Russell MUST Speak!



Look, I love Russell Wilson. He is one of my all time favorite athletes. But he needs to come out and speak on this. If he wants out so badly, say it. If he wants to stay and try to work it out, release a statement. These rumors and leaks from his camp are really bad and they don't look good for him. Everyone is talking about this. I have family that doesn't really follow football asking if Russell is leaving. He has always been a team first guy and all these rumors are hurting the team. I am starting to see analysts on sports shows (dumb I know) calling him out as well. And former players like Robinson. People pointed out it's going to be hard to go back into that locker room after calling out the O line publicly.

Second, I think everyone needs to stop make it about Russ vs. Pete. There is a very good chance Russ would just want out of here no matter what. Maybe him and his wife want to go to a glamorous city. We don't know. Speculation from some talking heads in the know is that he wants to be with a top top team. The Seahawks aren't going to go into next season considered one of the best teams no matter who the coach is.

I love Russell Wilson. But he needs to come out and say something here. For the good of the team. Don't just sit in silence. If you want gone, let it be known.


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Mar 3, 2007
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I wouldnt assume hes NOT speaking. Hes speaking to those that matter.

Just because word doesnt come down to you or I doesnt mean he hasnt been frank with his employers and what not. Im sure JS and PC have a pretty clear idea of the situation. Russ also chooses to use his baseball manager and his entourage do his talking to social media, media to win a few points in the court of public opinion but its misplaced effort.. neither PC or JS have ever shown any inclination to do what Seahawk twitter or fans want. They trust their process.

The rest of us.. we just have to wait out what may be a maddening Spring for clarity to trickle down to us.


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Mar 3, 2007
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So ...................... who is going to ante up an appearance fee for Wilson to answer all the forum's questions and accusations?



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Apr 30, 2009
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Vetamur":1wzezoel said:
I wouldnt assume hes NOT speaking. Hes speaking to those that matter.

Just because word doesnt come down to you or I doesnt mean he hasnt been frank with his employers and what not. Im sure JS and PC have a pretty clear idea of the situation. Russ also chooses to use his baseball manager and his entourage do his talking to social media, media to win a few points in the court of public opinion but its misplaced effort.. neither PC or JS have ever shown any inclination to do what Seahawk twitter or fans want. They trust their process.

The rest of us.. we just have to wait out what may be a maddening Spring for clarity to trickle down to us.


Russ is speaking. People are in denial that he is. That's why he has an agent.


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Jan 2, 2011
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Vetamur":1pgrikrn said:
I wouldnt assume hes NOT speaking. Hes speaking to those that matter.

Just because word doesnt come down to you or I doesnt mean he hasnt been frank with his employers and what not. Im sure JS and PC have a pretty clear idea of the situation. Russ also chooses to use his baseball manager and his entourage do his talking to social media, media to win a few points in the court of public opinion but its misplaced effort.. neither PC or JS have ever shown any inclination to do what Seahawk twitter or fans want. They trust their process.

The rest of us.. we just have to wait out what may be a maddening Spring for clarity to trickle down to us.

I think some fans are overvaluing their importance here. Other than using fans as a PR bludgeon they really don't have anything to do contract or internal team issues. We're collectively the income stream but it's only a small percentage of fans who are riding this drama to the moon. He's playing for this team until he isn't, and all the speculation and grinding has no bearing on the end result.


Vetamur":2etzd1z4 said:
I wouldnt assume hes NOT speaking. Hes speaking to those that matter.

Just because word doesnt come down to you or I doesnt mean he hasnt been frank with his employers and what not. Im sure JS and PC have a pretty clear idea of the situation. Russ also chooses to use his baseball manager and his entourage do his talking to social media, media to win a few points in the court of public opinion but its misplaced effort.. neither PC or JS have ever shown any inclination to do what Seahawk twitter or fans want. They trust their process.

The rest of us.. we just have to wait out what may be a maddening Spring for clarity to trickle down to us.
You guys are completely missing the point. I'm sure he is saying more to the people that matter, no one is disputing that. The point is there is a huge uproar over this and Russell could put it to bed with one little tweet. Take 30 seconds, or let your press guy do it, to put out a message telling everyone where you're at. Say you want to stay and end the rumors. Or say you want out. Or at least thank the city of Seattle. Right now we are all left in Limbo


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Apr 11, 2010
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Fudwamper":3ovp8g61 said:
Vetamur":3ovp8g61 said:
I wouldnt assume hes NOT speaking. Hes speaking to those that matter.

Just because word doesnt come down to you or I doesnt mean he hasnt been frank with his employers and what not. Im sure JS and PC have a pretty clear idea of the situation. Russ also chooses to use his baseball manager and his entourage do his talking to social media, media to win a few points in the court of public opinion but its misplaced effort.. neither PC or JS have ever shown any inclination to do what Seahawk twitter or fans want. They trust their process.

The rest of us.. we just have to wait out what may be a maddening Spring for clarity to trickle down to us.


Russ is speaking. People are in denial that he is. That's why he has an agent.
So hmm, when in his pressers, Wilson says "Go Hawks", he's talking to who?......HIS FANS, that's who.


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Mar 3, 2007
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When Russell and so many others talk about ignoring the noise, I believe they mean it.


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Mar 11, 2021
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Meh, look at how bad it made Watson look when he asked for a trade. It's not a good look and hard to go back into that locker room and face your teammates after airing out a bunch of dirty laundry on social media or in interviews. You think guys want to go to battle for a QB who doesn't want to be on the team anymore? Russ should just stay silent and speak with the Seahawks FO, imo.

Then, when they decide to keep him or trade him, he can make a statement.


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Mar 4, 2007
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Seattle, WA
GrizzBEARS":3s8fzm2l said:
Meh, look at how bad it made Watson look when he asked for a trade. It's not a good look and hard to go back into that locker room and face your teammates after airing out a bunch of dirty laundry on social media or in interviews. You think guys want to go to battle for a QB who doesn't want to be on the team anymore? Russ should just stay silent and speak with the Seahawks FO, imo.

Then, when they decide to keep him or trade him, he can make a statement.

Yes, well said. :irishdrinkers:


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Sep 15, 2015
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When it rains it pours....

Both sides will continue to take passive aggressive shots at one another, I’m assuming.