Wilson in the pocket



Jan 3, 2013
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Tical21":3vclbpsi said:
It only makes sense right. As Anthony! has so eloquently pointed out 4 billion times in the past 8 days, Russell only throws the ball when his receivers are wide open. Shouldn't he, then, have a really high completion percentage on those passes?

The anti Wilson angle is just as annoying as any pro Wilson stance on this board. If you're trying to talk everyone out of Wilson being good with those stats you're just flat out wrong. Wilson has played better than most on here have given him credit for. It was also wrong to say he didn't need to play better earlier this year. The offense and Wilson are starting to hit stride and everyone is playing better.


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The Netherlands
Russ has adapted very well these last few games. He's always dangerous when he's allowed to scramble but this year he has been pressured to stay in the pocket a lot more. He has been improving tremendously and even looked like the superior pocket passer to Roethlisberger at times (actually quite a few times, if not almost the entire game).


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Aug 27, 2012
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Here is what I have on him and Bevell. When defenses figure out your offense, go make adjustments. Take a look at time of possession and red zone offense. Obviously there was some disconnect in the offense, it could be the quality of receivers, OL, offense as a unit or RW. No matter what he is the leader, he is paid that way, this is his team, the fans expect a lot and so does everyone else. True fans complain, argue say things they regret and all of that. This board wouldn't be fun if people didn't have various opinions
I respect everyone's opinion and have told mine, regardless of what we say or do, we have no control over how the team plays or get wins. I used to love saying I said so.. But people think differently, what someone said weeks ago is exactly what they felt at that time. Its all good in the name of football.


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Mar 16, 2012
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austinslater25":1gr043pw said:
Tical21":1gr043pw said:
It only makes sense right. As Anthony! has so eloquently pointed out 4 billion times in the past 8 days, Russell only throws the ball when his receivers are wide open. Shouldn't he, then, have a really high completion percentage on those passes?

The anti Wilson angle is just as annoying as any pro Wilson stance on this board. If you're trying to talk everyone out of Wilson being good with those stats you're just flat out wrong. Wilson has played better than most on here have given him credit for. It was also wrong to say he didn't need to play better earlier this year. The offense and Wilson are starting to hit stride and everyone is playing better.
I have never implied that Wilson isn't good. In fact, I have, on just about every occasion, pointed out the opposite. I am simply trying to point out that there is a drawback to being gunshy that isn't going to show up in passer rating or completion percentage. If there wasn't, we would score more points.


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Aug 20, 2012
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No one will believe any of this....no matter how many games he plays or how many stats people ca throw around. People have made up their minds about what he is...pretty sad really.


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Mar 30, 2015
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Tech Worlds":19nmvv22 said:
Yes.. We want that part to go away. The leaving the pocket too quickly.

His creativity is wonderful but I think we all agree we want that to be plan b.

I know that a lot of fans think that our O-Line was ranked #1 this season, but that's not the case. There have been dozens of instances when guys were in Wilson's face completely untouched. No other QB in the NFL could even attempt to get away from that kind of pressure. But everyone knows that only happens because he leaves the pocket too early. Well guess what? He finally had a game against the 49ers where the O-Line stopped letting that happen. And the very next game, Wilson finally feels a little more comfortable in the pocket, and what does he do? He has an incredible game in which most of his passes came from inside the pocket. And some people are SHOCKED by this. They've been watching Wilson for 4 years and they don't realize that he can actually stay in the pocket and complete some nice passes.


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Nov 19, 2013
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Kent, wa
austinslater25":2by3e2bi said:
Tical21":2by3e2bi said:
It only makes sense right. As Anthony! has so eloquently pointed out 4 billion times in the past 8 days, Russell only throws the ball when his receivers are wide open. Shouldn't he, then, have a really high completion percentage on those passes?

The anti Wilson angle is just as annoying as any pro Wilson stance on this board. If you're trying to talk everyone out of Wilson being good with those stats you're just flat out wrong. Wilson has played better than most on here have given him credit for. It was also wrong to say he didn't need to play better earlier this year. The offense and Wilson are starting to hit stride and everyone is playing better.

aww Tical your still wrong and misquoting me as usual, such a hater, so pathetic such a waste


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Nov 19, 2013
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Kent, wa
Willyeye":1la5t8ul said:
Tech Worlds":1la5t8ul said:
Yes.. We want that part to go away. The leaving the pocket too quickly.

His creativity is wonderful but I think we all agree we want that to be plan b.

I know that a lot of fans think that our O-Line was ranked #1 this season, but that's not the case. There have been dozens of instances when guys were in Wilson's face completely untouched. No other QB in the NFL could even attempt to get away from that kind of pressure. But everyone knows that only happens because he leaves the pocket too early. Well guess what? He finally had a game against the 49ers where the O-Line stopped letting that happen. And the very next game, Wilson finally feels a little more comfortable in the pocket, and what does he do? He has an incredible game in which most of his passes came from inside the pocket. And some people are SHOCKED by this. They've been watching Wilson for 4 years and they don't realize that he can actually stay in the pocket and complete some nice passes.

The problem is even when he does leave the pocket, if it is early its not like it is every time, its a couple a game, and more often than not he still makes something to happen. IN addition unless you are standing right were he is at the time he decides to move you really do not know if he is leaving early or moving to help his WR, or what. All you know he moved.


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Jan 14, 2013
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Keep it about the post and not the poster, please.


