Question for Seahawks fans, why do you hate the Niners ?


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Oct 10, 2012
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Tri Cities, WA
the hatred flows strong both ways, anyone not to see this has their blinders on. i don't mind it when it's healthy and fun, makes for a good rivalry, but unfortunately it gets out of hand and leads to physical violence. It also helps to fuel the fire when the team and head coaches hate eachother as well.

Simple, we want what you have (a championship and titles) you guys hate that we're headed in that direction and making your team look like the little brother of the NFCW this year.


Mar 17, 2013
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I have hated the 49ers since before they won their first Super Bowl. It is a family thing that I have never gotten over and probably never will. I am now married to a 49er fan (for 17 years) but he is one of the good ones - he even roots for the Seahawks when they don't play each other. Unfortunately the rest of his family are typical 49er fans. I have had to hide the grandchildren from my FB feed because they are so nasty.


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TaterHawk":fwe7qhty said:
I was a 9er fan and living in CA back in the Montana/Rice/Young days. Spent a lot of time with my butt in a seat at the stick. In fact after moving to Seattle i still watched the 9ers as my second team. I've been in Seattle for 13 years now and have never in my life seen anything like the 12 man. The stick was sad in comparison even back in the great days. With the addition of Harbaugh, and the thrashing of A Smith I had to just walk away. As for the fans, no hate from me and the flying of a 12th man banner over Candlestick is more about great fans jacking up their team than any shot at your fan base. Yes the hawks banner above the stick is unprecedented because the hawks have the best fans in the NFL. No disrespect. Our fans actually can make a difference in games home, and it's starting to happen away too. # 12 is part of the team more than any team in the NFL. If they take this show on the out!

I really like this post and the one talking about the great players that exist on their team now. I also lived in the bay area during the glory days of the early to mid 90's. Damn that was fun. I was born in Seattle and back home now, there is no other fan base like ours. You're absolutely right about the Alex Smith crap - even though I don't think he was a great quarterback, there was never any community support for the guy - and who knows, he possibly could have been on the path to 49er greatness but the fan base beat him down.


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Mar 16, 2012
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It is the fans, and I'll tell you why.

For a decade, at least, the 49ers were horrible. Laughing stock horrible. And there seemingly wasn't a 49ers fan on the planet. You didn't see them or hear from them.

Then, one winning season. One. And here all these people come out of the woodwork, puffing out their chest like they're the toughest guy on the block, and everybody needs to bow down to the greatness of their franchise. Now they put the stickers on their trucks and wear their 49ers gear everywhere. But a few years from now, when the 49ers are bad again, they're going to go right back into hiding. So darn tough!! At least Dallas fans, who are the most annoying fans in sports, are proud to be Dallas fans all the time.


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Aug 30, 2013
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grizbob":n6vo7rsd said:
Personally, I don't hate the niners, it's their loud mouth arrogant fans that get my ire. I have a lot of family that fit that category.

I have you looked in the mirror. Seahawks fans have become so arrogant. Usually its Raider and Cowboy fans that are the most insufferable, but I think Seahawks fan have surpassed them. I think people around the league are starting catch on.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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Also remember as we're discussing how much we hate each other that the large majority of all fanbases are cool hard working people that work all week, go scream their faces off at games, and go home.

It's the vocal minority that spend all their waking hour trolling social media trying to get a rise out of people. So yeah if your experience with Seahawk fans is limited to the idiots that spend hours per week starting crap on fan sites, then of course your not going to have a high opinion of our fanbase.


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Oct 8, 2013
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Ninerg":12q5isfj said:
grizbob":12q5isfj said:
Personally, I don't hate the niners, it's their loud mouth arrogant fans that get my ire. I have a lot of family that fit that category.

I have you looked in the mirror. Seahawks fans have become so arrogant. Usually its Raider and Cowboy fanss that are the most insufferable, but I think Seahawks fan have surpassed them. I think people around the league are starting catch on.

I could be snarky and say "we learned from the best".

Here's the difference. If Seahawks fans have become insufferable it's because we've been IGNORED for so long that the only way we see to stop that is to be good enough that we can not be ignored, and to say "heck with politeness, just break down the door". Certainly the team feels this way. In a lot of ways, Seattle is very much like the Raiders of yore.

However, even during the dark days of the 1990s, the fans still loved the team even if it was purely local.

In the case of the Niner fans, you disappear (even locally) for about ten years during your dark years of the 00s, and then come back with full arrogance....and with the national media fawning all over you.

