How do you honestly feel about this team right now?


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Scottemojo":2811wuf1 said:
So, almost every year since Pete arrived, the offensive line is new faces in new spots taking half the season to realize a level of competence.

I expect exactly that in 2016.

I kind of have to disagree on this assumption, and my reasoning is, the change-up made by Tom Cable showed that he was getting better results with the O-Line after making a few 'conceptual' tweaks, and adjusting towards giving Russell Wilson a split second more protection.
The fact that they've brought in Webb and Sowell, tells me that they realize that they couldn't afford to replace both Sweezy & Okung with inexperienced Rooks, and speaking of Rookies, we have a couple of them that showed some real positive growth, especially Gilliam.
I understand where some might believe in some kind of regression from the Offensive Line, I just don't share that negativity, as I actually believe that Cable will have the O-Line playing up to last Years mid Season level right out of the gate.
I also believe that Russell Wilson will pick up from where he left off last Season, + his Receivers are mostly all Seasoned vets.
The Defense was disguising a couple injuries last Season, but will be as good or better than they were in 2014.


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pehawk":2l55dpr2 said:
Alot of my feelings will be firmed up when the schedule comes out.

Since the Seahawks defense is built on "our guys will beat your guys", simplistic philosophy, playing 6 teams off extended rest absolutely killed them. It hurts Seattle more than almost every other team. It evens the playing field and gives way to late game meltdowns...................
The NFL wouldn't do our team like that 2 years in a row would they?
If we see it again, how could anyone argue that they aren't trying to keep the Seahawks from be a championship contender (especially if they front load the schedule with tough games again this year too)?


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Scottemojo":iw0f6lvj said:
So, almost every year since Pete arrived, the offensive line is new faces in new spots taking half the season to realize a level of competence.

I expect exactly that in 2016.

I don't like accusing Pete of hubris, but the burden he put on the 2015 OL right out of the gate was basically just that. I think Pete learned his lesson. He won't wait until midseason to scheme around the OL issues in 2016. That will certainly help.

Rawls' health will be a huge factor as well. PFF is deeply flawed, but it's worth noting that their grades for Seattle's OL skyrocketed while Rawls was the leading back. My eye test noticed the same thing. It was more than just a case of him making them look good with smart running. He added energy to the offense and got the other 52 guys on the team to believe in something.


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kearly":1snukg53 said:
Scottemojo":1snukg53 said:
So, almost every year since Pete arrived, the offensive line is new faces in new spots taking half the season to realize a level of competence.

I expect exactly that in 2016.

I don't like accusing Pete of hubris, but the burden he put on the 2015 OL right out of the gate was basically just that. I think Pete learned his lesson. He won't wait until midseason to scheme around the OL issues in 2016. That will certainly help.

Rawls' health will be a huge factor as well. PFF is deeply flawed, but it's worth noting that their grades for Seattle's OL skyrocketed while Rawls was the leading back. My eye test noticed the same thing. It was more than just a case of him making them look good with smart running. He added energy to the offense and got the other 52 guys on the team to believe in something.

From Week 1, I got the feeling that Lynch's heart just wasn't in the point that I felt like they were trying to rush him back after his injuries early in the season and later after his surgery. Even earlier on, Rawls was killing it...but they kept trying to push Lynch back in even though he was obviously not ready. I think one of their biggest mistakes was having Marshawn start in the Panther's game. I hate to say it, but I think Michael would have been a better choice at the time. If Rawls hadn't been injured late in the season, I think he could have made the difference in that game.

I think Rawls will have a breakout season this year, even more so than last year. For whatever reason, I'm excited this year...just as excited as in the 2013 offseason. I just have a good feeling!


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This has certainly been an interesting thread to read. Multiple opinions with in many cases polar opposite views on the current state of this team.

Personally, will only say incomplete at this point. I haven't seen enough to gauge an opinion either way of substance. Some probably view me as a realist, or possibly even too cautious about things. Well, that is true.

But certain things that transpired last season makes me more cautious than even I prefer. I though will wait until after the draft and the end of May. By that point enough specific information will be available for any of us to give a more informed opinion. At least that is how I seel it.

