Russell and Ciara get a new dog named "Bronco"



I think you have me confused with somebody who gives a shit. :devilish:
You don't understand. This is a betrayal to the entire city of Seattle. They never named a dog Seahawk!!!


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Nov 6, 2020
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Taboão da Serra, SP, Brazil
The puppy is adorable - but I question the motive behind it. To me, it's an insincere addition to the "Mr. Nice Guy" social media hype.

Not buying it because I wonder what happenned to his other two dogs? He owned two Great Danes several years ago. Photo below.

I'm guessing that he got rid of them. Having worked in the veterinary field, I'm critical of people who toss their pets aside when it no longer suits them. (Not to mention their wives).

As you know from having worked in the veterinary field, big dogs don't live all that long. A great Dane's life expectancy is 8-10 years, and those dogs appear to be adults (i.e., not in the first year of their respective lives) in the tweet from 2014.

I think a bunch of people around here overrate Wilson (a few are still serious Russ fellators), and I wish Wilson much failure and frustration now that he's not a Seahawk and has gone to the still-hated Broncos. I've even started enjoying referring to him as "RW3-and-out" (plus I made another three-and-out joke earlier in this thread). But I wouldn't accuse him of just cavalierly disposing of the previous dogs, especially when they should be right around great-Dane life expectancy now.

I also wouldn't make such an accusation without doing a simple Google search first. If you'd done that, you mighta seen that he still has the great Danes, according to this article [it's a link - click it!] that I found through such a Google search since I started writing this reply.

Wilson's salary demands made it hard for the Seahawks to have a competitive team around him, he got his panties in a bunch because the Seahawks dared to look at other QB prospects while he was on the team, then he finally forced a trade, then he refused a trade to a team offering significantly more return to the Seahawks than the Teeth ended up giving them, so dislike Wilson all you want. He's become a "football villain" to me too. But that doesn't mean we should accuse him of borderline-criminal behavior when there's no good reason to believe he did something like simply disposing of his great Danes, and when there's in fact evidence that he didn't.
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Well-known member
Jan 21, 2015
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Thank you so much for your reply and I'll remove my post.

I always worry about animal welfare (even if it's unsubstantiated). I've read about celebrities, past presidents etc. re-homing their pets because of convenience and it's always bothered me. The saddest issue to me is when someone wants to keep their pet but can't afford it so my sympathy wanes for those affluent enough to care for thier animals.

I used to like "RW3 and Out" (ha ha, love your adaption) but have become increasingly part of the Don't Like grouup. BUT, I'm really happy to stand corrected and to know that he still has his dogs.


Oct 3, 2010
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On a spreadsheet
Thank you so much for your reply and I'll remove my post.

I always worry about animal welfare (even if it's unsubstantiated). I've read about celebrities, past presidents etc. re-homing their pets because of convenience and it's always bothered me. The saddest issue to me is when someone wants to keep their pet but can't afford it so my sympathy wanes for those affluent enough to care for thier animals.

I used to like "RW3 and Out" (ha ha, love your adaption) but have become increasingly part of the Don't Like grouup. BUT, I'm really happy to stand corrected and to know that he still has his dogs.
It is a valid concern. See Michael Bennett as an example. Abandoned a boxer puppy at a boarding facility when he moved back to Seattle from Tampa Bay.


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2015
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It is a valid concern. See Michael Bennett as an example. Abandoned a boxer puppy at a boarding facility when he moved back to Seattle from Tampa Bay.

That is sad.

Getting off the subject a bit, I belong to a Thriller Mystery reader's group and we avoid any books with animal harm. The people are another story (didn't intend to pun).


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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North Pole, Alaska
Isn't this what Bill Clinton did when he got caught bonin' Monika Lewinski?
Wonder what Russell got caught doing? Shouting out "Go Hawks!" during sex?