Question for Seahawks fans, why do you hate the Niners ?


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Aug 30, 2013
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As a true, die hard Niner fan, I just don't understand the degree of hatred that Seahawks fans have for the Niners. I can understand that there's a rivalry now, however its pretty new. I have never known an opposing team fan base to have as much hatred and vitriol as Seahawks fans seem do for the Niners, its crazy.

Seahawks fans hate us way more than Niner fans hate them, its not even close. We're just now realizing how much hatred you have for us. Historically, our most intense rivalry has been with the Rams, we can understand their hatred, our records against each other is like 63-62 with one tie. There was a period when they dominated us and we came back and dominated them. They have won the SB and we have won SB's, so we can understand. The Dallas Cowboys was another rivalry, we used to battle them for NFL supremacy, I can understand the hatred between the two teams and fan bases.

From what I understand, the Seahawks plan on flying a 12th man banner over Candlestick this Sunday. That quiet honestly is unprecedented, no opposing teams fan base has ever done anything like that to the Niners.

I remember when the Seahawks played the Steelers in the SB, I was actually pulling for the Seahawks to win that game and so was other Niner fans I know.

Again, I just don't understand it. It seems Seahawks fans would enjoy winning a regular season games against the Niners more than they would the Superbowl.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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I don't think we have any more hatred for our rival than any other fanbase, it's just that we're more vocal because we've never really had a team like this to talk mad $hit with.

Believe me, if this was the old 2-14 Seahawk team, you wouldn't be hearing so much talking. Confidence breeds crap talking most of the time.


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Apr 25, 2009
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This should probably head to the shack for proper dissection. It does come down to a lot of factors - but I'd put arrogance and douchebaggery right at the top of the list.

For Seahawks fans, it's true we don't have the historical success that Niner fans have had. But since joining the NFC West, we have by far had the most success. Our first rival was the Rams due to the Bulger/Warner era. Then a little success by Niners with Garcia time, and a little with Kaepernick. But I don't think that the current era of Niner fans deserve to carry so much "swagger". Then it all comes back to the five rings argument and how the Seahawks have no titles. It's just circular logic that never ends... And, if I may be so bold, all fan bases have their bad apples. It seems that the Niners fans have more bad apples than most. I personally have a hard time talking to a Niner fan about football because they are so dickish. My job is anchored in the bay area and so I know lots of fans - rarely do I hear a positive comment about the Hawks, and usually they love to spatter their teams's dominance to whoever will listen.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Personally, I don't hate the niners, it's their loud mouth arrogant fans that get my ire. I have a lot of family that fit that category.

Smelly McUgly

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God's Country AKA Cascadia AKA The Pacific Northwe
I don't like your fans, but you are wrong about how much or how little Niners fans hate us. Niners Nation declared it "Seahawks hate week" and put up a trolling thread that reached almost 3K in posts (mostly Niners fans venting), and the Webzone is filled with unhinged souls that say pretty crazy stuff about Seahawks fans, even in threads where the Seahawks aren't the focus.

You guys really care about us, and I think it just eats you up inside that Seattle has the better QB too.


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Nov 20, 2012
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0 ... read-week/

Read through your over 100 page pre-game thread and tell me that hawk fans have anymore hatred then niner fans. You can not.

What's also hilarious is how in the thread, numerous times, people make fun of how we obsess with the niners and that they could care less about us.

I repeat. In a 100 page PRE-GAME thread, niner fans think we obsess about them, but they don't about us.

It's called irony, and it flowing like tears.


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Mar 12, 2012
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Very fair question.

I think the root cause of it is that Seattle has ultra dedicated, passionate sports fans who have been repressing their inner-megafan due to all the terrible teams Seattle has had over the years. We want to be crazy, but its hard when your team blows. All of that is now being unleashed because the Seahawks are awesome.

Now that the Seahawks have had a solid 10+ year run of more good seasons than bad, Seattle fans are showing their true colors. We are animals in the stands in a good way (for the most part). Part of being a crazed fan is having someone to despise, and circumstances have just happened very quickly to make that team the 49ers. The natural rivalry between our coaches, the fact that the 49ers were the better team when Harbaugh first arrived, the fact that many of us view them as the only thing standing between us and a superbowl trip...everything just came together.

