Looks like Pete Ball is back on the Menu Boys

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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It's a trip when someone can't just enjoy a win. Like not even a little bit.

It's not just that, it's ACTIVELY rooting against your team because you hate the head coach so much.



Well-known member
Aug 29, 2018
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Unlike so many in here I very much appreciate Fade exposing the many Hawk deficiencies, his unwavering watchful eye holding the coaches and the organization accountable. I do have a request for him though, how about we give Carroll, Hurtt & Waldron a bit of a break and go after special teams coach Larry Izzo, as our ST's now rank #29 & I can't bear to watch Dickson struggle to get off another punt. Sick em' boy! your key punches will bring us success! Also there is a rumor that the janitorial crew has been shirking their responsibilities in replacing toilet paper rolls in the Lumen field restrooms. Also its been said they are using a very cheap brand of TP.
Thanks in advance.


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2019
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In your PMs
But it's not true.

Out of our first 10 possessions yesterday, SEVEN of them were pass first, and SIX of those were pass, pass.

You've got to get into late 4th quarter when we were protecting the lead and trying to run out the clock before you even get to anything that resembled "Pete ball" with run, run into loaded boxes.

7/10 pass first drives. The End. Now move on to your next I hate Pete incorrect hot take.

Truth serum right here.


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
I praised the passing on early downs against stacked boxes to start the season. They went away from that in this specific game, that is the problem.

Running into loaded boxes, having Geno hold the ball and take sacks is not good.

I know everyone is looking at the results and outcome and feeling good off that alone. I'm looking at the process
and a reversion back to this style.

The defense isn't fixed either, that performance was a bigger indictment in the Cardinals offense.

The NFC stinks as a whole, and the WEST might be the worst division, so that'll help a little more in the win column. I had 'em at 5 wins before the season. Quality of opponent might get them to 7 wins. I don't see that as something to celebrate.

There is no goalpost moving I've been pointing out these same issues for years and they still remain, so I will continue to point them out. Celebrating mediocrity is odd.

Good. So we are still doomed

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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Unlike so many in here I very much appreciate Fade exposing the many Hawk deficiencies, his unwavering watchful eye holding the coaches and the organization accountable. I do have a request for him though, how about we give Carroll, Hurtt & Waldron a bit of a break and go after special teams coach Larry Izzo, as our ST's now rank #29 & I can't bear to watch Dickson struggle to get off another punt. Sick em' boy! your key punches will bring us success! Also there is a rumor that the janitorial crew has been shirking their responsibilities in replacing toilet paper rolls in the Lumen field restrooms. Also its been said they are using a very cheap brand of TP.
Thanks in advance.

How bout just being statistically correct in your criticisms.

Giving subjective opinions based on pre-conceived biases and not backing it up with factual evidence is not holding anyone accountable.

I've kicked Pete in the nuts plenty, but no one thought he'd have the draft he had (on their way to being one of the greatest draft classes in Hawk history), and believing in Geno when literally NO ONE else did, and getting a very young team to 3-3 is nothing short of a fantastic coaching job.



Well-known member
May 2, 2009
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Spokane, Wa

1. They’re insecure

A know-it-all person is fundamentally insecure about who they are. Insecurity leads to inferiority, and inferiority to the development of a superiority complex. A know-it-all person thinks they’re superior in knowledge to everyone else.

2. They’re attention-seeking

Be it due to birth order or how they were raised, a know-it-all person may have gotten used to being the center of attention. By dispensing their knowledge at the drop of a hat, they get a chance to be in the spotlight.

3. They’re narcissistic

Superiority complex is the hallmark of narcissism. A know-it-all person is more covert in their narcissism. They hide it behind a trait that society values- being knowledgeable.

4. They’re impulsive

The impulse to jump into conversations and inject their knowledge can be overwhelming for a know-it-all. They lack the self-control required to be patient and let others express their viewpoint.

5. They can’t read the room

They’re so busy proving their superiority that they miss out on the non-verbal signals other people give. Mainly, they’ll miss the facial expressions of annoyance in others. As a result, they’re unaware that they’re being annoying.

6. Their ego is tied to their knowledge

A know-it-all person may have built their entire identity around their knowledge. For instance, they may be a scholar or a professor. When you strongly identify with something, you inevitably attach your ego to it.

When that happens, you no longer gain knowledge for knowledge’s sake but to appear knowledgeable.