But for those who don't want to wait, have fun! :)


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scutterhawk":2mqmw78d said:
The Defense was disguising a couple injuries last Season, but will be as good or better than they were in 2014.

Name a season where were did not have Defensive injuries? 2014 was the closest we've gotten.


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The draft is going to be huge.

Huge - as in this is the most important draft that PC/JS have been involved in since they've been there.

There are currently 222 players in the NFL that make more APY than our current offensive line combined.

Read that again. No really. Combined.

They're always the elephant in the room, as they should be. If this team thinks they can tinker with and test what will work halfway into 2016, we will get left in the dust. Arizona, on paper at least, is a better team this coming year than last. Los Angeles will play us tough, because they always do. Fisher, for whatever reason, has Pete's number. That doesn't change until we can finally sustain domination against them, and talent wise, their a far inferior team.

We need two impact, NFL ready offensive lineman in this draft. Without that, I think the offense struggles as defense begin to scheme against the pass against us. We're not the same power run team that we were in the past.

I'm excited about this team, but the confidence has subsided a lot.

10-11 wins, WC berth. That's how I feel at this point.


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Trenchbroom":2lgkv8vm said:
How do I feel about the Seahawks right now? Well, let's see:

Greatest QB in franchise history is on the team, still in his prime

Greatest CB in franchise history is on the team, still in his prime

Two of the top Safeties in franchise history are on the team, still in their prime

Two of the top LBs in franchise history are on the team, still in their prime

Two of the top D linemen in franchise history are on the team, still in their prime

Greatest coach and GM in franchise history are still with the team, doing magic every year

I feel pretty damn good about the Hawks right now, thanks for asking!

That's cute, bro. It really is.

We had all of that in 2015. All of it. No really, from your list above, we had all of that. We won 10 games and got bounced.

We also have an offensive line that, on paper at least, has regressed quite a bit.

Having a roster top heavy with talent doesn't guarantee anything. 2015 is proof.

Depth is what I am worried about. We need a serviceable offensive line. Right now, the jury is completely out on that fact.


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Willyeye":dfxolgl2 said:
From Week 1, I got the feeling that Lynch's heart just wasn't in the point that I felt like they were trying to rush him back after his injuries early in the season and later after his surgery. Even earlier on, Rawls was killing it...but they kept trying to push Lynch back in even though he was obviously not ready. I think one of their biggest mistakes was having Marshawn start in the Panther's game. I hate to say it, but I think Michael would have been a better choice at the time. If Rawls hadn't been injured late in the season, I think he could have made the difference in that game.

I think Rawls will have a breakout season this year, even more so than last year. For whatever reason, I'm excited this year...just as excited as in the 2013 offseason. I just have a good feeling!

Agreed on all points. Even Seattle has a lousy draft I'll still be pretty excited.


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Rob12":3n8bx0h2 said:
10-11 wins, WC berth. That's how I feel at this point.

I'd be surprised if Arizona repeated as division champs. Barring injuries, I think the Seahawks are going to rip them apart head to head next season. Not only are the Seahawks the better team, they're pissed.


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Rob12":2pb4vswn said:
Trenchbroom":2pb4vswn said:
How do I feel about the Seahawks right now? Well, let's see:

Greatest QB in franchise history is on the team, still in his prime

Greatest CB in franchise history is on the team, still in his prime

Two of the top Safeties in franchise history are on the team, still in their prime

Two of the top LBs in franchise history are on the team, still in their prime

Two of the top D linemen in franchise history are on the team, still in their prime

Greatest coach and GM in franchise history are still with the team, doing magic every year

I feel pretty damn good about the Hawks right now, thanks for asking!

That's cute, bro. It really is.

We had all of that in 2015. All of it. No really, from your list above, we had all of that. We won 10 games and got bounced.

We also have an offensive line that, on paper at least, has regressed quite a bit.

Having a roster top heavy with talent doesn't guarantee anything. 2015 is proof.

Depth is what I am worried about. We need a serviceable offensive line. Right now, the jury is completely out on that fact.