Like I said, check out the other NFCW sites. You Niner fans are not just hated in Seattle but in the entire division.


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Mar 4, 2007
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Ninerg":1ov1jkyg said:
I have never known an opposing team fan base to have as much hatred and vitriol as Seahawks fans seem do for the Niners, its crazy.

Seahawks fans hate us way more than Niner fans hate them, its not even close. We're just now realizing how much hatred you have for us.


This little game whiner fans do, such arrogance. Seen it before. You like to pretend you're on pedestal and look down at all the other teams. "Oh Seahawk fans? Hadn't noticed you, but apparently you hate us? Hadn't noticed."


Please. Don't try to play that game, we know the amount of hate you have for us and the team. And we love it. :D


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Mudbone's rumpus room
The hate? Easy: it's *all* about Coach Douche and your fanbase. Try re-reading your post as if you were the subjects to whom it was addressed. Then watch a few Harbaugh gifs. I predict even you will have to suppress significant self-loathing after that.


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Oct 8, 2013
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twisted_steel2":2zjjtyx0 said:

This little game whiner fans do, such arrogance. Seen it before. You like to pretend you're on pedestal and look down at all the other teams. "Oh Seahawk fans? Hadn't noticed you, but apparently you hate us? Hadn't noticed."

This. Seriously (and starting in 2010 when the national media starting hyping the Niners), if the Niner fans had their noses stuck up any higher, the collective fan-base would have had nosebleeds.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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twisted_steel2":28xch3d4 said:
This little game whiner fans do, such arrogance. Seen it before. You like to pretend you're on pedestal and look down at all the other teams. "Oh Seahawk fans? Hadn't noticed you, but apparently you hate us? Hadn't noticed."

Yep. The ol' "Oh you consider US a rival, but we just see you as another average team in our division."

We'll see how Niner fans feel after coming in 2nd place for the next 10 years. This is just the beginning of the Russell Wilson decade of dominance. Buckle Up Niner fans, it's gonna be a looooooooooong ride.


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Mar 3, 2007
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SalishHawkFan":3nc6ebx4 said:
We've got extensive evidence of Niner fans on their boards hoping our players get injured, have careers ended, you name it. No one on this board has EVER hoped a Niner player gets injured.

I can go to a busy Niners board RIGHT NOW and pull up a recent quote wishing career or season ending injury on a Hawks player.

I want to draw attention to this. It's been my experience as well. The Niner fan base has so many thuggishly pretentious, classless barbarians.


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Sep 20, 2013
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Augusta, GA
After the posts Ive seen in the 49ers forums your going to tell us that we hate you more then us? Every fanbase has bad apples but the majority of the posts Ive seen in 49ers forums are vulgar and obscene and provide no actual football knowledge.


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Ninerg":22ogts91 said:
As a true, die hard Niner fan, I just don't understand the degree of hatred that Seahawks fans have for the Niners. I can understand that there's a rivalry now, however its pretty new. I have never known an opposing team fan base to have as much hatred and vitriol as Seahawks fans seem do for the Niners, its crazy.

Seahawks fans hate us way more than Niner fans hate them, its not even close. We're just now realizing how much hatred you have for us. Historically, our most intense rivalry has been with the Rams, we can understand their hatred, our records against each other is like 63-62 with one tie. There was a period when they dominated us and we came back and dominated them. They have won the SB and we have won SB's, so we can understand. The Dallas Cowboys was another rivalry, we used to battle them for NFL supremacy, I can understand the hatred between the two teams and fan bases.

From what I understand, the Seahawks plan on flying a 12th man banner over Candlestick this Sunday. That quiet honestly is unprecedented, no opposing teams fan base has ever done anything like that to the Niners.

I remember when the Seahawks played the Steelers in the SB, I was actually pulling for the Seahawks to win that game and so was other Niner fans I know.

Again, I just don't understand it. It seems Seahawks fans would enjoy winning a regular season games against the Niners more than they would the Superbowl.

