DVR review Seahawks vs. Broncos


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Benson Mayowa

Upon further review, Benson Mayowa wasn't actually that bad against Denver's 1st team. He had a pressure on the first play of the game that helped force an incomplete pass, and he added a couple of "fringe" pressures as the game went on. He was never truly close to getting a sack against the first unit, but he did at times get within Manning's security zone and force quick throws. He also had a nice play in run defense that forced the runner outside (for no gain). He didn't look great, and I'd say he's a full tier below Schofield, but he wasn't terrible. I'd like to see him again next year after he adds some weight.

Jordan Hill

Jordan Hill was a minor star in the first game, but was relatively invisible in game two when facing the starters. One thing I like about Hill that's been consistent is that he might be the best defensive tackle on the team at shedding blocks, separating, and closing for the tackle against the run. That positive is counterbalanced by his tendency to get moved backwards by run blocks, his anchor just isn't that great. Case in point, he had a terrific disengage + tackle on Ronnie Hillman to force 4th and 1 in the red zone during the first half, but on the very next play he was double teamed and immediately blown back 4 yards. Hillman jogged through the resulting crater for an easy first down.

Hill remained active as a pass rusher but never dominated. Really the best thing I can say about Hill as a pass rusher is that his motor prevents an opposing QB from ever holding the ball forever. He rarely gets there in under 3 seconds, but he almost always gets there in five or six seconds. That's not worth much, but a few plays a game it's worth something. That probably explains why Hill seemed to have an off night, because Peyton Manning almost never holds the ball for that long.

Perez Ashford

He had a touchdown saving tackle inside the ten yard line late in the game (on Trindon Holliday's big return), and caught a pass. He is a little undersized, but plays hard and has some polish to his game. He wasn't as impressive as last week, but if he keeps racking up positive plays he might at least earn a ticket to next year's training camp or maybe a practice squad spot.

Alvin Bailey

He looked like the same guy, albeit with a lot less "wow factor" this week. He played a series at LG before moving to LT for most of the second half. I think he can play just about anywhere, but he strikes me as being most natural for (right) tackle.

Michael Bennett

Not quite as dominant this week, but still damn good. He was making pressures against the pass and continues to show playmaking ability against the run. Bennett looks like the best DT we've had in forever.

Michael Bowie

Bowie played a couple of series at LG with the first team offense. He looked a bit out of place at guard, but still put up decent results. He played most of the 2nd half at RT. He wasn't as dominant as the first week. He looked like a solid backup.

Allen Bradford

Bradford only had a few tackles, but among them were two isolated tackles for loss and an impressive open field tackle on special teams. You can tell he's really fired up to play linebacker again. I am still amazed that he can look so polished at LB given that before last season he hadn't played the position since high school.

Phil Bates

He barely played, but did register a reception. Given how much our offense throws to FBs, I am rooting for him to get more chances in the future.

Brandon Browner

Game ball. Two stripped fumbles plus a fumble recovery return for a TD. His coverage was very good too, when he was picked on it was always a perfect throw from Manning into quality coverage. Watching him in this game made me rethink my opinion of his free agent status. I already thought Browner was a legit pro-bowler, but if he plays like this all season, he's too good to let walk. I think he probably will, too. He was better in 2012 than 2011, IMO. Maybe he's not done improving?

Michael Brooks

I hope you all were watching this guy, because he had another huge game. It seemed like every other play he was breaking into the backfield, and every 5th play he was getting a hit on the QB. On one play he zipped right into the backfield and smacked the running back for a 4 yard loss, and even the announcers couldn't overlook him anymore. I don't know what his official measurements are, but he does NOT look undersized and he is quick and he is powerful. And he has good technique. Seriously, what were they smoking in Detroit letting this guy go? We need to start seeing Brooks with the starting unit. I'd bet that we will, very soon.

Red Bryant

Red Bryant played mostly DT with the starting defense and later took some snaps at the 5-tech. Despite his size, Bryant is not great against double teams and I think that's the real reason why he improved from the move outside. This game was further evidence of that, where he looked decent at 5-tech and a little less decent at DT. He doesn't generate pressure, but at the 5-tech spot he did have one very nice run defense (vs. a single block) that I charted.

The surprising thing about Bryant's play is how clever he is. At least 3 times I saw him making a positive play with nothing but presence of mind. On one snap he was doubled in pass pro and had no hope of reaching Manning, so he deliberately dropped back, eyed the QB, then jumped to swat at the football. Bryant is tall with long arms and big mitts. He got a piece of the pass, though unfortunately it was still caught (Manning had several passes tipped during this game, btw). Regardless, smart play by Bryant. Later on Bryant was a non-factor in the pass rush but grabbed RB Montee Ball as he ran by him. That disrupted Ball's route enough that it basically took him out of the play. Finally, Bryant (as a 5-tech) made a great play mirroring two gaps on a running play and single handedly forced a run for no gain. I still don't think Bryant is helping our defense all that much, but at least now he's finding little ways to add value by using his wits. I love seeing players maximize their value by doing the little things, and that's what Bryant did in this game.

Kam Chancellor

...had a monster game. 11 tackles, a fumble recovery, and quite a few big hits. In half a game. If he is like this all season, man.

Arceto Clark

Was wide open for what should have been a long TD, except that Russell Wilson brutally overthrew him.

Derrick Coleman

Did not look good as a runner, dropped a gimme pass on 3rd down, but had a couple positive plays. His roster chances took a hit. Ware is back in the lead, IMO. Interestingly, Seattle had quite a few drives in this game where Coleman was the RB and Ware the FB.

Heath Farwell

Farwell forced that uber-clutch goal line fumble Browner returned for a TD, and made other positive plays throughout the game. He was terrific in San Diego as well. I think at this point he'd have to be a disaster in the next two games to not make the roster.

The entire starting offensive line

Looked damn good. Okung played like his typical pro-bowl self. Breno looked like "good Breno" once again. Sweezy and McQuistan looked much more comfortable in pass pro, which I'm sure coincides with the return of Unger, who dominated. Seriously, this might have been the best game Unger has ever played. He was a combo blocking machine in the run game and unbeatable in pass pro. If anyone thinks McQuistan has sucked this preseason, they are clueless. He's had a very strong preseason and showed outstanding chemistry with Unger in this game. Sweezy looked sturdy at RG, I'm human so I make mistakes, but I didn't have any member of the starting line down for a significant negative, other than perhaps a couple penalties, but penalties were on the clearance rack that night.

As much as I like some of our backups, McQuistan deserves to keep his job, and if he plays like this all season, should be worth considering for a low-cost extension. He seemed to be mind-melded with Unger in this game and I really loved his intensity as a blocker.

Cooper Helfet

Much better night for Helfet. He was drop-free and had a tough catch near the sideline for 19 yards.

Jaye Howard

I never saw him out there, so I'm assuming he didn't play.

Fat Rabbit

He was a lot better last night. Nothing great, but he showed decent strength both vs. the bull rush and in the running game. Nothing to write home about, but compared to last week, this was a nice step forward.

Tarvaris Jackson

I'm now officially convinced. To use the SAT analogy: Alex Smith, 49ers; Tarvaris Jackson, Seahawks.

Rishaw Johnson

Some more monster run blocks, but also a holding penalty and plenty of "iffy" pass pro moments. I really hope Cable can coach this guy up because Johnson's raw ability as a run blocker is incredible.

Jermaine Kearse

Not much to add that hasn't been said already. I loved his stiff arm.

Kyle Knox

At 6'1", 220 pounds, Knox is obviously not a LEO and is undersized even by LB standards. But he did show some raw pass rush ability late in the game, getting a sack and a pressure on back to back snaps.

Jeremy Lane

Didn't do much, but had a great solo tackle on special teams.

John Lotulelei

Played a bit more in control this time, and notched three quality solo tackles. Any other year, I'd be fine with him making the roster. But there are many other LBs who are simply better right now. I kind of doubt he clears waivers and makes the PS, but he looks like a classic PS type player to me. That said, I'm guessing Seattle keeps him and lets a better linebacker (Morgan, Smith) fall on the sword instead.

Clinton McDonald

McDonald got a lot of reps with the starting defense and looked pretty decent. He doesn't add any real value as a pass rusher but he anchors surprisingly well against double teams in the run game. I could see Seattle cutting him but bringing him back later in the season after an injury. He's not a bad player, but looks lost in an ultra competitive position battle.

John Moffitt

Nothing new to report.

Ty Powell

I liked Ty Powell the prospect, but he just looks too fringe to me in these preseason games. He's an odd prospect, because he looks too small to play DE, and yet he's actually really good against the run anyway. I really hope he clears waivers and makes our practice squad, because he is a good player and a good athlete but seems to be a tweener. I'd be curious to see how he'd look in Seattle's new SAM LB position.

Malcolm Smith

Despite drawing a penalty, I thought he looked pretty good on coverage during that first half play. Smith has always been a decent to good all around player, a jack of all trades type. Mike Morgan too. If released, they will (IMO) be the best low-cost players to be let go since Michael Bennett in 2009.

Golden Tate

Awesome sideline catch + awesome punt return. He doesn't look like he's finished improving, and he put up elite rate stats last season. Golden Tate epitomizes the Seahawks offense. He looks so goofy and clumsy you wonder how he could ever be good, and yet he dominates. Every game the Seahawks make clumsy looking plays that help them win games. Their receivers bobble huge catches before making them, their running back runs like a drunken master, their OL is full of unique talents, and their QB runs to the tune of Benny Hill. And yet, they destroy their opponents. It's really something, this team.

Earl Thomas

I forget exactly when it happened, but Earl Thomas missiled a runner in the first half sending both players flying backwards. I don't know why he tries to be Kam Chancellor in that relatively little body, but it's fun to watch and as long as he stays healthy, I don't care. People shouldn't forget, Thomas isn't a big dude, but he can hit.

Walter Thurmond

He gave up a big reception early before recovering and having a nice 2nd quarter, including a textbook PD to force a punt on 3rd down. He also made a solid return on a punt.

Bobby Wagner

Looked like an all-pro in this game. The shot he got on Manning was beautiful, and it wasn't the only time that night he laid the lumber. He finished with 7 tackles in just half a game.

Robert Turbin

Turbin impressed me quite a bit less on the second viewing. While I like his vision, speed, quickness, and intelligence, the guy is a walking, breathing shoestring tackle. He seriously needs to learn how to break arm tackles or he will never start in this league.

Spencer Ware

He's doing it quietly, but Spencer Ware is having a good preseason. He had 6.0 yards per carry last night, including a few beastly runs that would certainly make ESPN if they happened in the 4th quarter of a real game. He looked faster than before and showed good resilience/balance. He looks far more like a starting RB than Turbin, at least in our style of offense. I don't think Ware is a future megastar, but I do think he could probably rush for 1300 yards if we gave him 300 carries. He is worth a roster spot, IMO. Though with our depth, losing him wouldn't be the end of the world. I really like his physicality and the more I watch him, the more I see him as a poor man's Marshawn Lynch.

Jesse Williams

Seattle backed off on Williams by having him play mostly with the 3rd stringers, and he seemed more comfortable in that environment. Though I'd say he still looks "lost" out there. I'm kind of getting to the point where I'd be fine with risking him to waivers for the PS. His upside is only something along the lines of a Red Bryant (minus the long arms and heady play), and he looks pretty far from reaching that level. He runs fast for a big man, but that's about the only good thing I can say so far this preseason about Williams.

Craig Wilkins

Wilkins allegedly ran a forty time in the 4.5s, but he hasn't shown that kind of speed in the preseason so far. He's been pretty easy to not notice, though tonight he was around the ball often and made a couple tackles. Hate to say it, but so far this preseason he's looked like roster fodder. He can still make an impression, but time is running out.

Stephen Williams

He had a pair of nice catches, but both were from Tjack again. He needs to start building a rapport with Wilson. On Wilson's would-have-been interception that occurred on a free play, Wilson was targeting Williams and basically just threw it up for grabs to see if Williams could make a play on it. The ball was overthrown, but instead of turning into a DB to protect the ball, Williams gave up on the play and then immediately began to display "pouty" body language in Wilson's direction. That's not getting off on the right foot.

