Lets just be done with Rawls!


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meanwhile, Alex Collins is gonna go to the pro bowl.


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Rawls looks like he doesn’t even belong in the NFL. Lacy still has some skills but can’t play behind this line since he can never get up to speed. Hope we can move on from both next year.


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Nov 28, 2014
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Florida and loving GOP country!
ImTheScientist":1tyv98ix said:
Last week.... fumble, impatient runs....this week dropped pass in the endzone, cutblock takes away a TD, and -1 yard. You think that guy getting 7ypc because he looks so wild when he runs. Then you realize it was a 1 yard gain. He is by far and away our worst RB. Doesn't block well, cant catch, fumbles. Yet everyone gives him a break over Lacy because of 1/2 a year of success 2 years ago with us. Time to move on. Rawls is bad yet nobody calls it out. He needs to be inactive.

Dude is trying too hard. He is starting to look like C-Mike.


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Oct 11, 2016
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Portland, OR
Call up Mike Davis? Not sure whom to cut to make room for him, but we have to find some semblance of a running game or Russ is gonna get destroyed at some point.


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Anchorage, AK
adeltaY":26xujbqy said:
Call up Mike Davis? Not sure whom to cut to make room for him, but we have to find some semblance of a running game or Russ is gonna get destroyed at some point.

Lacy gets a per game active bonus of $62,500 which is a little over $500k for the remainder of the season. That would be more than enough.

Right now, I'd like to see no roster changes, and just put Rawls out there every down and let McKissic come in to spell him. Give Rawls a chance to be the everyday guy that we once thought he could be. Can't be any worse than the performance we saw against the Texans.


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Jan 8, 2013
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When 3 separate guys are having all the same problems (with the exception of Procise who has his own issues), the problem is not them. Clearly, we are not run blocking or the blocking we are doing is terrible.

We have guys meeting the RBs in the backfield almost as the ball is handed off.

Unless you have Barry Sanders' incarnation, that won't get you anywhere.

We don't have a run game so we end up getting no results from our RBs.

Not sure a different back would make much difference*

*Somehow Carson was able to run with this kind of blocking, which is pretty amazing.


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Sep 17, 2013
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I think Rawls has the skills and abilities to be a very good running back, but he can't seem to settle down and get out of his own way. He's so hyper. Neighbor used to have a dog and kept him penned up all day. He'd let him out when he got home and that dog would run crazy for an hour and still not be done. Feels like that's what's happening to Rawls. There may be some wisdom in making one or the other the starter. If he would calm down and trust in his physical ability he might do just fine.

Of the two dropped passes the screen last game was all on Rawls, the easy TD this week was on Russ for overthrowing his receiver. That one made me use a bad word.


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Nov 16, 2015
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StoneCold":3epczizk said:
I think Rawls has the skills and abilities to be a very good running back, but he can't seem to settle down and get out of his own way. He's so hyper. Neighbor used to have a dog and kept him penned up all day. He'd let him out when he got home and that dog would run crazy for an hour and still not be done. Feels like that's what's happening to Rawls. There may be some wisdom in making one or the other the starter. If he would calm down and trust in his physical ability he might do just fine.

Of the two dropped passes the screen last game was all on Rawls, the easy TD this week was on Russ for overthrowing his receiver. That one made me use a bad word.

It went off of his fingers without even leaving the ground, that is on Rawls IMO. Not a great pass, but not exactly a miss to most players either.


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Anchorage, AK
StoneCold":awohgg7n said:
I think Rawls has the skills and abilities to be a very good running back, but he can't seem to settle down and get out of his own way. He's so hyper. Neighbor used to have a dog and kept him penned up all day. He'd let him out when he got home and that dog would run crazy for an hour and still not be done. Feels like that's what's happening to Rawls. There may be some wisdom in making one or the other the starter. If he would calm down and trust in his physical ability he might do just fine.

Of the two dropped passes the screen last game was all on Rawls, the easy TD this week was on Russ for overthrowing his receiver. That one made me use a bad word.