7. They don’t know they don’t know

This is usually the case for newbies when they first get into a field. They gain some knowledge and think that’s all there is to know.

Known as the Dunning-Kruger effect, their lack of awareness that there’s more to know makes them think they know everything there’s to know.

8. They talk more, listen less

Since talking is a way to show how knowledgeable you are, a know-it-all doesn’t miss an opportunity to talk. They jump into conversations and dish out their opinions even when nobody asks them to do so.

They have poor listening skills because listening means taking a break from dispensing knowledge and learning.

9. They’re overly attached to their opinions

This wouldn’t be the case if their ego weren’t attached to their opinions. But it is, so they’re unwilling to change their views, even with contrary evidence.

10. They dominate conversations

They try to dominate every conversation. They hardly let others speak because they have to do the important work of proving their knowledge. They’ll interrupt and change topics as they please.

They’ll steer conversations to topics they’re knowledgeable about or at least have the illusion they’re knowledgeable about.

11. They offer unsolicited advice and help

Unsolicited advice is always annoying, but because a know-it-all person ignores social feedback, they keep offering it. They care more about being the superior person who can help versus actually helping.

So, their advice is often irrelevant and worthless. They’ll repeat generic advice they heard somewhere without bothering about the details and if it’s applicable to the recipient’s specific situation.

12. They show off their knowledge

People usually show off what they identify with. There’s nothing wrong with identifying with your knowledge, but a know-it-all overdoes it. Again, it’s because their entire identity rests on the foundation of being knowledgeable. They’ve nothing else to brag about.

13. They fish for arguments

A know-it-all person finds discussions and regular conversations boring. They thrive on arguments. They argue to win and prove themselves superior knowledge-wise versus finding the best possible solution or truth.

They seem to have a knack to turn even the slightest disagreement into an argument.

14. Disagreements threaten them

It’s normal for humans to feel a bit uncomfortable when someone disagrees with them. But for a know-it-all, disagreement is akin to a personal attack. When you disagree with them, they immediately think of you as the enemy they need to defeat, kickstarting an argument.

15. Knowledgeable people threaten them

To a know-it-all, people who know more than them are a massive threat to their ego. So are other know-it-all people. They avoid engaging with these people lest they’re exposed for not knowing as much as they claim to know.

16. They hate those who prove them wrong

Nobody likes being proven wrong but a know-it-all loathes it and the person who does it. You haven’t led them to light if you correct a know-it-all or show them they’re mistaken; you’ve destroyed their world. They’ll despise you for taking away their primary or only ego-boosting source.

17. They can’t admit their mistakes

Admitting mistakes and failures would mean they know less. Instead, they prefer blaming others for their mistakes.

18. They’re judgmental

They’re quick to label those who disagree with them ‘stupid’ or ‘ignorant’.

19. They like correcting others

They don’t like being corrected, but they like correcting others. There’s no harm in correcting others when they’re wrong, but a know-it-all person does it in a condescending and socially inappropriate way.

They’ll laugh with a superior tone and act as if you’re so dumb for making the mistake you did. They’ll publicly point out your failings because they want to humiliate you more than correct you.

20. They’re unteachable

You feel like you can’t teach a know-it-all person anything because they’re so averse to learning. Being teachable would mean they don’t know it all, and it’s hard for them to be in that position.

21. They don’t stay in their lane

Realistically speaking, you can’t become an expert in more than two areas, let alone be an expert on everything. A know-it-all person will give an opinion on subjects and topics they have no business giving opinions on.

They won’t stay in their lane and will pontificate on whatever’s trending. In addition, they disregard the opinions of actual experts who have dedicated years to studying an area.

22. They answer their own questions

It’s weird, annoying, and funny at the same time. They’ll ask you a question and answer it themselves because they’re not really questioning you to hear your answer. They’re questioning to give themselves a chance to show off their knowledge.

23. They ramble on and on

Dayum. You just described me!!


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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My concern with Pete was that he was going to get us at .500 or near. And regardless of the roster, we would be bobbing around at mediocrity but still not getting the kind of draft slots we needed to get a top QB to turn this into a contending team again.

And as predicted, that is precisely what Pete is doing.
But not as predicted, it was the defense that struggled not the offense. The implications are pretty severe. Replacing the QB does not fix that. Especially when our QB is producing which was another unpredicted outcome.

