KNBR-AM interview of Jed York ..... somebody tackle this guy


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Jul 24, 2013
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I felt that "winning with class" was a reference to all the off the field stuff that has plagued the niners. I think York possibly felt Harbaugh had allowed this situation to fester (although maybe Baalke is as much to blame?)

I have no love for the niners, especially their fans, but I'll be honest I didnt find too much wrong with what York said. He was brave (possibly stupid) to do the interview and he stuck to his guns rather than chuck anyone under the bus. I'm probably in a minority of one here but considering the questions and timing I didnt think he did that badly. To me the interviewer was a bit of an arse by continuing to ask the same question over and over. It made for an excruciating at times interview and he was as much to blame as JY.


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Feb 17, 2014
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UK_Seahawk":107hgd62 said:
I felt that "winning with class" was a reference to all the off the field stuff that has plagued the niners. I think York possibly felt Harbaugh had allowed this situation to fester (although maybe Baalke is as much to blame?)

That was my impression as well. During the press conference, Jed equated "winning with class" with avoiding all the off-field arrests that had plagued the team. But according to Marvin, the team was already winning with class. If you agree with Jed, you can't have it both ways Marvin.

Jed is a moron because he thinks winning a Super Bowl is a switch that he can simply flip on. The goal should be to compete as hard as you possibly can and let the chips fall where they may.

He is also dishonest. He pushed out Harbaugh by allowing the uncertainty about his job status to run rampant throughout the season. Yet he is relying on a manufactured team statement that the decision was "MUTUAL" in order to avoid taking responsibility for his actions.

His inability to take responsibility, along with all of his grammatical errors and misuse of words, makes him appear to be extremely juvenile and in over his head.


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Feb 23, 2007
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The winning with class was an excuse to justify jettisoning a winning coach, pure and simple. If it was about "winning with class" he would've interceded with Aldon earlier and/or held Baalke responsible too.

You guys are falling for Jed worse than Marvin.


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Feb 17, 2014
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pehawk":1qnbh8x6 said:
The winning with class was an excuse to justify jettisoning a winning coach, pure and simple. If it was about "winning with class" he would've interceded with Aldon earlier and/or held Baalke responsible too.

You guys are falling for Jed worse than Marvin.

Absolutely. The issue is what did Jed mean when he referred to winning with class? He made it pretty clear that he was referring specifically to the Ray McDonald, Aldon Smith, Chris Culliver, Daniel Kilgore, etc. arrests this year.

The reason for referring to those arrests is most likely subterfuge: an excuse to mask his true unwillingness to give Harbaugh the contract he sought a year ago and to allow the uncertainty about his job status to run rampant for over a year.


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Feb 23, 2007
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hawknation2014":2cxe1621 said:
pehawk":2cxe1621 said:
The winning with class was an excuse to justify jettisoning a winning coach, pure and simple. If it was about "winning with class" he would've interceded with Aldon earlier and/or held Baalke responsible too.

You guys are falling for Jed worse than Marvin.

Absolutely. The issue is what did Jed mean when he referred to winning with class? He made it pretty clear that he was referring specifically to the Ray McDonald, Aldon Smith, Chris Culliver, Daniel Kilgore, etc. arrests this year.

The reason for referring to those arrests is most likely subterfuge: an excuse to mask his true unwillingness to give Harbaugh the contract he sought a year ago and to allow the uncertainty about his job status to run rampant for over a year.

Mike Brown West....that's exactly what he is.


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Feb 17, 2014
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pehawk":29c6a427 said:
hawknation2014":29c6a427 said:
pehawk":29c6a427 said:
The winning with class was an excuse to justify jettisoning a winning coach, pure and simple. If it was about "winning with class" he would've interceded with Aldon earlier and/or held Baalke responsible too.

You guys are falling for Jed worse than Marvin.

Absolutely. The issue is what did Jed mean when he referred to winning with class? He made it pretty clear that he was referring specifically to the Ray McDonald, Aldon Smith, Chris Culliver, Daniel Kilgore, etc. arrests this year.

The reason for referring to those arrests is most likely subterfuge: an excuse to mask his true unwillingness to give Harbaugh the contract he sought a year ago and to allow the uncertainty about his job status to run rampant for over a year.

Mike Brown West....that's exactly what he is.

I see some of the similarities, but he's actually much worse than Mike Brown. Brown at least played football in college and graduated from Harvard Law School. Brown also worked his way up in the organization for 25 years before becoming an owner.

