Wilson QB rating...2013 and Career


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Aug 26, 2012
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Russ is currently 3rd in NFL with a 109.6 rating, behind Manning and Rivers.

Russ currently has a 101.5 career rating. ( small sampling I know but still impressive when you consider Rodgers the only other player in history with a rating over 100. (Rodgers 105)

Russ also leads NFL with a 9.1 per attempt average.

This solidifies Russ's college rating (highest single season rating in college history)

and Russ's college streak of most passes in a row without an interception.

The future is bright...


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Nov 20, 2012
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What are you talking about? Wilson apparently is playing horrible. Hes doing too many things wrong all the time......

He holds the ball too long.

He fumbles too much.

He throws away the ball too much, or not enough (depending on who you talk to).

He doesnt throw down the middle enough (apparently this is something people want more of even though its a higher risk throw for any team).

Yada yada yada yaday adya .... cant enjoy winning ... yada yada ...... :sarcasm_off:


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Jul 26, 2012
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The X-Factor according to FO.
The short man's Brady according to Gisele Bundchen.
The Andrew Luck of RGIII's according to Andrew Luck & RG3.


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Mar 6, 2007
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What is amazing about Wilson is that he is this good while still having areas for improvement. Imagine Wilson if he could develop a quick passing game like Drew Brees does? He'd be insanely good. For that matter, Wilson has done all of this with a WR group not known for getting separation. Imagine if Wilson had his version of Wes Welker or Jimmy Graham to check down to every time he's struggling to find downfield targets.

If Wilson never gets better I am more than happy with him. Even in his current form, he is an elite QB. Knowing Wilson though, he seems determined to constantly hone his skills and improve his game. I'm a Bevell supporter, but I'm starting to get to the point where if Bevell leaves I'd actually be excited to see what Wilson could do in a different kind of offense. Somebody figured out a way to make Drew Brees a quick passer. If we could find a similar offensive mind for Wilson, look out.


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Aug 19, 2013
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kearly":1bxcj6iy said:
What is amazing about Wilson is that he is this good while still having areas for improvement. Imagine Wilson if he could develop a quick passing game like Drew Brees does? He'd be insanely good. For that matter, Wilson has done all of this with a WR group not known for getting separation. Imagine if Wilson had his version of Wes Welker or Jimmy Graham to check down to every time he's struggling to find downfield targets.

If Wilson never gets better I am more than happy with him. Even in his current form, he is an elite QB. Knowing Wilson though, he seems determined to constantly hone his skills and improve his game. I'm a Bevell supporter, but I'm starting to get to the point where if Bevell leaves I'd actually be excited to see what Wilson could do in a different kind of offense. Somebody figured out a way to make Drew Brees a quick passer. If we could find a similar offensive mind for Wilson, look out.

Exactly! Finally a person who understands these kinda posts about RW and the offense. But unfortunately a few, especially CARTIAR, can't seem to understand that RW can actually get better.


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kearly":1uw7hdv9 said:
What is amazing about Wilson is that he is this good while still having areas for improvement. Imagine Wilson if he could develop a quick passing game like Drew Brees does? He'd be insanely good. For that matter, Wilson has done all of this with a WR group not known for getting separation. Imagine if Wilson had his version of Wes Welker or Jimmy Graham to check down to every time he's struggling to find downfield targets.

If Wilson never gets better I am more than happy with him. Even in his current form, he is an elite QB. Knowing Wilson though, he seems determined to constantly hone his skills and improve his game. I'm a Bevell supporter, but I'm starting to get to the point where if Bevell leaves I'd actually be excited to see what Wilson could do in a different kind of offense. Somebody figured out a way to make Drew Brees a quick passer. If we could find a similar offensive mind for Wilson, look out.

I know we'd like to see Wilson as being able to hit quick slants (mostly to defeat blitzes) but this is a personnel thing. Bevell did a lot of this in Minny with Harvin, so it's not like he doesn't call it in his offenses, but like you mentioned Kearly, we don't have a quick twitch type WR that is good for the quick hitters (closest we have is probably Baldwin, followed by Tate). Right now, it's more about dumpoffs to our RBs, but I've been loving those play calls and they have been deadly (anything Turbo catches and Lynch out the opposite side on PA).