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Jul 25, 2011
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Catching fire at the right time. :thirishdrinkers:


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Sep 14, 2010
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Anthony!":1kazal7p said:
Hawks46":1kazal7p said:
Tical21":1kazal7p said:
It only makes sense right. As Anthony! has so eloquently pointed out 4 billion times in the past 8 days, Russell only throws the ball when his receivers are wide open. Shouldn't he, then, have a really high completion percentage on those passes?

Sarcasm aside, and not to piss in Anthony!'s cheerios, but the stats can be misleading. Pure passer rating doesn't take into account sacks taken, and a lot of the sacks were on Russ. That said, I'm still surprised he's that high up in pocket passer rating.

I would've thought Brady and Newton would've been having better years from the pocket.

Actually not0 a lot were on Russ, according to ESPN only 10, and of course there are the many many sacks that did not happen thanks to Russ, but hey we cant count them they make Russ look good. Passer rating is the excepted Stat for QBs so until another ones become accepted we will have to go with it, well and the plethora of others that all say the same thing he is really good As to tical post I never said that but hey your posts reek of lies and hate so why should I expect less. You 2 made my point only on this board can our QB do something great and have people try to make light of it. I would have said fans but I am not sure some of them are.

So you want to use ESPN stats when it's convenient lol. Actually, a lot of sacks are his fault. When he holds the ball longer than 3 seconds, that's on him. Questioning someone's fandom is pretty childish.


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Nov 19, 2013
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Kent, wa
SeaChase":14vzkidm said:
Anthony!":14vzkidm said:
Hawks46":14vzkidm said:
Tical21":14vzkidm said:
It only makes sense right. As Anthony! has so eloquently pointed out 4 billion times in the past 8 days, Russell only throws the ball when his receivers are wide open. Shouldn't he, then, have a really high completion percentage on those passes?

Sarcasm aside, and not to piss in Anthony!'s cheerios, but the stats can be misleading. Pure passer rating doesn't take into account sacks taken, and a lot of the sacks were on Russ. That said, I'm still surprised he's that high up in pocket passer rating.

I would've thought Brady and Newton would've been having better years from the pocket.

Actually not0 a lot were on Russ, according to ESPN only 10, and of course there are the many many sacks that did not happen thanks to Russ, but hey we cant count them they make Russ look good. Passer rating is the excepted Stat for QBs so until another ones become accepted we will have to go with it, well and the plethora of others that all say the same thing he is really good As to tical post I never said that but hey your posts reek of lies and hate so why should I expect less. You 2 made my point only on this board can our QB do something great and have people try to make light of it. I would have said fans but I am not sure some of them are.

So you want to use ESPN stats when it's convenient lol. Actually, a lot of sacks are his fault. When he holds the ball longer than 3 seconds, that's on him. Questioning someone's fandom is pretty childish.

LOL yeah the post says nothing.


Jan 3, 2013
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Tical21":2amiwoc4 said:
austinslater25":2amiwoc4 said:
Tical21":2amiwoc4 said:
It only makes sense right. As Anthony! has so eloquently pointed out 4 billion times in the past 8 days, Russell only throws the ball when his receivers are wide open. Shouldn't he, then, have a really high completion percentage on those passes?

The anti Wilson angle is just as annoying as any pro Wilson stance on this board. If you're trying to talk everyone out of Wilson being good with those stats you're just flat out wrong. Wilson has played better than most on here have given him credit for. It was also wrong to say he didn't need to play better earlier this year. The offense and Wilson are starting to hit stride and everyone is playing better.
I have never implied that Wilson isn't good. In fact, I have, on just about every occasion, pointed out the opposite. I am simply trying to point out that there is a drawback to being gunshy that isn't going to show up in passer rating or completion percentage. If there wasn't, we would score more points.
That wasn't directed at you I was venting lol


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Jan 8, 2013
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Must be weird being a fan of the Seahawks and hating RW. A guy who has had an unprecedented start to a career. There are 24 -28 starting qbs worse than RW in the NFL.


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Aug 9, 2013
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Kudos to Wilson. He is finally playing like an elite quarterback and I am more than happy to eat crow. I thought his height was a hindrance but that doesn't seem to be the case.



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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
He's never been bad in the pocket, the media just doesn't like him because he's not 6' 5" and doesn't stand there like a statue. And they're mad because they were completely wrong about how good he would turn out.
He is just fine in the pocket, especially IF THEY ACTUALLY BLOCK for him.


Jan 3, 2013
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seahawk12thman":3mroxmnj said:
Kudos to Wilson. He is finally playing like an elite quarterback and I am more than happy to eat crow. I thought his height was a hindrance but that doesn't seem to be the case.


You don't see this very often, good post. Even though I didn't agree with the initial argument I think it was a valid concern considering his height and some of the struggles of the offense. Regardless he's playing well now, the offense looks much better so lets just all hope it continues and we keep on winning.


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Sep 14, 2010
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You guys are silly. The last 2 game have been against the worst passing D's in the league. Minnesota is #4. Lets see how well that goes.


Oct 7, 2012
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SeaChase":1licjq5m said:
You guys are silly. The last 2 game have been against the worst passing D's in the league. Minnesota is #4. Lets see how well that goes.

This is a very myopic view. We have had over 3.5 seasons to judge Mr. Wilson and just about every stat, eye test, and ultimate result (wins) points to him being an absolutely fantastic quarterback. You have to be willfully blind to ignore the accomplishments this young man has achieved in his still young career.