
New member
Jan 19, 2015
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Sports Hernia":1rzhoxxo said:
50yrpatsfan":1rzhoxxo said:
Exittium":1rzhoxxo said:
50yrpatsfan":1rzhoxxo said:
I told you guys many times this was a witch hunt and that ultimately the suspension would be overturned.

Today's ruling was about how flawed the NFL justice & arbitration process is, mainly because the man in charge doesn't have an ounce of executive judgment in his body. Not to mention a total lack of scruples as this whole fiasco of a prosecution proved.

But the reason that the NFL resorted to hiding evidence, refusing access to witnesses, etc. (which is what Berman based his ruling on), is because they didn't have a factual case that could stand the light of day.

And the reason it couldn't stand the light of day is because no illegal deflation ever occurred. The league was mistaken about what happened, and didn't have the decency to man up, admit their mistake, and close the case. That's the reality here.

ROFLMAO, You as the rest of the brady everyone's out to get us fanbase cult, is still missing the point of him being suspended. Was is lack of cooperation. period end of story. Nobody "hid" evidence, Brady destroyed evidence if anything lol. Nobody refused access to the "assistants involved"

lol Man you pats fans sure a delusional bunch.. and I don't even think that word works for describing HOW ignorant the fan base of the patriots have really shown themselves to be.

Have fun cheering a cheating team on btw :th2thumbs: :th2thumbs: Brady has looked like crap all preseason with fully inflated balls. And as for the appeal I think it will go through and get overturned. The judge did nothing to NOT show biased in the case, let alone he did nothing in relations to why brady was even suspended, he immediately went after the NFL and Goodell.

Look, admit it, you got lied to by the NFL, and fell for it hook line and sinker. It's OK, you weren't the only one. It's 1000% obvious that the balls weren't low. Who gives a rats ass about texts and cell phones if there was no crime to begin with?
Innocent people don't destroy their cellphones that have evidence on them that can help their case, innocent people usually cooperate with investigations since they have nothing to hide. Shady was not ruled innocent by the judge he got off on technicalities. A legacy forever tarnished, damage self inflicted.

Brady's cell phone was NOT evidence. Wells had already told Brady he didn't need or want possession of his phone. The only reason you even know about the phone is the league executing a scummy PR move (because they didn't have a real case) to make it seem like something important happened with that phone. Red herring, irrelevant.


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
He was not cleared of wrong doing, the only thing that came out of this is the procedure for suspension was flawed. He is as Guilty as a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar, Goodell just tried to be Lawyer Judge and Executioner, stupid of him really but his ego would not let the people in the NFL that handle this stuff do their job.

So Brady is like OJ, pretty much for all intent and purposes. He is a CHEAT, his coach is a CHEAT, and much as you all hate it the Patriots will for ever be looked at as Cheaters and Whiners, Brady and Belichek forever labeled as above the rules.

The other 31 teams and their fans know it and will remember it.

Oh and it's not anywhere near over, waiting for the appeals process, Brady may play this year and never get the discipline he deserves, he will retire because he is that kind of a person, run rather then face the music.


Active member
Dec 27, 2012
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chris98251":3hkviuid said:
He was not cleared of wrong doing, the only thing that came out of this is the procedure for suspension was flawed. He is as Guilty as a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar, Goodell just tried to be Lawyer Judge and Executioner, stupid of him really but his ego would not let the people in the NFL that handle this stuff do their job.

So Brady is like OJ, pretty much for all intent and purposes. He is a CHEAT, his coach is a CHEAT, and much as you all hate it the Patriots will for ever be looked at as Cheaters and Whiners, Brady and Belichek forever labeled as above the rules.

The other 31 teams and their fans know it and will remember it.

Oh and it's not anywhere near over, waiting for the appeals process, Brady may play this year and never get the discipline he deserves, he will retire because he is that kind of a person, run rather then face the music.

Ding Ding! Nailed it... Yet even something as simple as that Pats fans everywhere can't understand.