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May 30, 2012
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kearly":39p3ohi1 said:
What is amazing about Wilson is that he is this good while still having areas for improvement. Imagine Wilson if he could develop a quick passing game like Drew Brees does? He'd be insanely good. For that matter, Wilson has done all of this with a WR group not known for getting separation. Imagine if Wilson had his version of Wes Welker or Jimmy Graham to check down to every time he's struggling to find downfield targets.

He will soon! :D


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Apr 11, 2010
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Cartire":2ah9wo49 said:
What are you talking about? Wilson apparently is playing horrible. Hes doing too many things wrong all the time......

He holds the ball too long.

He fumbles too much.

He throws away the ball too much, or not enough (depending on who you talk to).

He doesnt throw down the middle enough (apparently this is something people want more of even though its a higher risk throw for any team).

Yada yada yada yaday adya .... cant enjoy winning ... yada yada ...... :sarcasm_off:
He's not out there all by himself Cartire, and he does have room for improvement, don't believe me?, just ask Russell Wilson.
There were two bad passes by RW yesterday, and one got picked off, so there is room for him to expand.
He won't do it all by himself, at least not until he can pass the ball down field, and then run down there and make the catch.
It sure as hell wouldn't hurt if the O-Line would tighten up a little bit more, and hold off the stampeding Defenders for more than 2 seconds.
RW will get better, but not without some help from his fellow Offensive team mates.


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Nov 20, 2012
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Dude, He has 3 franchises of proven work (i count college when you watch his games). I dont know what more improvement you need. Some games are going to be bad, always, every QB to this day, EVEN THE BEST, have bad games, to this very day. Its product over time. There is no, he needs maybe to not throw that 1 pick right there. Of course he doesnt need to throw that. You think he meant too. No. No QB, ever, gets rid of all the mistakes.

Of course hes going to study the film, and remind himself again why thats not a good idea. But the next game is gonna be 11 new people with new traits, and he will make a different mistake.

But I dont know what this proverbial growth your looking for. Everything is hindsight no matter what. Peyton and Brady are considered the best, because they have the time to show it. Not because of every game is awesome now. But they have a track record for success. They have pretty bad games once in a while. Are people saying, "Man, with time, Brady will get that down". Of course not.

If RW ends up flaming out, and everything goes down hill, there will be a million excuses, but the fact will remain, in hindsight, he didnt have it.

As of right now, he has it just fine. There really isnt room for improvement. As we hear all the time. Its 'can he remain as good as he is.' He's already shown on a consistent basis (including yesterday) that he can have great games. And even on times when hes not all that great. Hes still pretty damn good. I dont see each game as, 'well, he learned not to do that.' He already knew not to do it. It will happen again. But it wont happen enough to make that big of a difference. Ask every single great QB thats has ever been. They make mistakes too.


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Sep 25, 2012
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Wilson appears to have everything he needs to improve. His dedication and study habits will continue to impact his growth. Where the real difference will come is in experience. As each season passes, his already formidable focus coupled with exposure to live fire will be how he reaches his peak skill. This is what should concern other teams.


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Sep 3, 2012
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The 5-0
I'm watching the guy right now that Wilson needs to study. Steve Young. I know this comparison has been made in the past, but that was the past (and wishful thinking). In the present, I still see Wilson having many of Young's attributes.

We sometimes forget this is his 3rd offense in 4 years (basically). He is still learning and just needs reps. He will learn with experience to trust his reads and instincts, then, unloading the ball quicker will come naturally. He already has a great understanding of when to throw it away and when to tuck it away. And unlike Young, he has no desire to prove his machismo by taking unnecessary hits.

I encourage our fans to not be overly critical of RW at this early stage. For one reason, you're missing the fun part. Let's just watch the kid grow. He's not going anywhere, so you might as well enjoy the process. I sure the hell am.