Is Russell Wilson a role model?


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Jul 26, 2012
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BirdsCommaAngry":1biuu6i8 said:
Bipolar":1biuu6i8 said:
its my personal (and biased) opinion.

Much like the views you were criticizing. A little hypocritical, no?
Everyone is a little hypocritical, no?


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Oct 31, 2009
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Bipolar":1shnj22t said:
SoulfishHawk":1shnj22t said:
I'm sorry but anyone who thinks this guy EVER sounds like a Douche clearly is on crack.

well, you have to judge the content of his communication, not what and how he does it in front of the camers.

let's face it, Russell Wilson is smart, since he completed a bacherlors in 3 years (although in Communications, and from a crappy school) and has a masters degree in leadership from UW Madison (for a football player? amazing!). its not as impressive as Donald Driver, but still pretty damn good overall.

these credentials alone by definition imply that the person:

a) knows how to talk and
b) knows how to lead

what you see in front of the cameras is all great, but what I read on twitter is whole another story.
his major flaw, in my opinion, is that he is deeply religious. the good news is that he is not as vomit-inducing as Tebow, who talks like a child, but I can still sense naivite and close-mindedness from a mile away.

again, my personal opinion and you are free to disagree with me. cheers!

If being religious is what you classify as a 'major flaw,' you might need help, and not necessarily in the form of reigion.

Austin Hawk

Oct 15, 2009
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Austin, Texas
Russell Wilson is a fantastic role model. My wife and I are having twin girls in June and I am a bit disappointed that one of them won't be a boy so I can name him Russell Wilson (first, middle). He exudes charisma, leadership, and work ethic. The most religious thing I've heard him say in interviews is "blessed" which he uses a lot but is fine with me because I don't feel like he's shoving it down our throats the way Tebow does.

I'm personally an agnostic (probably atheist) with VERY good moral expectations and a belief in the good of humanity. I find many people often use their religious beliefs to somehow distinguish themselves as "better" than other people, which is why I try to avoid following a lot of players and such on Twitter since it gets clogged up with biblical quotes more than actual original thoughts and comments.

However, Russell seems to find that perfect balance between being strong in his faith and not splattering it all over for self glorification, and I respect that tremendously. If there is a God, I'm sure He/She would be very proud of the man RW has become.

I would be very proud to have my children look up to him as a role model!


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Dec 2, 2012
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Lance Armstrong was a role model, until people found out how he made a living (cheating, lying, plotting to hurt others, ...etc). Tiger Woods was a role model, until his inner life came out ...
People should NEVER attach themselves to celebrities like that. NEVER EVER. We only know them from what we see on TV. Period.
They are human beings like you and me with strengths and weaknesses.
If someone is looking for role models for their kids, then they need to listen to what Charles Barkley once said. Athletes are NOT role models, parents should be role models to their kids.
I watched RW play 3 years here at NC State. His leaving the program here was very controversial and some of the blame was attributed to him. The coach made it sound like RW didn't want any competition at his position. He made it sound like RW wasn't fully invested into the NC State football program, because he would miss sprint practice to go play baseball. As you can imagine, the issue divided Wolfpack nation and some people were really mad at Wilson, when he decided to transfer. Lots of people here have a completely different opinion of RW. And there are people who aren't happy about his current success in the NFL. People here say, if he had stayed here in the Spring and practiced with the squad, NC State offense would have clicked better and that could have elevated the NC State program to new heights. Let's not really pretend RW is this guy, who has never made a bad decision in his life. He has made some decisions that rubbed people the wrong way here and I'm sure he will do some in Seattle at some point.


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Mar 1, 2007
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Milwaukie, Oregon
Russell Wilson, as anybody else, is a role model to some and not to all. I think its a pretty personal choice who you choose to have as your role model, or who you choose to have your children follow. My personal opinion is that Russell is as solid as it gets. If I had kids i would prop Russell up as somebody to follow and emulate. Obviously others wouldnt, which is perfectly fine.


Jan 24, 2010
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Whatever makes a person a better human being whether its being Christian Jewish Muslim or whatever is what I'm getting at. Christianity is not who Wilson is, it's what he is.

As far as the kind of person you want your kids to be like I'd love for my kid to do well in school (Wilson), respect others (Wilson), show empathy towards less fortunate people (Wilson), and work tirelessly with a no quit attitude like Wilson. You don't have to be devout religiously to look up to someone like Wilson in my opinion. And hey... Russell Wilson happens to be a great nfl QB too. Kids will look up to athletes whether we like it or not and if it were my kid I'd pray (figuratively speaking) my kid would look at the great things Russell Wilson stands for, you don't have to study the bible to be the good person he is.


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Apr 4, 2010
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Over There
People who have Green Bay jerseys in their sigs are total douches.

Just my personal opinion and you are free to disagree with me. cheers!



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Jun 11, 2012
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I'm used to be agnostic. I mean, who are we to definitively say there is or isn't a higher being?

