Sherman should tone it down a little


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I like the "swag" and attitude of our defense, and I like Sherman's attitude and aptitude in general, but this constant chattering and then trash talking Tom Brady after the game is a little low rent, IMO. For one thing, the Tom Brady led Patriots have accomplished WAY more than we have at this point in history, and certainly more than Richard Sherman has. Brady is worthy of a little more respect than Sherman gave him here. Another point is that it's not like our defense completely shut them down...we just minimized the damage somewhat. On top of that, this wasn't quite the same as most of our games, where the defense basically had to win it and hope that the offense could score "just enough". The offense had to bail the team out (which it did, fortunately). Brady and company, particularly in the first half, were almost scary good, and it was clear that whatever plan our defense had going into the game wasn't working and had to be modified. For crying out loud, we were down by two touchdowns with 8 minutes left. This could have easily been a loss. Would Richard Sherman have sought out Tom Brady after the game then? Not likely, for the same reason that all those yacky 49ers fans have mysteriously disappeared from all the various discussion boards today.

In my opinion, trash talk is weak sauce. I'm guess I'm okay with it if you're just trying to get into your opponents head during the game, but Sherman hounded Brady afterwards and even tweeted with the pictures after the game...that's unnecessary.


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Anchorage, AK
VinceDee":hlmxte1n said:

I like the "swag" and attitude of our defense, and I like Sherman's attitude and aptitude in general, but this constant chattering and then trash talking Tom Brady after the game is a little low rent, IMO. For one thing, the Tom Brady led Patriots have accomplished WAY more than we have at this point in history, and certainly more than Richard Sherman has. Brady is worthy of a little more respect than Sherman gave him here. Another point is that it's not like our defense completely shut them down...we just minimized the damage somewhat. On top of that, this wasn't quite the same as most of our games, where the defense basically had to win it and hope that the offense could score "just enough". The offense had to bail the team out (which it did, fortunately). Brady and company, particularly in the first half, were almost scary good, and it was clear that whatever plan our defense had going into the game wasn't working and had to be modified. For crying out loud, we were down by two touchdowns with 8 minutes left. This could have easily been a loss. Would Richard Sherman have sought out Tom Brady after the game then? Not likely, for the same reason that all those yacky 49ers fans have mysteriously disappeared from all the various discussion boards today.

In my opinion, trash talk is weak sauce. I'm guess I'm okay with it if you're just trying to get into your opponents head during the game, but Sherman hounded Brady afterwards and even tweeted with the pictures after the game...that's unnecessary.

So it was ok for Brady to talk trash during the game, telling Sherman to come talk to him after the game, but when Sherman actually does, then it's bad form? Ok got it :roll:

Zebulon Dak

Mar 4, 2007
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I agree. I love the attitude but I hope he settles down just a bit. We could still go 4-12 and then he'd look really silly.

Not that I think we're gonna go 4-12, I'm just sayin.


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Apr 30, 2009
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I'm kind of with you on this. Maybe it's just because I respect the hell out of Brady but I think he's overdoing it a little bit here.

By the same token, if this kind of stuff helps him keep playing with the same attitude he's been playing with, have at.

-The Glove-

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Jan 20, 2011
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I love it. Brady showed them no respect. He responded. It's not like he spazzes out after every game.


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May 14, 2012
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to be honest Sherman is standing up for all Seahawk fans and players and the organization as a whole.

our team is a family and i wouldnt be surprised if pete brings up shermans trash talking at the team meeting today. they will laugh and look forward to thursday


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Apr 30, 2009
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Talk all you want during the game, but after the game shake hands and go your own way. I haven't heard TB say one word to the media, and Sherm should do the same. Now is TB or any other Pats player was talking now, then ok fire back.


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Sep 17, 2012
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I do not want him to tone it down.. I want teams to hate us.. I want to be an island here on the west coast that is talked about because teams hate to play us..

I am tired of the warm, cuddly Seahawks we have had the last 10 years.. I love a guy who is willing to talk and then back it up by shutting down his side of the field..

I am mostly tired of people finding out i am a seahawks fan and laughing because of the mediocrity we have been going through.. I want them to be pissed off and remember a time when a Seahawk punched them in the mouth and walk away irritated.


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Salt Lake City, UT
VinceDee":24spgw50 said:

I like the "swag" and attitude of our defense, and I like Sherman's attitude and aptitude in general, but this constant chattering and then trash talking Tom Brady after the game is a little low rent, IMO. For one thing, the Tom Brady led Patriots have accomplished WAY more than we have at this point in history, and certainly more than Richard Sherman has. Brady is worthy of a little more respect than Sherman gave him here. Another point is that it's not like our defense completely shut them down...we just minimized the damage somewhat. On top of that, this wasn't quite the same as most of our games, where the defense basically had to win it and hope that the offense could score "just enough". The offense had to bail the team out (which it did, fortunately). Brady and company, particularly in the first half, were almost scary good, and it was clear that whatever plan our defense had going into the game wasn't working and had to be modified. For crying out loud, we were down by two touchdowns with 8 minutes left. This could have easily been a loss. Would Richard Sherman have sought out Tom Brady after the game then? Not likely, for the same reason that all those yacky 49ers fans have mysteriously disappeared from all the various discussion boards today.