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Jan 19, 2015
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Exittium":2wngiedw said:
chris98251":2wngiedw said:
He was not cleared of wrong doing, the only thing that came out of this is the procedure for suspension was flawed. He is as Guilty as a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar, Goodell just tried to be Lawyer Judge and Executioner, stupid of him really but his ego would not let the people in the NFL that handle this stuff do their job.

So Brady is like OJ, pretty much for all intent and purposes. He is a CHEAT, his coach is a CHEAT, and much as you all hate it the Patriots will for ever be looked at as Cheaters and Whiners, Brady and Belichek forever labeled as above the rules.

The other 31 teams and their fans know it and will remember it.

Oh and it's not anywhere near over, waiting for the appeals process, Brady may play this year and never get the discipline he deserves, he will retire because he is that kind of a person, run rather then face the music.

Ding Ding! Nailed it... Yet even something as simple as that Pats fans everywhere can't understand.

Fellas, an appeal judge is not allowed to re-try the original case. He can only rule on whether the appeal/arbitration was handled fairly or not, and he slam-dunked the NFL on that. During the trial though, he challenged and embarrassed the NFL lawyers over and over about "where's the proof of any wrongdoing, I don't see it". So even though his ruling couldn't get into those details, in his questioning it was clear he called the league out on having squat.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2012
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50yrpatsfan":35g9qjpq said:
Exittium":35g9qjpq said:
50yrpatsfan":35g9qjpq said:
I told you guys many times this was a witch hunt and that ultimately the suspension would be overturned.

Today's ruling was about how flawed the NFL justice & arbitration process is, mainly because the man in charge doesn't have an ounce of executive judgment in his body. Not to mention a total lack of scruples as this whole fiasco of a prosecution proved.

But the reason that the NFL resorted to hiding evidence, refusing access to witnesses, etc. (which is what Berman based his ruling on), is because they didn't have a factual case that could stand the light of day.

And the reason it couldn't stand the light of day is because no illegal deflation ever occurred. The league was mistaken about what happened, and didn't have the decency to man up, admit their mistake, and close the case. That's the reality here.

ROFLMAO, You as the rest of the brady everyone's out to get us fanbase cult, is still missing the point of him being suspended. Was is lack of cooperation. period end of story. Nobody "hid" evidence, Brady destroyed evidence if anything lol. Nobody refused access to the "assistants involved"

lol Man you pats fans sure a delusional bunch.. and I don't even think that word works for describing HOW ignorant the fan base of the patriots have really shown themselves to be.

Have fun cheering a cheating team on btw :th2thumbs: :th2thumbs: Brady has looked like crap all preseason with fully inflated balls. And as for the appeal I think it will go through and get overturned. The judge did nothing to NOT show biased in the case, let alone he did nothing in relations to why brady was even suspended, he immediately went after the NFL and Goodell.

Look, admit it, you got lied to by the NFL, and fell for it hook line and sinker. It's OK, you weren't the only one. It's 1000% obvious that the balls weren't low. Who gives a rats ass about texts and cell phones if there was no crime to begin with?

I personally haven't said a thing or commented on a post about deflategate since it startedbut I just can't help it... Conspiracy theories are for the birds. This is just plan nutty if you honestly feel this way. I understand wanting to stick up for your team but come on man. 1000% obvious the balls weren't low? Where are you getting your information? The balls were low, the question is why and if Brady had anything to do with it.


Ron Burgundy

Jan 21, 2015
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Pittsburgh, PA
Exittium":123pom0r said:
chris98251":123pom0r said:
He was not cleared of wrong doing, the only thing that came out of this is the procedure for suspension was flawed. He is as Guilty as a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar, Goodell just tried to be Lawyer Judge and Executioner, stupid of him really but his ego would not let the people in the NFL that handle this stuff do their job.

So Brady is like OJ, pretty much for all intent and purposes. He is a CHEAT, his coach is a CHEAT, and much as you all hate it the Patriots will for ever be looked at as Cheaters and Whiners, Brady and Belichek forever labeled as above the rules.

The other 31 teams and their fans know it and will remember it.

Oh and it's not anywhere near over, waiting for the appeals process, Brady may play this year and never get the discipline he deserves, he will retire because he is that kind of a person, run rather then face the music.

