The Next Big Thing


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May 25, 2011
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Quote: Harbaugh has proved he is an excellent judge of talent.

He has? Well I think Sherman and Baldwin might disagree with that statement and rightfully so.


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RichNhansom":2t0jbw5f said:
Quote: Harbaugh has proved he is an excellent judge of talent.

He has? Well I think Sherman and Baldwin might disagree with that statement and rightfully so.

Aldon Smith, Colin Kaepernick, Kendall Hunter, and Chris Culliver wouldn't.

Now yes even Harbaugh I'm sure regrets not taking Baldwin, us Niner fans wondered why he didn't pick up Sherman instead of Culliver. After the antics of Sherman this year, while sometimes funny to watch, it is believed that Harbaugh didn't want to take a chance with his ego in the pros. But who knows what the real story is. Yes Sherman had a breakout year this season, but he was also coincidentally linked to PED'S and got off on a technicality. We'll see how he does next season when he is guaranteed to be clean.


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Aldon Smith without Justin Smith equals zero production. Kaepernick still has much to prove, Culver completely disqualifies the Sherman "supposed Ego" with his gay bashing and Hunters 400 yards a season isn't helping your argument considering he plays behind one of the best O-lines in football.

Harbaugh didn't just not take Baldwin and Sherman, he is why Sherman went from being Stanfords #1 receiver his freshman and Softmore years to a CB after Sherman chose surgery his Junior year instead of playing injured and he passed on Baldwin 7 times (or how ever many picks he had that year and Sherman at least 5 and he should have had more information on both of those guys than anyone. Those two should have been absolute no brainer picks for him and he flat out missed.

Hows AJ Green working out? #7 overall pick and active for only three games and has zero catch's on the year? Wow that's real impressive. In fact did any of this years draft class even produce anything at all?

Not a solid argument if you ask me.

Here's a suggestion. Why don't you critique Pete's drafts the last three years if you like. I think you will be embarrassed if you compare the two teams and you should be. Not to mention a little worried.


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NinerLifer":x6xl7e5l said:
I think I will chime in here. :)

While obviously the Niners are going to be the stylish pick to repeat next year if they win it this year just like the media always predicts a repeat LOL, most of us fans aren't that much of a homer to think they would just because they got there this year. That being said, the guy on the right is no doubt taking into account that Justin Smith will be 100% next season to start off, and also the most likely possibility that Harbaugh will start limiting the snaps for our veteran players just like he does for Frank Gore by rotating him with LMJ.

And I hope that nobody thinks that just because you guys crushed us in Seattle this year automatically means that you are the better team. In fact it was reported by many analysts that what contributed to our defensive troubles in Seattle had everything to do with the fact that our defense played like 96 snaps during our victory over the Patriots the game before and you guys benefited off an exhausted team. This is why the analysts don't really take that game into account or include it in their thinking like somebody stated above.

Justin Smith was also injured for that game remember? ;)

And for the record, I agree that the Seahawks will make the playoffs next year...via wild card of course! ;)
Been a while since I saw this many excuses.

Lets see, San Fran scored 13 in Frisco. San Fran scored 13 in Seattle. With our without your best players, your offense was consistent. I agree you missed Justin, but not 29 points worth of Justin. And yeah, VD was out of the game, because he got himself knocked out.

Oh, you forgot the other lame San Fran excuse for that loss, the WWLWWLWWTWWLWWL pattern bullshit.


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Wait for it...wait for it...3...2...1...

"But we have 5 Super Bowl wins."


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Jan 16, 2013
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N. Seattle
Two guys that don't know the teams intimately. Carroll has more bluprint to destroy the 9ers than vice versa. Kaepernick still has only a little better than half a season experience going into the 2013 season. He has fewer dimensions than Wilson. The Seahawks have only one 9er to neutralize...Justin Smith..then it's right back to basically the same matchup as our meeting in Seattle.

