How Zen Are You?


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Apr 11, 2010
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Because I think you will need to be this year. Seriously. And yet, many of you already are.

I don't read every thread and every post but I try to cover the general spectrum and what I have been hearing is that many of you are already there. In fact, I can't recall in all my time here on .NET whether it was being owner, admin, mod or the decrepit "Godfather" pushed back into the dark corner of a deliciously seedy pub (of my choosing) that I ever remember so many fans being "chill" with a rebuild.

Oh yes, there are plenty still ready to send fists to fury over decisions made, poor performances, tackle technique resembling middle schoolers...Trust me, I get it. However the vast majority seems oddly cerebral this season. Rising above the usual noisy negativists which again, with all my years here, is wonderfully impressive.

So many years in the past fans battled each other over what kind of team we had. This year? It seems fairly obvious, as though we are cheating on some kind of test. I don't know who coined the term but one of us said that Geno was a "Bridge Quarterback". Wow, not only an astute term but a marketable one. And a true one.

Already there are rumblings to Unlock Lock. (Okay dammit, I admit that was my clumsy attempt to counter the Russ Cook mantra).

Word on the street it could come as soon as the second half of the game this Sunday against the Falcons. Who knows?

No matter what transpires this Sunday and the 14 game days beyond that, continue that Zen Mentality. What shall be shall be. Rookies are being thrown into the fire. Let them feel it. Grow from it. Find the way out of the cauldron to no longer be burned. Let DK throw his tantrums, and he will. Where's he going? He just signed a huge contract.

I have always felt deep in my heart that PC and JS have always had a plan, no matter how this season looks when it is all said and done. No matter the soundbytes, no matter the disingenuous pressers to the contrary.

They want their franchise quarterback. This season is nothing more than a preseason of 17 games to prepare their squad for better days in 2023.


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Well-known member
Dec 26, 2012
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Yeah I think most of us are cut from the same cloth. As diehards, it's our duty, in our DNA in fact, to still be over the top emotional during the game, but this year we all seem to know that this is a rebuild year so a loss just doesn't seem to carry the sting it would have when we were one of the top teams in the NFL.
Agreed. After the 9ers game I was like, oh well. Hopefully they got some stuff on tape they can go learn from. I watched the first half, then watched RedZone which highlighted that I wasn't missing anything.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
I was over the Niners debacle in less than 15 minutes. That shows how different the expectations are. Sometimes you just get smoked. Getting mad about a team playing bad, when they are average at best? Meh. On to Sunday.
Side note, I can't even fathom not watching every single minute of a Hawks game. Win or lose. Guess I will never understand that at all, but to each his/her own.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2016
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Yeah I think most of us are cut from the same cloth. As diehards, it's our duty, in our DNA in fact, to still be over the top emotional during the game, but this year we all seem to know that this is a rebuild year so a loss just doesn't seem to carry the sting it would have when we were one of the top teams in the NFL.
I don't scream during games any more. Used to. Lost that about 3 or 4 years ago. I'll facepalm stupid plays - but as far as ACTUALLY having a heart attack during a game that my death or perceived involvement doesn't matter in? Nah - screw that. Honestly If things get super stupid now, i just turn it off or go back to the RedZone, or fastforward if it's on tape.

I'm zen. I'm just glad that the whole drama around a certain player being gone (who for legal reasons shall remain nameless) is over. Other than that, I'm just fine.

Looking forward to seein how DK does this year. Other than that - go with the tide. I've said 100 times - we're a .500 team this year. Expecting anything else is foolish - and ending up in the hospital isn't on the menu.


Well-known member
May 2, 2009
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Spokane, Wa
first time in a long time where I can remember not being pissed off and anxious during a game. Were rebuilding. Period. Geno isn't a savior, Geno isn't going to win us 9 games. this season is going to suck if you are looking for wins. Im trying to enjoy watching the new guys improve.
This. Great way to look at things. Were going to see some exciting moments and then we'll see games
like we saw Sunday against SF. Relax, enjoy the steps forward . Scorched earth will give you physical
and mental issues.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Sometimes you go from angry to just laughing. Laughter is great for your sanity. When the team has a day like that, all you can do is laugh sometimes. They got smoked by a much better team. Can't imagine being that surprised really.


