3 illegal men downfield fouls


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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It was mindblowingly stupid for our OL not to know where they were. Whether the refs were calling that or not earlier, you put yourself in jeopardy when you disregard the rules. And yes he was in a grey area, but you could technically call that. And they did.
You want to win as an underdog? You can't make stupid mistakes. We did.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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The rule is literally 1 yard down field. So... Maybe Google that?

Inexcusable for NFL linemen not to know that.
Thanks for your hostility Google guy. Technically yes - 1 Yard. Was the announcer full of crap when he said the refs typically give lineman a 2 yard allowance?


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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We kept making the same mistakes.

That loses you games.
Pete isn't going to outscheme anyone, he doesn't go a great job of adjustments, or anything similar.
What Pete does is take advantage of mistakes. That will get you to .500 in this league easy.

But it won't win you games against the better coaches.
What he also does is emotionally gin up his teams to get them to outplay the other team on these emotional highs.
That won't work if you make mistakes though. It deflates your team.
And Pete isn't great at tactics or strategy so he has to have emotional energy to fuel his run.
Once we started making the same mistakes, I knew it was over.

We did a good job of playing without penalties, not shooting ourselves in the foot. But when we gave them chances to throw a flag on us, the refs did. We never should have given them that chance.

And as everyone else is pointing out, why the EFF are we sending linemen out past LOB on passing plays? Just stupid. Keep your people behind the line until after the pass.

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