I would not be surprised if we sweep the NFC West. No more training wheels. EVERY team we face next year including the 9ers will be playing not to lose. If we show up in every game with any kind of a first half burst I don't see an obstical to as good a season as is possible.

Call me crazy. The next big thing will be the next undefeated team in the NFL....YOUR Seattle Seahawks.


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HUGGY":39czk10n said:
Two guys that don't know the teams intimately. Carroll has more bluprint to destroy the 9ers than vice versa. Kaepernick still has only a little better than half a season experience going into the 2013 season. He has fewer dimensions than Wilson. The Seahawks have only one 9er to neutralize...Justin Smith..then it's right back to basically the same matchup as our meeting in Seattle.

I would not be surprised if we sweep the NFC West. No more training wheels. EVERY team we face next year including the 9ers will be playing not to lose. If we show up in every game with any kind of a first half burst I don't see an obstical to as good a season as is possible.

Call me crazy. The next big thing will be the next undefeated team in the NFL....YOUR Seattle Seahawks.

Wow...ok you are crazy.

A little better than half a season..
. Are we comparing the experience level between Kaep and RW now? I'm pretty sure that Kaep is somewhere that RW has never been before right now.

He has fewer dimensions than Wilson
What dimensions does RW have that Kaep doesn't? This I can't wait to read your reply of.


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N. Seattle
NinerLifer":14ry1zig said:
HUGGY":14ry1zig said:
Two guys that don't know the teams intimately. Carroll has more bluprint to destroy the 9ers than vice versa. Kaepernick still has only a little better than half a season experience going into the 2013 season. He has fewer dimensions than Wilson. The Seahawks have only one 9er to neutralize...Justin Smith..then it's right back to basically the same matchup as our meeting in Seattle.

I would not be surprised if we sweep the NFC West. No more training wheels. EVERY team we face next year including the 9ers will be playing not to lose. If we show up in every game with any kind of a first half burst I don't see an obstical to as good a season as is possible.

Call me crazy. The next big thing will be the next undefeated team in the NFL....YOUR Seattle Seahawks.

Wow...ok you are crazy.

A little better than half a season..
. Are we comparing the experience level between Kaep and RW now? I'm pretty sure that Kaep is somewhere that RW has never been before right now.

He has fewer dimensions than Wilson
What dimensions does RW have that Kaep doesn't? This I can't wait to read your reply of.

Second base vs pitcher. Lateral speed + straight ahead speed of the second baseman offers 360 degrees in options escaping a sack as Wilson demonstrated in the last half of the season. Kaepernick although 2/100's of a second faster than Wilson in a straight line showed he lacks the lateral speed to escape from ALL available avenues. Wilson is just a better and more elusive QB in finding the time to stretch out a play and find an open reciever. When CK faces a truly fast defense such as Seattle the truth of which I speak becomes as clear as a deer in the headlights.

CK is very good. He is very fast. He throws a great long ball when not under preasure. Unfortunately we will never know if the 9ers could fix all the holes they presented to the Seahawks in the 42-13 beating they took in Seattle two games before the playoffs for the want of Seattle running 10-15 seconds off the clock before scoring the tying TD and go-ahead PAT in Atlanta.


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God's cycling country (Miami, FL)
Well, in Wilson's defense, he won his starting job in short order. Kaepernick got his due to injury after riding the pine for 1.5 years and was drafted higher...But yes, Wilson has not been in the position of preparing to play in the Super Bowl yet. The Seahawks didn't have the "luck" to suck for almost a decade, accruing a bunch of top players to have on the roster in time for an actual skilled head coach to come in and immediately contend with. We'll see you guys next year, NinerLifer, regardless of what happens tomorrow; and you can be damned sure you won't be rolling over us.


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May 25, 2011
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Ninerlifer, I think you are trolling. It is one thing to want to have a football conversation but you ignore any post that makes solid points and only respond with troll like comments to straw man type posts.