Winning in the NFL is hard. Even though we got bounced last year, there was no doubt in my mind even at 31-0 in Carolina that we still had the capability to come back and win it all. Nothing's changed that mindset - hell we weren't too far off of it in that game either.


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Tri-Cities, WA
Rob12":2zkjr5t0 said:
Trenchbroom":2zkjr5t0 said:
How do I feel about the Seahawks right now? Well, let's see:

Greatest QB in franchise history is on the team, still in his prime

Greatest CB in franchise history is on the team, still in his prime

Two of the top Safeties in franchise history are on the team, still in their prime

Two of the top LBs in franchise history are on the team, still in their prime

Two of the top D linemen in franchise history are on the team, still in their prime

Greatest coach and GM in franchise history are still with the team, doing magic every year

I feel pretty damn good about the Hawks right now, thanks for asking!

That's cute, bro. It really is.

We had all of that in 2015. All of it. No really, from your list above, we had all of that. We won 10 games and got bounced.

We also have an offensive line that, on paper at least, has regressed quite a bit.

Having a roster top heavy with talent doesn't guarantee anything. 2015 is proof.

Depth is what I am worried about. We need a serviceable offensive line. Right now, the jury is completely out on that fact.

First of all, we are spoiled evidently. Getting into the playoffs is harder. Winning a playoff game still harder. Should we be satisfied with that? As a team, no. As fans, absolutely. Millions of fans in 24 cities across the NFL would love for that to be a "failed" season.

But we also did all of that while coming of the most shocking SB loss in history, a game that nearly tore our team apart. With uncertainty at running back. With a hold from probably our biggest locker room leader. While facing in arguably the toughest opening schedule in the league and suffering unprecedented defensive meltdowns game after game.

And yet we still made it to the playoffs . . . While improving over the course of the season into the leagues hottest and most feared team.

If we just simply pick up where we left off, we are the best team in the NFL.


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Florence, Oregon
Everything described is symptomatic of Super Bowl Hangover. 2 Super Bowls in a row nonetheless. You have to expect that the grind of two Super Bowl seasons is going to have an effect on the team. Typically, I'm not sunshine and lollipops, but I sense a re-energized team this offseason. Last offseason our entire team just seemed tired and beat up. We added some nice sparks to the team, which ultimately gave the team enough boost to make a push into the playoffs, but overall... The team just had a complacent feel and I don't get that sense from the players or coaches this offseason. I feel like the team is preparing for the upcoming season more than they are trying to recover from last season. Last offseason the team was primarily recovering from the previous season vs. preparing for the upcoming season. I'm getting a good feel from the team this offseason and I like it.


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Helotes, TX
McGruff If we just simply pick up where we left off said:
Yes, the Hawks can coach/play one horrible half and one terrific half, like last year, again and it gets the team nowhere.


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Jan 17, 2015
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Feeling very confident about the team. Perhaps go undefeated this year and win the first of two back-to-back SBs....


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Seafan":3ac1qsj7 said:
Yes, the Hawks can coach/play one horrible half and one terrific half, like last year, again and it gets the team nowhere.

Year of The Hawk

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Dec 30, 2012
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I am very hopeful for this coming season. I feel the team will be in a MUCH better mindset this year than last.

First coming off of that Super Bowl loss was killer and that is more or less behind them now (as much as can be).

The players personal lives (as little as we know about them) seem better this year as well. Example Russell is not chasing the girl anymore. He now is engaged. Less wooing to do. Sherman is settling in to fatherhood. Less worry about first kid. The Kam situation seems like it may go better this year (I hope). Maybe Earl will have his head screwed on as strait as it can get. He seemed out of sorts around training camp time last year. The Jimmy Graham project is still in question but it is not front page news. With ML retiring it will be more Russ offense.

This year I feel a more workman's like attitude may be coming on. Russ and Pete will take the QB thing to the next level. Locket and Russ will have a year under there belt to sync. IMHO I feel we will be better without Bruce Irvin. I always feel we tried to find a spot for him just because he was so athletically gifted. No more shoe horning.

The front line will have more experience under there belt for the rookies there. I do feel Pete And John are working hard together to raise the level of play there. All things seem to point up for me. Not to many negatives.