I kind of look at like making up for lost time. Seattle sports fans are 100% legit, but we needed a vehicle to deliver our passion. That vehicle is the current Seahawks team, and the 49ers are the most obvious roadblock, so all that pent-up energy just gets directed at them. A perfect storm.


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Milwaukie, Oregon
grizbob":2gr8f11x said:
Personally, I don't hate the niners, it's their loud mouth arrogant fans that get my ire. I have a lot of family that fit that category.

This is me as well. I actually like quite a few of the guys on your team. Its your fans that are largely unbearable.


Apr 30, 2009
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Evey fan base has the same slice of socieity, there are no better or worse fan bases. every team has every kind of fan.

With that said here are my assumptions.
Teams that have won superbowls think for some reason they are better for it. I dissagree, i think it should be based on the current teams body of work.
Both San fran and seattle are Very good teams and at the same time, which makes a rivalry.
I think mostly what is being seen on all boards is that when a team has success bandwagon fans come out and unleash there noobness, they will be gone when their team stops having sucess or they learn more about the game.

SO to the original poster, I dont think there is any hatred, but i can say that whatever you are seeing or feeling it is shared with everyone here as well.


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Poulsbo, WA
I can't stand the arrogance that most (not all but most) 49ers fans I've come in contact with have shown. There is a difference between trash talk and friendly back and forth banter that I have with fans of other teams and what I see from 49ers fans. There are a huge percentage of 49ers fans that are a$$holes no matter which way you cut it.

Plus for me, the combination of how poorly Jim Harbaugh treats people and the self involved douchebag aura that Kaepernick gives off just put it over the top for me. There is very little (aside from the incredible history and success in the 80's and 90's) that I can respect with that organization.

That is why I hate the 49ers.


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Ninerg":2wb5wsfy said:
As a true, die hard Niner fan, I just don't understand the degree of hatred that Seahawks fans have for the Niners. I can understand that there's a rivalry now, however its pretty new. I have never known an opposing team fan base to have as much hatred and vitriol as Seahawks fans seem do for the Niners, its crazy.

Seahawks fans hate us way more than Niner fans hate them, its not even close. We're just now realizing how much hatred you have for us. Historically, our most intense rivalry has been with the Rams, we can understand their hatred, our records against each other is like 63-62 with one tie. There was a period when they dominated us and we came back and dominated them. They have won the SB and we have won SB's, so we can understand. The Dallas Cowboys was another rivalry, we used to battle them for NFL supremacy, I can understand the hatred between the two teams and fan bases.

From what I understand, the Seahawks plan on flying a 12th man banner over Candlestick this Sunday. That quiet honestly is unprecedented, no opposing teams fan base has ever done anything like that to the Niners.

I remember when the Seahawks played the Steelers in the SB, I was actually pulling for the Seahawks to win that game and so was other Niner fans I know.

Again, I just don't understand it. It seems Seahawks fans would enjoy winning a regular season games against the Niners more than they would the Superbowl.
You're so full of it you should get banned for this troll crap. We've got extensive evidence of Niner fans on their boards hoping our players get injured, have careers ended, you name it. No one on this board has EVER hoped a Niner player gets injured.

I can go to a busy Niners board RIGHT NOW and pull up a recent quote wishing career or season ending injury on a Hawks player.

So take your troll crap somewhere else.


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May 1, 2009
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God's cycling country (Miami, FL)
I don't hate the 49ers. I hate their fans.

Ton of douchebags you can't even discuss football with, any time you have a valid point they don't like, it's out comes the five rings garbage.

Plus, look at how half of the 49ers Webzone forum says we'd be like 6-6 if we didn't take PEDs and have a ton of random luck in our favor every single game.

I repeat: I hate the 49ers fan base. Not that it even existed on the web (outside of their own forums) prior to Jim Harbaugh. This place was a 49ers fan ghost town prior to that.


Jan 3, 2013
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Its honestly the fan base that drives me nuts. I wont repost what Roland said but that garbage is said over and over again on that site. Sherman PI's on every play! They cheat! Wilson sucks! lol

I respect a bunch of the players to be honest. I love Boldin, Gore, the offensive line, Willis etc. Can't stand Kaep and Harbaugh but they've earned that with their attitude. I think thats fair.


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Sep 24, 2013
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Why do I hate the 9ers? I didn't used to. Then this neighbor moved in a few years ago from the bay area. He's a huge 49ers fan.