Why are you ignoring valid points if you want to have a valid football conversation?

You say that Harbaugh passed on Sherman (even in the 5th round) due to ego and based on his antics you justify the choice but what antics are you referring to? I absolutely love that he gets into the heads of opposing receivers and QB's. He is one of our best team leaders and backs up every word hat comes out of his mouth. As for the getting off the PED's on a technicality, then you must be assuming he is guilty so if that is the case, I guess you also assume that Crabtree raped the woman pressing charges? Right? You can't have it both ways.

Sherman's technicality by the way, was a tainted sample. Proven to be tainted and also proven to not even have the same PH. Also the sample was taken sometime in September and he passed other tests during the season. So if you are trying to make the argument he only did well due to Aderall, then please explain how it was helping him in Oct, Nov, Dec and January were he was named an allpro.

Question for you, would you prefer an allpro CB and team leader in the 5th round who may talk a little shit? Or an average CB who is stupid enough to publicly gay bash in the 3rd? If your answer is the 3rd, I would love to hear your reasoning.

If you don't want to debate valid points and are only going to troll strawman posts's I suggest you move along. Your not welcome here if all your trying to do is stir shit up. It just makes you and your entire fan base look ignorant.


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Jan 23, 2013
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HUGGY":m807s83e said:
NinerLifer":m807s83e said:
HUGGY":m807s83e said:
Two guys that don't know the teams intimately. Carroll has more bluprint to destroy the 9ers than vice versa. Kaepernick still has only a little better than half a season experience going into the 2013 season. He has fewer dimensions than Wilson. The Seahawks have only one 9er to neutralize...Justin Smith..then it's right back to basically the same matchup as our meeting in Seattle.

I would not be surprised if we sweep the NFC West. No more training wheels. EVERY team we face next year including the 9ers will be playing not to lose. If we show up in every game with any kind of a first half burst I don't see an obstical to as good a season as is possible.

Call me crazy. The next big thing will be the next undefeated team in the NFL....YOUR Seattle Seahawks.

Wow...ok you are crazy.

A little better than half a season..
. Are we comparing the experience level between Kaep and RW now? I'm pretty sure that Kaep is somewhere that RW has never been before right now.

He has fewer dimensions than Wilson
What dimensions does RW have that Kaep doesn't? This I can't wait to read your reply of.

Second base vs pitcher. Lateral speed + straight ahead speed of the second baseman offers 360 degrees in options escaping a sack as Wilson demonstrated in the last half of the season. Kaepernick although 2/100's of a second faster than Wilson in a straight line showed he lacks the lateral speed to escape from ALL available avenues. Wilson is just a better and more elusive QB in finding the time to stretch out a play and find an open reciever. When CK faces a truly fast defense such as Seattle the truth of which I speak becomes as clear as a deer in the headlights.

CK is very good. He is very fast. He throws a great long ball when not under preasure. Unfortunately we will never know if the 9ers could fix all the holes they presented to the Seahawks in the 42-13 beating they took in Seattle two games before the playoffs for the want of Seattle running 10-15 seconds off the clock before scoring the tying TD and go-ahead PAT in Atlanta.

I do like your analysis and obviously well researched reply of the speed between our two QB's. So much that I don't want to argue against it out of respect. You are correct at RW's ability to elude defenders while maintaining position to pass the ball the whole time still scanning down field. I was screaming at my TV during our game in Seattle where he broke something like 4 tackles and was still setting up to throw down field before he decided to run for the first down instead. I won't deny his escapability one bit.


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The Tex-ASS
Seriously ?....Super bowl sunday, your team is in it and you are on a Seahawk message board?


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Largent80":30y0tx5r said:
Seriously ?....Super bowl sunday, your team is in it and you are on a Seahawk message board?

LOL. I am flipping between our two sites on my iPhone 5, while watching NFLN and getting ready for my SB party.