So we don't have to worry about losing to get the QB, and things get more complicated from here. There is no clear answer, anotherwords.

Someone made the comparison between Pete and Al Davis (I think Fade?) and that is a perfect comparison. Al Davis exerted so much control over the team, he hurt it in his later years.

Maybe Pete flipped things, he is making some changes. But five games is not enough time to know. We will see.

The urgency isn't as significant because there was no loss of the top QB concern. Just as we aren't worried about a playoff slot. So we let it play out.

But one good game after some real disasters is not enough to allay concern. Can this at least be an average defense over time? That is the question.


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2014
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My concern with Pete was that he was going to get us at .500 or near. And regardless of the roster, we would be bobbing around at mediocrity but still not getting the kind of draft slots we needed to get a top QB to turn this into a contending team again.

And as predicted, that is precisely what Pete is doing.
But not as predicted, it was the defense that struggled not the offense. The implications are pretty severe. Replacing the QB does not fix that. Especially when our QB is producing which was another unpredicted outcome.

So we don't have to worry about losing to get the QB, and things get more complicated from here. There is no clear answer, anotherwords.

Someone made the comparison between Pete and Al Davis (I think Fade?) and that is a perfect comparison. Al Davis exerted so much control over the team, he hurt it in his later years.

Maybe Pete flipped things, he is making some changes. But five games is not enough time to know. We will see.

The urgency isn't as significant because there was no loss of the top QB concern. Just as we aren't worried about a playoff slot. So we let it play out.

But one good game after some real disasters is not enough to allay concern. Can this at least be an average defense over time? That is the question.
This is pure comedy. Be careful when you choose to repeatedly sit on a picket fence.

It shows more character to admit you were wrong than fight kicking and screaming as the wood you're sitting on is only going to lead to a medical problem.

This reminds me of 40 pound salmon flopping on the deck.


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2013
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The defense isn't fixed either,
But one good game after some real disasters is not enough to allay concern. Can this at least be an average defense over time? That is the question.
who thinks the defense is fixed? i'm curious? i don't remember anybody suggesting this. oh, that's right, nobody did.


so here you go again making strawman arguments out of thin air to push your narratives. you hedge your bets on something being absolute. then things change. and then you get pigeonholed, back against the wall, argument backfires, and you have to walk back everything you just said, switch the subject, or go full denial. it's why you're consistently wrong as much as you are right. it's why you post obvious things as if we can't see for ourselves, just to be safe and and act like you're a genius for addressing that obvious thing... because it's more important to you to push a narrative and be considered correct, than actually be correct or have anything meaningful to add. doubtful any of us think pete is a genius or the best coach. his warts are evident. it's also evident that neither of you are the bright bulbs you think you are. in fact, i'm worried about the obsession. it says a lot.

it says that you just can't accept impermanence. you can't accept that nothing is inherent, nothing is solid, nothing is forever. things and perceptions of things are always changing. you won't allow for "things" to get better. your reactive, short-sided disposition won't allow for it. can't enjoy the ride. you'd rather just lash out at a target and shit on it and anything that doesn't agree with your empty agenda. this is a problem with you, not us, nor reality. you both seem to lack joy or being able to find purpose or positives in the moment. a complete lack of acceptance in something you can't change anyway. insufferable. misery loves company, but excuse some of us that don't want to join you.

"pete sucks and here's why" - you, probably. so ok, even if that's 100% true what are you going to do about it? oh, that's right, absolutely nothing. but that won't stop you from creating post after post here like an incessant 4 year old child that wants attention. and that's what it is, a cry for attention. take a step back from the computer and re-evaluate why you feel the need to waste your time.

i'm a seahawk fan. pete carroll should be far from reproach. at points i've wanted him gone too. but your posts are saying more about you than him. it seems like completely wasted energy. both of you are welcome here. don't let this post mislead you. i know both have something to offer and i hope this outlet is doing something for you. so... anyway...

go hawks?


Well-known member
May 2, 2021
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Give me one of those depth passes next gen stats for the AZ. Geno looked like dog trash throwing the deep ball. Thats on Pete!

Yeah anybody can throw a bomb on the middle school level DBs of the Lions...whup dee!


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2011
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Give me one of those depth passes next gen stats for the AZ. Geno looked like dog trash throwing the deep ball. Thats on Pete!

Yeah anybody can throw a bomb on the middle school level DBs of the Lions...whup dee!