Ding Ding! Nailed it... Yet even something as simple as that Pats fans everywhere can't understand.

Exactly. :th2thumbs:
Frankly I think that the Pats** are still Rog's favorite team and Kraft is his favorite owner and he rigged it so Brady would win in court but it would look like he tried to do something about it.


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Jan 19, 2015
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BigMeach":3lfj4pya said:
50yrpatsfan":3lfj4pya said:
Exittium":3lfj4pya said:
50yrpatsfan":3lfj4pya said:
I told you guys many times this was a witch hunt and that ultimately the suspension would be overturned.

Today's ruling was about how flawed the NFL justice & arbitration process is, mainly because the man in charge doesn't have an ounce of executive judgment in his body. Not to mention a total lack of scruples as this whole fiasco of a prosecution proved.

But the reason that the NFL resorted to hiding evidence, refusing access to witnesses, etc. (which is what Berman based his ruling on), is because they didn't have a factual case that could stand the light of day.

And the reason it couldn't stand the light of day is because no illegal deflation ever occurred. The league was mistaken about what happened, and didn't have the decency to man up, admit their mistake, and close the case. That's the reality here.

ROFLMAO, You as the rest of the brady everyone's out to get us fanbase cult, is still missing the point of him being suspended. Was is lack of cooperation. period end of story. Nobody "hid" evidence, Brady destroyed evidence if anything lol. Nobody refused access to the "assistants involved"

lol Man you pats fans sure a delusional bunch.. and I don't even think that word works for describing HOW ignorant the fan base of the patriots have really shown themselves to be.

Have fun cheering a cheating team on btw :th2thumbs: :th2thumbs: Brady has looked like crap all preseason with fully inflated balls. And as for the appeal I think it will go through and get overturned. The judge did nothing to NOT show biased in the case, let alone he did nothing in relations to why brady was even suspended, he immediately went after the NFL and Goodell.

Look, admit it, you got lied to by the NFL, and fell for it hook line and sinker. It's OK, you weren't the only one. It's 1000% obvious that the balls weren't low. Who gives a rats ass about texts and cell phones if there was no crime to begin with?

I personally haven't said a thing or commented on a post about deflategate since it startedbut I just can't help it... Conspiracy theories are for the birds. This is just plan nutty if you honestly feel this way. I understand wanting to stick up for your team but come on man. 1000% obvious the balls weren't low? Where are you getting your information? The balls were low, the question is why and if Brady had anything to do with it.

The information is in the Wells report itself. NE's balls were below 12.5, but they weren't lower that what natural deflation does to footballs. They measured only 4 of the Colts balls, and 3 of them were also below 12.5, even after starting at a higher point than NE's (13 vs.12.5).

The 2 reasons people are confused about the facts are: a) the NFL leaked a lie to Mortenson about all NE's balls being a full 2 psi too low (when in fact it was 1 psi or less), and refused to correct this lie; and b) there were 2 gauges used in the measuring process that were half a psi different from each other. In order for Wells to even make a case, he had to overrule what Walt Anderson said about which gauge he recalled using, and when you use the readings from the correct gauge, all of NE's balls fall within the normal/expected range.


New member
Feb 4, 2015
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You and every other Deflatriot fan ignores the fact that your team has changed it's story at every new level of this entire ordeal.
It went from "NOTHING HAPPENED!" to "Well, we can PROVE that this was a natural phenomenon", to when Brady's defense team went in front of a judge and said, "well, if it happened, they totally did it alone". Doesn't sound like they're too convinced in their own science that would prove it was all natural.
Come on, man, pull your head from Brady's chin dimple.
SOMETHING went down and people in the organization knew about it.


New member
Apr 24, 2013
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Exittium":3c8c0o9o said:
50yrpatsfan":3c8c0o9o said:
I told you guys many times this was a witch hunt and that ultimately the suspension would be overturned.

Today's ruling was about how flawed the NFL justice & arbitration process is, mainly because the man in charge doesn't have an ounce of executive judgment in his body. Not to mention a total lack of scruples as this whole fiasco of a prosecution proved.

