Conspiracy theory


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2014
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Maybe we have the most outspoken players (Baldwin, Sherman, & Bennett) Probably getting back at us for them making the NFL look like fools. Oh yeah Lynch too for not conforming to the NFL.

Austin Hawk

Oct 15, 2009
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Austin, Texas
I'm not sure about any major conspiracy, but I will say this...

I think it is ENTIRELY possible (and probable) that officials are influenced by subtleties that even they may not be conscious of. Home teams, particularly ones with strong local support like the Saints (and Seahawks) seem to get more favorable calls, NOT because of a conspiracy or deliberate attempt to placate fans, but more out of giving them the benefit of the doubt. It's easier for officials to call a ticky-tack play on a visiting team than on a home team, particularly at a critical point of the game. If the Falcon game were played in Atlanta, I am certain that Sherman would have been flagged for PI. This game was in New Orleans, a city the NFL has been in LOVE with since the Katrina disaster. The Saints are going to get the benefit of the doubt in such circumstances.

Even seemingly minor factors, like the "Everyone loves Brees" factor, can quietly influence officials. I firmly believe that Peyton Manning benefited tremendously from that factor, and I also believe that one of the reasons for the decline in NFL viewership is because Manning is out of the league. The NFL is trying to find his replacement, and Brees is one of those top tier QB's that draws in the same type of fan that liked Manning. Just my observation, but I have noticed many acquaintances and friends that LOOOOVED Manning now no longer paying attention to the NFL as much (like my mother in Law - huge Cowboys fan but bought all kinds of Peyton merchandise).

The NFL is a business, and it benefits financially if certain teams and their markets are competitive. Seattle could afford to lose on Sunday and still be in the playoff hunt. It was MORE important for New Orleans to win to stay competitive, and that is where the hidden and subconscious favoritism may play a role.

Remember Super Bowl XL? The Bettis homecoming? I was convinced then, just as I am today, that Bill Leavy and his crew were going to give Pittsburgh every benefit of the doubt, whether they were conscious of it or not. The world was not ready for the Seahawks to win the Super Bowl, and the media and global fan base wanted SO BADLY to anoint the Steelers as champions and have Bettis go out the way he did.


Active member
Sep 13, 2013
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I can't remember which game it was yesterday, but one of the commentators said that there had been 80 games so far this season which have been separated by a single score.

I don't think there are any team-based conspiracies, but calls are almost certainly being made or not made in order to keep the games close and 'watchable' from a competitive standpoint.


Active member
Oct 19, 2014
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Covington WA
The great thing about this thread is that it really gives you insight on you to take seriously on all the other threads.

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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253hawk":1gp1g3wl said:
I can't remember which game it was yesterday, but one of the commentators said that there had been 80 games so far this season which have been separated by a single score.

I don't think there are any team-based conspiracies, but calls are almost certainly being made or not made in order to keep the games close and 'watchable' from a competitive standpoint.

Yes the RULES are geared towards offense and keeping the games close............not "hey refs, screw the better team to keep the games close."

But that's always been the case, the NFL is the greatest parity league in all of sports. Every nook and cranny of the rule book to the draft and revenue sharing is geared towards parity. And it works.


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Apr 30, 2009
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I don't think it's a problem against the Hawks per se, but like someone said above, we're at the wrong place and wrong time. I think it was more about keeping the Saints relevant, keeping a 2 horse (maybe 3 with Carolina) race going in that division, and us not out distancing AZ. In other words, general parity.

Look, there's all kinds of stuff going on, and it's noted in the media as well. Start out with Cam Newton getting blatant helmet to helmet hits non called against Denver. We've had coaches and players come out more and more in the media complaining about how bad the officiating is, even though they know it's going to cost them money. I can't remember this much angst about it going public among players and coaches, maybe ever. A few incidences about certain calls, yes. But not league wide. And I don't count Arians as he's as bad as most fans are.

Newton was whining about a no call yesterday. Then I saw the replay. Campbell clearly went low on purpose (ie: not blocked into the QB) and hit Newton in the knees. We all know this is illegal....the Brady rule. Yet no call. Obvious plays against us. I was watching the Jets and Cardinals game, and there were 3 terrible DPI calls against the Jets, 2 on 3rd down.

Officiating is just getting worse. When it seems focused and directed I can see the conspiracy theorists' view. And I didn't even watch our game yesterday.