This Week's Enemy Fan Forums: Wild Card Edition!


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Jan 3, 2013
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Auburn, WA
Aros":15gzeg1z said:
This one cracked me up from Extreme Skins...

"You guys have NO IDEA about the Seahawks. I live very close to Seattle. This one means more to me than any other game this year. We have to win. Otherwise I have to quit my job and move."

Hilarious that you pick me to quote. I've lived here since 2000 (Ft Lewis) and have lived through the harassment of losing to the hawks twice in the post season.

I watch you guys a ton and *sigh* my 5 year old LOVES the hawks....much to my dismay and effort to the contrary.

Think we have a doosy of a game ahead of us and possibly the winner of this takes the conference.

Good luck, and I hope the winner does not suffer any injuries.



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Seahawk Sailor":1b01fxyj said:
Liked this one in particular. The logic behind it is stunning:

bigmuss1":1b01fxyj said:
Gotta give them credit, they are playing very well. I think this could be the game of the weekend!!

Skins - and no brace for RG3 31
Seahawks - 27

Brace remains on leg - Skins - 24
Seahawks - 22
Let me get this right, RGIII's leg brace can keep our offense from scoring 5 more points? Does his leg brace play safety?


Scottemojo":12ghqj80 said:
Seahawk Sailor":12ghqj80 said:
Liked this one in particular. The logic behind it is stunning:

bigmuss1":12ghqj80 said:
Gotta give them credit, they are playing very well. I think this could be the game of the weekend!!

Skins - and no brace for RG3 31
Seahawks - 27

Brace remains on leg - Skins - 24
Seahawks - 22
Let me get this right, RGIII's leg brace can keep our offense from scoring 5 more points? Does his leg brace play safety?
It's a little silly, but I get what he's saying.

RG3 at full speed, gashes defenses with his feet. It keeps defenses on their toes, do they stop RG3 from rushing +100 yards, do they stop Morris from rushing for +100, or do they stop the play action?

Either way, Redskins have to win this. For the Seahawks fans that wore Taylor jerseys with fake bullet holes in them, for the fans that threw food on Mike sellers family and daughter. For the disrespectful Seattle media that made taylor out to be some thug. Time for some well deserved pay back.


Oct 3, 2010
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On a spreadsheet
CrankUpTheDiesel":1r3e2xib said:
Either way, Redskins have to win this. For the Seahawks fans that wore Taylor jerseys with fake bullet holes in them, for the fans that threw food on Mike sellers family and daughter. For the disrespectful Seattle media that made taylor out to be some thug. Time for some well deserved pay back.

So they have to win for revenge? Don't see anything about how they should win because they are (or can be on that day) the better football team in your argument. I guess grab onto what ever little thread of hope you can come up with and run with it.


Bitter":12xw74xw said:
CrankUpTheDiesel":12xw74xw said:
Either way, Redskins have to win this. For the Seahawks fans that wore Taylor jerseys with fake bullet holes in them, for the fans that threw food on Mike sellers family and daughter. For the disrespectful Seattle media that made taylor out to be some thug. Time for some well deserved pay back.

So they have to win for revenge? Don't see anything about how they should win because they are (or can be on that day) the better football team in your argument. I guess grab onto what ever little thread of hope you can come up with and run with it.
we are the better team, I didn't think I would have to state the obvious.


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May 1, 2009
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Portland, OR
CrankUpTheDiesel":8bow1o9c said:
Bitter":8bow1o9c said:
CrankUpTheDiesel":8bow1o9c said:
Either way, Redskins have to win this. For the Seahawks fans that wore Taylor jerseys with fake bullet holes in them, for the fans that threw food on Mike sellers family and daughter. For the disrespectful Seattle media that made taylor out to be some thug. Time for some well deserved pay back.

So they have to win for revenge? Don't see anything about how they should win because they are (or can be on that day) the better football team in your argument. I guess grab onto what ever little thread of hope you can come up with and run with it.
we are the better team, I didn't think I would have to state the obvious.

That must be why the Redskins were in the running for the #2 seed.

Oh, what's that? They were 3-6 at one point and would've missed the playoffs if the Giants were worth a damn? Nevermind.


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Sarlacc83":ihniw3i0 said:
Oh, what's that? They were 3-6 at one point and would've missed the playoffs if the Giants were worth a damn? Nevermind.

This. They were just blessed to play in the worst division in football.


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May 1, 2009
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Arlington, Washington
The Seahawks ARE the superior team. We're favored by 3 in your house. Taking into account the automatic 3 point home field advantage, we would be favored by 9 if it was at the Clink (Although, if it was at the Clink, it would probably be double digits). But sure, we could easily lose this one and it wouldn't be a huge surprise to me, but the people that are slapping their hard-earned money down on it are betting that the Seahawks will beat you guys up at FedEx. Don't act all shocked when/if it happens.


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Jan 1, 2013
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BlueThunder":371ue49y said:
The Seahawks ARE the superior team. We're favored by 3 in your house. Taking into account the automatic 3 point home field advantage, we would be favored by 9 if it was at the Clink (Although, if it was at the Clink, it would probably be double digits). But sure, we could easily lose this one and it wouldn't be a huge surprise to me, but the people that are slapping their hard-earned money down on it are betting that the Seahawks will beat you guys up at FedEx. Don't act all shocked when/if it happens.