Sean McGrath

Like Helfet, McGrath had two receptions on two targets. McGrath isn't a great blocker but probably adds enough value catching the ball to warrant a roster spot. It's kind of sad though that one of McGrath, Helfet, or Willson will be our #2 TE this season. And if Miller can't stay healthy, two of them. At least after tonight, that thought is a little less horrifying, though Willson continues to look like a fringe NFL talent.

Russell Wilson

I think he had five, maybe six overthrows negated by penalty. The majority of his passes over 10 yards were overthrown. He probably had more overthrows in the first half of this game than he had in the 2nd half of 2012 combined. So I'm not worried, but man, what a weird night for Wilson.


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Mar 6, 2007
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Also, I think our pass rush was actually not that bad against Denver's first team. Manning unloaded the football in under 4 seconds every single time, except for one play late in the first half when he scrambled to his right (and was pressured during that play - it resulted in a throwaway). Turns out, Peyton Manning is kind of good at football. He was constantly getting rid of the football in a timely fashion and only the most elite pass rush could have disrupted his timing. Given that we are down our top three outside pass rushers, that was an unrealistic expectation.

When Manning did throw, his passes were ridiculously on the money. When he targeted Sherman for example, he made sure that Thomas had Sherm boxed out before he threw an indefensible high pass that Sherman had no chance to stop, even though Sherman had good coverage. It seemed like almost every pass Manning threw was on that level of precision and smarts. He's just really good at what he does, and if we face him in the Super Bowl, we need to be prepared for a high scoring game.

General Manager

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Oct 11, 2011
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Thanks for the addendum , Wilson also played very well imo not great but good. He overcame two holding calls and a false start on his first drive that resulted in the TD pass to Kearse .


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Mar 6, 2007
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It was a weird performance from Wilson. He looked like he was "in the zone" as much as he was in the 42-13 game, but with a deluge of overthrows added in. Even on his overthrows though, he identified and targeted an open receiver, most of them far down the field. The penalties really helped out his numbers, but without the overthrows he probably would have finished with a YPA north of 15. He was almost like a closer that walks the bases full with no outs and then strikes out the side on 9 total pitches. Dominant, but erratic.


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Apr 30, 2009
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It's hard to say watching this game, but Damyrius Thomas looked REALLY dominant this game.

I think it's a combination of him getting better, and having Peyton Manning. But they work well together. Thurmond isn't a small DB, but he bounced off of Thomas on one play and didn't even slow him down. Hell, Thomas didn't even miss a step.


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Aug 4, 2010
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Ich tu dir weh
My disclaimer: I am just a longtime fan.....not a techie. I think Jesse and Hill will take a while to develop. I think they both have star potential.
For instance, I know on at least one play Hill shed the lineman and made a very athletic and experienced play vs the run- taken in context- I believe it showed a natural talent we will see again given the opportunity.

I was impressed we smashed a quality opponent.


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Mar 1, 2007
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Milwaukie, Oregon
Curious what you think of Antoine Winfield. Its early, but so far i'm rather unimpressed and wouldn't be completely shocked if we went with the young guys rather then him.


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May 1, 2009
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I haven't re-watched the game yet, so you're review of the oline has me excited. I'm all for playing the best 5 as long as they're solid, so it's good to hear that McQuistan and Sweezy had good games. It'll probably take a lot for them not to be our starting guards.

I am a little confused about your take on Luke Willson. Setting aside Miller, I would say he's our only TE that's better than 'fringe NFL talent.' He's certainly the only TE I've seen that can get any sort of separation. Raw, undisciplined, inexperienced I can understand, but just speaking from natural abilities angle he has it. I guess I'm a little higher on his ceiling. When he was overthrown early in the game it seemed he had a yard or so cushion.

Appreciate the breakdown.


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Mar 6, 2007
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JSeahawks":1uoxhvkk said:
Curious what you think of Antoine Winfield. Its early, but so far i'm rather unimpressed and wouldn't be completely shocked if we went with the young guys rather then him.

He hasn't looked good yet, but I've only barely seen him out there. It might be a case of the team keeping his rep count down to keep him fresh for the season.