Tried to push people in the neighborhood around. Thinks he owns the street. Pompous, egotistical, mentally unstable, tries to intimidate the other homeowners. Has threatened physical violence many times and the police have gotten to know him.

Refuses to pay the association dues. I could go on and on.

I wondered for a couple years what his deal was.. What could happen to a person to make them this way? I finally figured it out this year when I started reading some of the posts on the 9er forums. Some of the folks on those forums seem to display the same defects.

Must be something in the water down there.

Between reading the ridiculous posts and dealing with my crazy neighbor and his 49ers uniform.... I now hate the 9ers with a passion. :thfight7:


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Oct 2, 2012
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Duvall, WA
I was a 9er fan and living in CA back in the Montana/Rice/Young days. Spent a lot of time with my butt in a seat at the stick. In fact after moving to Seattle i still watched the 9ers as my second team. I've been in Seattle for 13 years now and have never in my life seen anything like the 12 man. The stick was sad in comparison even back in the great days. With the addition of Harbaugh, and the thrashing of A Smith I had to just walk away. As for the fans, no hate from me and the flying of a 12th man banner over Candlestick is more about great fans jacking up their team than any shot at your fan base. Yes the hawks banner above the stick is unprecedented because the hawks have the best fans in the NFL. No disrespect. Our fans actually can make a difference in games home, and it's starting to happen away too. # 12 is part of the team more than any team in the NFL. If they take this show on the out!

Ad Hawk

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Ninerg":cm81jgvy said:
As a true, die hard Niner fan, I just don't understand the degree of hatred that Seahawks fans have for the Niners. I can understand that there's a rivalry now, however its pretty new. I have never known an opposing team fan base to have as much hatred and vitriol as Seahawks fans seem do for the Niners, its crazy. You must not get out much; maybe a fixation on the Hawks?

Seahawks fans hate us way more than Niner fans hate them, its not even close. Prove this, please. We're just now realizing how much hatred you have for us. Historically, our most intense rivalry has been with the Rams, we can understand their hatred, our records against each other is like 63-62 with one tie. There was a period when they dominated us and we came back and dominated them. They have won the SB and we have won SB's, so we can understand. The Dallas Cowboys was another rivalry, we used to battle them for NFL supremacy, I can understand the hatred between the two teams and fan bases.

From what I understand, the Seahawks plan on flying a 12th man banner over Candlestick this Sunday. That quiet honestly is unprecedented, no opposing teams fan base has ever done anything like that to the Niners. the current Hawks team is also unprecedented in our history, thus the move to simply establish our true dominance where it belongs. :D

I remember when the Seahawks played the Steelers in the SB, I was actually pulling for the Seahawks to win that game and so was other Niner fans I know. Good plan, so were Hawk fans. It feels "right" somehow, doesn't it? :th2thumbs:

Again, I just don't understand it. It seems Seahawks fans would enjoy winning a regular season games against the Niners more than they would the Superbowl. As others have said, the dose of reality it offers the out-of-their-minds, vocal 9r fans is worth a lot. But when we win the big game, you'll see that regular season games mean much less. Just give it a few more weeks, you'll see!


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Oct 8, 2013
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I will give the OP the slight benefit of the doubt and assume this is an honest question. Up until about 2010 or so, Seattle fans by and large (at least as I remember it) focused mostly on the Rams, and I do know that during the run of Seattle dominance during the 00s, it was the Rams not the Niners that were the primary division rival....but that was a fun and spirited division rivalry. Sure there were sticks and stones, but there was a baseline of respect.

Not so with the 49ners starting in 2010. Your fans would come here and demand that we bow down to the greatness of the Niners just based on projections that the Niners were the best team in the west, based on post season honors that were older than some of the posters. The whining and douchery continued even as the 49ners went into a tailspin that season (well to be fair the first half of the season) and Seattle not San Fran got the division title that if you listened to the Niner fans was "rightfully theirs". The next two years have been insufferable esp with the culture and mentality of your coach has instilled (sorry but that has to be said). If you look at the NFC West sites, you'll find that we aren't the only fans that hate Niner fans. You'll find that's pretty universal and pretty hardcore....and it was caused by the behavior of your fan base.

Now, we hear a lot of whining and excuses now that this season (and really those of us that were paying attention could see the handwriting on the wall at the end of last season) that the Seahawks are rising and the 49ners are fading and the shoe is now firmly on the other foot.