Seahawks Fans: Why The Hostility?


Active member
Sep 20, 2020
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I'm a relatively new member of this forum, but it's something that I've wanted to address for a little while now. I'm also a member of numerous other forums, from sports teams to different hobbies and such. Before I even begin my post, I'll probably get a few "If you don't like it, leave" replies, so let's just get that out of the way lol.

Something that I've noticed, and a question I've been wanting to ask is: Why are Seahawks fans (especially on this forum) so divisive and hostile towards each other? I've never seen a fan forum, where members constantly attack each other for their opinions, or being a little less knowledgeable about the team. Even the silliest little things like mis-spellings, or mis-quotes, people are so quick to jump on a fellow member. Browsing other teams' boards, there just seems to be much more camaraderie, and more of an "us against the world" attitude, than we seem to have here. It may seem silly, but on an NFL team forum, isn't it us against the world (so to speak)?

Even on the new members area, I've never seen a forum with so little welcoming. Has anyone noticed the amount of new members who have one or two posts, and then are never heard from again? This area on other forums that I've been on (not just sports teams) are usually full of welcome parties, making new members feel well... "welcomed" :mrgreen:. Reading a lot of the threads on this forum, it's easy to speculate on why they don't want to stick out their head and post again.

People spend so much of their time and energy antagonizing each other here, that I just wanted to remind everyone, that in the end, we're ALL Seahawks fans. We're all on the same side, pulling for one team. From all around the world, we have this in common, and it is something special. Let's not forget that.

TypeSly, from Canada.

Sports Hernia

Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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The pit
TypeSly":2263xrfi said:
I'm a relatively new member of this forum, but it's something that I've wanted to address for a little while now. I'm also a member of numerous other forums, from sports teams to different hobbies and such. Before I even begin my post, I'll probably get a few "If you don't like it, leave" replies, so let's just get that out of the way lol.

Something that I've noticed, and a question I've been wanting to ask is: Why are Seahawks fans (especially on this forum) so divisive and hostile towards each other? I've never seen a fan forum, where members constantly attack each other for their opinions, or being a little less knowledgeable about the team. Even the silliest little things like mis-spellings, or mis-quotes, people are so quick to jump on a fellow member. Browsing other teams' boards, there just seems to be much more camaraderie, and more of an "us against the world" attitude, than we seem to have here. It may seem silly, but on an NFL team forum, isn't it us against the world (so to speak)?

Even on the new members area, I've never seen a forum with so little welcoming. Has anyone noticed the amount of new members who have one or two posts, and then are never heard from again? This area on other forums that I've been on (not just sports teams) are usually full of welcome parties, making new members feel well... "welcomed" :mrgreen:. Reading a lot of the threads on this forum, it's easy to speculate on why they don't want to stick out their head and post again.

People spend so much of their time and energy antagonizing each other here, that I just wanted to remind everyone, that in the end, we're ALL Seahawks fans. We're all on the same side, pulling for one team. From all around the world, we have this in common, and it is something special. Let's not forget that.

TypeSly, from Canada.
Welcome! :2thumbs:

I think it’s a social media thing from my experience.
Not making excuses for any perceived bad behavior here, but I’ve seen it much worse on other forums.
Especially political forums.

I’ve found the more specialized forums the more civil.
There is an industry forum I frequent that there is no issues ever.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Great points, Type. Unfortunately, you'll have to get used to it, Seahawks dot negative indeed. It's ridiculous. Even when they win, many act like they are actually angry. They would rather be RIGHT about a loss, as if that's somehow a good thing. And then there's the blatant refusal to eat crow and/or give credit when they win.
Oh well, overall it's a great place to talk sports, other than getting blasted or threatened on a message board.


Active member
Nov 21, 2016
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TypeSly":23owwpsp said:
I'm a relatively new member of this forum, but it's something that I've wanted to address for a little while now. I'm also a member of numerous other forums, from sports teams to different hobbies and such. Before I even begin my post, I'll probably get a few "If you don't like it, leave" replies, so let's just get that out of the way lol.

Something that I've noticed, and a question I've been wanting to ask is: Why are Seahawks fans (especially on this forum) so divisive and hostile towards each other? I've never seen a fan forum, where members constantly attack each other for their opinions, or being a little less knowledgeable about the team. Even the silliest little things like mis-spellings, or mis-quotes, people are so quick to jump on a fellow member. Browsing other teams' boards, there just seems to be much more camaraderie, and more of an "us against the world" attitude, than we seem to have here. It may seem silly, but on an NFL team forum, isn't it us against the world (so to speak)?

