For All You Eeyores Out There..


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2020
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Taboão da Serra, SP, Brazil
I don't think it's as much negative as it is just trying to be real without high expectations. Trust me, everyone is enjoying the unexpected "success" of the Hawks. Most of us are just a bit more realistic about how far they can go.

Yeah, we're so dumb. I wish we could be as sophisticated and smart as you.
Then maybe we could see through the so-fake-it-deserves-to-be-put-between-quotation-marks "success" of the Seahawks, despite starting a QB who was ranked outside the top 32 in the league before the preseason and two rookie OTs, ending up with a good offense and as many wins in the first third of the season as the experts predicted they'd have all season.
But for the moment, we're all so incapable of being realistic that we've all bet our respective houses on the 2022 Seahawks winning the Super Bowl by at least eight touchdowns. Or maybe we're just happy about them exceeding expectations (on offense, at least) so far. It's such a fine line between those two things.


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2012
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Yeah, we're so dumb. I wish we could be as sophisticated and smart as you.
Then maybe we could see through the so-fake-it-deserves-to-be-put-between-quotation-marks "success" of the Seahawks, despite starting a QB who was ranked outside the top 32 in the league before the preseason and two rookie OTs, ending up with a good offense and as many wins in the first third of the season as the experts predicted they'd have all season.
But for the moment, we're all so incapable of being realistic that we've all bet our respective houses on the 2022 Seahawks winning the Super Bowl by at least eight touchdowns. Or maybe we're just happy about them exceeding expectations (on offense, at least) so far. It's such a fine line between those two things.
The audacity of some of the posters here is unreal. I've never had such a long ignore list on a site before, but it's really the only way to enjoy this site with all of the Geno hate, Pete hate, Wilson excusing, and other things folks do here.


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
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Kent, WA
I complained once on this board about people commenting on single games with the old "nice win, but" attitude.

Now we have people commenting "nice season so far, but..." Self-styled internet "coaches" who much find something negative to pick out and comment about or else they are not "realistic." Realistically, we have finished the first quarter of the season plus a game or so at .500. That's as good or better than most prognosticators predicted pre-season.

I'm naturally a 'glass half full' kind of guy and think we we have a good base to build and improve on, both in our talent level and in our win/loss record. ;)


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2013
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Yeah, we're so dumb. I wish we could be as sophisticated and smart as you.
Then maybe we could see through the so-fake-it-deserves-to-be-put-between-quotation-marks "success" of the Seahawks, despite starting a QB who was ranked outside the top 32 in the league before the preseason and two rookie OTs, ending up with a good offense and as many wins in the first third of the season as the experts predicted they'd have all season.
But for the moment, we're all so incapable of being realistic that we've all bet our respective houses on the 2022 Seahawks winning the Super Bowl by at least eight touchdowns. Or maybe we're just happy about them exceeding expectations (on offense, at least) so far. It's such a fine line between those two things.
Are you serious?
Morons such as this f*cking as*hole is the exact reason I don't like to post much.


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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Yeah, we're so dumb. I wish we could be as sophisticated and smart as you.
Then maybe we could see through the so-fake-it-deserves-to-be-put-between-quotation-marks "success" of the Seahawks, despite starting a QB who was ranked outside the top 32 in the league before the preseason and two rookie OTs, ending up with a good offense and as many wins in the first third of the season as the experts predicted they'd have all season.
But for the moment, we're all so incapable of being realistic that we've all bet our respective houses on the 2022 Seahawks winning the Super Bowl by at least eight touchdowns. Or maybe we're just happy about them exceeding expectations (on offense, at least) so far. It's such a fine line between those two things.
What's worse... Stating criticism or being an impossible homer? I understand both sides, I really do but it gets old when either side takes it too far. Aros for instance is the biggest homer alive but he balances it. His weekly predictions thread proves it.

It seems impossible to have any opinions at all in the main forum without getting attacked. If I want to get attacked (I don't mind) I'd hang out in the shack (which I do).

There is still great football content here but it gets buried in shit from both sides. Sometimes it is not worth the effort to sort through it all.

Own The West

Well-known member
Jan 13, 2016
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Back to the OP, this thread isn’t about dissent. It’s about chronically finding fault, criticizing others, and just generally trying to take the joy out of everyone’s fandom.

It is the difference between criticism and harassment, making a joke at someone’s expense and bullying. If you think someone is pollyanna or irrationally exuberant, why make it your hobby and job to destroy their happiness?

