Week 2 – Seahawks vs. 49ers Game Preview Notes …



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Scottemojo":12qhpn80 said:
Given the speed of the Seattle defense, quarterbacks are forced to make a Hobson's choice to either go for the sideline or the slide.
I love it when SF fans talk to us like we need a primer of the skills their players have.

Completely agreed. The speed and physical nature of Seattle's secondary gives them an advantage that no other team in the NFL has. They can afford to stack the box with 8 men w/Earl playing deep and Sherman and Browner manning up their WR's on the outside. Now Browner is a question mark for this game admittedly ... but Byron Maxwell and Jeremy Lane both are very physical corners in their own right with good coverage skills. Cliff Avril looks like almost a certainty at this point to play -- that'll help that pass rush a lot IMO. And don't look now, but believe it or not Chris Clemons is listed as having fully practiced today. Could Pete be playing some Shenanigans with Harbaugh on the injury front when it comes to Clem? Wouldn't that be something if he pulled off the shocker and actually played on Sunday? I doubt it, but with Carroll I don't discount anything.

Regardless though, I could very much envision Kaepernick running for his life ... and for the overall "efficiency in the huddle" to greatly suffer due to a very fired up 12th Man that will be that much more motivated after being given some nice bulletin board material. As I showed above, Kaepernick is a MUCH different QB if he has to scramble ... and I certainly see him having to book it quite a lot Sunday night.


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Helotes, TX
You got to believe that Dan Quinn has been holding back on the QB pressure. Nothing in preseason and no real blitzes to speak of in Carolina. I'm sure they've had the majority of their off season focus on this game. I expect pressure to come from places we haven't seen before, backed up by the 12th man of course. I hope it works.


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Injury Report for Thursday 9/12/13 …
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Alright, in case you missed it, here is the latest news on the injury front …

49ers ...

RB LaMichael James did not practice on Thursday either with that MCL Sprain that he suffered in the 49ers Preseason finale. It’s looking like there’s a good chance he misses the game.

No other Niners appear on the Injury Report.

Seahawks ...

DE Cliff Avril (hamstring) was a Full Participant in practice today. That’s fantastic news and it looks very much right now that he'll play this weekend.

T Michael Bowie (shoulder) was also a Full Participant in practice today. Another good sign.

CB Brandon Browner (hamstring) did not practice today either, making that the 2nd day in a row that he’s missed practice. Carroll said yesterday in his weekly press conference that Browner would practice on Thursday – that clearly didn’t happen. Carroll said on Wednesday that he thought that Browner had a real chance to play on Sunday. Who knows if all this intrigue and keeping him out is a lot of high stakes poker by Carroll (as Browner is so key to what they’d like to do defensively.) However, it’s not looking good at this moment in time.

LEO Chris Clemons (knee) unbelievably was listed as a FULL participant in practice today. Bob Condotta was encouraged and thinks he might possibly be able to play on Sunday. If he's truly healthy and looks anywhere close to the 2012 version of Clemons, that would be like adding nitrous oxide to an already high revving Seahawks engine.

DT Jordan Hill (torn biceps) didn’t practice again either today. Nothing new on that front.

SS Jeron Johnson (hamstring) did not participate in practice for the 2nd day in a row. That hamstring he injured in the Carolina game looks like could keep him out of his game.

DT Brandon Mebane was listed today as a limited participant in practice today. That’s an encouraging sign. Yesterday he was listed as dealing with an ankle issue (a new issue) after dealing with a groin injury a few weeks ago. Stay tuned.

WR Sidney Rice (knee) was listed today as a FULL participant in practice on Thursday. I’d say all systems are go for him for takeoff on Sunday.

TE Luke Willson (oblique issue) was a full participant in practice for the 2nd day in a row. I’d expect him to start as well.

DT Tony McDaniel (groin) appeared for the first time on the injury report today. He did not practice on Thursday. With Mebane and Hill already struggling with injuries, this team’s depth will now be tested. We’ll see if he ends up being able to go or not.


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Friday’s Game Notes …
Stopping a Juggernaut …
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Last week against the Green Bay Packers, the 49er Offense absolutely exploded, as Anquan Boldin lit up the Packer secondary (13 catches, 208 yards receiving, and 1TD) and Colin Kaepernick beat on them to the tune of 408 yards passing and 3 TD.

If you’re Dan Quinn, how do you go about slowing Boldin, Kaepernick, and that apparently high powered offense down? 950 KJR-am’s Softy Softerson asked former Seahawks Mike Holmgren that exact question on yesterday’s show. Here is what the Walrus had to say …

KJR 950 Softy Interview with Mike Holmgren – 9/12/13
[Clip starts at 23:00 in to the interview]
Softy: “Let’s go back to the Niner game and the Pack a week ago. Anquan Boldin (I think) was targeted 18 times and caught 13 balls for 208 [yards] and a touchdown. What do you do if you’re Dan Quinn, OK, or your former player Kris Richard in this game to help slow Anquan Boldin down? How do you take him out of the game or at least minimize those catches and those targets?”