Even on the new members area, I've never seen a forum with so little welcoming. Has anyone noticed the amount of new members who have one or two posts, and then are never heard from again? This area on other forums that I've been on (not just sports teams) are usually full of welcome parties, making new members feel well... "welcomed" :mrgreen:. Reading a lot of the threads on this forum, it's easy to speculate on why they don't want to stick out their head and post again.

People spend so much of their time and energy antagonizing each other here, that I just wanted to remind everyone, that in the end, we're ALL Seahawks fans. We're all on the same side, pulling for one team. From all around the world, we have this in common, and it is something special. Let's not forget that.

TypeSly, from Canada.

Part of it is high expectations, and part of it is the nature of social media today. But as an aside, you should also take a look at some of your own posts -- calling someone a d*ck because they poke a little fun at you is going to create some nasty blowback. Bottom line -- treat others the way you would like to be treated.


Nov 27, 2019
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Ranch in Flint Hills of Kansas, formerly NW Montan
We all need to realize criticism can be a good thing when applied correctly. Considering other points of view provides opportunity for growth and improvement. Criticism is different than intentional negativity. The important thing is for everyone to have a positive end goal in common and work together to see it realized.
The rules in place on this board are designed to encourage a positive experience, but it's really up to all of us to make sure it happens that way.
Piranhas don't make good swimming pool partners.


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2011
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TypeSly":wpvv82fd said:
I've never seen a fan forum, where members constantly attack each other for their opinions, or being a little less knowledgeable about the team. Even the silliest little things like mis-spellings, or mis-quotes, people are so quick to jump on a fellow member. Browsing other teams' boards, there just seems to be much more camaraderie, and more of an "us against the world" attitude, than we seem to have here. It may seem silly, but on an NFL team forum, isn't it us against the world (so to speak)?

This is typical behavior on pretty much any NFL team message board, Reddit, or similar format. And it has been for as long as I can remember (20+ years). I don't know what you're comparing it to, but whatever you're talking about is not normal. The Patriots, 49ers, Cowboys, Ravens, Steelers, etc team sites are not a land of happiness and inclusion (maybe the Steelers right now since things are going so well).

Generally when people talk about how a single fan base is some exceptional, it's the usual.


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2012
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Tri Cities, WA
TypeSly":3rqepaen said:
I'm a relatively new member of this forum, but it's something that I've wanted to address for a little while now. I'm also a member of numerous other forums, from sports teams to different hobbies and such. Before I even begin my post, I'll probably get a few "If you don't like it, leave" replies, so let's just get that out of the way lol.

Something that I've noticed, and a question I've been wanting to ask is: Why are Seahawks fans (especially on this forum) so divisive and hostile towards each other? I've never seen a fan forum, where members constantly attack each other for their opinions, or being a little less knowledgeable about the team. Even the silliest little things like mis-spellings, or mis-quotes, people are so quick to jump on a fellow member. Browsing other teams' boards, there just seems to be much more camaraderie, and more of an "us against the world" attitude, than we seem to have here. It may seem silly, but on an NFL team forum, isn't it us against the world (so to speak)?

Even on the new members area, I've never seen a forum with so little welcoming. Has anyone noticed the amount of new members who have one or two posts, and then are never heard from again? This area on other forums that I've been on (not just sports teams) are usually full of welcome parties, making new members feel well... "welcomed" :mrgreen:. Reading a lot of the threads on this forum, it's easy to speculate on why they don't want to stick out their head and post again.

People spend so much of their time and energy antagonizing each other here, that I just wanted to remind everyone, that in the end, we're ALL Seahawks fans. We're all on the same side, pulling for one team. From all around the world, we have this in common, and it is something special. Let's not forget that.

TypeSly, from Canada.

Welcome to the Net, where a differece of opinion is not welcomed.....

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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I think we're like a dysfunctional family, many of the regular members get annoyed with each other, so it comes off as hostile. But very rarely do I see it cross the line.

Don't worry Type, once you slowly die inside as time goes on, you become numb to it.


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
The culture has absolutely shifted in recent years. This site used to have an unbelievable family vibe, and like any family, it wasn't always perfect but in the end the respect and friendship we felt for one another was obvious. There's natural attrition with any forum community over time and this site has lost, through either death or just moving on, some unbelievable posters, characters and wickedly smart football minds.

However, there's still plenty of quality folks here that I enjoy reading their posts.

I used to host .NET get togethers back when I still owned the site. So we weren't just characters typing on a keyboard, we were faces to the names, and it was always terrific fun to get to know the personalities in person, it always offered a whole new dynamic when reading their posts. For instance, someone who might have been a bit more cantankerous online, would make a lot of sense when you would meet them in person. Perhaps it was part of their "Schtick" and they were actually really cool in person, and so forth.

