For All You Eeyores Out There..


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
It's okay. Breathe. Sit back and relax. Let the season unfold as it will.

Not naming names (you know who you are) but damn it all. Enough with this perpetual negativity. At some point it will only serve to harm your own health in the end. Sure, grasp on to objectivity. Believe you are doing nothing more than not buying into the rainbow propaganda brigade. Perhaps there is merit to staying the stoic, rigid course of your beliefs in spite of the proof to the contrary.

And I am not saying that the Seahawks will win the Super Bowl. Hell, even make the playoffs. That chapter remains unwritten. What I AM saying is, sit back, enjoy the ride for what it is. You don't need to be proven right, nor wrong.

Embrace the madness, the deliciousness, the chaos, the beauty of yet another season with your Seattle Seahawks.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2016
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It's okay. Breathe. Sit back and relax. Let the season unfold as it will.

Not naming names (you know who you are) but damn it all. Enough with this perpetual negativity. At some point it will only serve to harm your own health in the end. Sure, grasp on to objectivity. Believe you are doing nothing more than not buying into the rainbow propaganda brigade. Perhaps there is merit to staying the stoic, rigid course of your beliefs in spite of the proof to the contrary.

And I am not saying that the Seahawks will win the Super Bowl. Hell, even make the playoffs. That chapter remains unwritten. What I AM saying is, sit back, enjoy the ride for what it is. You don't need to be proven right, nor wrong.

Embrace the madness, the deliciousness, the chaos, the beauty of yet another season with your Seattle Seahawks.
Totally agree: Repost/duplicate of my response from the "Lets get real thread": (if this isn't allowed - delete the other one ;)

This is what I'm saying ;)

I have to say - and I'm a relative newb around here - but the negativity on this 'gap' year is just staggering to me. Particularly since many thought (including myself) that we had a 50% chance or greater of being a complete dumpster fire this year. You want hopeless? Go to the last Mora coached game that we attended. My god.

We're WORKING on it. Geno was a gift. Any given Sunday: "Sometimes you just have to ask the football gods: what did I do to deserve this?". And the nice thing with Geno? I don't see his method or mechanics or attitude changing. No fake "Go Hawks!" here. Just putting in the work. I even liked the helmet toss he did on the special teams choke - shows he cares. DK taking gatorade to 16? Again, priceless. Not sure what else ya want.

Walker is a gift if he doesn't get hurt. Woolen is coming along - he's kicking ass. BI's gonna AP the lads on defense. There's ALOT of positives this year. Waldron offense is starting to click in after waiting and waiting. PC is back to his old self. The team finally feels like a TEAM again. I ranted too for a couple weeks - but they are turning it around and there's both growth and hope.

There is much to be thankful for on this trough between CDN and American Thanksgivings!

Geno for Prez!


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
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Aros, thank you!!!

His words are words to reflect upon, who knows where the team will wind up.

Enjoy the ride!!!


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
To each their own. It's an opinion forum, and if people don't want to admit they're wrong, hold negative attitudes, or anything else within the TOS, that's their business. Who are we to say that they need to "embrace the madness", etc.? We all have our reasons for harboring the attitudes that we bring to the table.

For me, I've taken what some consider to be a negative attitude regarding my favorite team. With very few exceptions, over the past 20 years or so, I've intentionally lowered my expectations as I'm tired of getting all jacked up about a season then suffer this horrible let down when my team doesn't rise to the occasion. I'd rather assume we're not going to play well, and if we win, then I'm more excited than I would have been had I been expecting it as it's more of a surprise, and if we lose, I'm not nearly as down about it because I had anticipated losing anyway. It's my way of maintaining my personal sanity. I don't expect others to adapt it, only to understand and acknowledge that not everyone is cut out to be a cheerleader.

This shouldn't be interpreted as being any less of a fan than those that "embrace the madness". I still watch every game intently, rooting for us to win, attend several games a season, travel to other cities to watch and support our Hawks, having just traveled to Detroit a few weeks ago. It means that my standards are pretty high, that my team is going to have to prove to me that they're worth my investing so much emotional capital in them that I start throwing objects when they let me down. It has nothing to do with me not wanting to have to admit to being wrong about something.
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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2013
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I feel like a weight has been lifted. They’re so much more fun to watch ( except on defense) with Geno doing the things RW never did. I loved Russ for the first six years. But then we knew his ceiling and the bottom started dropping out. And yes Pete and John made mistakes. But trading RW wasn’t one of them. We just got to get through this cap hit hell year and it’s going to be bright future!


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2012
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Geno is the NFL story of the year.

