This Team is GOOD


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2023
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I'm seeing a lot of negativity across the board, so I figured I'd give my take since it's a little different. I'm in no-way complaining or criticizing people for their opinions, in fact I appreciate that this board always keeps it real, but I thought it would be refreshing to have a thread with some positivity.

When Russel Wilson was traded before last season no one in the world would have believed how well things would go for Seattle. We beat Denver, made the playoffs, and now are 5-2 this season after two great drafts.

I think this team is legitimately good. Sometimes very good and has the potential to be great. The defense is stepping up. Geno has been making some mistakes but he is also lighting it up at times. The TD pass to Locket last week was an absolute beauty. Management is committed to winning, and the Williams signing shows that regardless of if you feel they gave up to much in the long run. There is absolutely no doubt that he makes the team better today.

The offense struggled for the better part of three quarters last week but they still won and still put up 24 on the #1 defense in football. They are getting contributions from absolutely everyone. Undrafted Bobo lighting it up. JSN gets the game-winning TD. Adams back and firing on all cylinders. Witherspoon in DROY contention. This team is good guys and it can even be great. The Baltimore game will tell us a lot.

There is so much going right for this football team right now. Running game is formidable, and the long derided pass rush is #4 in the league in sacks. I think we should all try to enjoy this because the bottom line is we are 5-2. We have a brutal schedule coming up but there is a very clear path to 10 wins. I really think this is a good football team. Just thought I'd throw in my opinion.
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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Def. a good team with a lot of room for improvement. They could be scary good by late season. Nothing wrong with legit criticism and pointing out flaws.
There's more arguing going on than actual football talk, but that's a message board. I THINK we all love the Hawks and want them to kick a**.
If you can sift thru the 798 dwell on Russ, Fire Pete, Adams Sucks, Stupid Trade, Geno sucks/no he doesn't, DK is a cancer threads, it's a hell of a great board.
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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
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Kent, WA
They are a good team in a lackluster NFC. They can take advantage of that. I don't think the 49ers are just going to go away and let us take the division though.
True, but lately we've been on the upswing while they've been on the skids. I remember in times past it seemed that when "they" lost we would match them with a loss - whoever "they" was that year, the team we were in contention with.

Good times. Nothing is guaranteed, but I like where the team is at right now.


Active member
Dec 29, 2012
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I agree that both sides of the ball look really good for times, then really frustrating at times. Browns game is a great example. Geno throwing some dimes. A few great running plays. Some great blocking. Then we disappear. Play calling seems lousy. Execution and decision making isn’t great and we disappear for two quarters. The defense is playing great then it seems like every drive we have two great plays only to get ganked on some third down screen or pass for 20-40 yards and I am like arghh!! I think the Browns went 6-14 on 3rd downs or so.

So I see flashes of greatness. That said like I tell my son who plays in his HS playoff game this weekend you just aren’t going to win every play which he wants and expects to do. I said you have another group of players across the line from you that have also worked very hard and are super motivated to beat you every play. Sometimes you’ll lose some battles, but the goal is to win the war.

The Hawks have been winning most of the battles so that’s exciting, and maybe the coaches and players are going to continue to all gel and will win even more down the stretch. That seems likely on one hand due to injuries and how young they are. That can be a challenge too because of the upcoming schedule and injuries too. Who knows, but I can say this is the most fun I have had watching them in a long time and they definitely have a chance every week.

Go Hawks!


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2012
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Good post. They are indeed a good, sometimes very good team. They could be a great team but for some glaring inconsistencies and occasionally some frustratingly long periods of poor play. Pobody's nerfect. Hopefully they will improve. Perhaps not. Regardless, they can beat anyone, and it will be entertaining and intriguing to watch as the 2nd half of the season unfolds. Go Hawks!