Feb 23, 2007
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Astoria, OR
I watched the game with my daughter. She said, "Why aren't you screaming like you used to?" LOL.

I tried to explain to her that it's a rebuild year, we have a lot of young bucks learning on the job, Geno is simply a stop gap until we draft a potential franchise QB, etc, etc...

I'm not used to my blood pressure remaining somewhat stable on Seahawks gameday that's for sure.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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Expected to have a 'bad' year this year.
Still coming to terms with the realization there might be many more 'bad' years to come. This all hinges on getting a great QB, and as things are going - maybe not even then.

But I love football. And we have a team.

My girlfriend started the season by giving me the usual giant collection of Seahawk gifts/jerseys/etc. And of course, sitting down to decide which games we will go see this year. But she basically said 'Now we know how this year will go, so we will just assume they will lose every game and then whatever they win is a bonus'

I am not that pessimistic, still see them at .500 despite their poor showing against the 49ers. But I am pretty much taking that viewpoint, not expecting many wins but expect a few will sneak in there enough to get us to close to .500.


Well-known member
Jun 7, 2009
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Anchorage, AK
I watched the game with my daughter. She said, "Why aren't you screaming like you used to?" LOL.

I tried to explain to her that it's a rebuild year, we have a lot of young bucks learning on the job, Geno is simply a stop gap until we draft a potential franchise QB, etc, etc...

I'm not used to my blood pressure remaining somewhat stable on Seahawks gameday that's for sure.

I think games like Sunday are going to be easy for me to let them ride. Games like Monday though where we get off to a good start and are playing decent ball make it easier to fall back into the yelling at the tv. At least that's what I have seen based on this whopping two weeks we are into the season


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2018
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first time in a long time where I can remember not being pissed off and anxious during a game. Were rebuilding. Period. Geno isn't a savior, Geno isn't going to win us 9 games. this season is going to suck if you are looking for wins. Im trying to enjoy watching the new guys improve.
We can still enjoy the season, I will be taking my Seahawk frustration out on some wily chukar with some #6 shot.


Feb 23, 2007
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Astoria, OR
I think games like Sunday are going to be easy for me to let them ride. Games like Monday though where we get off to a good start and are playing decent ball make it easier to fall back into the yelling at the tv. At least that's what I have seen based on this whopping two weeks we are into the season


It's much easier (but not fun) to handle an ass-whoopin' because it is what it is, just like this last game. It's MUCH harder to stomach a loss if it's close all the way to the end and you lose on some bonehead play or the such. For me it's all about effort and if you SHOULD have won but didn't because of some bad play or poor decision or clock mismanagement or whatever...That is what is much harder for me to get over versus just getting waxed all game long.

White Devil

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Dec 16, 2012
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I'm zen.

They already won the only game that matters this season. Wrote about it another thread. I'm enjoying watching the young guns find their place and learn how to win. Coming off an emotional Monday night game and having a short week against a division rival that is one of the favorites to make the Super Bowl, I didn't expect more than what happened. The players comments, especially Diggs after the game was rewarding in itself. They know why they lost. Some hype crept in the locker room and they believed it. It's a great lesson to learn for a young team. Stay in the moment, stay humble.

Honestly I've been calmer since the boys won the Lombardi. Of course I still want more, but that desperation is gone. Thankfully.


Well-known member
Aug 5, 2009
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Pretty zen about it. The 9ers game was humbling. Shows how far the team is from being a true contender. But the hope is not lost.

