Game was good

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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98.9 for Geno compared to 131.5 for Brock. Who was the scrub again????

Yep, Geno was very scrub-like in the 2nd half.

But which defense created those pressure situations forcing one of the two QB's into mistakes? Certainly wasn't our defense.

Geno fumbled because his pocket collapsed. Geno threw a pick because the corner jumped the route.

Where were our amazing defensive plays resulting in turnovers?


Jan 3, 2013
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Geno played like he has the whole second half of the year. Made some great plays, couple of big turnovers but when grading him its also fair to include the fact he was playing against a top defense and Brock was playing against a bad defense. I was still impressed with Purdy though. He made a couple of plays were most rookies probably don't make. He's playing pretty well for sure. If he keeps this up they probably win the whole thing.


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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It's obvious at this point. NFL operates like 90s WWF. Let freelancing flourish, watch demographics reactions and mold the script as you go in a way that generates more $$. You don't need to script everything. Let the teams play, and have the refs notice and ignore key moments to help steer games in a way that helps the cash flow. If it doesn't work here or there, no biggy.

This game was a great example. Tight game, Seattle playing great. Then a few key calls here and there to help give the more talented team a push. It's obvious the narrative was set. Any faith I had in a fair league is out the window. I was illogically just hoping my intuition was wrong. You guys enjoy this crap I'm out.
The first half of the game was the Refs giving the ILLUSION that they were going to be fair/hands-off but, the Seahawks were putting up too much of a fight, and the risk of them actually MAYBE WINNING? OH HELL NO!
The Seahawks winning against the 49rs was NOT in the plan.
I quit watching after the second wishy-washy penalty call, and went out to my garage to work on things that needed doing.
If a bunch of y'all aren't buying the "Conspiracy" and don't believe that there are CROOKEDS involved in just about every aspect of BETTING IN PROFESSIONAL SPORTS?, well good for you, go ahead and put your heads back in the sand.


Well-known member
May 4, 2016
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Salem Oregon
The NFL has a credibility issue with officiating. The 49ers merely made good adjustments in the 2nd half and exploited our weaknesses. However, it's easy to look at officiating as an element because of so many past blown calls throughout the league. The reality is that there are too many game changing judgment type penalties built into the rules. Penalties like taunting, roughing the passer, pass interference. When enforced, they are often game altering or momentum killing type calls.
I for one would love to see taunting eliminated. If it goes over the line there's always unsportsmanlike like conduct.
Anyway, the 49er simply played better in the second half. McCaffery is a beast and will be a problem for awhile. I have no idea what Carolina was thinking.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2022
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The fumble changed the complexity of the game but the penalty was bizarre. We still lost to a better team and kept it close for 3 quarters but to say it wasn’t a good game means you only paid attention to the final score. For a young team with a bunch of rookies and a career backup at QB I thought they surprised a lot of people this year. I’m thinking biggest need is DT and Edge and LB. I really like Bresee for that first pick though


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
Yeah no heavy heart or hanging my head today. I am proud of what the 2022 Seahawks were able to accomplish. While true, certainly there are key areas (especially the trenches) that need to be addressed to improve upon this season, many would say they overachieved. A lot to look forward to next season and beyond.

Much work to do, but I am liking our chances moving forward.


New member
Jan 9, 2023
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Watch the first one. Key reception, and he wasn't downfield. They completely let our receivers get held. **** the nfl
Brock Purdy passing stat 18 total completions
15 for first downs

3 For touchdowns

Not bad


Dec 26, 2012
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Geno played like he has the whole second half of the year. Made some great plays, couple of big turnovers but when grading him its also fair to include the fact he was playing against a top defense and Brock was playing against a bad defense. I was still impressed with Purdy though. He made a couple of plays were most rookies probably don't make. He's playing pretty well for sure. If he keeps this up they probably win the whole thing.

I hope you're right. Purdy reminds me very much of a young Joe Montana. I was 18 when Joe won his first with the 49ers. I'm 59 now. It's been a long, long time. But there are things with Purdy that I saw with Montana (and Russell Wilson to be completely honest). It's that ability to spot the open receiver when the chips are on the table. It's the ability to not panic. It's the ability to remain cool and calm under pressure. And then, when nobody expects it, it's the ability to make your opponent look foolish.

Lightning rarely strikes twice in the same lifetime. It hasn't struck yet. It could, but it hasn't yet. Time will tell.

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