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
One huge strength of this team, imo, is that they can fight thru mistakes. If there's a big part of the game that they struggle, or there's a turnover, they bounce back. You have to have short term memory loss. Pete has done a good job at keeping them locked in. You're not going to play perfect, it's how you finish and/or bounce back.
Holmgren teams just folded if they started making mistakes. Pete has this team believing, just like he did last year.
The "ugly wins" are pretty normal with his team. But they are WINS regardless.
On the negative side, the play calling and not adjusting is annoying af. Esp. when they abandon the run, it just makes no sense.


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2012
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The block function works beautifully. After this team takes care of the Ravens, the last thing I want to read is a bunch of "yea, but" posts from concern trolls. Especially if they don't hold up to logic. Anyone with a lick of sense can easily distinguish between legitimate concern and attention seeking. I do, however, want to wallow in the shared joy of those that don't feel so self-entitled. Thumbs up for the positive OP.


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2022
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As much as we complain (and I admit that I do complain), we should also appreciate that we are not the Raiders or the Panthers or the Cardinals or the Bears or the Colts, teams that are perennially rebuilding or have terrible or crazy owners that would be so hard to root for. (And this is not as exhaustive list.) The season's not even half over and judging from what happened at the trading deadline, a number of teams have already thrown in the towel.


Well-known member
May 18, 2012
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Dare I say but there are a lot of similarities between this team and the 2014 team.

That team started 3-3, with defense not quite hitting its 2013 highs and the offense not really taking off, but then went on a tear to close out the season - driven defensively mostly. I think we might have a more talented offense today than that 2014 team. There are even maybe shades of 2013 in the defense too, although it looks more 2011-like at the moment - it's still really young but coming together, and with the addition of Williams it might just take us over the top.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
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Spokane, WA
Def. a good team with a lot of room for improvement. They could be scary good by late season. Nothing wrong with legit criticism and pointing out flaws.
There's more arguing going on than actual football talk, but that's a message board. I THINK we all love the Hawks and want them to kick a**.
If you can sift thru the 798 dwell on Russ, Fire Pete, Adams Sucks, Stupid Trade, Geno sucks/no he doesn't, DK is a cancer threads, it's a hell of a great board.
Honestly this is hilarious coming from you. When I or other posters raise concerns about the team, it's typically you with the "Smoked Brisket is great" comments. Rather than engaging in football discourse, you're typically the one shutting it down, putting down posters that may have a different, less positive perspective. Of course we all want the team to win. It's the condescending remarks constantly across multiple threads from you and select others that has stiffled potentially good discourse. It's the same one or two posters who go out of their way to hit that little laugh react to several of my posts rather than commenting in a respectful manner.

I know the rule is to attack the post not the poster, but I had to double take at my phone screen to see who was saying this. All off season when I or any other poster remotely raised concerns about Geno or Hurtt or anything, a potentially good discussion was derailed with a rude, off topic comment, thus negating any potential discussion or debate.

I know I'm one of the most sensitive posters and guys here. I acknowledge I'm far from perfect and quite frankly a little b****, but so many good posters have been driven off this board thanks to that type of behavior from you and select others on here. Behavior that's been called out but continues to go under the radar.

In regards to this team, yes this is a good squad. Much deeper than last year's team across the entire roster. We all want the Seahawks to win (unless it's our resident NFC West rival posters, who are mostly knowledgeable football fans). I just personally want Waldron to get more creative in the red zone, utilize some more motion and get the ball to frickin Bobo.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Fair enough. Half the time I'm just messing around. Driven off the board? Ok........
Maybe you should lighten up a little and have some fun. People don't agree on things, cool. It's not nearly the huge deal you're making it out to be.
I said it's a hell of a board, I made a joke about the same old topics over and over again. If that bothers you, not sure what to tell you. You could put me on ignore.
You don't know me; I don't know you. I'm good with that.

Go Hawks


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2015
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This year's Seahawks team seems good....kinda...
But I'm withholding judgment until after this weekend's beat-down of the Ravens.

And for a "good" team, the expected final score is 30-something to single-digits.


