My interaction w/ Niner fans this week


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May 29, 2009
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Eugene, OR
Thought I would share ...

My wife of 10 yrs and some of her friends are hardcore SF fans. We throw smack back and forth when we play each other. But this week, as you can imagine, it"s been flying!

So I saw that she and several of her friends had engaged in some really popular anti-hawk threads on FB with their fellow 9er fans. Most of the comments made among all of the SF faithful were just downright disrespectful and I mean bad too. You all know what I speak of, right? Their confidence was beyond delusional and they were already polishing their 6th Lombardi.

So I took it upon myself to jump in and test the waters ... I was the only Hawk fan amongst like 30-40 people.

I led off with the question ...

What happens if you all lose this game? Won't those of you who are talking sooooooo much hateful sh** be just a little embarrassed? Don't you think the mindless hate goes a bit too far sometimes? How do think it represents your team?

I followed up my initial question with respect and admiration for their team, complimenting their draft the last few years, highlighting their recent play and how the game could honestly go either way.

I was almost immediately met with venom and hate. Some even threatened me with bodily harm for even chiming in. But I kept it cool and continued my position of respect and reason.

Then a bunch of 9er fans who felt the same way I did, jumped in and told their fellow fans the same things I was! That the haters need to shut up and stop giving SF a bad rap, I was shocked. But they hadn't spoke up until someone else had the stones to jump in and point it out!

Long story short, by the end of the back and forth, almost all of the initial haters came around and we talked X's and O's, threw some smack around and at one point, even a few of the guys wives jumped and complimented the new found positivity of the thread. I continued to conduct myself with integrity throughout, even going as far as to call the wives "Mrs. (such and such)"

I even made a few new friends ... no kidding!

I've done this 3 times this week on totally unrelated 9er strings and the result was almost identical each time which totally blew my mind. They commented on how not many Hawks fans have interacted with them that way, with respect.

I told them the same thing each time, "Respect begets Respect"

I'm sure it could have been an anomaly how the end result was all cookies and ice cream. But the biggest thing I took away from it was ...

I felt good about representing our beloved team with class ...



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Oct 8, 2013
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I hear you. I don't see this often mentioned in the so-called 'serious' stories that ask where the rivalry came from, but honestly, it has to be this:

The moment the Niners were supposed to actually be decent (pre-season of the 2010 season), the self-entitled insufferable "we and our five lombardies are reclaiming our rightful domain" fans came out of the woodwork.

There was nothing the rest of the division loved more that year than to see the Niners crash and burn with seven straight losses to start that year.

This was pre-Harbraugh. If there was anything that started the Niner-Seattle rivalry, it was Niner fan behavior in 2010 IMHO.

Uncle Si

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Mar 3, 2007
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I've been a bit thrown off by how much hate the Seahawks and fans are getting here in Minnesota.. the basis (according to what is being said) isnt even rationale.

when did we replace the 9ers?


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2012
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Anchorage, AK
You made new friends who are 49er fans? What is wrong with you :D

It is amazing across the board online how incredibly hard it is for people to stay civil. I commented on a news article yesterday with some facts. Not opinions but researched facts with links to the studies. People came back and slammed it, personal attacks etc etc - unreal.

Colin Cowherd says it all the time and I couldn't agree more with him. People don't want information they want afformation. I do think that when there are people that actually know each other or their real name is on it like on facebook they have a tendency to be a little more friendly and listen to reason.


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2013
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I actually post on the webzone quite frequently. A few of them are alright. But some of them as soon as they see the word "Hawk" in your name it's like gloves off dukes up. I will say this, I think the hatred from Niner fans towards the Seahawks (and their fans) is way more than the hatred from Hawk fans towards the Niners (and their fans). i.e. I think the most we tend to see here is people calling them forty whiners and referring to Harbaugh and CK as douches. Over there I mean it's like "screw the (insert every insulting spin-off of Seahawks you can imagine)", constant referring to PEDs and cheating, insuiating that our ENTIRE fanbase is exactly what was shown in the beats commercial, classless arrogant trash etc. etc. It would appear like we're the new Raider nation or something.