We can all stand to be more tolerant of one another and I respect Aros’ effort to kindly reign in some of the relentless discouragers on this site. And as a fan, I beg you ‘realists’ to say your piece and then let the cheerleaders continue their cheering.

Go Hawks!


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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Being a negative nancy does not make you a "realist". It makes you a negative nancy.
Tolerance is one thing, acceptance is quite another.
Disagree. I understand if a single poster is negative day after day. It wears on all of us but I'm seeing many posts get attacked for even the slightest criticism. We all want positive Seahawks news but there are justified reasons for criticism as well.

I am aware of the posters that Aros is referring to and I've had them blocked for a while. I know you moderators can't really do that due to your responsibilities but you literally can mentally ignore them.

It's tough being a Seahawks fan. You need a thick skin. If certain threads are too negative for you then toss them in the shack. We'll deal with it for you.


Well-known member
Dec 25, 2014
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I've never, ever seen so many missed holding calls. It's unbelievable. Please continue to be negative about that.
This won't cheer you up, look who's at the bottom. Really annoying considering all the uncalled blatant holds in the 49er game yet they haven't had special treatment against their other opponents.



Well-known member
Mar 13, 2014
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Truth Ray
Let us be clear - without Geno Smith unexpectedly playing at a top 5 level, the Seattle Seahawks currently would be considered a train wreck with one of the worst defenses in the NFL.

They have played a soft schedule in a down NFC with a top level QB and still can't muster a winning record.

Geno is Pete's savior right now. Without his high level of play, 95% of the fanbase would want him gone.

The Seahawks have set themselves up very well for the future potentially, but Pete will squander it like he's been doing for YEARS. I've seen this movie before and am tired of it. More will join me in time, most were teetering already. Geno NOT Pete backed people off of the ledge.

I don't block anyone, BTW, I read all opinions good, bad, or indifferent. If you notice though I'm really only negative about 1 thing - the problem.


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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Fade... You bring alot to the table... Always have. You're on team negative and I can respect that. I disagree with your opinion on what the "problem" is but I enjoy reading your comments
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Sun Tzu

Well-known member
Apr 28, 2016
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I don't think it's as much negative as it is just trying to be real without high expectations. Trust me, everyone is enjoying the unexpected "success" of the Hawks. Most of us are just a bit more realistic about how far they can go.
I agree with the trying to be real statement. What I personally don't enjoy is those who attempt to disguise their perpetual negativity and minimizing of positive results behind a facade of "trying to be realistic".


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
Being a negative nancy does not make you a "realist". It makes you a negative nancy.
Tolerance is one thing, acceptance is quite another.
It depends on the topic. If I were to express my opinion by saying that we have one of the worst defenses in the league, you might call me a negative Nancy. However, that opinion is supported by facts. Only two other teams have given up more yards per game than we have. That's what others were talking about as being a "realist."

And as far as tolerance or acceptance goes, who gives a rip if someone is constantly being negative? If it interferes with your enjoyment of this place, then put them on ignore.


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2010
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I, for one, am enjoying the heck out of this season. It's going better than I expected. The offense is clicking. Geno is playing MUCH better than expected. Our rookies are kicking ass. Eskridge is starting to become our WR3. K9 has been a very bright spot thus far with Penny on season-ending IR. The defense is a work in progress as scheme adjustments are being tested in real time. And we've got a bevy of high-round draft picks next year to further improve the team. I love this season thus far!


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2022
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This won't cheer you up, look who's at the bottom. Really annoying considering all the uncalled blatant holds in the 49er game yet they haven't had special treatment against their other opponents.

This is a pretty clear indication of how the refs have unfortunately jobbed us in close games this year most notably the Saints game in which the Hawks outplayed New Orleans. A 21 point swing in one of the poorest officiated games in league history. Just egregiously bad


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
I'm not so sure I'd say that I'm 'enjoying' the season as each loss still pisses me off, but overall, I'm pleasantly surprised. I especially like how our draft class is performing and I'm glad that the Broncos are struggling as it helps our draft positioning.

Outside of our own plight, this has been a really crazy season so far, extremely difficult to predict. Every time I think that a favorite is starting to emerge, like I did when I thought that the Niners had turned the corner, they go out and lay an egg like they did in Atlanta. The Jets and Giants have a combined 9-3 record. Philly is unbeaten. Three divisions don't have a team with a .500+ record.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2012
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I think it's funny that Pete brings in Geno, and goes with him as the starter when everyone out there (including here) thought it was a horrible idea. Then when it works really well, Pete has nothing to do with it.