Kam Chancellor named NFC Defensive Player of the Week

West TX Hawk

Active member
Nov 8, 2013
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Well earned! So glad to see Kam back at full strength and as intimidating as ever. Such clutch plays at the goalline and covering Gronk at the end to seal it.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2012
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But wait, shouldn't that last play for the Patriots have been called a pass interference penalty on that Chancellor guy? It's bad enough the refs choke on their whistle, denying the Patriots their rightful victory, but then this, giving the cheater an award?

This is an outrage! The NFL legitimizing that type of play by giving an award to the player who committed a penalty, but didn't get called? The NFL may as well give their seal approval to this obvious missed call. Obviously, the NFL loves those Seattle cheaters, because they get all the breaks at the ends of games, like the uncalled PI on Sherman on Julio Jones at the end of the Atlanta game, and the blatant homerism against Buffalo that denied the Bills a field goal just before halftime on that Monday night game. It's just an outrage to give awards to a player who is part of that bunch of cheaters who only win because they get favorable treatment from the refs!

OK, sarcasm aside, it is extra sweet that the NFL is implicitly giving Kam's game-ending play the seal of approval as a non-PI with this award. It was an obvious Offensive PI on Gronk, but oh well, the ball fell incomplete, so who cares...