Titus Pullo

Well-known member
Mar 24, 2022
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Our best chances to win are the home games against the Falcons, Giants, and Jets.
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Mike D in 332

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Aug 11, 2015
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I’m feeling more analytical this year. I am a fiery competitor in all things I care deeply about. I’m finding it easier to shut down the emotional reactions due to lower expectations.
I’m focused on really learning all I can about the personnel and hoping we are making the right moves for the future.
I also seem to be paying more attention to what the most successful teams are doing and hoping we can develop a roster and the right game plan to rise back to the top over the next 2-5 seasons.
It’s actually relieving to not feel like we are a low quality contender that can’t get over the hump. It was past time to move on. I surprise myself by being relieved that Russ is gone. I loved Russ. Not as much as I love the Seahawks. LET’S GO GET IT!


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Mar 5, 2007
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I've seen some really bad Seahawks teams. This isn't a really bad team. There are several quality starters, and some good depth. I don't think they are as good as the first half vs. Broncos, and I don't think they are as bad as the 49ers game would suggest.

Very very zen here.

I'll sound like Pete and say that for me the season falls into quarters. I kind of expected the first quarter to be an ungodly mess, too many new guys in key spots. I'm hoping the second quarter will show some consistency in some phases of the game. I'm hoping the third quarter shows consistency in all phases of the game -- but losing to better teams. I'm hoping the fourth quarter will show glimpses of what the team might be next year.

That's my thought process anyway and if we catch lightning in a bottle, we might sneak in at 9-7 and get a wild card playoff game which would be great for the young guys. If we don't, we don't.

I've seen bad teams. This isn't a bad team where there's only one or two decent players. We've got a handful of good players and just need to develop some guys, and then fill in the holes where guys don't develop.


Feb 23, 2007
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Astoria, OR
This is definitely not a "bad team" by any stretch. I think the opposite actually. This is a good team with a lot of talent at key positions but admittedly a lot of young players at said key positions so we should expect a lot of ups and downs this year.

Shrug. The sooner we embrace the obvious the better it is on all of us.


Well-known member
Mar 20, 2022
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Great post. I may be totally stressed during the games but…it doesn’t take long to recognize what it is really about this season.

I’m loving that the young guys are getting quality reps. Two starting rookies at OT? First team to do that in how many years?

Tariq Woolen? Mafe…Walker…who knows how they pan out but, I’m going to enjoy a 4-13, 5-12 season exponentially more watching these guys grow than I would a 10+ win and first round exit.

I’ve come to the conclusion that Pete and John knew what it was this season. No doubt they’ll try to compete…but, there’s a plan.

As for DK…I love the guy. I’m just hoping he has the resiliency necessary as it may be a rocky season or two. I mentioned this in another thread but, I wouldn’t have been surprised if they had traded him this past offseason. Now that they haven’t, there’s no doubt that they’re thinking about a stud QB who can get him the ball next year.

For as bad as some of us think this team is (and I do believe they are bad…just an opinion folks), it hasn’t been this exciting for…5-6 years.

Mike D in 332

Active member
Aug 11, 2015
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Great post. I may be totally stressed during the games but…it doesn’t take long to recognize what it is really about this season.

I’m loving that the young guys are getting quality reps. Two starting rookies at OT? First team to do that in how many years?

Tariq Woolen? Mafe…Walker…who knows how they pan out but, I’m going to enjoy a 4-13, 5-12 season exponentially more watching these guys grow than I would a 10+ win and first round exit.

I’ve come to the conclusion that Pete and John knew what it was this season. No doubt they’ll try to compete…but, there’s a plan.

As for DK…I love the guy. I’m just hoping he has the resiliency necessary as it may be a rocky season or two. I mentioned this in another thread but, I wouldn’t have been surprised if they had traded him this past offseason. Now that they haven’t, there’s no doubt that they’re thinking about a stud QB who can get him the ball next year.

For as bad as some of us think this team is (and I do believe they are bad…just an opinion folks), it hasn’t been this exciting for…5-6 years.
I get what your saying, but I can’t enjoy a s***y season. I can enjoy the great moments in a s****y season. I can understand why, but it’s not that great in the early part of waiting for the plan to kick in. Especially if you don’t know if you can get the people you need to make the plan work. At least the Seahawks are in a position to control their destiny.