Holmgren: “Well you call coverages and you develop a defensive game plan to take him out of his comfort zone – take him out --not physically take him out, but take him out of the game.”

Softy: “For example?”

Holmgren: “For example, you might put a guy right on his nose all the time. He never gets a free release down the field – ever. If I’m a linebacker to his side, OK I’m going to turn and find him in a passing situation. I don’t know what Green Bay was doing because I was watching the game on television. But, you know, a player can’t be that effective against you. You’re doing something – and, or if he’s starting to roll, you make an adjustment at halftime. You do something and you say, ‘OK, he’s not going to beat me. He’s not going to have another game like that.’ He’s gonna make his catches because he’s a really good football player. You know, when we used to play against him – played against him A LOT when Fitzgerald, remember Fitzgerald was there and Boldin was – I was worried more quite honestly about him, because he’s got a knack. He’s a strong guy. He has a knack for catching – he doesn’t drop passes. He’s a good runner after the catch and he’s tough. And he was always making plays that hurt me. So -- now he had never had – he had done the same thing when he was playing for Baltimore when I was in Cleveland. So, he’s a good football player and people go – I think defensive coaches go and defensive players go, ‘Ah, runs a 4.75 [40 yard dash].’ You know, and before you know it he’s got 10 balls, 3 touchdowns – you know, and you got snookered. Don’t do that. He’s the best receiver they have.”

Softy: [Interrupts] “Right, him and Vernon Davis – and that’s really it. I mean you’ve got Kyle Williams, you got McDonald, Miller – Gore’s gonna catch a couple of passes out of the backfield, but can you go in to this game if you’re Pete Carroll and say, ‘Alright. I’m going to make somebody else beat me. I’m going to take Vernon Davis away. I’m going to take Anquan Boldin away. And if they beat me with Frank Gore, they beat me with Frank Gore, but I’m not letting those 2 guys beat me. Let a guy nobody’s ever heard of try and step up and beat me.’?”

Holmgren: “Yeah, but you see what – that’s also a problem that the 49ers have against the Seahawks. OK, what are they gonna say? OK, we’ll take, uh, you know Lynch out of the game. We’ll do that. Well then, Russell will beat you. You know, the problem when you have weapons – when you have a balanced attack and weapons is – but you can say, and every coach does this -- ‘That guy isn’t going to beat me.’ Now, but I don’t think you start with say Frank Gore. That’s a dangerous thing. You don’t want to say, ‘OK, we’re just going to play pass coverage and we’ll rally around Frank Gore.’ He’s too good. You wouldn’t say that about Lynch either. You know, so I think you start with the run and then you go, ‘We’re going to handle the run the way we always handle the run, but I’m not going to let Anquan beat me.’ Anquan is – someone else – but coverage, we’re going to run coverages to make life miserable for him.”

Softy: “Yeah, what is the big concern about Kaepernick -- I mean as a runner and a passer? Do you have to be, maybe, a little less aggressive and maybe be a bit conservative in your blitz packages this weekend? What is the big concern about facing Colin Kaepernick and maybe 1 or 2 things the Hawks have got to do against him this weekend?”

Holmgren: “Well that’s the thing. He’s proven to be an outstanding runner. And, I thought that on Sunday he threw the ball beautifully. I mean, and not running around throwing – he was in the pocket –“

Softy: [interrupts] “He’s got a gun, doesn’t he?”

Holmgren: “Ohhhh boy! [clearly enamored] And you know what, there were guys wide open. I mean, you know, there wasn’t a whole lot of tough things that happened with there – with the receivers. But you can give him credit. He can do that. And when you have the multi-purpose back -- quarterback like he is – not unlike Russell – Russell Wilson’s the same thing. OK, I think you stick with the same plan. You rush, but it’s a little bit of a controlled rush. And you try and push up the middle. You try and get your push (and kind of a relentless push) up the middle to make him turn out to the guys on the outside.”

Softy: “That means Brandon Mebane, Tony McDaniel, maybe Bobby Wagner inside linebacker up the gut – maybe some stunts with guys moving over and things like that?”

Holmgren: “Yeah, but that’s why you’ve got to do a good job against the run. So, you have to create down and distance situations that more than likely they’re going to have to pass. And when you know they’re going to have to pass, OK, now you turn the big guys inside instead of them reading the run and reading the head and doing all that stuff – you know, flattening the down. [Softy laughs] You know, whatever they tell those guys. You know, you go, ‘Hey, this is your chance. You never get to cut it loose. You’re always blocking, taking 2 guys on so the linebacker can make the play – NOW, uh-uh, Now you go get him!’ And you’d be surprised. Brandon Mebane has good pass rush ability. He does and Red does too and the big guys inside. When you cut ‘em loose, they like that.”

