Cable threw a change up.


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2012
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WHATEVER they did, they need to stick with it. Football is actually a simple game. You run what works. Again and again and again until your opponent stops it. It doesn't matter if they know what's coming if they can't stop it. And, there is NOTHING more debilitating to a defense than being unable to stop the run.


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May 1, 2009
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Starting to think the change might be exaggerated. What it comes down to is this: a few power and iso concepts thrown in here and there (and Seattle got a high rate of success with them), but largely the same system.

Still, it makes things interesting for Dan Quinn's gameplanning, given that our linemen and Rawls took well to the wrinkles and thus will give Cable and Bevell more flexibility in regards to playcalling. Marcel Reece's status for Saturday will be enormous.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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MontanaHawk05":9tkzx8mw said:
Starting to think the change might be exaggerated. What it comes down to is this: a few power and iso concepts thrown in here and there (and Seattle got a high rate of success with them), but largely the same system.

Still, it makes things interesting for Dan Quinn's gameplanning, given that our linemen and Rawls took well to the wrinkles and thus will give Cable and Bevell more flexibility in regards to playcalling. Marcel Reece's status for Saturday will be enormous.

Yep. Fieldgulls broke it down..............definitely some subtle changes, but not a wholesale scheme change like some on this thread are claiming. ... -tom-cable


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Mar 3, 2007
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North Pole, Alaska
I thought it was pretty obvious, they switched to more combo blocking. Identify the man in front of you, and take him out.

Before it was " miss the guy directly in front of you on the way to the 2nd level where you whiff on that guy too." It was absolute bullshit.

RBs & Russell were getting hot in the backfield by a DT/DE that no one blocked. I thought it was excruciatingly obvious.

Cable was asking "n00bz" to do too much! He finally wised up, and simplified the scheme.

"You two guys block the guy directly in front of you, and you two guys block the guy directly in front of you." "Fant, do your best to slow down your guy."

Simple, at did it take 16 games to figure that out? Because Cable thinks he's a really smart guy and that he can teach anyone. Dear Tom Cable, there is an old saying "You must learn how to walk before you can run."

All I can say is "'bout damn time."

Krieg's list

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Oct 21, 2014
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I dunno... it's almost like they did more-or-less what they normally try to do, but experienced more success in part because they were facing the 32nd ranked defensive DVOA Lions at home. :229031_shrug:

The pathological need of many here to search out a (perceived) difference in playcalling/strategy/personnel/player health/etc and attribute it as the sole, direct cause every time the offense/defense suddenly performs well is embarrassing.

At least it hasn't devolved into another preposterous "maybe we were saving it for the playoffs all along, and we've actually been sandbagging all season!" wishful thinking thread... yet.


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May 27, 2011
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Vancouver, WA
There are too many things about correlation and causation than I care to get into again in this thread. I see the same things I've seen from this run game for a very long time. Cable even talks about the same thing I did with Mike Rob in this next vid. The fact that the result was different doesn't mean something different was done based on some very rudimentary break downs.

It just doesn't.

This isn't Madden. Players can play like crap one week, as individuals or as a group, and play great the next. You don't base humans off of static Madden ratings. Go out and play some football and see for yourselves. ... conference

In fact, this is the first week in the year that Rawls hasn't played like peanut poop. It hasn't ALL been the OL. It never was...and the same applies to sacks in the passing game.


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May 27, 2011
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Vancouver, WA
Krieg's list":3iiio4jd said:
I dunno... it's almost like they did more-or-less what they normally try to do, but experienced more success in part because they were facing the 32nd ranked defensive DVOA Lions at home. :229031_shrug:

The pathological need of many here to search out a (perceived) difference in playcalling/strategy/personnel/player health/etc and attribute it as the sole, direct cause every time the offense/defense suddenly performs well is embarrassing.

At least it hasn't devolved into another preposterous "maybe we were saving it for the playoffs all along, and we've actually been sandbagging all season!" wishful thinking thread... yet.
Yet. :irishdrinkers:


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Jan 13, 2010
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Houston Suburbs
I think they actually made some minor changes a few weeks back in terms of adding some iso and stunts, etc. In the Lions game they used more i formation with Reece. Overall the scheme hasn't changed per se, so I believe Pete's comment is correct.


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Mar 5, 2007
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Redwood City, California
Hawks46":3bvb26a9 said:
With our Offensive Line being large and very athletic, some of the more studied posters here have been clamoring for a change in run blocking scheme. The Zone blocking system is great for smaller, quicker OLmen. It gives them an advantage on larger DL's and also gets the DL running side to side a lot, thus wearing them down later in the game. Also, combo blocks help control the line of scrimmage while a guy peels off and grabs a LBer.

Problem this year seems to be that the ZBS we're running is too complicated for our younger guys. We're not getting beat physically, but mentally. It's blown assignments not physical mismatches that have caused our woes.

Well, Cable must have heard us. I saw a lot more iso and power run blocking this last game. On Rawls TD in particular, you saw Ifedi just walling his guy off and Britt making a really nifty seal on the NT, sealing him inside. Glowinski had at least 3 blocks where he just manned up and put his guy on skates, sometimes for 4 or 5 yards.

I'd like to see this going forward. Atlanta has a smallish DL that isn't stout at the point of attack. We can (and should) physically beat them, not let them use speed to penetrate gaps caused by missed assignments and create issues.

So the question would be: what took so long to make the adjustment? Was the coaching staff just waiting for the playoffs ? if so, that's seriously wicked on Pete's part. Think about this from Atlanta's DC's viewpoint: you now have a game on tape that has a bunch of ZBS stuff on it, and we just iso'd up on Detroit and gave you a bunch of things you haven't seen out of us.

That had a lot to do with Reese - having him "set the table" for those guys on those power runs made them way more effective, timing-wise.


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Jan 17, 2011
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Middle of Nowhere, Washington
Sgt. Largent":xdhinakh said:
MontanaHawk05":xdhinakh said:
Starting to think the change might be exaggerated. What it comes down to is this: a few power and iso concepts thrown in here and there (and Seattle got a high rate of success with them), but largely the same system.

Still, it makes things interesting for Dan Quinn's gameplanning, given that our linemen and Rawls took well to the wrinkles and thus will give Cable and Bevell more flexibility in regards to playcalling. Marcel Reece's status for Saturday will be enormous.

Yep. Fieldgulls broke it down..............definitely some subtle changes, but not a wholesale scheme change like some on this thread are claiming. ... -tom-cable

WOW! Thanks for posting that. Sam Gold's film breakdown there was absolutely fantastic (really pure Gold) ... and after reading through that article that and looking at the formations itself, I have to agree with your overall take on what it is we're seeing. Additionally, it's crystal clear that Marcel Reece has been an unbelievable shot in the arm when it comes to the run game. Though I don't think we'll see 160 yards+ out of Rawls in this game ... I DO believe that things are set up nicely for the Hawks to be able to run the ball finally. If they can establish the run (as it looks like they'll be able to) ... then I really like our chances for moving onto the NFCCG.