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Jan 16, 2013
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N. Seattle
NinerLifer":39dj0ylf said:
Largent80":39dj0ylf said:
Seriously ?....Super bowl sunday, your team is in it and you are on a Seahawk message board?

LOL. I am flipping between our two sites on my iPhone 5, while watching NFLN and getting ready for my SB party.

Many Seahawk fans have a difficult time supporting the 9ers to win today. I for one do not. A Superbowl victory for San Francisco this afternoon will make our owning the NFC West all the sweeter later this year. Your team earned this chance. Good luck! Go Niners!


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May 25, 2011
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I especially love this comment from NinerLifer :And the comment made above in regards to "the touchdown that wasn't" proved that I am not going to receive a non-homeristic reply in this thread apparently, except for 1 reply I believe so far. Just because a player on the Seahawks tries to convince a ref that the catch was bobbled, doesn't make it true...especially after the replay that us tv viewers got to see courtesy of the network proved it was in fact a catch. PC even knew better than to challenge it.

There is no doubt your dueche of a coach would have challenged that not to mention jumped up and down like a child he so often imitates but to anyone that wasn't a child, it was obvious it had no bearing on the outcome of the game and challenging by the coach would have looked pretty whinny. Again, yes I'm sure Harbaugh would have challenged it because he has shown repeatedly how childish he really is and there is no denying it. He has already gotten a reputation around the league as a whinny little child.

What should be no question is was it challengable? I think the answer is obviously yes and so then you have to question why the booth didn't call for a review and the only answer is simple. It had no bearing on the outcome of the game and favors viewership with higher scores and closer games. It is good for the league and you can bet the NFL has talked to officials about challenging these type of meaningless calls that only serve to slow the game down and create controversy. It wouldn't have changed anything so why challenge it? But that doesn't change what those with valid interest in that score know about the play. It was a gift plain and simple.

I bet I know your opinion of the hail Mary ruled simultaneous catch against GB.


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RichNhansom":20nd01iu said:
I especially love this comment from NinerLifer :And the comment made above in regards to "the touchdown that wasn't" proved that I am not going to receive a non-homeristic reply in this thread apparently, except for 1 reply I believe so far. Just because a player on the Seahawks tries to convince a ref that the catch was bobbled, doesn't make it true...especially after the replay that us tv viewers got to see courtesy of the network proved it was in fact a catch. PC even knew better than to challenge it.

There is no doubt your dueche of a coach would have challenged that not to mention jumped up and down like a child he so often imitates but to anyone that wasn't a child, it was obvious it had no bearing on the outcome of the game and challenging by the coach would have looked pretty whinny. Again, yes I'm sure Harbaugh would have challenged it because he has shown repeatedly how childish he really is and there is no denying it. He has already gotten a reputation around the league as a whinny little child.

What should be no question is was it challengable? I think the answer is obviously yes and so then you have to question why the booth didn't call for a review and the only answer is simple. It had no bearing on the outcome of the game and favors viewership with higher scores and closer games. It is good for the league and you can bet the NFL has talked to officials about challenging these type of meaningless calls that only serve to slow the game down and create controversy. It wouldn't have changed anything so why challenge it? But that doesn't change what those with valid interest in that score know about the play. It was a gift plain and simple.

I bet I know your opinion of the hail Mary ruled simultaneous catch against GB.

Ok, the booth DID review the play because all scoring plays are reviewed automatically for one, and before the extra point is kicked the refs wait for the call informing them that it was a TD or not. So...the fact that the extra point was kicked means that the booth DID review it and DID confirm that it was a catch and in fact a TD. My comment that even PC was smart enough not to challenge it was really a dig against Jim Schwartz who cost his team the victory earlier this season for drawing an unsportsmanlike penalty for throwing the challenge flag for a fumble that is automatically reviewed as well since all turnovers are automatically reviewed. I should have clarified that earlier since it was too difficult to put together.

