The Hawks are finally that team we always wanted them to be


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Dec 21, 2011
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I caught a cold the Wednesday and called in sick Friday. No, not the brown bottle flu just a nasty cold. Spent a lot of time visiting other teams fan forums and noticed a couple of things common in most threads about the Hawks. There is a genuine sense of respect for the Hawks followed closely by accusations of cheating. You can probably guess where the cheating BS is most rampant.

I find the niner boards hilarious. The Hawks and Hawk fans are in their heads big time. There like kids throwing a tantrum because they aren't getting their way.

Now the lame stream media is jumping on the bandwagon (they cant just ignore the Hawks or Hawk fans any longer..they had to) and other fans are getting tired of seeing the Hawks in media. The general consensus is that the Hawks get away with a lot of things (we all know what they are accused of) especially at home.

Man, for 30+ years Hawk fans were the ones doing the complaining, wondering why our team didn't get media (paper or TV) coverage, why all the bad, missed calls always seemed to go against our team. The media would just gloss over it like it never happened and pat the "superior team" on the back.

That has changed and now the Hawks are the medias "chosen team". Man it feels great to see that happen.


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
Never thought I would live to see the day, honestly. I became so used to us being the red-headed step child of the league, marred in mediocrity year-after-year for much of our existence that I almost became apathetic about the whole thing. These are truly the special days for all 12's. Savor each moment, because just like that (snaps fingers), the ride will be over, and who knows how long it will be until we're back to this level of domination and bliss.

Sports Hernia

Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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The pit
Our team and our fanbase are the new "bad guys", embrace the hate, feed off the tears of other fanbases!
Everyone hates a champion! :)


New member
Dec 2, 2013
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Everett WA
Totally agree. I've seen a lot more posts acknowledging that we have a special team this year. The majority however claim we mug and hold on every play, use PED's, post conspiracy theories that the NFL is out to get them, and plenty of those who just hate Carroll because he is successful and has a coaching philosophy that brings the best out of his players. I think the Donko's fans now rival Whiner fans for delusional thinking. They are just as arrogant now as they were before the beat down in XLVIII, and are certain that preseason game one was proof that they are the more dominant team and will steam roll us and every other NFC West team this year. You just can't fix stupid.


Active member
Oct 13, 2009
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New Joisey
I think about the days when i would meet up with all my friends at the sports bar, and all the other games were on in the front, where all the action and ladies were, and I would want the Hawks game to be switched on, fully knowing what the answer would be. The front had like 10 screens each with the steelers, cowboys, patriots, or some other b.s. games.

So then the staff would tell me, "oh we can put it on in the back room", because everyone here came for the games that are already on. I would get so pissed. This was especially true during the Mora tenure.

But now, all I see is Hawks. Even got my NFL catalogue today and it is chockfull of Seahawk products. That NEVER used to happen. I mean, you were lucky to see a Seahawk hat, once, in a magazine like that.

We got the respect, whether people like it or not, by the only way possible.

By taking it.



And now, we are in your face, whether you like it or not. Even if it doesn't turn out to be a dynasty or a force to be reckoned with (hope this part isn't true), we will always have that SB and season that defied the odds, and turned out to be such a slaughter that people were talking more about the halftime show than the game itself.

So...let's just live it up. It's our time until another team takes it away. Something tells me we won't go easy.



Well-known member
Aug 24, 2012
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Anchorage, AK
Just be ready for the national joy when we lose a playoff game in four years or have an overall down year in six years...