverbial straw I guess. I just can't do this anymore.

Please.... don't let this game get you like it did me. It was too much, so I step away and hope for a better future for the Hawks for all of YOUR sake. You guys deserve it. You put your butts in the seats and scream until your hoarse for this team. You 12's make me proud. I really have made some incredible friendships here, and hope to continue those, but after what I did today, I can NOT be involved in sports-fandom ever again. Now it's time to pick up the pieces so to speak and try to fix what I've done to my kids in scaring them senseless. No kid should ever have to be afraid of a game result because of how their Dad might handle it. My kids are awesome and they deserve better than the piece of crap I was today. Guilt overwhelms me. I am afraid for myself right now. I am sad for my kids. But I respect all of you and how you keep it together and find a balance where I never could.

Rock on 12's.

Jon Mohlman (the man behind the shark mask)

The lesson of course is that IT IS JUST A FRUNTUCKING GAME!! You get nothing if the hawks win, you lose nothing if the hawks lose. You're not on the team. If the hawks win, it is THEIR accomplishment, not yours. Stop "living through the hawks" like loser parents live through their kids when their kids are playing 5th grade soccer.

The solution, obviously, is have your own accomplishments. Accomplish something that's yours. It doesn't have to be building a fortune 500 company, it can be starting your own business and excelling, it can be becoming all that's possible in your current role in life, it can be anything you have a passion for.

Not directed at the author of the post above, but to everyone on the planet.

edit: "I walked away from my one true calling in life... an elementary school teaching job that I'd had for 10 years..."
I'm only an arm chair psychologist on Monday's, but the above seems to be the problem to me.

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