Softy: “I want to come back and I want to ask you specifically who’s game is this gonna be on Sunday? You mentioned Special Teams, which could mean Golden Tate, it could mean a guy like Jermaine Kearse on kickoff returns – but I want to talk about the key guys in this game – the guys that if you could take them aside and say, ‘Hey look, I really need you guys, you 3 or 4 dudes, I need you guys to step up this weekend and have a great game. We cannot win unless you do this or you do that.’ We’ll come back and ask Mike who those guys are. [Programming comments related to the show itself follow. After the commercial break, Softy begins again.] Alright, 4:49pm. Mike Holmgren with us here at the VMAC for 1 more stop – 1 more segment before we flip things over to the Patriots and Jets on Thursday Night Football … the Seahawks injury report by the way, Chris Clemons and Cliff Avril both were full go today in practice. That is great news. Uh, Luke Willson did practice as well full go. Michael Bowie full go. Sidney Rice full go. But Brandon Browner did not practice again today. That’s a big physical corner, Mike. If he’s out, how big of a blow is that for the Hawks on Sunday versus Anquan Boldin and that receiving corps?”

Holmgren: “Well, that’s a blow because you need corners. We’ve talked about that before. You can’t have too many corners, so if you lose your starting corner, now the domino effect takes place. Uh, and he’s a good player so that’s even worse. So, but you know, they’ll adjust – listen, both teams are ready to handle any sort of adjustment like that. But with Boldin, yeah, he’s a physical guy and you’ve got to be physical.”

Softy: “Yeah, we asked going in to the break – I want you to tell me maybe 3 or 4 guys that you would pull aside – I’m not sure if you would do that or not – and say, ‘Look guys, I really need you to step up this weekend against San Francisco.’ If you did do that, who would those guys be? What positions would they play?”

Holmgren: “Well, I think you have to look at the Offensive Tackles against San Francisco’s pass rush – and the Offensive Line in general. But look it, they’re used to that. The Offensive Line usually has a mark right on their head and they’ve got to play well to be successful. But San Francisco’s really good up front, in my opinion, so they’ve [Seattle’s Offensive Line] got to carry the load. And that’ll be a big, big part of the football game. The other thing is our secondary versus Boldin. Something – you’ve got to do something because you can’t have a guy catch 13 passes for over 200 yards and score touchdowns against you.”

Softy: “What makes that Front 7 so damned good though and what makes it so frustrating to try and run and throw on it and keep your quarterback upright?”

Holmgren: “Well, they’re physical and they’re fast. I remember going out and playing San Francisco when I was at Cleveland. And on the field before the game, Keith Gilbertson, someone who is near and dear to you [Softy: “Yes he is”] comes up to me and goes, ‘They’re a look bigger than we are.’ [Softy laughs] I said, ‘What do you want me to do about it, right now, right on the field?’ Ohh, but they’re impressive looking athletes and of all those years that they weren’t doing well, and getting high draft picks, and then Scotty McCloughan, who was in charge of it then (did a heck of a job) – and those guys are now playing. And now I think the organization and Coach Harbaugh, they’re getting the benefit.”

[End of Pertinent Comments]
Source: [You can listen to the full interview by clicking on the link below]
KJR 950 Softy Interview with Mike Holmgren – 9/12/13

Some other interesting facts in connection with this game …

Speaking of Anquan Boldin, Pro Football Focus had this to say …

Boldin lined up inside on 62.2% of his pass routes in 2012, and he was there again on 22 of his 41 routes last week. His 114 yards from the slot were the highest total of any wide receiver in Week 1. Sherman, on the other hand, covered the slot on only 19 plays last season, allowing a reception once every 6.3 snaps to inside receivers, versus once every 15.4 snaps to outside receivers.

Needless to say the Niners will look to slide Boldin inside A LOT in this game. That means, that he’s going to find himself matched up against Walter Thurmond more times than not. Walter Thurmond is one of those guys that Pete Carroll needs to pull aside and say, “We need a big game from you.”

Marshawn Lynch has had 3 straight 100 yard games against the 49ers dating back to December 24, 2011. Over that same time span, the 49ers defense has allowed just (2) 100 yard rushers in those 21 games.

The 49ers defense allowed opposing NFL runners to average just 3.6 yards/carry. Marshawn Lynch averaged 4.8 against the Niners.

According to Pro Football Focus, Marshawn Lynch ended last season with 63 broken tackles – 4th most in the NFL.

