“They wanted it more.”


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2021
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What talent are you referring to? Because defensively other than Bobby Wagner and Riq Woolen you could trade everyone for bags of shit and nothing would change. Yesterday's game was a showcase on how hilariously untalented we are
Hey if you feel that way that is fine but Lockett is still on the team along with Metcalf so yeah the team has talent. Coaching has to step it up.


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
Typical Overreaction Monday for some fans and I totally understand that. They looked like crap yesterday so why should we feel anything other than depressed? Well, for me, it's Week 1. A lot of teams underperformed. Some of them, like the Bengals, will still likely make the playoffs this year. I put the Seahawks in that same slot. Sure, we have to go out and do it, but I am far from the Panic Button. Let's see how they rebound against the Lions. If they look much better but fall short, then come back and beat the Panthers at home, that's 1-2 and see how it fairs from there. 0-3 would have me reaching for the Panic Button.


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Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
I doubt Geno meant the statement (they wanted it more) literally. He's using the cliche for the same reason all other players and coaches use it: to get through press conferences.
You're right, he probably didn't mean to say what he did. It's a worn out cliche, and yes, players will say anything to get through press conferences ("I'm only here so I don't get fined.")

But in this case, as evidenced by the stupid penalties, the lack of effort, and the behavior of some of our players along the sidelines, he was undoubtedly speaking the truth, and @AROS is correct in pointing out that Geno does, due both to the fact that he's our quarterback and one of the oldest players on the team, bear a great deal of responsibility for our not "wanting it more."


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May 2, 2009
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Spokane, Wa
No sweat, guy. I was sort of putting 2 and 2 together and had to go back and watch the replay to confirm it. Both Witherspoon and #0 were just jogging when Metcalf shoved him, so it's pretty obvious that the whistle had blown. Neither the announcers in the booth saw it live as they expressed surprise when they saw it on replay, so it would make sense that the refs didn't see it, either.

Metcalf's failure to control his temper on the field is just one of his problems. He got into it with Shannon Sharpe, who gets paid to do analysis and rightly criticized Metcalf for failing to step out of bounds on a critical play that nearly lost the game for us last season vs Pittsburgh. Metcalf called Sharpe, a HOF receiver, a "washed up wannabe." Metcalf not only plays stupid, he is stupid.

And you don't have to hold your tongue around me. I, too, have been criticized for being too negative.
I personally don't like listening to Sharpe but no one can argue with the fact he's a HOF player and one of the best to ever play. He was a force that Metcalf at this point could only dream of being.


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
I'm afraid the dark days are sadly back.

The whole organization needs some kind of reboot, we've clung to the glory of 2012-2014 for too long. I know it's week one but this was a home opener and it's been a long time since I felt this demoralized.
You're going to fit in great here on dot everything sucks


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2009
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“They wanted it more.”

I heard that too, and I thought, "What a terrible indictment on every player out there for the Seahawks". That's not the kind of attitude I bought season tickets to watch and support, bought a flights up and back from California to see, paid for a rental car and hotel and so on, and so on.


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Aug 5, 2011
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Brisbane OZ Down Under Hawk
I hate the phrase as well but for all calling the Rams a shit team I think you are way off base. I think the Rams will surprise a lot of people. Young and healthy again. Last year was an outlier. Stafford has some new targets, Aaron is back a young healthy O line, and wait till Kupp gets back. With a 3/4 place schedule


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Oct 24, 2013
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It's a punk move, and shows a lack of class and sportsmanship.

But it's pretty apparent after four seasons now that's DK's jam, and he's not going to change. But it's lame.

if its legal to hit the other team, we should be hitting the other team, put them on there ass every chance we get


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2009
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I’m trying to think of a phrase that makes me want to chew glass more than that one.

Geno said that very phrase during his post game interview. We’ve all heard it before from many different players and teams through the years. It’s nothing new.

But it disgusts me as a diehard fan.

Why did the opponent want it more? What in the world could have caused a situation where YOU were not the team that “wanted it more?”

Lack of preparation? Lack of emotion or intensity? Taking the other team too lightly? There should never be a time in your life as a professional athlete getting paid millions of dollars where you are not psychologically of the mind set of wanting it more than your opponent.

Meh. I could wax philosophical all night about the nuances of what went wrong but when I hear players say that phrase, especially our players, man it just makes me wince like I’ve been slapped.

Talk about an insult to all of us fans.
I don't believe what Geno said. I think they lost an emotional game they should have performed better in and Geno just said something incredibly stupid... it was just as stupid as him saying it was his fault because it wasn't Geno's fault. The O line was ineffective after they 2 tackles go t hurt and that's just a fact if you look at the stats.


Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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if its legal to hit the other team, we should be hitting the other team, put them on there ass every chance we get

Is that really what you saw? A punk ass move with barely any time left down by two TD's?

Nah. Frustrated Bush league crap.


Jul 12, 2013
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On the lake, Livingston Texas
Pete and John have become content and comfortable in their positions.

Pete's message falls on deaf ears, and they're both listening to the wrong scouts and missing on too many draft picks.

It's time for a change
You say this like you think they are OK not winning, content with losing.

Personally I don’t think that’s possible, not at the NFL level and not even at the PeeWee level.

Sports are a competition, competitors play out of a desire to win.