But what about the Saints? He bombed them like they were hidin' oil.

Geno hasn't been bad deep. It just isn't arguable.


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
My concern with Pete was that he was going to get us at .500 or near. And regardless of the roster, we would be bobbing around at mediocrity but still not getting the kind of draft slots we needed to get a top QB to turn this into a contending team again.

And as predicted, that is precisely what Pete is doing.
But not as predicted, it was the defense that struggled not the offense. The implications are pretty severe. Replacing the QB does not fix that. Especially when our QB is producing which was another unpredicted outcome.

So we don't have to worry about losing to get the QB, and things get more complicated from here. There is no clear answer, anotherwords.

Someone made the comparison between Pete and Al Davis (I think Fade?) and that is a perfect comparison. Al Davis exerted so much control over the team, he hurt it in his later years.

Maybe Pete flipped things, he is making some changes. But five games is not enough time to know. We will see.

The urgency isn't as significant because there was no loss of the top QB concern. Just as we aren't worried about a playoff slot. So we let it play out.

But one good game after some real disasters is not enough to allay concern. Can this at least be an average defense over time? That is the question.

What are you talking about? I'm sorry, but this is just painting the barn blue for the sh!ts of it.

Pete came in here and built a team that SHOULD have won 5 games with an aging Hass and a bunch of no names and has beens on the roster and won 7 games behind the unherladed RB nobody thought was worthwhile. And then he took that 7 win team and that RB and beat the crap out of the Superbowl favorite Saints that year.

Then he completely tore apart the roster and with a bunch of young bucks and a nobody at qb, was still competitive. 7 wins when any other coach could have managed again, maybe 5.

THEN... he drafted Russell Wilson and assembled one of the best defenses in the history of the league and set the NFL on its ear, literally necessitating rule changes and fundamentally changing the way teams approach practice and competing across the league.

He took us to two Superbowls and then unfortunately allowed the entire team to be handcuffed by his loyalty to one RW3.

Peteball was a result of Russ and as is now OBVIOUSLY apparent, so were the overly simple game plans and needing to compensate for having almost no traditional, timing based passing offense with a ground and pound run game.

To compare him to AL Davis, is as misplaced a comp as I can think of. Davis didn't coach. He only had a basic philosophy he subscribed to, not a deep and nuanced way of coaching, teaching, developing talent, and building team chemistry.

You can hate him all you want and try to find reasons to disparage every successful thing he's done. Fact is he built a contender from zero. He then created a beast of a team that should have won 2 titles. And he then unfortunately squandered a legacy with them for the admiration he had for his QB. But even in that failing, he managed to take a QB who couldn't throw short or to the middle of the field, couldn't read defenses, and was never good at passing for 3rd downs through the air and kept us competitive... scratch that... he made us the second most winning franchise in the league over a 10 year span and only suffered a losing season last year because his QB, Russell Wilson went full Walter Kurtz on him and had to be taken out.

He's not without flaw. But the notion that he's just a coach who can't help himself above 500 is just flatly ignoring history and taking those elements of it that match your narrative and sanitizing them of any context.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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Newberg, Oregon
How bout just being statistically correct in your criticisms.

Giving subjective opinions based on pre-conceived biases and not backing it up with factual evidence is not holding anyone accountable.

I've kicked Pete in the nuts plenty, but no one thought he'd have the draft he had (on their way to being one of the greatest draft classes in Hawk history), and believing in Geno when literally NO ONE else did, and getting a very young team to 3-3 is nothing short of a fantastic coaching job.


Hell if Bryant and Woolen, keep progressing as they have it's a good class. If Cross and Lucas continue to progress as well it's an elite class. And then, if what little we've seen of Walker is real it's possibly the best class ever.


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
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Kent, WA
Hell if Bryant and Woolen, keep progressing as they have it's a good class. If Cross and Lucas continue to progress as well it's an elite class. And then, if what little we've seen of Walker is real it's possibly the best class ever.
Yeah, getting 4-5 starters out of one draft is pretty flaming elite. Getting what is looking like a couple of possible pro-bowlers is pretty good.


Jan 3, 2013
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I agree he does have a chance to be up there but I have loved many of the
Unicorns of RB's we have had in Seattle over the years,it's amazing how
many good ones we have had.
I hope he stays healthy like Barry Sanders and is near as good.
I was Christine michaels biggest fan lol