LOL. Shocked if/when the Seahawks beat us? We're shocked we are even in the playoffs and the NFC East champion. The rest is just gravy. 8)

-The Glove-

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Jan 20, 2011
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dagoonie55":2q92ukyq said:
Aros":2q92ukyq said:
This one cracked me up from Extreme Skins...

"You guys have NO IDEA about the Seahawks. I live very close to Seattle. This one means more to me than any other game this year. We have to win. Otherwise I have to quit my job and move."

Hilarious that you pick me to quote. I've lived here since 2000 (Ft Lewis) and have lived through the harassment of losing to the hawks twice in the post season.

I watch you guys a ton and *sigh* my 5 year old LOVES the hawks....much to my dismay and effort to the contrary.

Think we have a doosy of a game ahead of us and possibly the winner of this takes the conference.

Good luck, and I hope the winner does not suffer any injuries.


Hope your guys don't suffer any injuries either! :grin:


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May 1, 2009
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Arlington, Washington
I actually DO hope no injuries are suffered... at least not permanent ones. I don't mind "Bell-Ringers" that take out good players on the opposing team... Ya know, just for the rest of the game but fine the next day, ala Kam... :twisted:


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Jan 3, 2013
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BlueThunder":1lgr7c0f said:
I actually DO hope no injuries are suffered... at least not permanent ones. I don't mind "Bell-Ringers" that take out good players on the opposing team... Ya know, just for the rest of the game but fine the next day, ala Kam... :twisted:

I would hope that no one on either side of the coin wants someone to be seriously injured. Football is a violent game. Injuries happen. But it's certainly not something to hope for. Props to you for "getting it", BlueThunder. Not that props from me are needed or wanted, but I have a ton of respect for reasonable human beings. :)

Fight 4 Old DC

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Jan 1, 2013
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I am eternally grateful to Seattle for giving us James Marshall Hendrix.
That concludes my list of positive things to say about Seattle.

"See you on Sunday.....don't be late, Don't Be Late!"


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
I believe in the Kenny Easley mantra, I don't hit to injure I hit to hurt!

Here's to a whole lotta hurt laid down on the Skins come Sunday.

050610 easley 200


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May 1, 2009
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God's cycling country (Miami, FL)
CrankUpTheDiesel":19ha5w03 said:
Either way, Redskins have to win this. For the Seahawks fans that wore Taylor jerseys with fake bullet holes in them, for the fans that threw food on Mike sellers family and daughter. For the disrespectful Seattle media that made taylor out to be some thug. Time for some well deserved pay back.
So if someone with Taylor's rap sheet isn't a thug, then who is? Give me a break; you guys need to face reality. You should have seen the threads around here when Leroy Hill was busted a second time for pot. We don't mindlessly defend our players no matter what like seemingly ALL of you guys do. I had forgotten all about Sean Taylor until I saw Skins fans bringing it up regularly out of nowhere on their own forums. You'd think he was the best NFL player to ever live and the greatest philanthropist of our time on top of that, the way Redskins fans refer to him. People should stop bringing up his name around here, and also remember that in any group of 60,000+ people, you're going to have a number of jerkoffs.

That being said, if anyone wore a Taylor jersey with bullet holes in it after that happened, that's classless; and they deserve a solid punch in the junk, but that can't have been more than a few guys, if it did happen. If you're claiming it was en masse, then provide some proof.


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RolandDeschain":1s731f1q said:
So if someone with Taylor's rap sheet isn't a thug, then who is?

This is a fair point when talking about Sean Taylor in his early years. However, 21 was definitely turning things around. His fiance and him had a little girl, who he loved very much. As soon as she was born you could see a major difference in him. Now, if you don't believe people can make amends, fair enough. But when he was murdered, he was murdered protecting his fiance and daughter in his own home. He was absolutely once a thug, but that changed.

You'd think he was the best NFL player to ever live and the greatest philanthropist of our time on top of that, the way Redskins fans refer to him.

In his short time, he became what is widely referred to as the best safety our franchise has ever seen. And this is a franchise with guys like Kenny Houston, among others. I don't expect fans of opposing teams, especially non division to understand that, it's tough to understand when you don't watch the team week in and week out. But he meant a lot to our franchise.

People should stop bringing up his name around here, and also remember that in any group of 60,000+ people, you're going to have a number of jerkoffs.

This is absolutely, 100% truth. Well put.


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Dec 28, 2012
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AF_Hawk":z48qsbbp said:
They were just blessed to play in the worst division in football.

The AFC West might have something to say about that.

Of the 8 NFL divisions, only three had 3 teams .500 or better. The NFC East was one of them.


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Jan 3, 2013
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Read the whole thread, rather than just a few posts. Plenty of us don't believe it's okay.


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Apr 30, 2009
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KDawg_ES":3o9ha939 said:
Read the whole thread, rather than just a few posts. Plenty of us don't believe it's okay.

Does it matter? This is just an example of how a few doesn't represent the whole like some of you guys at ES paint us. I know I wasn't the one disrespecting or assaulting fans at either game.

And it speaks volumes of that board by not allowing any Seahawks fan input ... ost9369256

Why even post there unless you don't get hugged at home then? All that happens there are people patting each other on the back.