I’m just as frustrated with that loss as anyone, I literally feel like I’ve been gut punched but your take seems completely illogical to me.

Professional football isn’t a marathon where there is a victory in just crossing the finish line.

If you’re correct then I’d agree it time for a change but I just can’t visualize it the way you’re seeing it.

Why suit up if you’re not playing to win/ content with a loss?


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2022
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Well we weren't the only team that laid an egg. The Giants and Bengals laid giant eggs too.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Tijuana/San Diego
You say this like you think they are OK not winning, content with losing.

Personally I don’t think that’s possible, not at the NFL level and not even at the PeeWee level.

Sports are a competition, competitors play out of a desire to win.

I’m just as frustrated with that loss as anyone, I literally feel like I’ve been gut punched but your take seems completely illogical to me.

Professional football isn’t a marathon where there is a victory in just crossing the finish line.

If you’re correct then I’d agree it time for a change but I just can’t visualize it the way you’re seeing it.

Why suit up if you’re not playing to win/ content with a loss?
Plenty of players are only playing for the millions to be made.


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2012
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I saw what I needed to see. I'm convinced Geno is not our qbotf, I don't think DK is going to grow up or he would have by now, and I think Pete is outclassed far too often, and his best days are behind him. Trade DK for picks, go all in to get a legit qb1 in 24, and a new coach. This version of the Seahawks leopard isn't going to significantly change its spots.


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2014
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I'm very adamant about this...Pete Carroll does not belong in the coach's office. He would be good and maybe even great in player development or even a GM role. We should have reset at least 5 years ago and gave Russ a chance with fresh blood, but old habits die hard. Pete Carroll cannot see the forest for the trees. He's a one trick pony who shot his load a decade ago. His residual talent is enough to make him 'unfireable' which puts us in the unenviable position of perpetually good not great.

How long have we had DK? 4 years? idk. but in 4 years you can't get your WR1 superstar in check? That penalty was embarrassing, classless, and just stupid. It actually made me hate him as a person. I sincerely wish we sold high on his ass because i'm confident we could have got a 1st for him. Zay Flowers would have been an immediate upgrade for scheme fit and i'm not convinced he isn't going to blow past DK stats anyway. Anybody think DK would be pulling this shit with Saleh or Mcdermott? That's just the drop in the ocean about Pete's failures to this point though.

Who is coaching Geno (and Russ) about their complete lack of mobility? Geno slides in the pocket and scrambles and creates time, and then just pisses it away with complete garbage low percentage bullet throwaways, versus all he has to do is win a 1v1 with a 330 lb lineman to create 10 more seconds and get a great shot down the field. It's not even in his mind at all. Over the past 10+ years our best plays were always QB escapes and putting intense pressure on the secondary to hold coverage, and we have COMPLETELY abandoned it in the past 4-5 years. It's obviously not a playcall, it needs to be coached. Geno has at least 3 times a game where he can put a move on and create 3 more seconds minimum and it's not there in his brain at all. Hell if i were a coach i would dedicate a 1/3 of QB practice to geno getting chased by linemen and having to evade, create time, and find something high percentage downfield. We go NOWHERE without a mobile Geno and Pete doesn't get it. We CAN'T beat SF without a mobile QB. They kill pocket QBs routinely. 1 freaking rush for 6 freaking yards from Geno this week? Pathetic. We paid for 20 yds min. a game in addition to the passing. If that's not a part of the equation then we massively overpaid and should have sold high on him too.

Where are the high percentage throws? We built Geno last year by incorporating high percentage passing into the passing game. JSN can win routes. It's not hard to complete 4-7 yard slants. We have the PREMIER WR in all of football for this in DK. Rec league QBs do it every day in flag football. Noah Fant not having a single completion is a complete and utter failure of coaching. If i were the owner i would have PC and Shane outside my office at attention and chew their ass to timbuktu to understand the offensive gameplan. You have to want to lose to not have a single completion to Fant. You can't line up JSN, DK, Tyler, with Walker threatening in the check down, AND cover Noah Fant. He's a solid TE with great hands and terrific route running, and it's unbelievable a professional coaching staff cannot work him into the gameplan when they have so many other weapons taking so much attention elsewhere. I promise you Noah Fant for a 7 yard quick hitter on the wide side of the field would have worked relentlessly. Dude is literally bigger than DK.

Lastly, if we ever again see a 20+ yd pass on 3rd and short this year, I will personally make it my life mission to get Pete fired.


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2014
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You're going to fit in great here on dot everything sucks
It's one thing to have the mind set of everything sucks when in reality it does, and not just enjoy the game and man up like Browns fans. But in this case, as in the previous decade, we have the talent routinely to do more and it's pissed away by inept and impotent mindsets emanating from the top down. That creates the cauldron of boiling hatred around here, that PC doesn't EVER change. We saw the change last year in letting Geno loose, and it took Week 1 of 2023 for reversion to the mean, completely invalidating last year and completely validating the point that Pete never changes and is in perpetual good not great mode. Although his routine is so tired now that good may be unattainable.

Shaz Magoon

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Mar 8, 2022
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Tacoma, WA
Lions are gonna drop a 50 spot on us and we'll do nothing but roll over because there isn't an ounce of fight or toughness on this roster to compliment an incredibly bad draft.