Jed York has never accomplished anything on his own. He has not played the game since grade school. He has never even worked a real job for more than a year. He is nothing more than an entitled little twit who was handed the job by his parents.

Other than Jim Irsay, the only comparable owner who comes to mind is current Lakers' owner Jim Buss. Never played the game. Never worked a real job that he didn't get from his dad. Yet since he has inherited the team, he thinks he's "moneyball," spending his days inputing stats into a computer program as though he knows anything about the game of basketball, eschewing Phil Jackson for Mike D'Antoni, signing Kobe Bryant to a ridiculous contract, etc.


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Apr 30, 2009
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I love getting insights into the way a guy thinks. Jed gives plenty of those.

First off, the winning with class is convincing himself that the Niners ride on some higher plane. Maybe Jed hates 8 dollar khakis?

"Mutual" parting? does that mean they don't owe Jim the money on the last year of his deal?

He refers to "us" repeatedly. I assume that means him and Baalke, who "share" a philosophy. For all of Jim's antics, he is a simgle minded guy who I would never think politics behind closed doors, but Trent has apparently beensharing his ideas with York. And pointing out where they don't agree with Jim. Jim has asked for one thing: More control over the players he gets. Baalke has a vested interest in not having that happen, and the one way to keep his spot is criticize how his picks get used.

Hanging the lack of off field discipline on Jim is silly. It reeks of a GM telling the boss that the coach is mismanaging all the good players they got them. Be careful Trent, the little worm will turn on you too.

I want the Niners to be rivals, not frauds. Looks like little Jed is going to make sure they turn into a joke.


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Apr 8, 2014
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In the basement of Reynholm Industries
Scottemojo":3tpv1ymv said:
I love getting insights into the way a guy thinks. Jed gives plenty of those.

First off, the winning with class is convincing himself that the Niners ride on some higher plane. Maybe Jed hates 8 dollar khakis?

"Mutual" parting? does that mean they don't owe Jim the money on the last year of his deal?

He refers to "us" repeatedly. I assume that means him and Baalke, who "share" a philosophy. For all of Jim's antics, he is a simgle minded guy who I would never think politics behind closed doors, but Trent has apparently beensharing his ideas with York. And pointing out where they don't agree with Jim. Jim has asked for one thing: More control over the players he gets. Baalke has a vested interest in not having that happen, and the one way to keep his spot is criticize how his picks get used.

Hanging the lack of off field discipline on Jim is silly. It reeks of a GM telling the boss that the coach is mismanaging all the good players they got them. Be careful Trent, the little worm will turn on you too.

I want the Niners to be rivals, not frauds. Looks like little Jed is going to make sure they turn into a joke.

THANK YOU. You say so much there that I was thinking and couldn't articulate quite right. It also just amazes me how much Jed takes winning for granted. It's amazing that Jim Harbaugh, who made history in his first three seasons, could be tossed out like his success could be repeated by anyone Jeddy chooses. They didn't appreciate 2011-13, and have already forgotten what 2003-10 was like for them. It's just mind-boggling.

Sterling Archer

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Apr 11, 2010
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Before the season, when all the rumors about discord within the 9er front office were at the forefront, my friend asked me if I would be happy seeing Harbaugh leave. At first, I thought yes because of his abrasive personality (I found it annoying) and his ability to win (also annoying) but I answered no because I valued the rivalry more. It was really fun having the 2-3 games for the last few years that mattered against the 9ers and it added something special to beating them in the NFC Championship game. I think I might actually miss Harbaugh's insane sideline tantrums as they were actually pretty entertaining.

I listened to this interview and York sounds really immature and unprepared. I wouldn't have much confidence going forward if that was my team owner.


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Mar 4, 2007
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Kennewick, WA
Hi. I'm Jed York. Screw all of you.


-The Glove-

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Jan 20, 2011
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Hasselbeck":1vmpr586 said:
How lucky are we to have Paul Allen guys?
I don't know...Melvin would be able to answer your question better


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Dec 18, 2012
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-The Glove-":35r6cvc6 said:
Hasselbeck":35r6cvc6 said:
How lucky are we to have Paul Allen guys?
I don't know...Melvin would be able to answer your question better

While I don't think York is the bafoon peeps here make him out to be, can't say I wouldn't rather have a multi-billionaire who stays out of the football operations as an owner.