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Aug 4, 2011
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I work with a Niners fan and have for the past 2 years. We've always talked X's and O's and I'll be the first one to point out that SF has a good team. I don't like them, in fact I despise them but they are a good team. Now I did draw first blood this week as I emailed him a picture of a dog taking a dump on the Niners logo and said "It's on!!", but he knew it was all in good fun and said he searched for hours trying to find something to one up me.

I do think though like the OP said "respect begets respect", and once that respect is established you can send them a picture of a dog take a dump on their logo and laugh about it.


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Mar 12, 2013
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HawkHouse":1o3blh4e said:
Thought I would share ...

My wife of 10 yrs and some of her friends are hardcore SF fans. We throw smack back and forth when we play each other. But this week, as you can imagine, it"s been flying!

So I saw that she and several of her friends had engaged in some really popular anti-hawk threads on FB with their fellow 9er fans. Most of the comments made among all of the SF faithful were just downright disrespectful and I mean bad too. You all know what I speak of, right? Their confidence was beyond delusional and they were already polishing their 6th Lombardi.

So I took it upon myself to jump in and test the waters ... I was the only Hawk fan amongst like 30-40 people.
I led off with the question ...

What happens if you all lose this game? Won't those of you who are talking sooooooo much hateful sh** be just a little embarrassed? Don't you think the mindless hate goes a bit too far sometimes? How do think it represents your team?

I followed up my initial question with respect and admiration for their team, complimenting their draft the last few years, highlighting their recent play and how the game could honestly go either way.

I was almost immediately met with venom and hate. Some even threatened me with bodily harm for even chiming in. But I kept it cool and continued my position of respect and reason.

Then a bunch of 9er fans who felt the same way I did, jumped in and told their fellow fans the same things I was! That the haters need to shut up and stop giving SF a bad rap, I was shocked. But they hadn't spoke up until someone else had the stones to jump in and point it out!

Long story short, by the end of the back and forth, almost all of the initial haters came around and we talked X's and O's, threw some smack around and at one point, even a few of the guys wives jumped and complimented the new found positivity of the thread. I continued to conduct myself with integrity throughout, even going as far as to call the wives "Mrs. (such and such)"

I even made a few new friends ... no kidding!

I've done this 3 times this week on totally unrelated 9er strings and the result was almost identical each time which totally blew my mind. They commented on how not many Hawks fans have interacted with them that way, with respect.

I told them the same thing each time, "Respect begets Respect"

I'm sure it could have been an anomaly how the end result was all cookies and ice cream. But the biggest thing I took away from it was ...

I felt good about representing our beloved team with class ...


I don't know why Hawk fans think this kind of behavior is limited to 49er fans, I live here in the Puget Sound and hear all the same shit you complain about just swap 49er for Seahawk fan.

Cant even go to a restaurant with my wife and daughters without having some D'bag Hawk fan start talking shit, of course they wait 45 mins until I excuse myself to go to the restroom and they're on their way out. I don't mind the back and forth that's to be expected, but I hate the chicken shits that take it out on my family because I am wearing a 49er jersey, talk to me like a man not some coward.

We both have delusional, over the top, immature fans. If you think your fan base is immune to this kind of behavior then you need to get our more.


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May 29, 2009
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Eugene, OR
Bingo! It's not always gonna go that way, where someone is willing to listen to reason, some people are just incapable of that train of thought. But starting out cool is usually the best beginning.

I love talking with other fans who are informed and respectful, period!


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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North Pole, Alaska
I think 95% of the posters on here realize that every fanbase has it's own population of jerks. And it's always obvious just how ignorant those types of fans are. They know little about their own team so all they are capable of doing is trashing the opposition.

It can be very tiresome, but good work and reppin' Seahawks fans everywhere. :th2thumbs:


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Mar 1, 2007
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The Tex-ASS
Some idiot 49er fan (looked like mentally challenged Mongoloid type) tried to give my family grief at closin day at Hollywood Park Dec 22nd.

I told this dude, look man, keep your drivel to yourself, or it becomes something different. He kept saying "shehawks"...I'm ok, well look at the dude.

He then came near our table and tried to get his smelly carcass into our area, that is when I got up, and grabbed the back of his neck and "escorted" him into his ghetto area.

He came back and I had security escort him to the place he and all 49er fans belong...Outside looking in.