But the reason that the NFL resorted to hiding evidence, refusing access to witnesses, etc. (which is what Berman based his ruling on), is because they didn't have a factual case that could stand the light of day.

And the reason it couldn't stand the light of day is because no illegal deflation ever occurred. The league was mistaken about what happened, and didn't have the decency to man up, admit their mistake, and close the case. That's the reality here.

ROFLMAO, You as the rest of the brady everyone's out to get us fanbase cult, is still missing the point of him being suspended. Was is lack of cooperation. period end of story. Nobody "hid" evidence, Brady destroyed evidence if anything lol. Nobody refused access to the "assistants involved"

lol Man you pats fans sure a delusional bunch.. and I don't even think that word works for describing HOW ignorant the fan base of the patriots have really shown themselves to be.

Have fun cheering a cheating team on btw :th2thumbs: :th2thumbs: Brady has looked like crap all preseason with fully inflated balls. And as for the appeal I think it will go through and get overturned. The judge did nothing to NOT show biased in the case, let alone he did nothing in relations to why brady was even suspended, he immediately went after the NFL and Goodell.

If nothing happened the Pats and Brady have REALLY poor judgement on the actions they took. So they fire the equipment guys because....reasons.....not because something happened, just because it was time they replace the equipment crew I guess...It was going to happen anyway right...just a coincidence it happened at the same time as this controversy :roll:

They get fired and Bill and Brady get off scott free

I would laugh my ass off if this gets overturned and Brady is forced to miss the last 4 games of the season or the playoffs.

For how innocent brady and the pats are in this they sure seem to take every single action to make them look guilty


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Jan 14, 2013
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Those poor equipment guys better have gotten a very NICE severance package. I'm sure they did but wow... talk about fall guys.


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Apr 24, 2013
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Laloosh":uulzbf8j said:
Those poor equipment guys better have gotten a very NICE severance package. I'm sure they did but wow... talk about fall guys.

I dont understand if this was just natural deflation from weather as some pats fans and others on forums have suggested or nothing happened. Why did they get fired...Has Kraft answered this. This question needs to be answered. Why arent they employed anymore? Maybe they should sue the pats


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
Next thing were going to hear from Pats fans is "If the Needle does not fit you must Aquit"


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Jan 19, 2015
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WilsonMVP":1uyputr1 said:
Exittium":1uyputr1 said:
50yrpatsfan":1uyputr1 said:
I told you guys many times this was a witch hunt and that ultimately the suspension would be overturned.

Today's ruling was about how flawed the NFL justice & arbitration process is, mainly because the man in charge doesn't have an ounce of executive judgment in his body. Not to mention a total lack of scruples as this whole fiasco of a prosecution proved.

But the reason that the NFL resorted to hiding evidence, refusing access to witnesses, etc. (which is what Berman based his ruling on), is because they didn't have a factual case that could stand the light of day.

And the reason it couldn't stand the light of day is because no illegal deflation ever occurred. The league was mistaken about what happened, and didn't have the decency to man up, admit their mistake, and close the case. That's the reality here.

ROFLMAO, You as the rest of the brady everyone's out to get us fanbase cult, is still missing the point of him being suspended. Was is lack of cooperation. period end of story. Nobody "hid" evidence, Brady destroyed evidence if anything lol. Nobody refused access to the "assistants involved"

lol Man you pats fans sure a delusional bunch.. and I don't even think that word works for describing HOW ignorant the fan base of the patriots have really shown themselves to be.

Have fun cheering a cheating team on btw :th2thumbs: :th2thumbs: Brady has looked like crap all preseason with fully inflated balls. And as for the appeal I think it will go through and get overturned. The judge did nothing to NOT show biased in the case, let alone he did nothing in relations to why brady was even suspended, he immediately went after the NFL and Goodell.

If nothing happened the Pats and Brady have REALLY poor judgement on the actions they took. So they fire the equipment guys because....reasons.....not because something happened, just because it was time they replace the equipment crew I guess...It was going to happen anyway right...just a coincidence it happened at the same time as this controversy :roll:

They get fired and Bill and Brady get off scott free

I would laugh my ass off if this gets overturned and Brady is forced to miss the last 4 games of the season or the playoffs.

For how innocent brady and the pats are in this they sure seem to take every single action to make them look guilty

Troy Vincent ordered the balls boys suspended until the league approves them to return.


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Jan 14, 2013
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50yrpatsfan":2053ppzi said:
Troy Vincent ordered the balls boys suspended until the league approves them to return.

And being a man of integrity and loyalty, Kraft refused, right? Said he'd take it to court because they did nothing wrong?


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Jan 19, 2015
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athanas":3uwetw2o said:
You and every other Deflatriot fan ignores the fact that your team has changed it's story at every new level of this entire ordeal.
It went from "NOTHING HAPPENED!" to "Well, we can PROVE that this was a natural phenomenon", to when Brady's defense team went in front of a judge and said, "well, if it happened, they totally did it alone". Doesn't sound like they're too convinced in their own science that would prove it was all natural.
Come on, man, pull your head from Brady's chin dimple.
SOMETHING went down and people in the organization knew about it.

NE never said Nothing Happened to my recollection, they said they didn't know what happened, which was understandable given that they didn't do anything yet the league office had written them a letter saying that all the balls were way under. Once the ball inflations were published (not until the Wells report) and the scientists started looking at it, they realized this was nothing more than normal deflation.

As far as "the ball boys did it on their own", Kessler was defending Brady from the charge that he was guilty from having been "generally aware that others did something", which was a complete joke of a charge. How can you be guilty of being generally aware that somebody else did something? Kessler was making that point that if the ball boys did something, it's got nothing to do with Brady, and there was no proof that Brady conspired with them to do anything. In this trial it was about defending Brady, not any Patriots employees.


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Jan 19, 2015
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Laloosh":5p5xiba7 said:
50yrpatsfan":5p5xiba7 said:
Troy Vincent ordered the balls boys suspended until the league approves them to return.

And being a man of integrity and loyalty, Kraft refused, right? Said he'd take it to court because they did nothing wrong?

Owners can't sue the league, period. An owner can appeal, but it's not before a judge, it just goes back to Goodell. That's why Kraft dropped his pursuit of reversing the draft choices penalty.

We're not happy with the way Kraft has handled this, he's an old-boy network type of guy who doesn't like to make waves. He thought if he went along, Goodell would back down on all this crap, but Goodell is a psycho, at least we all know that now.

If we had an owner like a Mark Cuban, Goodell would be in a lot of hot water about the team penalty right now.


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Jan 14, 2013
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50yrpatsfan":3sl0r0m8 said:
Laloosh":3sl0r0m8 said:
50yrpatsfan":3sl0r0m8 said:
Troy Vincent ordered the balls boys suspended until the league approves them to return.

And being a man of integrity and loyalty, Kraft refused, right? Said he'd take it to court because they did nothing wrong?

Owners can't sue the league, period. An owner can appeal, but it's not before a judge, it just goes back to Goodell. That's why Kraft dropped his pursuit of reversing the draft choices penalty.

We're not happy with the way Kraft has handled this, he's an old-boy network type of guy who doesn't like to make waves. He thought if he went along, Goodell would back down on all this crap, but Goodell is a psycho, at least we all know that now.

If we had an owner like a Mark Cuban, Goodell would be in a lot of hot water about the team penalty right now.

So Kraft will just bankroll the equipment guys' lawsuit then, right? I mean, he didn't just hang his employees out to dry because they were more expendable than the golden boy. He wouldn't do that.


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May 1, 2009
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kearly":1t9snju1 said:
hawknation2015":1t9snju1 said:
Preponderance of the evidence is a much lower burden to meet than beyond a reasonable doubt. It would actually be much more difficult to convict Brady under that criminal standard than under the civil standard used by the NFL.

That's all true. I guess my meaning is that jurors tend to be less litigious and make decisions more on feel and common sense.

Having sat on a jury I will disagree. Jurors look at facts.

The case I was on was an assault. Ex-husband accused of assaulting ex-wife. Feel and common sense would say he probably did it. However there was zero proof that he actually did. Not guilty.