Taylor Swift

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May 1, 2009
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God's cycling country (Miami, FL)
There's no other explanation for being this angry and annoyed by a pop star enjoying her boyfriend playing football, other than insecure men don't like a strong liberal women getting attention for all of 30 seconds a game.
Maybe for someone laughably narrow-minded.


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
Hey she made history on the Grammys, I'm sure they will talk about that for at least 30 seconds.


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Sep 9, 2012
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They just like to do the white knight thing. They know being jaded on celebrity gossip doesn't mean you hate women.

Yeah, it's BS that everyone who is annoyed with this phenomenon has to have something against women. Like, sure, some people probably do, but don't lump us all in together.

We could say that people who rush to defend Swift must see women as the weaker sex and incapable of defending themselves or handling opinions. How misogynistic of them.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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I'm not angry about it. Just annoyed. What does kind of anger me is seeing people jump to the "you just hate women!" claim.

Even if I was angry, there are literally thousands of other explanations. Why can't you see them? I just pointed out that a common denominator is that fans just don't like seeing a bunch of attention and gossip about who athletes are dating. Since this is the NFL, where 99.9999999% of players have always been men, and most men are straight, guess what.. the people they date tend to be women.

What about when they show players' moms on the sidelines? If if there are so many insecure men who hate seeing strong women get attention, why aren't we seeing anyone complaining about the attention players' moms get? Seems like that would happen if your assumption were true, no? Therefore, we can deduce that there is something else about the situation due to the lack of commonalities. Perhaps what I suggested.

I enjoy debating. That's why I come here and make a bunch of posts. It's fun for me. It's competitive.

At the end of the day, I have nothing against Swift. I don't care for her music, and she's doing nothing wrong. It's a mild annoyance that broadcasts and journalists and all that are giving her that much attention, but football spectatorship is a hobby of mine so I opine about mild annoyances. However, when people start calling others misogynist, that tends to annoy me even more, because it's such a dumbed down way to look at it, and it's jumping to conclusions. I don't want to live in a world where people jump to such flimsy conclusions, especially considering how frowned upon it is to by misogynist this day and age. If you're gonna label people as such, there needs to extraordinary proof, not convenient assumptions.

Your reasonings are riddled with holes.

This entire thread, and the other 2-3 threads about Swift is my proof. Also all the old threads about Ciara ruining Russell, and cheap shots at Jody Allen's weight and appearance over the years.

Plenty of misogyny to go around here, sorry you don't see it.

You guys fall back on some antiquated "real" football fans perspective that you don't like outside things in your football, when literally that's ALL there is with football, and football talk. Commercials, owner shots, fan shots, Jason Kelce chugging beers shirtless, Bills fans jumping on tables drunk. All of it.

Swift is literally the most famous person on the planet, and the fact that a multi-billion dollar corporation leans into that to promote it's sport, and all the media arms jump in is good business.

To stand on some old grumpy man soap box pretending this is some protection of your beloved football cause you're so hardcore is laughably hilarious for something that you only see for 30 seconds a game for one team.

Only one demographic of people are complaining about Swift. Old white conservative dudes who like their women quiet and subservient. If they have a woman at all. Most don't. Lonely sad angry men. I apologize if you fall into this category fender.


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2014
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If 30 seconds of Taylor Swift would eliminate half the Mahomes adds on NFL broadcasts, I’m in for that trade 👍


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Sep 9, 2012
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Ciara ruining Russ. Pretty sure the talking point was that his relationship with her contributed to his lack of focus. Nobody was saying she forced him to do anything. I do think family and relationships can be a distraction from football, so it's a fair point. Russ is in control of his own life though, so if somebody did say she forced him or controlled him or some shit, I would love to see the quote.

Making a comment about Jody's weight is not misogynist. Odds are that these same people bitch about men's weight, too, or at the very least have criticized men in the organization for other things. Like seriously, tons of people have called Andy Reid, Mark Mangino, and a plethora of other overweight coaches fat, but it's only sexist if it's a woman? I'd love to hear the logic on this.

So yeah, I guess I don't see the misogyny here. It seems like you think any insult of a woman is automatically sexist, but not when men are insulted. Keep in mind that plenty of women have the same opinion about Swift and her impact on NFL games. Are they sexist, too?

Look, I'm the first guy to point out that the NFL is an entertainment product. The time between plays is an important part of the broadcast. Keep us entertained. Showing Swift standing in the whatever it's called box is fine once maybe twice a game. But she isn't doing anything entertaining. It's like Jack Nicholson all over game. "Hey look, a celebrity is watching the game!". Cool, move on. It has its limits like anything else.

I'm not old, and I'm not conservative either. I am definitely white, though.


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
This entire thread, and the other 2-3 threads about Swift is my proof. Also all the old threads about Ciara ruining Russell, and cheap shots at Jody Allen's weight and appearance over the years.

Plenty of misogyny to go around here, sorry you don't see it.

