Hawks D isn't as good as people want to think


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Oct 11, 2012
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They absolutely stunk up the joint today in the second half. Embarrassing performance. This along with Detroit makes 2 road games where the D rolled over and blew the game, not to mention multiple 2nd half leads. They have no problem playing well early in a game, when its low scoring. But when it's offense starts scoring points, and the pressure mounts later in the game, they crumble into a turnstile.

I don't care if the offense wasnt good either. And it wasnt. Absolutely pathetic play calling and run blocking (Bevell's run run pass, automatic 3rd down play calling returned). Nobody acts like this team is built to win based off its offense. The defense is the unit that gets all the accolades and talks all the big talk. They were giving 2 leads in the 2nd half, and blew both. Rolled over like chumps. PATHETIC.

You take this defense away from CLink, the 12th man, the added boost and extra step they get playing there, and they are 100% pedestrian. And as we saw today and in Detroit, have the ability to play like total crap. Yes, I'm being way harder on them than I am the offense. But thats because I expect more from them. If I give you 2 leads in the 2nd half, I expect you to play better than giving up play after big play. Embarrassing.

There's going to be a lot of talk this week about the Hawks being pretenders. Well maybe they are. But currently the biggest pretender on this team is the unit that talks the big talk and says its one of the best in the league, but plays like chumps when the going gets tough away from their comfy home.


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Colorado Springs, Colorado
I agree. There's nobody that can convince me otherwise. Tired of reading about how good this defense is...it's just NOT.

Good defenses don't allow nearly 500 yards to the damn Dolphins, P E R I O D. Our defense is good at home, easily beaten on the road.

The stat geeks will come firing with some crazy excuse about yards, DVOA, or whatever. Only one stat counts - WINS. We had a chance to win the game -- just like Detroit -- and we couldn't stop a high school team.

Stop with the over-hype about our defense. It ain't all that.


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Right outside Richard Sherman's house
FlyingGreg":2wid8o4z said:
I agree. There's nobody that can convince me otherwise. Tired of reading about how good this defense is...it's just NOT.

Good defenses don't allow nearly 500 yards to the damn Dolphins, P E R I O D. Our defense is good at home, easily beaten on the road.

The stat geeks will come firing with some crazy excuse about yards, DVOA, or whatever. Only one stat counts - WINS. We had a chance to win the game -- just like Detroit -- and we couldn't stop a high school team.

Stop with the over-hype about our defense. It ain't all that.

If it makes you feel better, I'm sure the defensive DVOA will drop after this game. As will the rankings based on yards and points.

You may resume your tirade against the "stat geeks." :mrgreen:


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Aug 19, 2009
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the 12th man is too good, its their drug. They cant live without it


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Oct 11, 2012
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435 yards to Miami. I don't ever want to hear people say this is one of the best defenses in the league. And if a single person uses "elite" in the same sentence as the Hawks defense, they need to be checked into a looney bin.


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FlyingGreg":33h5mt2u said:
I agree. There's nobody that can convince me otherwise. Tired of reading about how good this defense is...it's just NOT.

Good defenses don't allow nearly 500 yards to the damn Dolphins, P E R I O D. