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Uncle Si

Active member
Mar 3, 2007
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DomeHawk":2gkz9hk2 said:
Uncle Si":2gkz9hk2 said:
What a meltdown

Absolute state of this thread. Embarrassing

The thread started out as trolling, what do you expect?

And, something I have noticed since the new owners took over, posters work it out among themselves.

Name calling nonsense is still against the rules, even with new owners.

Figure it out. React better. You look silly.


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
Uncle Si":1ewzydvi said:
DomeHawk":1ewzydvi said:
Uncle Si":1ewzydvi said:
What a meltdown

Absolute state of this thread. Embarrassing

The thread started out as trolling, what do you expect?

And, something I have noticed since the new owners took over, posters work it out among themselves.

Name calling nonsense is still against the rules, even with new owners.

Figure it out. React better. You look silly.

Yeah he is always acting like an Uncle Si...………….

Uncle Si

Active member
Mar 3, 2007
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chris98251":3aot9yad said:
Uncle Si":3aot9yad said:
DomeHawk":3aot9yad said:
Uncle Si":3aot9yad said:
What a meltdown

Absolute state of this thread. Embarrassing

The thread started out as trolling, what do you expect?

And, something I have noticed since the new owners took over, posters work it out among themselves.

Name calling nonsense is still against the rules, even with new owners.

Figure it out. React better. You look silly.

Yeah he is always acting like an Uncle Si...………….

Makes it even worse.


Uncle Si":3sygq3mr said:
DomeHawk":3sygq3mr said:
Uncle Si":3sygq3mr said:
What a meltdown

Absolute state of this thread. Embarrassing

The thread started out as trolling, what do you expect?

And, something I have noticed since the new owners took over, posters work it out among themselves.

Name calling nonsense is still against the rules, even with new owners.

Figure it out. React better. You look silly.

I look silly? No one has caused more conflict than you around here and that post confirms it. Does that mean you look "silly" also? At least i don't do it hiding behind the veil of a mod.

React better? What does that mean? I should just lay down and let people trample over me. Seems to be a double standard at work here.

Look, don't put this on me. HawkGA posted this post for one and only one reason, i.e., to flame Husky fans. Given that most Seahawks fans are also Husky fans living in the Puget Sound region, the OP was meant to cause conflict.

Uncle Si

Active member
Mar 3, 2007
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There he is... in full effect. So much hypocrisy, defelection, and lack of self awareness in such a short post

It's embarrassing from an adult.


Uncle Si":eii7eln8 said:
There he is... in full effect. So much hypocrisy, defelection, and lack of self awareness in such a short post

It's embarrassing from an adult.

Hypocrisy? You admonish a poster for name calling by name calling?

Classic Si-ism.


New member
May 1, 2009
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Not sure if you are referring to something in another post, but there is literally no be calling in the post you quoted.


HawkGA":37bwdjcm said:
Not sure if you are referring to something in another post, but there is literally no be calling in the post you quoted.

Let's see you called me a racist, brought my kids into the thread, etc. etc. Si says I look "silly", am a hypocrite, have no self awareness, etc. etc.


Uncle Si

Active member
Mar 3, 2007
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More meltdown...

I didn't say anything about who did what. You assumed I was talking about you, jumped in with a mix of indignation and victimization, then doubled down.

Hypocrisy and a lack of self awareness, unlike calling someone a troll or a fake fan (1 post in) is not name calling.

Post on the merits of the article. Instead you immediately start posting angry attacks on the OP.

You look silly on how you're reacting. Worse now.

And when even a suggestion of accountability is brought into it.. you resort to more of the same.

You'll have some "It's not my fault" response, as you do. It's still embarrassing, continually.


Uncle Si":3o9lh2zr said:
More meltdown...

I didn't say anything about who did what. You assumed I was talking about you, jumped in with a mix of indignation and victimization, then doubled down.

Hypocrisy and a lack of self awareness, unlike calling someone a troll or a fake fan (1 post in) is not name calling.

Post on the merits of the article. Instead you immediately start posting angry attacks on the OP.

You look silly on how you're reacting. Worse now.

And when even a suggestion of accountability is brought into it.. you resort to more of the same.

You'll have some "It's not my fault" response, as you do. It's still embarrassing, continually.

I get that you are backpedaling now, but it doesn't change a thing. A mod should be just that, a moderator, not someone who comes into the thread, takes a side, and then tries to humiliate that poster.

I did respond to the article where I said that UW didn't even have a team for a period of that time BUT the thread was NEVER meant to be about that article, it was meant as a flame to UW fans on the board when he posted that it was "cute" that UW was listed just a little better than that small obscure school.