On another note: The internet is chock full of folks that dissent for the sake of dissent. Anything to stick out. Anything to get noticed, and nothing gets you noticed more than creating a little controversy. Ruffling a few feathers. It works...for a while. But when done habitually, relentlessly, it becomes your trademark. A brand. What you are known for. Frankly, there is nothing special or unique about being a habitual dissenter. No extraordinary skills required. The schitck gets old and weary for most folks. It truly does. Especially when it flies in the face of what our own eyes are showing us. Nothing wrong with stating your opinion, but when the opinion is ALWAYS dissent, ALWAYS controversy, ALWAYS negativity, you have become just another "one of those" people. A "look at me" type. I believe the original internet moniker was the "troll" label.
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Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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You are right to an extent Aros but part of the fun is conflicting opinions. I get tired of the negatively sometimes too, but it sparks discussion. I sometimes myself predict a loss but rarely is criticism involved. This defense is as bad as I've ever seen and I've been watching the Seahawks since 76.
I've always loved your positive outlook but sometimes it's ok to call a spade a spade.

Edit to add that I am very excited about this team. Pete kinda seems to know what he is doing. Many of us debating Pete versus Russ have egg on our face. Aros, you really want to turn this place into sunshine and roses? Hell, I can go to Seahawks reddit for that.

This place has always had a self cleaning mechanism. If we get tired of it we usually wear it out.

You know I respect the hell out of you but just wanted to point out that negative opinions are opinions too.
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Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Sultan, WA
You know I respect the hell out of you but just wanted to point out that negative opinions are opinions too.

Oh my friend please don't misunderstand me. I created this site to have open debate. The very health of a fan forum is to have diverse opinions. That has never bothered me, nor will it ever bother me.

The point of this thread is for those that are perpetually cynical. Debunkers. Eeeyores who refuse to find the light within the darkness. It's okay to admit that all is not as lost and broken as it may appear to them. Pete might be in fact a decent coach. The refs and the NFL aren't out to get the Seahawks (any more than any other team, just ask those other fanbases). The sky, in fact, is not falling. It never was. Transitioning? Yes. Falling? Never.

I embrace every single fan that takes time out of their day to come here and share their thoughts and that includes the "Eeeyors". I may be calling them out a bit but never, ever mistake that for me thinking that somehow makes them a lesser fan.

If you are a regular member here, that is all I need to know that you are a fan of this team, period.


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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I wasn't taking a shot at you Todd and I know what you are saying. The constant negatively from some is getting old. It's the reason why a lot of us shy away from the main forum. It's always the same old shit. Using the block feature has enhanced my forum experience.

Mad Dog

Well-known member
Aug 11, 2015
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To each their own. It's an opinion forum, and if people don't want to admit they're wrong, hold negative attitudes, or anything else within the TOS, that's their business. Who are we to say that they need to "embrace the madness", etc.? We all have our reasons for harboring the attitudes that we bring to the table.

For me, I've taken what some consider to be a negative attitude regarding my favorite team. With very few exceptions, over the past 20 years or so, I've intentionally lowered my expectations as I'm tired of getting all jacked up about a season then suffer this horrible let down when my team doesn't rise to the occasion. I'd rather assume we're not going to play well, and if we win, then I'm more excited than I would have been had I been expecting it as it's more of a surprise, and if we lose, I'm not nearly as down about it because I had anticipated losing anyway. It's my way of maintaining my personal sanity. I don't expect others to adapt it, only to understand and acknowledge that not everyone is cut out to be a cheerleader.

This shouldn't be interpreted as being any less of a fan than those that "embrace the madness". I still watch every game intently, rooting for us to win, attend several games a season, travel to other cities to watch and support our Hawks, having just traveled to Detroit a few weeks ago. It means that my standards are pretty high, that my team is going to have to prove to me that they're worth my investing so much emotional capital in them that I start throwing objects when they let me down. It has nothing to do with me not wanting to have to admit to being wrong about something.

Life is far too short to surround yourself with negative people. Aros has been around long enough to have garnered that perspective. Some people are self destructive catastrophizers and seem to think that sharing that perspective on an opinion forum is a worthy exercise. It is not. There is nothing to be gained by bringing others down.


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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Life is far too short to surround yourself with negative people. Aros has been around long enough to have garnered that perspective. Some people are self destructive catastrophizers and seem to think that sharing that perspective on an opinion forum is a worthy exercise. It is not. There is nothing to be gained by bringing others down.
No. If there was nothing negative here there would be no discussion points. I love, love Aros and understand but I think he is wrong here. We need dissent.


Well-known member
May 2, 2021
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The Hawks are a lifetime commitment. There is going to be up years and down years in any type of long term relationship.

I don't mind when a longterm fan goes negative because we have all been there.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
No. If there was nothing negative here there would be no discussion points. I love, love Aros and understand but I think he is wrong here. We need dissent.
I'm not going to say that anyone is wrong, just that I think that we're making a mountain out of a molehill.

But you're right, we need a wide variety of opinions to make for good exchanges and for each of us to learn something from one another.


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2013
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I don't think it's as much negative as it is just trying to be real without high expectations. Trust me, everyone is enjoying the unexpected "success" of the Hawks. Most of us are just a bit more realistic about how far they can go.