I'm sure we'll keep 6 corners, so I don't see any reason we wouldn't keep Winfield. He takes the spot left open by Trufant. I'd much rather gamble on Winfield returning to form than ditching him for Blackmon or Shead, who will both be available again next summer anyway, most likely.


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May 23, 2009
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Interesting and possibly exciting stuff from Luke Willson, I thought. He looked to be extremely competent blocking, and though it didn't result in a reception he got behind a starting DB by a stride or two on one of RWs overthrows.


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Fuzzman55":13h5ext9 said:
I am a little confused about your take on Luke Willson. Setting aside Miller, I would say he's our only TE that's better than 'fringe NFL talent.' He's certainly the only TE I've seen that can get any sort of separation. Raw, undisciplined, inexperienced I can understand, but just speaking from natural abilities angle he has it. I guess I'm a little higher on his ceiling. When he was overthrown early in the game it seemed he had a yard or so cushion.

I haven't seen much separation from Willson. If I added them up, I'm guessing he's been "wide open" less often than McGrath and Helfet have been.

I know he ran a 4.51, but he hasn't looked like a 4.51 guy on the field so far, either. To this point, Willson has been Kris Durham redux. Like Willson, Durham was 6'5", ran fast on a track, didn't have a ton of reps in college, was drafted probably too high, and didn't do jack squat in the preseason. Maybe Durham is a little harsh, because Durham was like the Mike Teel of WRs and Willson hasn't been quite that awful, but he's been given a ton of opportunity and turned that opportunity into mostly negative play. He has not looked like a roster worthy player, IMO.

Back in March I watched a few games on Willson, since I wanted to scout his teammate (Vance McDonald) anyway. He was just a non-factor and didn't look the part even at the college level. I had a UDFA grade on Willson before the draft, and he's disappointing me anyway. The guy had Jimmy Graham measurables to a tee in a draft that didn't have the most athletic TE group, but still lasted to the 158th pick, which kind of says it all, really.

It's still early, but right now he does not look the part. He looks like a guy that would hurt the team if he was starting for us. Sure, he's got nice upside, but I think best case scenario, he's like Golden Tate and makes us suffer for the better part of two NFL seasons before eventually climbing the ladder to quasi-greatness. And obviously, the downside is that he's just another Kris Durham. It's just two professional games so maybe I am jumping the gun a little, but that's the vibe I'm getting. In two preseason games he's the exact same guy he was in 2012, 2011, and 2010, and that guy wasn't worth drafting, IMO. I keep waiting to see what JS saw in him, but JS saw something in Durham too. The more I see, the more I suspect they loved Willson for how well he tested athletically and how well he interviewed (he does give an A+ interview).


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kearly":1rq9chgp said:
JSeahawks":1rq9chgp said:
Curious what you think of Antoine Winfield. Its early, but so far i'm rather unimpressed and wouldn't be completely shocked if we went with the young guys rather then him.

He hasn't looked good yet, but I've only barely seen him out there. It might be a case of the team keeping his rep count down to keep him fresh for the season.

I'm sure we'll keep 6 corners, so I don't see any reason we wouldn't keep Winfield. He takes the spot left open by Trufant. I'd much rather gamble on Winfield returning to form than ditching him for Blackmon or Shead, who will probably be available again next summer.

I agree. As much as this team is about competing for every job, what Antoine Winfield does in the preseason is irrelevant. The man has enough equity built up by being as good as you can ask a slot CB to be (by most metrics) as recently as 10 months ago. The real competition is for nickle snaps come the regular season.


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Aug 4, 2010
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Ich tu dir weh
With Willson my gripe is that you have to make the athletic catch. To a man, I dont think he has that mindset.


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Lecce, Italy
kobebryant":h33cjkwj said:
kearly":h33cjkwj said:
JSeahawks":h33cjkwj said:
Curious what you think of Antoine Winfield. Its early, but so far i'm rather unimpressed and wouldn't be completely shocked if we went with the young guys rather then him.

He hasn't looked good yet, but I've only barely seen him out there. It might be a case of the team keeping his rep count down to keep him fresh for the season.

I'm sure we'll keep 6 corners, so I don't see any reason we wouldn't keep Winfield. He takes the spot left open by Trufant. I'd much rather gamble on Winfield returning to form than ditching him for Blackmon or Shead, who will probably be available again next summer.