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2015
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The coaching staff albeit their shortcomings and mistakes, what I like most about this team is they entertain all ideas on free agency depending on their “needs” and where they believe the team is at the moment.

You gotta not take for granted their “no stones left unturned” approach.

This board is never satisfied with what Seattle does do or what Seattle doesn’t do.

If Seattle didn’t make any moves for this trade deadline, people would have said, “why didn’t they make a move?”

Now, that Seattle has made a move, some have said, “they should have done this or they shouldn’t done that, etc, and etc.”

I for one am glad this front office isn’t afraid to make moves and big transaction moves at that.

A lot of professional sports franchises do not operate in that respect even when they are at the cusp of doing or building something great, just take a look across the street at Mariners, that front office DOES NOT operate the same way the Seahawks do.

And I for one, am happy, at least I have the Seahawks that are a big name team in their league and are somewhat a cutting edge program that aren’t afraid to make big splashes and that’s what I like.

Hey, if you don’t want to make big splashes, go be a fan of another team that doesn’t want to compete. The rest of posters that enjoy how this team is built and their mantra, moxy, and cajones, for doing something, take that no energy and no spirit, elsewhere to another team cause Seattle wants to compete NOW and will do everything they can to do so!


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
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Spokane, WA
Fair enough. Half the time I'm just messing around. Driven off the board? Ok........
Maybe you should lighten up a little and have some fun. People don't agree on things, cool. It's not nearly the huge deal you're making it out to be.
I said it's a hell of a board, I made a joke about the same old topics over and over again. If that bothers you, not sure what to tell you. You could put me on ignore.
You don't know me; I don't know you. I'm good with that.

Go Hawks
Predictable response. You had an opportunity there and missed it. You chose the edgy, immature route.

No I won't ignore you. Your posts are too entertaining. Have a great day


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Immature calling someone immature. Got it. Looking forward to more laughs. You do the same, that we can agree on. You're taking this way too personally.

Go Hawks


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
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Spokane, WA
I have a strong feeling Baltimore will be a HUGE reality check. This team may be bordering on good, but the Ravens when they roll are a great team...
Agreed. Unfortunate a select poster chose to laugh react to this, but what can you do, right?

Lamar when healthy is a top 7 QB. Their defense is solid and they can move the ball in a variety of ways.

Great measuring stick game for this club for sure. Can't wait to see how they do


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2011
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I'm seeing a lot of negativity across the board, so I figured I'd give my take since it's a little different. I'm in no-way complaining or criticizing people for their opinions, in fact I appreciate that this board always keeps it real, but I thought it would be refreshing to have a thread with some positivity.

When Russel Wilson was traded before last season no one in the world would have believed how well things would go for Seattle. We beat Denver, made the playoffs, and now are 5-2 this season after two great drafts.

I think this team is legitimately good. Sometimes very good and has the potential to be great. The defense is stepping up. Geno has been making some mistakes but he is also lighting it up at times. The TD pass to Locket last week was an absolute beauty. Management is committed to winning, and the Williams signing shows that regardless of if you feel they gave up to much in the long run. There is absolutely no doubt that he makes the team better today.

The offense struggled for the better part of three quarters last week but they still won and still put up 24 on the #1 defense in football. They are getting contributions from absolutely everyone. Undrafted Bobo lighting it up. JSN gets the game-winning TD. Adams back and firing on all cylinders. Witherspoon in DROY contention. This team is good guys and it can even be great. The Baltimore game will tell us a lot.

There is so much going right for this football team right now. Running game is formidable, and the long derided pass rush is #4 in the league in sacks. I think we should all try to enjoy this because the bottom line is we are 5-2. We have a brutal schedule coming up but there is a very clear path to 10 wins. I really think this is a good football team. Just thought I'd throw in my opinion.

The team has too much talent not to be good. Its the fact that they beat themselves by making dumb mistakes. If they dont address those mistakes, its going to bite them in the ass come crunch time. They could be dominating but then give up a few plays that shift thr entire momentum of the game.

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