-The Glove-

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Jan 20, 2011
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Marvin49":2pl2bw6u said:
-The Glove-":2pl2bw6u said:
Hasselbeck":2pl2bw6u said:
How lucky are we to have Paul Allen guys?
I don't know...Melvin would be able to answer your question better

While I don't think York is the bafoon peeps here make him out to be, can't say I wouldn't rather have a multi-billionaire who stays out of the football operations as an owner.
How long will Golden Boy's trust fund last?


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Feb 17, 2014
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Marvin49":3exyhvz9 said:
-The Glove-":3exyhvz9 said:
Hasselbeck":3exyhvz9 said:
How lucky are we to have Paul Allen guys?
I don't know...Melvin would be able to answer your question better

While I don't think York is the buffoon peeps here make him out to be, can't say I wouldn't rather have a SELF-MADE multi-billionaire who stays out of the football operations as an owner.



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Mar 7, 2012
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Can't believe I'm about to say this, but...

I'm in agreement with Marvin. Harbaugh burned some bridges in SF, something went down and York can't talk about it. If he did, it would just increase the drama and lower the likelihood that any quality coach takes that job.

It's worth noting, and I mentioned on this site a few years ago, Harbaugh had major attitude problems at Stanford as well. The boosters wanted him gone. The talk at Stanford was that the AD was resentful that Harbaugh refused to help with booster outreach, and that he alienated the people who pout together the financing on the Stanford stadium. Also, he apparently cost them a couple recruits somehow. I heard all this from a colleague who is a major booster in that second tier of large donors to the school, and had made a significant donation towards the new stadium and athletic facilities. He wasn't present at all booster functions, but said he attended a booster function in Palo Alto where Harbaugh and the AD didn't even speak to each other and Harbaugh was apparently aloof and visibly unhappy to be there. Said he tried to talk to Harbaugh and it was awkward as hell.

That jives with reports I've heard that Harbaugh refused to participate with stadium functions in Santa Clara and his refusal to show up at the christening function.

It's clear to me that Harbaugh did something that really pissed off everyone. York wouldn't have sided with Baalke if there wasn't significant widespread discord with Harbaugh at the center. Harbaugh has options, and he's a dick, so I'm sure he made York and others aware of his options and threw his weight around and they probably just decided it wasn't worth it.

Of course York can't talk about that. Things get ugly if he does. Most of all, nobody wants that coaching job if he goes Al Davis Festivus Mode and starts airing grievances. You don't do that.

So while I understand why Niner fans are mad, just remember, Harbaugh hasn't won anything at any level of the game and he's had problems everywhere. Further, even with Harbaugh, you went .500 this season with his hand picked quarterback. That team wasn't going anywhere with Harbaugh. It actually makes sense to start over from scratch. Wipe the slate clean, try again. No reason to wait.


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Feb 17, 2014
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HansGruber":1m6aj26w said:
Of course York can't talk about that. Things get ugly if he does. Most of all, nobody wants that coaching job if he goes Al Davis Festivus Mode and starts airing grievances. You don't do that.

So while I understand why Niner fans are mad, just remember, Harbaugh hasn't won anything at any level of the game and he's had problems everywhere. Further, even with Harbaugh, you went .500 this season with his hand picked quarterback. That team wasn't going anywhere with Harbaugh. It actually makes sense to start over from scratch. Wipe the slate clean, try again. No reason to wait.

The biggest problem with your thesis is York did talk about his supposed problems with Harbaugh.

When asked during his press conference if Harbaugh was not a "good teacher," Jed implied that Harbaugh's teaching was limited to just the QB position. And during this radio interview, he admits that the team was not "winning with class" under Harbaugh, referring to the multitude of arrests that occurred last year. He says, "collectively, it was all of our fault . . ." but "Trent and I are philosophically aligned" and Harbaugh is not. He also referred specifically to the fact that Harbaugh did not win a Super Bowl in four years.

The 49ers were a competitive team under Harbaugh. That is undeniable. After clueless Jed makes another Mike Singletary-type hire (i.e. Jim Tomsula), watch how quickly the 49ers plunge back to true mediocrity. Not that it will matter at all to Jed. After all, if either way you're not winning a Super Bowl, why not save a few millions dollars a year in coaching salary while he continues to accumulate massive revenue from a new stadium he did not pay for? All he had to do was wait a year to make sure the "faithful" were locked into PSLs.