I cried for Pete and my wife is mad


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May 10, 2009
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I am a Seahawks fan first and foremost I will cheer for any coach that coaches this team. But this fanbase will turn on any coach who doesn't win a super bowl within a year
A whole year? If the next coach doesn't win a SB by December 2024 I'll be breaking out the torches and pitchforks. I should start a "Storm the VMAC sign up list" now. Just in case.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2016
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I'm gonna admit it. I broke down today. I cried. I sobbed. And now my wife is absolutely furious and said I will be sleeping on the couch.

As many people on this forum know, I am a VERY tough guy. But this broke me. The franchise just fired the greatest thing that ever happened to it. They fired the guy who won them their only Super Bowl.

They fired the guy who engineered the brilliant Russ trade and got a team everyone predicted to be one of the worst in the NFL last year into the playoffs.

I tried explaining this to my wife. She told me to man up. She said it was pathetic a grown man would cry over a football coach. She just doesn't understand. And I see a lot of people who don't understand here as well. People rejoicing. Pete you will never be forgotten.
I hear ya. How you can watch that and not tear up is beyond me.

Just to watch what could possibly be the swan song from someone who just visibly, viscerally, obviously, completely loved his job, the people around him, and the team. And just the crushing 'I don't wanna hang up the gloves, but I will help with the transition in any way possible'. Resigned to his fat. I mean, c'mon man.

Gonna miss him. I know, he petered out near the end here - but Jesus. You don't see statements like that in such a raw emotional way from humans in general that often. At least I don't. Seriously wanted to give him a hug - and the ONLY other time I wanted to do that was with Holmey riding away on his gifted motorcycle.


Well-known member
May 2, 2009
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Spokane, Wa
I'm gonna admit it. I broke down today. I cried. I sobbed. And now my wife is absolutely furious and said I will be sleeping on the couch.

As many people on this forum know, I am a VERY tough guy. But this broke me. The franchise just fired the greatest thing that ever happened to it. They fired the guy who won them their only Super Bowl.

They fired the guy who engineered the brilliant Russ trade and got a team everyone predicted to be one of the worst in the NFL last year into the playoffs.

I tried explaining this to my wife. She told me to man up. She said it was pathetic a grown man would cry over a football coach. She just doesn't understand. And I see a lot of people who don't understand here as well. People rejoicing. Pete you will never be forgotten.
I like your wife. Man up Welshers, you were as shitty as me regarding Pete Carroll. Although the reality hit me that he led the franchise for almost the exact time I've been with my bride , it can put a lump in a person's throat .

Haha not me though !!!! ( Maybe a little)

I want to punch Clint Hurtt's man titties for doing such a PATHETIC JOB and getting our dear leader fired. Had he been average ... Seattle wins at least 10 games and is in the tournament at Lumen field for at least one game.


Apr 29, 2014
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I'm gonna admit it. I broke down today. I cried. I sobbed. And now my wife is absolutely furious and said I will be sleeping on the couch.

As many people on this forum know, I am a VERY tough guy. But this broke me. The franchise just fired the greatest thing that ever happened to it. They fired the guy who won them their only Super Bowl.

They fired the guy who engineered the brilliant Russ trade and got a team everyone predicted to be one of the worst in the NFL last year into the playoffs.

I tried explaining this to my wife. She told me to man up. She said it was pathetic a grown man would cry over a football coach. She just doesn't understand. And I see a lot of people who don't understand here as well. People rejoicing. Pete you will never be forgotten.
Get a life dude


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2013
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I'm gonna admit it. I broke down today. I cried. I sobbed. And now my wife is absolutely furious and said I will be sleeping on the couch.

As many people on this forum know, I am a VERY tough guy. But this broke me. The franchise just fired the greatest thing that ever happened to it. They fired the guy who won them their only Super Bowl.

They fired the guy who engineered the brilliant Russ trade and got a team everyone predicted to be one of the worst in the NFL last year into the playoffs.

I tried explaining this to my wife. She told me to man up. She said it was pathetic a grown man would cry over a football coach. She just doesn't understand. And I see a lot of people who don't understand here as well. People rejoicing. Pete you will never be forgotten.

I cried at the end of the NFCCG vs the packers (I was in the stands). My at the time wife was always upset I cried there vs at the birth of our own child. Looking back at it all, honestly as a man who has had to really reflect on his life and priorities. Invest your emotions in yourself and your family over sports. You AND the people who matter most in your life will benefit more in the end from that investment of emotions than a team that will win or lose regardless of your emotional investment. Your family and/or marriage matter more than sports. Your emotional tears over a man who does not know you, will probably never know you or care about you (sorry it's just the truth) vs a woman who has chosen to spend the rest of her life with you and probably has never seen you cry over her...that is the root of her anger. At the core/root of anger is often hurt, in this case..she's probably hurt that your tears over PC makes her feel like you value PC over your marriage/family. Sharing my lessons learned from a failed 12 year marriage and 16 year relationship.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
This is an unfortunate truth: women lose respect for a man when they see him cry.

It doesn't even matter what the reason is. I was with a woman for 7 years and she broke up with me 2 days before my twin sister died of cancer because she saw me crying and I couldn't keep my sh** together.

She became a multimillionaire a few years later and retired in her 30s with a younger man.

Never cry in front of a woman.
I'm guessing you're single. Crying doesn't make someone less of a man. Not even close.
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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2007
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Seattle, WA
I was a bit emotional during his presser but then my dog shit on the floor and ****** up a good cry.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Nah, nothing wrong with a good cry. It's good for you.
Losing my dad and my father-in-Law both last year, I've had several. And it helps.
Seeing Pete lose it when talking about his wife? That was easy to get choked up about.


Active member
May 15, 2023
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BS, I'm guessing you're single. Crying doesn't make someone less of a man. Not even close.
It is not BS. We were together for 7 years and she broke up with me while my twin sister was on her deathbed, 2 days before she passed away, because I was crying and couldn't compose myself. She then became a multimillionaire a few years later and got herself a younger man. No part of my story is made up.

"I'm guessing you're single."
Yes I am single. I haven't been with another woman since the last one broke up with me for crying about my dying sister.


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2013
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Well, I guess you could say "Your manhood's in her eye when you hold her" or cry over Pete Carroll, or ...something like that. Don't really know where i'm going with this.

Depends what you're crying about. If you're crying over something truly vulnerable and she loves you, she may love you even more because you are in touch with your emotions and you've shown her that you can be vulnerable with her. Toxic Masculinity attracts Toxic Females that prove each others narratives correct.