Your behavior in this thread is far worse than mine.


Uncle Si":hq907hmj said:
Check and... check

Almost writes itself...

it's real simple Si, if a thread is really getting out of hand you just lock the thread.

Let it die.

But no, you can't do that, you have to come in and interject your typical sarcasm (Top-3 on .NET).

Uncle Si

Active member
Mar 3, 2007
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Not how it works.

You engage in continual personal attacks, as you do, you will be held accountable.


Uncle Si":19ho6u4b said:
Not how it works.

You engage in continual personal attacks, as you do, you will be held accountable.

And again, this is what you do, if you respond to YOUR attacks you threaten to ban.

I rarely INITIATE a personal attack but yes, I do respond to them. There are a ton of people on .NET who can dish it out but can't take it. The same people I have conflict with are also the same people that I compliment on their posts at different times.

This is a sport's fan forum, it is always going to be contentious, it is the nature of the beast and nobody here is doing anything really that bad. We don't come here to be "adults," we come here to get away from being adults.

You hold people to a standard that you, yourself, don't conform to.

Uncle Si

Active member
Mar 3, 2007
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DomeHawk":2yi8p6aw said:
Uncle Si":2yi8p6aw said:
Not how it works.

You engage in continual personal attacks, as you do, you will be held accountable.

And again, this is what you do, if you respond to YOUR attacks you threaten to ban.

I rarely INITIATE a personal attack but yes, I do respond to them. There are a ton of people on .NET who can dish it out but can't take it. The same people I have conflict with are also the same people that I compliment on their posts at different times.

This is a sport's fan forum, it is always going to be contentious, it is the nature of the beast and nobody here is doing anything really that bad. We don't come here to be "adults," we come here to get away from being adults.

You hold people to a standard that you, yourself, don't conform to.

It's not a threat. I didn't say "ban." You really are on a high today.

Its policy. You fail to see yourself in this. Contentious is fine. Escalating into personal attacks is not. Your defense of this is poor.

That is what you do at the slightest hint of challenge. This thread is a fine example.


Uncle Si":1mviaiyf said:
DomeHawk":1mviaiyf said:
Uncle Si":1mviaiyf said:
Not how it works.

You engage in continual personal attacks, as you do, you will be held accountable.

And again, this is what you do, if you respond to YOUR attacks you threaten to ban.

I rarely INITIATE a personal attack but yes, I do respond to them. There are a ton of people on .NET who can dish it out but can't take it. The same people I have conflict with are also the same people that I compliment on their posts at different times.

This is a sport's fan forum, it is always going to be contentious, it is the nature of the beast and nobody here is doing anything really that bad. We don't come here to be "adults," we come here to get away from being adults.

You hold people to a standard that you, yourself, don't conform to.
This thread is a fine example.

Then why won't you let it die a natural death?

Uncle Si

Active member
Mar 3, 2007
Reaction score
You keep escalating with more nonsense.

Why do threads have to die simply because you are incapable of of posting without personal attacks?

How many more threads need to die?


Uncle Si":1fc61tt6 said:
You keep escalating with more nonsense.

Why do threads have to die simply because you are incapable of of posting without personal attacks?

How many more threads need to die?

Personal attacks? I facetiously call HawkGA "bandwagon boy" and it's a personal attack but when he calls me a "racist" it is not?

Uncle Si

Active member
Mar 3, 2007
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DomeHawk":25478s4m said:
Uncle Si":25478s4m said:
You keep escalating with more nonsense.

Why do threads have to die simply because you are incapable of of posting without personal attacks?

How many more threads need to die?

Personal attacks? I facetiously call HawkGA "bandwagon boy" and it's a personal attack but when he calls me a "racist" it is not?

Your attacks are "facetious?" Christ on a bike.

HawkGA did well enough to accept the thread was out of hand and move on. You did not. So here we are, talking about what you said.

But for you, it's always what someone says.


Uncle Si":2nswheo5 said:
DomeHawk":2nswheo5 said:
Uncle Si":2nswheo5 said:
You keep escalating with more nonsense.

Why do threads have to die simply because you are incapable of of posting without personal attacks?

How many more threads need to die?

Personal attacks? I facetiously call HawkGA "bandwagon boy" and it's a personal attack but when he calls me a "racist" it is not?

Your attacks are "facetious?" Christ on a bike.

HawkGA did well enough to accept the thread was out of hand and move on. You did not. So here we are, talking about what you said.

But for you, it's always what someone says.

Lol, talk about belaboring a subject!

Listen, I would love to spend the rest of the evening listening to you tell me how smart or morally correct you are, but me and the boys are headed to the game.

Try to enjoy your evening Si.