In my opinion, trash talk is weak sauce. I'm guess I'm okay with it if you're just trying to get into your opponents head during the game, but Sherman hounded Brady afterwards and even tweeted with the pictures after the game...that's unnecessary.

I disagree. But I respect your right to have an opinion.

More nastiness please Sherm... In fact, I want a pic of you on Thursday night after the game yelling in Harbaugh's face about how big of a punk $#@$ he is and to tell him his schemes and his team and everyone that wears red and gold is a $#@$@# $#$#@ #@$#@ and a $#@$ with #$@$#@$ on top... ;)


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Mar 1, 2007
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The Tex-ASS
TOTALLY disagree with the OP.

We are who we are, smash mouth on both sides of the ball, and they are backing up thier talk.

I LOVE the toughness and the talk.


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Dec 21, 2011
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kidhawk":34pvg91j said:
So it was ok for Brady to talk trash during the game, telling Sherman to come talk to him after the game, but when Sherman actually does, then it's bad form? Ok got it :roll:

I knew this was coming, so let me point out that it was Sherman who started the trash talking. Read the linked article. Sherman took offense to the relatively innocuous comments made by Brady earlier in the week (about quieting the crowd, etc), so he trash talked Brady during the game...several times...until Brady responded.


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Anchorage, AK
CPHawk":3sgmy498 said:
Talk all you want during the game, but after the game shake hands and go your own way. I haven't heard TB say one word to the media, and Sherm should do the same. Now is TB or any other Pats player was talking now, then ok fire back.

Tom Brady lost, of course he's not being cocky. You talk the smack in the game, and tell the guy to come see you after the game cuz you're gonna win, and you lose, you should expect a little smack back. Most of Sherman's verbal rants weren't aimed at Brady, they were mostly against the media not giving them the credit he thinks they deserve.

Listening on the radio and they even mentioned how Sherman gave Brady props for being a good qb on this twitter feed. He's not being disrespectful, just enjoying the victory and feeding Brady a little well earned crow.


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Sep 14, 2009
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These guys believe they have something special and Sherman is the best cover corner in the game with Revis sidelined. Brash, young, talented. I love it. Never been so happy to be a Seahawks fan.

Thank you Paul Allen. For Pete & John. This team can beat anyone. Period. And they are just getting started.


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Aug 20, 2012
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you know, you're very right.

I think Sherm should tone it down, get Brady's autograph, and turn in an application to work at ESPN so he can talk about how great Brady is all day long.

As long as Sherm is backing it up, let him be as nasty as he wants. Especially to the ever-cocky Brady who taunted him and Earl Thomas.

Sherm merely did what Brady asked him to do. Find him after the game.


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Anchorage, AK
VinceDee":1hpj3bi5 said:
kidhawk":1hpj3bi5 said:
So it was ok for Brady to talk trash during the game, telling Sherman to come talk to him after the game, but when Sherman actually does, then it's bad form? Ok got it :roll:

I knew this was coming, so let me point out that it was Sherman who started the trash talking. Read the linked article. Sherman took offense to the relatively innocuous comments made by Brady earlier in the week (about quieting the crowd, etc), so he trash talked Brady during the game...several times...until Brady responded.

It was back and forth trash talking during the game. You even said that isn't so bad...Brady is the one who invited it to go post game and Sherman took him up on it. It was all done in good fun (at least most people are taking it that way) and as I said, it's being said that Sherman was respectful of Brady the player in some of his twitter statements, but he's proud of what our defense did and thinks that the national media isn't taking us seriously enough....I can't blame him for that.


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Kent, Washington
As our young players transition to veterans, their personalities will come forward. Pete may talk with Richard to try to cap any bulletin board material, but in the end Sherman would not be the first DB to run off at the mouth. I like the "walk softly and carry a big stick" type approach to shutting folks up but in this hype-driven league, those who feel they aren't getting any generate their own.

If Sherman didn't play for the Seahawks, I probably would just consider him a jackass, but he is a Seahawk so I just accept him, warts and all.

Brady does talk crap, so it isn't like he doesn't like mixing it up. It should have stayed on the field in my opinion but Sherman chose not to keep it there. To the victor goes the spoils I gather.


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Aug 19, 2009
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I don't even consider it trash talk. He is only responding to things that have been said, he's defending himself, his team, and his fans.


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Seattle, WA - USA
I want us to develop a nastiness and have a rep like the old Raiders my father has told me about back in his day (he has been a Hawks fan since '76).


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Feb 18, 2012
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The kid was born and raised in Compton, pulled himself out and made it to Stanford. He's extremely intelligent but you can't take the Compton out of the kid. I love his passion. He hasn't crossed the line in my opinion. If Brady didn't talk trash, we wouldn't have got trash back.

If his confidence, and swag is a part of what makes him great, then you have to take him for him. And I LOVE Sherm for who he is. Sherm is a guy who's studying game tape when he could be out at the club. He says things like "This is about US as a TEAM, not one man".