And I will reserve my opinion in regards to "The Hail Mary" as I was reading your board after that game and saw what was happening to Niner fans that commented negatively against it on here. Like I said before, I am not here to troll.


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It was pretty obvious the booth did not review it based on the amount of time it took to acknowledge it and pass the info onto the field. think what you want but that was a simple, It's close enough, go ahead.


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RichNhansom":3bd3gxkb said:
It was pretty obvious the booth did not review it based on the amount of time it took to acknowledge it and pass the info onto the field. think what you want but that was a simple, It's close enough, go ahead.

All scoring plays are reviewed. The only ones who would think the way you do are the ones who thought there was more to see in the replay. Anybody that saw the replay knows it was obvious. The more obvious it is, the less time the review takes. That is witnessed throughout the NFL on game days.

C'mon man!


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NinerLifer":1924ye7q said:
I think I will chime in here. :)

While obviously the Niners are going to be the stylish pick to repeat next year if they win it this year just like the media always predicts a repeat LOL, most of us fans aren't that much of a homer to think they would just because they got there this year. That being said, the guy on the right is no doubt taking into account that Justin Smith will be 100% next season to start off, and also the most likely possibility that Harbaugh will start limiting the snaps for our veteran players just like he does for Frank Gore by rotating him with LMJ.

And I hope that nobody thinks that just because you guys crushed us in Seattle this year automatically means that you are the better team. In fact it was reported by many analysts that what contributed to our defensive troubles in Seattle had everything to do with the fact that our defense played like 96 snaps during our victory over the Patriots the game before and you guys benefited off an exhausted team. This is why the analysts don't really take that game into account or include it in their thinking like somebody stated above.

Justin Smith was also injured for that game remember? ;)

And for the record, I agree that the Seahawks will make the playoffs next year...via wild card of course! ;)

I think I'll just chime in here right back at ya! For the record, when the Seahawks went into San Fran they were playing their 5th game in 25 days and were a wee bit more exhausted than your niners were when they came to Seattle. And the only reason we lost IN SAN FRAN was because of 5 uncharacteristic dropped passes that took 13 points off the board. Seattle was the better team that day and the far superior team when SF came to Seattle.

But hey, you whiner fans want to live in denial, I understand, buddy, you go right ahead.


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Jan 23, 2013
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SalishHawkFan":293dy2vf said:
NinerLifer":293dy2vf said:
I think I will chime in here. :)

While obviously the Niners are going to be the stylish pick to repeat next year if they win it this year just like the media always predicts a repeat LOL, most of us fans aren't that much of a homer to think they would just because they got there this year. That being said, the guy on the right is no doubt taking into account that Justin Smith will be 100% next season to start off, and also the most likely possibility that Harbaugh will start limiting the snaps for our veteran players just like he does for Frank Gore by rotating him with LMJ.

And I hope that nobody thinks that just because you guys crushed us in Seattle this year automatically means that you are the better team. In fact it was reported by many analysts that what contributed to our defensive troubles in Seattle had everything to do with the fact that our defense played like 96 snaps during our victory over the Patriots the game before and you guys benefited off an exhausted team. This is why the analysts don't really take that game into account or include it in their thinking like somebody stated above.

Justin Smith was also injured for that game remember? ;)

And for the record, I agree that the Seahawks will make the playoffs next year...via wild card of course! ;)

I think I'll just chime in here right back at ya! For the record, when the Seahawks went into San Fran they were playing their 5th game in 25 days and were a wee bit more exhausted than your niners were when they came to Seattle. And the only reason we lost IN SAN FRAN was because of 5 uncharacteristic dropped passes that took 13 points off the board. Seattle was the better team that day and the far superior team when SF came to Seattle.

But hey, you whiner fans want to live in denial, I understand, buddy, you go right ahead.

Ok dude, I understand that you guys are gonna live up your victory over us like it was your "Superbowl" this season, but forgive me for leaving we are about to go play in ours! ;)