I agree. As much as this team is about competing for every job, what Antoine Winfield does in the preseason is irrelevant. The man has enough equity built up by being as good as you can ask a slot CB to be (by most metrics) as recently as 10 months ago. The real competition is for nickle snaps come the regular season.

Have we learned nothing these last few years? No one has equity, they are judged by what they do on the field.


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May 23, 2009
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I agree. As much as this team is about competing for every job, what Antoine Winfield does in the preseason is irrelevant. The man has enough equity built up by being as good as you can ask a slot CB to be (by most metrics) as recently as 10 months ago. The real competition is for nickle snaps come the regular season.[/quote]

Have we learned nothing these last few years? No one has equity, they are judged by what they do on the field.[/quote]

Regular season yes, but not in the preseason. Sid, Marshawn , Zach etc.. all proven vets who justifiably get plenty of work in the regular season, yet rightfully are not judged, nor are they competing for their jobs based upon preseason footall. Lots of people have well-earned equity, it is foolish to operate otherwise.


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Aug 16, 2012
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Kansas City, MO
At least you're right about the high scoring game (though that's debatable given where the game will be played and Peyton's issues in cold weather, his issues of being a choke artist or the fact that three other AFC teams will beat them when the time comes).

Personally, I am far more worried about Baltimore, New England or maybe Houston as our opponent then Denver. 2 out of 3 are seriously balanced teams like us and Brady is Brady and just may be mad.

Why do you think Eli sucks? Because neither the Giants or Broncos can actually run the ball. Much like Indianapolis, but at least the Colts realize that and understand success isn't all about Luck. Unlike Denver and NYG and by extension the Manning brothers.


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Apr 28, 2012
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Thanks for the write-up, kearly. I, too, am worried about the TE position, as RW relies on the TE as a security blanket very often, especially on scrambles. The bright spot is that McGrath and Helfet both made 4 catches on 4 targets, but they weren't as consistently open as Miller was last season. They could use some work getting more physical at the point of attack.

Russ Willstrong

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Aug 28, 2012
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Thanks for the detailed write up Kearly. I missed the game and dont have nfl preseason access so thanks a bunch for your analysis.


Well-known member
May 18, 2012
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First off, wow, this is an incredible write up. I might make a few more comments, but only once I get home from work. Frist off is this:

kearly":340s6pgs said:
Red Bryant

Red Bryant played mostly DT with the starting defense and later took some snaps at the 5-tech. Despite his size, Bryant is not great against double teams and I think that's the real reason why he improved from the move outside. This game was further evidence of that, where he looked decent at 5-tech and a little less decent at DT. He doesn't generate pressure, but at the 5-tech spot he did have one very nice run defense (vs. a single block) that I charted.

The surprising thing about Bryant's play is how clever he is. At least 3 times I saw him making a positive play with nothing but presence of mind. On one snap he was doubled in pass pro and had no hope of reaching Manning, so he deliberately dropped back, eyed the QB, then jumped to swat at the football. Bryant is tall with long arms and big mitts. He got a piece of the pass, though unfortunately it was still caught (Manning had several passes tipped during this game, btw). Regardless, smart play by Bryant. Later on Bryant was a non-factor in the pass rush but grabbed RB Montee Ball as he ran by him. That disrupted Ball's route enough that it basically took him out of the play. Finally, Bryant (as a 5-tech) made a great play mirroring two gaps on a running play and single handedly forced a run for no gain. I still don't think Bryant is helping our defense all that much, but at least now he's finding little ways to add value by using his wits. I love seeing players maximize their value by doing the little things, and that's what Bryant did in this game.

I wasn't paying attention to Bryant all game, so this may have been an isolated incident, but on the play where Wagner absolutely exploded into the backfield for a TFL Bryant absolutely swallowed up a double team, and I would say it was a more impressive play from Bryant than it was from Wagner.

On second viewing, maybe I was mistake - it looks as if Bryant gets pushed back and the guard just ignores Wagner. Either way, any time you occupy two blockers and allow a linebacker through to make a TFL is a good play to me