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Apr 24, 2013
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They are probably mad at us because just when they start to become a legitmate contender for championships they have to contend with us for not only the division but the superbowl as well. They were bad for so long and finally got themselves to the top of the NFC when the NFC West was a shithole and they had no competition and then in a short time we turn it around and are now on top replacing them. The Cards and Rams look to be on their way up too.

Its obviously jealously. Our teams are VERY similar and it would seem we are 1 year behind them in everything, including contracts so our window is also just slightly larger than theirs IMO since this will be their 3rd straight NFC championship game.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Lake Tapps, WA
I know for a fact that the hate has been brewing since the Hawks came into the division, but there is no doubt that the start of the 2010 season sent them over the edge.

They were talking division all preseason, about how badly they would destroy the Hawks in their first game under Carroll. The players too. Remember the hand holding team building unification sign as they came onto the field?

Yeah.. me too. Lol.


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Dec 27, 2012
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"Shrug" I know a dude who frequently each Saturday does his pre-game shopping, he's a 49ers fan wears his jersey and what not. When I 1st saw him I didn't say anything, but then the following Saturday i saw him again, then I decided for the 3rd Saturday in a row I'd go and see if he was there. And he was. This time I showed up in my Hawks jersey and we both grinned, but it was that kind of grin where your determined whether you want to say anything, So i piped up and was like man, your team wouldn't get so many insults if Harbaugh didn't freak out like a girl who broke their nail, every time something doesn't go his way. Then we both chuckled, and the dude was totally chill spoke about the Hawks in the up most respect. We spoke about the Division and how amazing it is, and how strong its become. How almost each team in the AFC has nothing for defense and will be punched in the mouth when it comes to the SB.. really great convo, prob 30-40 mins in the store. Well my wife comes and grabs me, just as his wife does and it so happens our wives work together and now he's coming over. So there's some cool fans out there. Granted this will probably be the 1st Sunday I won't be expressing my hatred for the 49ers out loud, but it'll be fun.


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Sep 29, 2013
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WilsonMVP":2yrfr4sc said:
They are probably mad at us because just when they start to become a legitmate contender for championships they have to contend with us for not only the division but the superbowl as well. They were bad for so long and finally got themselves to the top of the NFC when the NFC West was a shithole and they had no competition and then in a short time we turn it around and are now on top replacing them. The Cards and Rams look to be on their way up too.Were

Its obviously jealously. Our teams are VERY similar and it would seem we are 1 year behind them in everything, including contracts so our window is also just slightly larger than theirs IMO since this will be their 3rd straight NFC championship game.

Were the Seahawks not contenders last year? I could've swore that this championship game could've just as easily happened last January. It's this type of banality that drives me nuts. Almost as much as "fans" who can't even name one of teams personnel other than the HC. (just an example). I'm not jealous of Seattle in any way. If my team sucked, maybe, but probably not. And yea I get embarrassed FOR Jim H. some for the way he acts. But I seriously don't think dude can help himself. He's a fireball who wants nothing more than to win. If that means planting a seed or two in the refs ear then so be it.............
Fire away Hawks fans


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May 1, 2009
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Arlington, Washington
This is a pic of two of my coworkers at Boeing shot this morning. During our morning meeting we noticed they were wearing pretty much the identical shirt and hat of the two teams. The Niner fan has been my best friend at work for 16 years. But he likes the Seahawks about as much as he likes the Niners. It's just that he grew up in California and the Niners were his first love, but he's lived up here most of his life. He has a cabinet at his house that's a pretty impressive shrine of Niner and Seahawks stuff, so he can't really lose Sunday, though he really wants his Niners to take it. We don't smack talk each other because we're both nervous as hell about the game.

IMG 20140117 052336 660


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Mar 1, 2007
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Kent, Washington
Old school guy here. I am glad social media wasn't around when I first started following the NFL in 1963. The amount of downright thuggish, racist, disgraceful crap fans put out would most likely have soured me on the sport. All fans and just not football. The technology bump in obtaining information may have helped mankind but it also exposes some weak-minded, self-loathing fanatics to me, that enter my world un-invited.

We all are now like Raiders fans. A 32 team gangland. Just too expensive to do drive-bys of the opposing city.

And by the way, "Get off my lawn!".