You guys fall back on some antiquated "real" football fans perspective that you don't like outside things in your football, when literally that's ALL there is with football, and football talk. Commercials, owner shots, fan shots, Jason Kelce chugging beers shirtless, Bills fans jumping on tables drunk. All of it.

Swift is literally the most famous person on the planet, and the fact that a multi-billion dollar corporation leans into that to promote it's sport, and all the media arms jump in is good business.

To stand on some old grumpy man soap box pretending this is some protection of your beloved football cause you're so hardcore is laughably hilarious for something that you only see for 30 seconds a game for one team.

Only one demographic of people are complaining about Swift. Old white conservative dudes who like their women quiet and subservient. If they have a woman at all. Most don't. Lonely sad angry men. I apologize if you fall into this category fender.

You had me until that last sentence. For the public record, I really dig you Sarge. 99% of the time I find myself subconsciously nodding my head in the affirmative when I read your posts, and often, I laugh (with you).

That's a pretty damn broad brush you are painting with. You don't have to be an "old white conservative dude who likes their women quiet and subservient" to think the Swift thing gets ubiquitous and tired. For the record, I like Swift. She's extremely talented, successful and brings millions of people joy. And while it doesn't bother my 55-year-old white ass to see her cute face once in awhile during a Chiefs game, it's the endless talk about her in relation to this whole Chiefs/Kelsey thing that makes me roll my eyes and want to change the channel.

I might think I am not alone here, regardless of demographic.


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2022
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I heard/read there was a big incel thing concerning TS. Incels are mostly younger guys, especially younger white guys, no?

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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You had me until that last sentence. For the public record, I really dig you Sarge. 99% of the time I find myself subconsciously nodding my head in the affirmative when I read your posts, and often, I laugh (with you).

That's a pretty damn broad brush you are painting with. You don't have to be an "old white conservative dude who likes their women quiet and subservient" to think the Swift thing gets ubiquitous and tired. For the record, I like Swift. She's extremely talented, successful and brings millions of people joy. And while it doesn't bother my 55-year-old white ass to see her cute face once in awhile during a Chiefs game, it's the endless talk about her in relation to this whole Chiefs/Kelsey thing that makes me roll my eyes and want to change the channel.

I might think I am not alone here, regardless of demographic.

Not sure how much you look at social media, but 99% of the people attacking Swift are smack dab in the demographic I described above.

No one else has a problem with her, or her being shown on TV, or her enthusiasm for her boyfriend's success. Or even think about her in general. Or care.


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
Well you got me there. I don't look at social media.

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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How are you gathering this data?

How bout just a compilation of a lot of the attacks.

I could post 200 more, but then we'd be going down the political road. But use your Google machine fender, type in "attacking Swift" and you can spend the next 4-5 hours listening and watching conservative men attacking Swift. That's it, just them. No one else. Pathetic, small, weak men.


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
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Kent, WA
How bout just a compilation of a lot of the attacks.

I could post 200 more, but then we'd be going down the political road. But use your Google machine fender, type in "attacking Swift" and you can spend the next 4-5 hours listening and watching conservative men attacking Swift. That's it, just them. No one else. Pathetic, small, weak men.

This is why I made a couple of quick comments alluding to the actual demographic of the majority of the attacks and then bowed out. 🤷‍♂️


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2012
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How bout just a compilation of a lot of the attacks.

I could post 200 more, but then we'd be going down the political road. But use your Google machine fender, type in "attacking Swift" and you can spend the next 4-5 hours listening and watching conservative men attacking Swift. That's it, just them. No one else. Pathetic, small, weak men.

Okay so the video starts off with a clip of Trump saying that a certain song from one of his supporters topped the charts, topping a Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus song. That's not an attack, at all. That's literally all he said. Not sure who this YouTuber is, but he isn't very observant.

The reality is that if you are a powerful person who is potentially tied to a certain political leaning, the "other side" is going to try and discredit you in any way possible. This isn't anything new in politics, and supporters of both parties engage in it. I don't like it, either. The attacks, conspiracy theories, etc. I didn't like them against Trump. I don't like them against Biden, and I don't like them against Swift either. Maybe someday we can live in a world where politics isn't played this well.

Either way, I don't see how a small faction of people who support conservative politics to the point where they put forth conspiracy theories and pre-emptively attack Swift due to her potential influence on the election is representative of people on social media.

In fact, I watched some YouTube videos created specifically to attack political pundits going after Swift, and over and over again in the comments I am reading things like "I'm a Republican and I don't have a problem with Swift."


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2012
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Jealousy, it's strong out there. She's not hurting anyone. She's watching her boyfriend play football. Oh, the humanity.

I don't get the whole jealousy take. What are people jealous of? Her fame and fortune? If so, then why aren't these people also jealous of the thousands of other people who are rich and famous? And if they are jealous of those people, too, then why aren't they speaking out against them like they are Swift? It doesn't add up.
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