Back to back penalty's on last drive the nail in the coffin.

Northwest Seahawk

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Apr 1, 2015
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I'm not letting you slide NFL refs we know all about how you operate here in Seattle. Congrats on screwing us out of a great victory that Seattle earned are you proud of yourselves you pieces of crap.


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Apr 17, 2012
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That "hold" on Fluker was an especially marginal call.


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Feb 5, 2014
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We got away with quite a bit of holding...Of course they decide to call it on us on the most crucial drive.

Spin Doctor

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Northwest Seahawk":1vft0be9 said:
I'm not letting you slide NFL refs we know all about how you operate here in Seattle. Congrats on screwing us out of a great victory that Seattle earned are you proud of yourselves you pieces of crap.
That last penalty was warranted, as was the Fluker hold. I saw some jersey being stretched, refs will call that. The last penalty was the penalty that was most warranted however. The game clock was at zero and the ball still had not been snapped. Ifedi saw that the clock was at zero thus he started to move. If Ifedi wouldn't have moved it would have been a delay of game, so it was a penalty either way.


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Dec 26, 2014
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Honestly, I think the nail in the coffin was Dickson's punt to the 20. I've said it before, had he dropped it inside the 5 this game would have been a W.

Sports Hernia

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Apr 30, 2009
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The pit
Fluker was fine on the play until he didn’t let go of the Rams player’s jersey as he was moving away from him.
It was a hold, and unfortunately a good call. Crappy timing.


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2018
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Hey ; the Hawks have been one of the most penalized teams in the NFL for years. even the worst a few times...don't blame the officiating . The Hawks need to stop the bone head penalties at the worst times. I don't know why Carroll hasn't addressed this problem more ...its been a real pain in the azz under his watch. GO HAWKS!!!

Ad Hawk

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Sep 6, 2011
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The nail in the coffin was failing to stop the Rams on any drive after the first quarter.


Feb 23, 2007
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Astoria, OR
I think Gurley's 3 TDs played a roll.


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Oct 11, 2016
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Portland, OR
Allowing 10 YPA to Goff was pretty bad too.

Just rewatched the game and as bad ass as the seahawks offense was, the Rams were actually just gliding down the field on offense. Defense got out schemed badly and the Rams OL dominated them on the goal line


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Apr 14, 2015
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The funny thing about penalties is that teams are always convinced their teams are unfairly penalized. Case in point, after this very game, I saw...

A comment from a Seahawks fan complaining about unfair officiating saying something like ...
"Yeah, the Rams got a lot of calls that went their way. Case in point, penalties killed our last drive. Honestly, this is to be expected. It's pretty obvious they wanted the Rams to win .The NFL desperately needs a Los Angeles team to succeed. Attendance isn't great, so the league is going to give them a push. Relocating a franchise is a big risk, they league can't have that fail."

A comment from a Rams fan complaining about unfair officiating saying something like ...
"A lot of calls went the Seahawks way. For example, they reversed two Todd Gurley touchdowns; despite stepping out of bounds (clear as day on replay), David Moore's TD still stood, even after the automatic review. Honestly, this is to be expected. It's pretty obvious they wanted the Seahawks to win. Seattle is one of the only marketable teams in the region. All of Washington, and large parts of Oregon, Idaho, and Montana root for this team. The league is trying to extend their window, because they are one of the most popular teams over the last 5 years."

I'm not making this up. Two fans basically arguing that the league has an agenda the other team.

Basically, stop arguing about the refs. Or at least, complain about bad calls, but stop with this nonsense that refs have an agenda. It is a bad look. You can make up a narrative to fit the refs lobbying for either team. It's just delusional.


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Dec 30, 2010
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JimmyG":3ci2g9he said:
The funny thing about penalties is that teams are always convinced their teams are unfairly penalized. Case in point, after this very game, I saw...

A comment from a Seahawks fan complaining about unfair officiating saying something like ...
"Yeah, the Rams got a lot of calls that went their way. Case in point, penalties killed our last drive. Honestly, this is to be expected. It's pretty obvious they wanted the Rams to win .The NFL desperately needs a Los Angeles team to succeed. Attendance isn't great, so the league is going to give them a push. Relocating a franchise is a big risk, they league can't have that fail."

A comment from a Rams fan complaining about unfair officiating saying something like ...
"A lot of calls went the Seahawks way. For example, they reversed two Todd Gurley touchdowns; despite stepping out of bounds (clear as day on replay), David Moore's TD still stood, even after the automatic review. Honestly, this is to be expected. It's pretty obvious they wanted the Seahawks to win. Seattle is one of the only marketable teams in the region. All of Washington, and large parts of Oregon, Idaho, and Montana root for this team. The league is trying to extend their window, because they are one of the most popular teams over the last 5 years."