Since I sold the site years ago there have been two owners. In that time, the community has changed. Not because of the ownership necessarily, it's just life. One of the finest members of this community, Les Norton returned Home a few months after our Super Bowl victory in 2014. Some call me The Godfather of .NET but Les was the Grandfather, the kind every grandkid adored. Losing him was a massive blow to the site.

It's easy to be keyboard warriors but I've always believed in the importance of not changing who you are, either behind a keyboard or in person. Kindness is in short supply when it comes to something we are all so passionate about. Sometimes anger and being a jerk is really some other misplaced feelings being externalized. Without the indicators of body language, voice inflection, etc, it's easy to misconstrue the intent behind the words.

Refreshing post TypeSly. It behooves us all to be reminded from time to time that it's okay to be kind.


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2013
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TypeSly":iaw7tep5 said:
I'm a relatively new member of this forum, but it's something that I've wanted to address for a little while now. I'm also a member of numerous other forums, from sports teams to different hobbies and such. Before I even begin my post, I'll probably get a few "If you don't like it, leave" replies, so let's just get that out of the way lol.

Something that I've noticed, and a question I've been wanting to ask is: Why are Seahawks fans (especially on this forum) so divisive and hostile towards each other? I've never seen a fan forum, where members constantly attack each other for their opinions, or being a little less knowledgeable about the team. Even the silliest little things like mis-spellings, or mis-quotes, people are so quick to jump on a fellow member. Browsing other teams' boards, there just seems to be much more camaraderie, and more of an "us against the world" attitude, than we seem to have here. It may seem silly, but on an NFL team forum, isn't it us against the world (so to speak)?

Even on the new members area, I've never seen a forum with so little welcoming. Has anyone noticed the amount of new members who have one or two posts, and then are never heard from again? This area on other forums that I've been on (not just sports teams) are usually full of welcome parties, making new members feel well... "welcomed" :mrgreen:. Reading a lot of the threads on this forum, it's easy to speculate on why they don't want to stick out their head and post again.

People spend so much of their time and energy antagonizing each other here, that I just wanted to remind everyone, that in the end, we're ALL Seahawks fans. We're all on the same side, pulling for one team. From all around the world, we have this in common, and it is something special. Let's not forget that.

TypeSly, from Canada.

I feel ya. This is my second account becuase my first account I HATED this place due to a few posters who gang up with each other on other people (the same exists for it appears other football forums too). It took me a while to realize once you seperate the 3-5 people who gang with each other and essentially just ignore's much more pleasant to get your own opinion and view out there.

Here's my 2 cents regarding forums in general. I myself openly am in my late 30s, i'm probably going to be one of the younger people who still use forums today. It seems like anyone under 25-45 is going to be using facebook groups, anyone under 30 is going to be using reddit and twitter. Which puts the age groups for forums (especially football ones) closer to 35-60+.

OP I don't know how old you are, but anytime I'm talking to people in the 50+s, they kind of remind me of Grandmpa, they're going to be very outspoken on things of yours they don't agree with and utterly convinced you're a moron. I'll let you know if I feel the same way in another 10-15 years, but admittedly I am way more outspoken and assure in my ways as a late 30s person living more life than when I was in my early 20s and thought I knew the world. So it makes sense.

Long story short, I try to keep that in mind when I'm on forums the age gaps and personas that come with it to make my experience more pleasant. Football forums definitely show the age groups of their members whenever a SB halftime show is announced and everyone starts screaming about wanting ACDC and 80s rock bands as the headliners as if the SB Half Time Show is catering to 12 year I said I'm in my late 30s and I barely remember those bands myself. So in reality the SB Half Time Show is actually catering to 15-35 year olds that Pepsi wants to buy their product and we're all just that much older these days.


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2009
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This site is also based on "old school" social media, in the sense that many of us have arranged hangouts and watch parties in real life through this site. So some of these comments have been decades in the making.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
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Spokane, WA
Yeah I've always felt like an unwelcome outsider here.

If someone criticizes my post, that's great and it leads toward some really good debates.

When they attack me personally, then I just block them.

This site does have some of the most knowledgeable posters I've ever been around. There are some highly intelligent people on this forum.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2016
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Jerhawk":2wlfdop9 said:
This site does have some of the most knowledgeable posters I've ever been around. There are some highly intelligent people on this forum.

This. I'm always amazed at the level of knowledge some of the posters around here have. I mostly lurk - but there are people on this board that know ALOT about football, and alot about Seahawks history. More than me, who's only been a fan since the Superbowl XL bandwagon year.