Is this a joke post? I suggest you go here if you want to see vitriol: ... read-week/

This is a 49ers site, a pre-game Seahawks thread. It is ALREADY 102 pages long. That's not 102 posts, that's 102 PAGES. The entire thread is 49ers fans either throwing homophobic tirades against Seahawk Fans or Seahawk Players (example: Sherman is called a drag queen *@#, Pete Caroll is called a Lesbian Whore *#@# --but the best is one of their moderators calling seahawks "Cawksuckers" --a MODERATOR), or they are calling for their 49ers to INTENTIONALLY INJURE Russel Wilson and other Hawk players, or they are throwing insults I couldn't repeat on here about other Seahawk players or fans. Just read the board. I don't even care about them completely fabricating reality by saying that Seahawks are CHEATING to win, by pumping noise into the stadium, by using Steriod and HGH, but paying off refs, etc --this is understandable when you have an inferior team, the fans attempt to make up reasons why their team sucks versus the good team. But most of the hate has nothing to do with this, most of it is just horrible racist or homophobic insults thrown, wishes of injury or pain or even death on Seahawk players and fans. Even 1% of the disgusting language and hate used in that thread would get you BANNED on It's just pathetic. I get a kick out of reading it, but don't have to read it for long to tell that your fans have become completely unhinged.

And you are claiming tha hawk fans hate 49ers? Let's be honest, this game is much more meaningful to you than to us. To Hawk fans, 49ers are more pitied than anything at this point. It's the 49ers who hate the Seahawks so much because they are so inferior at this specific time. I'm sure the opposite may have been true some years ago. It's natural, the better team pity's his "rival" while the inferior team hates his rival.

tom sawyer

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Jan 6, 2013
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I don't hate any teams.

Rivalries are fun. I like to taunt and play antagonist to them like we used to do with the Raid-nerds in the 80's.

It's innocent bantor


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Apr 30, 2009
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Sgt. Largent":1on7lxzg said:
twisted_steel2":1on7lxzg said:
This little game whiner fans do, such arrogance. Seen it before. You like to pretend you're on pedestal and look down at all the other teams. "Oh Seahawk fans? Hadn't noticed you, but apparently you hate us? Hadn't noticed."

Yep. The ol' "Oh you consider US a rival, but we just see you as another average team in our division."

We'll see how Niner fans feel after coming in 2nd place for the next 10 years. This is just the beginning of the Russell Wilson decade of dominance. Buckle Up Niner fans, it's gonna be a looooooooooong ride.
Especially considering how it's been OUR division since we got here, then they finally have a couple years of success after 10 years of futility and they come on here treating us like it's always been THEIR division and they've just come to notice us. LOL.

Remember before last season began when I started a thread about how the schedule favored us and if we split with the Niners we could possibly take the division? Niner fans went so batshit crazy over that assertion that the post went 20 pages and finally got locked. But it turned out we did split with them and had they not pulled out a tie with the Rams, we would have won the division. UNTHINKABLE! And our main reasoning? Alex Smith was no good. UNTHINKABLE! BLASPHEMY! But when the season was done, Smith was gone and Niner fans were on Kaps nuts.

They don't LISTEN because they're so arrogant they think they know it all. When it turns out we're right all along they call US arrogant!

What's not to hate?


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Apr 30, 2009
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Ninerg":13pcjm6l said:
grizbob":13pcjm6l said:
Personally, I don't hate the niners, it's their loud mouth arrogant fans that get my ire. I have a lot of family that fit that category.

I have you looked in the mirror. Seahawks fans have become so arrogant. Usually its Raider and Cowboy fans that are the most insufferable, but I think Seahawks fan have surpassed them. I think people around the league are starting catch on.
And this is why I find a single Niner fan, you, dislikable. Trying to color entire fanbases with singular emotions is stupid anyway.
Your initial post was thinly veiled passive aggro. This encapsulates more how you really feel, clearly. Your smugness is eminently hateable. forget your fanbase, you individually reek of insecurity.


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
Lets go way back when we were in the AFC, pre season games. 49ers fans coming on or saying playing the Seahawks is a good tune up game for us to get ready for the season, we need a crushing win or something to that effect to set the tone for the season. It went on thru the glory years every year. Beating Walshs student who taught him everything he knows etc lots of stuff like that.

Been a fan since the beginning so have seen it all. Also stepping into the NFC listening to the 49ers and Rams say that we are not considered anything because we have no history and won nothing. Constant put downs for one reason or another. We took care of the Rams and have been the dominant team in the division since we came back. Yes our first year was the NFC West for those that feel we have no history, The Falcons and Saints and Panthers are gone. The schedule of having the worst teams in the league for many years to pad your win columns are gone, Arizona and ourselves keep the Rams and 49ers honest now. Arizona was once considered to be in the same ilk as the other teams I mentioned but since they have built that new Stadium the ownership has actually decided to feild a respectable team.

So the whipping boys are gone, but the stoires of greatness continue to be uttered by the fanbase, many who never seen the Montana, Lott years let alone the John Brodie and Gene Washington era.

It's about respect, it's about being arrogant and condescending.