Pro Football Focus also revealed that last Sunday the 49ers missed 7 Tackles. They averaged 3.5 missed tackles/game last season.

Pro Football Focus also revealed that the 49ers corners could be in real trouble. According to PFF…

Nnamdi Asomugha allowed a 105.3 passer rating against him …

… Tarell Brown allowed a passer rating of 118.8 rating against him …

… and Carlos Rogers allowed an unbelievable passer rating of 158.3 against him.

Lost in the shuffle of last Sunday was the fact that the 49ers Defense allowed 385 yards of offense and 28 points.

Over their past 7 games, the 49ers have given up an average of 387 yards per game … and an average of 27.4 points/game.

Pro Football Focus also noted some interesting stats on Kaepernick under pressure in the Green Bay game …

- Kaepernick under pressure: 2-for-7 for 39 yards and a 50.3 QB Rating. In a clean pocket: 25-for-32 for 373 yards, three touchdowns and a QB Rating of 146.5.

So, just as Greg Cosell’s study that I cited back on page 1 earlier revealed … Colin Kaepernick under pressure and on the move makes mistakes. Getting solid, consistent sustained pressure on him will be key to the Seahawks success (or lack thereof) on Sunday.

Injury Report for Friday 9/13/13 …
250px MASH TV title screen

Last but not least, here is the latest news on the injury front (the final report for the week) …

49ers ...
RB LaMichael James did not practice either Thursday or Friday with that MCL Sprain that he suffered in the 49ers Preseason finale. He’s expected to miss the game against the Seahawks.

No other Niners appear on the Injury Report.

Seahawks ...
DE Cliff Avril (hamstring) was a Full Participant in practice on Thursday and a Full Participant in practice on Friday. He’s listed as probable, so all systems look to be go for him.

T Michael Bowie (shoulder) was also a Full Participant for the 2nd day in a row. He was also listed as Probable for this Sunday.

CB Brandon Browner (hamstring) did not practice on Friday, making it all week that he’s missed practice. It’s 3 strikes and he’s probably out for this weekend. He’s listed as Doubtful. Expect Byron Maxwell to get the nod in his place with Walter Thurmond moving inside and covering the slot.

LEO Chris Clemons (knee) was a FULL participant in practice yet again on Friday. His return to action is currently listed as Questionable for this weekend. So, I’d say there is a chance that he ends up playing.

DT Jordan Hill (torn biceps) hasn’t practiced all week. He’s listed as Out for this game.

SS Jeron Johnson (hamstring) did not participate in practice at all this week after injuring his hamstring in the Carolina game. His status is listed as Doubtful heading in to Sunday.

DT Brandon Mebane (ankle) was a FULL participant in Friday’s practice. His status is listed as Probable. That’s unbelievable news, as the Hawks will need him to get that strong push against one of the best Offensive Lines in all of Football.

WR Sidney Rice (knee) was a FULL participant in practice on Friday as well. He’s listed as Probable and should be raring to go.

TE Luke Willson (oblique issue) was a full participant in practice on Friday. His status is listed as Probable as well. I’d be shocked if he didn’t see playing time against the Niners.

DT Tony McDaniel (groin) was a FULL participant in practice after not practicing on Thursday. His status for Sunday’s game is also listed as Probable – extremely good news as well.


Well-known member
Aug 5, 2009
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Thanks for the KJR link and breakdown. Love listening to Holmgren break down the games.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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WTH is going on with all these injuries?

It isn't like these are all guys on the downside of their career and constantly injured. A lot of our guys are relatively young.

What are they doing at practices that is getting so many of our players injured? Practicing with sharpened pickaxes?!?

Taping porkchops to people and then releasing hungry pitbulls? What?


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Feb 25, 2010
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Camano Island, WA
After seeing the looks on Kaepernick's face multiple times in the last game, I think he'll be in even worse shape for this game with the 12's all yelling for his eyebrow after every incompletion/interception. He's guaranteed to have some giant problems with his "communications" in this game. He may even have to leave the game due to noise induced headaches.

Kaepernick will get shook up and make several big mistakes ---->I predict 3 interceptions & 1 fumble for Kaepernick, leading to a 48-10 victory for the Hawks.

RW should be able to double Kaepernic's QBR - easy. I'm in no way saying that Kaepernick isn't a potentially great QB, physically he's close - but especially mentally and maturity wise, .........not so much yet.


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Oct 12, 2011
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Lecce, Italy
CamanoIslandJQ":1b15gtoj said:
After seeing the looks on Kaepernick's face multiple times in the last game, I think he'll be in even worse shape for this game with the 12's all yelling for his eyebrow after every incompletion/interception.

Great job putting that together. Not all of us have access to these interviews and being to read them here is fantastic. I also have to give a shout out to the above. "Yelling for his eyebrows" is hilarious.