It actually prevents me from posting more, as I don't think I know as much about the team and sport - and would end up looking dumb in alot of cases.


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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TypeSly":36q5ai4h said:
I'm a relatively new member of this forum, but it's something that I've wanted to address for a little while now. I'm also a member of numerous other forums, from sports teams to different hobbies and such. Before I even begin my post, I'll probably get a few "If you don't like it, leave" replies, so let's just get that out of the way lol.

Something that I've noticed, and a question I've been wanting to ask is: Why are Seahawks fans (especially on this forum) so divisive and hostile towards each other? I've never seen a fan forum, where members constantly attack each other for their opinions, or being a little less knowledgeable about the team. Even the silliest little things like mis-spellings, or mis-quotes, people are so quick to jump on a fellow member. Browsing other teams' boards, there just seems to be much more camaraderie, and more of an "us against the world" attitude, than we seem to have here. It may seem silly, but on an NFL team forum, isn't it us against the world (so to speak)?

Even on the new members area, I've never seen a forum with so little welcoming. Has anyone noticed the amount of new members who have one or two posts, and then are never heard from again? This area on other forums that I've been on (not just sports teams) are usually full of welcome parties, making new members feel well... "welcomed" :mrgreen:. Reading a lot of the threads on this forum, it's easy to speculate on why they don't want to stick out their head and post again.

People spend so much of their time and energy antagonizing each other here, that I just wanted to remind everyone, that in the end, we're ALL Seahawks fans. We're all on the same side, pulling for one team. From all around the world, we have this in common, and it is something special. Let's not forget that.

TypeSly, from Canada.
LOLOL, Actually, it's like I told my grouchy old neighbor (2 doors down) "You can try and be a smart-a$$ with me all you want, I'm just going to turn it into a complement" :mrgreen:
Like water off a ducks back.
AND I only come here for the free beer. :irishdrinkers:


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
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Spokane, WA
ddores":1we418f8 said:
Jerhawk":1we418f8 said:
This site does have some of the most knowledgeable posters I've ever been around. There are some highly intelligent people on this forum.

This. I'm always amazed at the level of knowledge some of the posters around here have. I mostly lurk - but there are people on this board that know ALOT about football, and alot about Seahawks history. More than me, who's only been a fan since the Superbowl XL bandwagon year.

It actually prevents me from posting more, as I don't think I know as much about the team and sport - and would end up looking dumb in alot of cases.

Right? I'm like the go to guy with my friends and family when it comes to the Seahawks and anything sports related in "real life."
But when it comes to this site, it's a whole new ball game. You better be prepared to back up your thoughts with facts and stats or your argument will get destroyed on here lol.

But honestly it's been a humbling experience posting on here. Realizing you're not the smartest Seahawks fan can be intimidating at first. But overtime this site has helped me get some thicker skin. This site has honestly prepared me for a lot of things I deal with in the workplace and finding a job, if that makes sense. Idk maybe it sounds silly but it's the truth. You got to bring it on .Net man.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2010
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Seahawks twitter has been particularly toxic over the last few years and I think that's bled over everywhere else.

However, the attitude you're describing fits most of the NFL fan bases. I frequent forums and subreddits of other teams and they come up with stuff like:
- Patriots fans today who think Belichik can't draft anymore
- Packers fans ('18) who were thrilled to see McCarthy go
- Saints fans ('14-'16) who wanted to move on from Payton; or at least strip him of playcalling
- Fans in general making fun of the Chiefs for drafting Mahomes
- Fans caught up in politics more than sports
- Every fan base hating their play callers
- Every fan base hating their OL


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2009
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Many good thoughts in this forum. As someone in the 45+ cohort I find it's easiest to ignore the negative chatter. Life's to short.

Been coming here a long time, and I enjoy NET discussion in general. Lot of good folks.

Glad you spoke up Sly. Good to have you here.

Go Hawks!


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2007
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Kennewick, WA
Been here since the beginning always been an immoral hellhole 85% of the time but the 15% of cool stuff is worth it. The same can be said for the entire interwebs.

Great post original poster but as a counterpoint have you ever visited a place called 49ers Webzone?


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
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As someone who follows the Hawks closely and has been on this board for quite awhile, I'm hesitant to post in the main forum... and that's mostly because there are so many well-informed posters who just are able to say things better than me. People who watch multiple replays, know the depth chart, know UDFAs, understand schemes and weaknesses.

It's tough for people like me, who is far more informed than the average Hawks viewer, but significantly less informed than many of the posters here. So I hide in the background and enjoy the content.