I couldn't give names right now, but I know that over the years I've heard some running backs and football analysts alike talk about how some backs get better as the game progresses, and if you were to limit their snaps that they wouldn't have as much production (per snap) due to this. I can't say if Rawls (or Lacy even) are that type of back, but sharing the backfield is obviously not working. One difference between now and Carson, was when Carson showed a spark they made him the main back. I think it can't hurt to try that with one of these guys, and my thinking is Rawls, and that's mainly because he just looks like he's making more effort out there.


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Dec 10, 2012
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Don't know why everyone is in arms about the RB's we have.. we could have L Bell and he wouldn't get a yard.. look at the real problem.. solve the real problem and our running game, will be fixed.
It ain't Lacy
It aint Rawls.

A Collins has proven that every game he plays.


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Anchorage, AK
Bobblehead":3k6y9x44 said:
Don't know why everyone is in arms about the RB's we have.. we could have L Bell and he wouldn't get a yard.. look at the real problem.. solve the real problem and our running game, will be fixed.
It ain't Lacy
It aint Rawls.

A Collins has proven that every game he plays.

Carson did well with mostly the same offensive line, so that theory doesn't really hold true.


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Oct 9, 2017
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Aros":1r7i5zb4 said:
Please. Lacey is as ineffective as Rawls. Mass doesn't necessarily equal inertia or kinetic energy. He lacks instinct and vision and the opponents know it. Something, by the way, Beast Mode had in SPADES.

Lacy seems to be better at pass pro. Had a couple good pickups that led to two deep bombs. Lacy is so slow tho and our line doesn't give him enough push. Rawls is fast but he lacks vision. He bounces around too much when he could get the 2-4 yard gain.


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Oct 9, 2017
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Hasselbeck":16b2gkg0 said:
ImTheScientist":16b2gkg0 said:
Last week.... fumble, impatient runs....this week dropped pass in the endzone, cutblock takes away a TD, and -1 yard. You think that guy getting 7ypc because he looks so wild when he runs. Then you realize it was a 1 yard gain. He is by far and away our worst RB. Doesn't block well, cant catch, fumbles. Yet everyone gives him a break over Lacy because of 1/2 a year of success 2 years ago with us. Time to move on. Rawls is bad yet nobody calls it out. He needs to be inactive.

How's that Eddie Lacy jersey treating you?

Its true. Rawls misses holes and dances around too much. He missed a hole yesterday and a sure first by bouncing around for a no gain. It led to a field goal.

Lacy is slow and needs big holes and our line can't produce. Now who knows with brown coming here.


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Aug 12, 2012
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Seafan":24h19h0r said:
The RBs on the team aren't the major problem. Teams are jail breaking against the run because Bev/RW aren't showing any threat.

Some posters never miss an opportunity to take a swipe at Russell Wilson no matter how well he performs. I’m starting to wonder if Russell’s ex wife is a poster here.


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Apr 30, 2009
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ImTheScientist":2uez8lip said:
Aros":2uez8lip said:
He has the talent but he lacks patience. He gets so wound up he works himself into a lather and right out of a play.

It worked his rookie year but you can't sustain that lack of patience. I am not ready to give up on him just yet but he needs to calm the heck down and focus. Otherwise he is just dead weight.

Oh and btw? #cutlacey

I would cut Rawls and give Lacy all those carries. At least he can block/catch/not fumble. Three things Rawls cant do. Please don't highjack the cut rawls thread with lacy talk.

Cut the only guy that is capable of getting past the line of scrimmage ? Sounds legit.

Lacy is way to slow to the los and often makes the wrong read. Don't get me wrong, I'm not happy with Rawls' performance this game but we don't have any other options other than starting Rawls and hoping that settles him down instead of trying too hard to get his job back.

The problem with our run game is only party due to the OL. Our RB's are not reading holes correctly, bouncing stuff outside too quickly and not blocking well.

West TX Hawk

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Nov 8, 2013
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Rawls was a 1 hit wonder in '15 and through either injury or approach, he's nowhere near what he was and doesn't appear he ever will be. He can't cut like he used to and he can't penetrate like before and lacks burst.

Lacy is just flat awful, slow and one of if not the worst FA signing JS has ever made. Why there are some here who are somehow fascinated with this overweight, overpaid slug is appalling. 5+ million guaranteed? What a joke.

Call up Davis and use McKissic more-at least pass to him more on 2nd and long and 3rd downs.