I'm not making this up. Two fans basically arguing that the league has an agenda the other team.

Basically, stop arguing about the refs. Or at least, complain about bad calls, but stop with this nonsense that refs have an agenda. It is a bad look. You can make up a narrative to fit the refs lobbying for either team. It's just delusional.

Seattle will get rid of the inferiority complex when we win back to back titles in every major sport and the WNBA in 2020 and 2021 ;)

Even then, there will be a few who are like "The sports media isn't properly kissing our butts enough! AGENDA!"


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Oct 3, 2017
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rcaido":vvq4nzlu said:
We got away with quite a bit of holding...Of course they decide to call it on us on the most crucial drive.

This. I’d say there were misses on both sides.


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2012
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Can't blame the refs for doing their job. Both calls were correct. Every call that was shown on replay was correct. Even the ones I didn't like.


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Oct 7, 2016
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Northwest Seahawk":79vnh6oa said:
I'm not letting you slide NFL refs we know all about how you operate here in Seattle. Congrats on screwing us out of a great victory that Seattle earned are you proud of yourselves you pieces of crap.

Well to be fair those two penalties were actually penalties. The false start was because the play clock had run out so it wasn’t really the players fault that’s more on Russ. The holding was pretty clear but unnecessary if he just lets go when the runner runs by I don’t think it’s called. I don’t like the two ultra conservative calls that followed the penalties. But the game came down to our defense getting a stop. Knowing that the Rams were going to run the ball we gave up 22 clock killing and timeout eating yards and allowed them to run the clock out and keep our offense off the field. You can’t blame that on the NFL. Next time we’re in that situation we have to play better.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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Sox-n-Hawks":px19r1bn said:
Honestly, I think the nail in the coffin was Dickson's punt to the 20. I've said it before, had he dropped it inside the 5 this game would have been a W.

I said this all week.

I know we all love Dickson, he's for some reason our new team mascot.......but that last punt was atrocious, and was THE reason McVay went for it on 4th and short.

If Dickson punts that inside the 10 like he was suppose to, there's no way McVay goes for it from his own 31 or 25, instead of his own 41.


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Oct 7, 2016
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Sgt. Largent":xjl109i0 said:
Sox-n-Hawks":xjl109i0 said:
Honestly, I think the nail in the coffin was Dickson's punt to the 20. I've said it before, had he dropped it inside the 5 this game would have been a W.

I said this all week.

I know we all love Dickson, he's for some reason our new team mascot.......but that last punt was atrocious, and was THE reason McVay went for it on 4th and short.

If Dickson punts that inside the 10 like he was suppose to, there's no way McVay goes for it from his own 31 or 25, instead of his own 41.

He’s a great punter but he tried a gimmick helicopter punt that failed miserably. Rams had their third string punt returner back because of injuries leading into and occurring during the game. A normal coffin corner kick would have been perfect or just a high short punt would have resulted in a fair catch around the 10. Dickson or the special teams coach overthought that one. And I don’t like the punting on kickoffs. It gave them the ball at the 30-35 yard line. Why can’t Janikoski reach the end zone when he can kick 63 yard field goals? Poor decisions on special teams.

Northwest Seahawk

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Apr 1, 2015
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Spin Doctor":ve07bko1 said:
Northwest Seahawk":ve07bko1 said:
I'm not letting you slide NFL refs we know all about how you operate here in Seattle. Congrats on screwing us out of a great victory that Seattle earned are you proud of yourselves you pieces of crap.
That last penalty was warranted, as was the Fluker hold. I saw some jersey being stretched, refs will call that. The last penalty was the penalty that was most warranted however. The game clock was at zero and the ball still had not been snapped. Ifedi saw that the clock was at zero thus he started to move. If Ifedi wouldn't have moved it would have been a delay of game, so it was a penalty either way.

It was BS but your entitled to your opinion.

Northwest Seahawk

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Apr 1, 2015
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cjcinec56":3rk75g6f said:
Northwest Seahawk":3rk75g6f said:
I'm not letting you slide NFL refs we know all about how you operate here in Seattle. Congrats on screwing us out of a great victory that Seattle earned are you proud of yourselves you pieces of crap.

Well to be fair those two penalties were actually penalties. The false start was because the play clock had run out so it wasn’t really the players fault that’s more on Russ. The holding was pretty clear but unnecessary if he just lets go when the runner runs by I don’t think it’s called. I don’t like the two ultra conservative calls that followed the penalties. But the game came down to our defense getting a stop. Knowing that the Rams were going to run the ball we gave up 22 clock killing and timeout eating yards and allowed them to run the clock out and keep our offense off the field. You can’t blame that on the NFL. Next time we’re in that situation we have to play better.

Horsecrap .