Then midway through his year at Wisconsin, I learned of Russell Wilson. As the months went by, I began to see the light. Then the prophet Gruden spoke of his greatness, and I was sold. Wilson IS a higher being, and those who do not believe in Wilsonism, will flounder in loserdom.

Russell 3:12 - "For whosoever believeth in Wilson, shall have ever lasting opportunities to be victorious. Go Hawks!"



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Apr 18, 2009
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Bipolar":29thqp2p said:
I am perfectly fine with him tweeting whatever he wants as well, but I do not want my children to grow up to be like him.

it is called a personal preference.
big·ot noun \ˈbi-gət\

Definition of BIGOT

: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial, religeous or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance


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Nov 9, 2010
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Jazzhawk":32r6midr said:
Bipolar":32r6midr said:
I am perfectly fine with him tweeting whatever he wants as well, but I do not want my children to grow up to be like him.

it is called a personal preference.
big·ot noun \ˈbi-gət\

Definition of BIGOT

: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial, religeous or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

I neither hate him nor do I not tolerate him. I just don't agree with him philosophically and therefore do not consider him a great role model.

you don't even know me.

(if it makes you feel better, there are very very few athletes that I would consider being a role model to begin with)


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Apr 1, 2012
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Russell Wilson is a role model. Regardless of whether or not you believe that an athlete qualifies as an acceptable role model... he just is. I have been a sports fan all of my life, and never looked at an athlete as a role model. They are, for all intents and purposes, entertainers. Russell is different. I'm 32 years old and I now have an athlete role model, because he has exceptional qualities (work ethic, perseverance, leadership, determination, etc) that are applicable to my life.

My 7 year old son isn't into sports that much. He and I were watching one of the pregame shows (ESPN I think) a couple weeks ago, and they had a whole segment on Russell. When it was over, my son turned to me and said, "I want a #3 jersey, I really like that guy." As a parent, I cannot think of another person (other than myself) that I would want my son to have as a role model. From everything I've read and seen, athletism aside, Russell Wilson personifies everything that I would want my son to be. I never thought I think that about a 24 year old athlete as an acceptable role model. Rationally, I just didn't think that way.


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Sep 30, 2012
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Bipolar":tma6pka1 said:
He also happens to be a religious fanatic (not any different from Tim Tebow) and his constant bible references make him sound like a total douche.

other than that, he is a great role model for everyone.

the problem with athletes in general is that they are dumb as a rock. in case of RW, of course, you can see that this is obviously not the case.

I respect that you don't agree with him philosophically, but to call someone a total douche for referencing their religious text makes you the douche.


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Sep 17, 2009
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Bipolar":15whb751 said:
He also happens to be a religious fanatic (not any different from Tim Tebow) and his constant bible references make him sound like a total douche.

other than that, he is a great role model for everyone.

the problem with athletes in general is that they are dumb as a rock. in case of RW, of course, you can see that this is obviously not the case.

Hey Bipolar,

My Wife normally posts here, but I could not stand by and not say anything.

What does it feel like to spout hatred with your diatribe?
This thread was about if Russell Wilson would make a good role model, not about your utter disregard for other people's right to what they believe.
This shows an absolute lack of respect to Russell Wilson and to everyone else here.
Nobody here really gives a damn how much you hate people that believe differently than you.
If you dont like what he posts on his Twitter, then don't read it.
I mean really, it's like a person that says that he hurts his hand every time he hits it with a hammer. STOP hitting it with the hammer!!
If you dont like it stop reading.
We all do not need to read through your trash talk of one of our players.
If you want to talk about how much you hate people of religion, there is a forum for that, The Politics, War, and Religion forum.
But in this forum, I think we would all agree that we don't want your hate spewing here.

By the way, I think Russell Wilson is an excellent role model not only in sports but in determination, in not listening to all of the doubters, in work ethic, and yes in his beliefs. Even if I didn't agree with them, he still sticks to his own convictions.
My kids could learn a lot from him.


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2012
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Jazzhawk":2uy6g3br said:
Bipolar":2uy6g3br said:
I am perfectly fine with him tweeting whatever he wants as well, but I do not want my children to grow up to be like him.

it is called a personal preference.
big·ot noun \ˈbi-gət\

Definition of BIGOT

: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial, religeous or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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Tacoma, WA
As much as some of us don't want to think about it as true, as long as Wilson's in the public's eye, homies a role model.

Now if kids choose to be like him is totally up to their parents doing their jobs, same thing as it pertains to music and other media.

On the issue of Bipolar, weren't you the same dude that said you'd be mad if Wilson was leaving game film notes in your locker? all while having a Flynn's (and others) Packers jerseys in his sig?


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Jan 13, 2013
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Wilson would appear to have an unwavering purpose of getting the best out of himself and those he's associated with. His religious beliefs may play a part in that but his purpose is hardly limited to the devout. Why Bipolar is throwing this baby out with the bathwater in regards to the admirable qualities Wilson has been showing, I do not know. But who knows, maybe what we're disagreeing about is just a miscommunication over what each person is defining a "role-model" as.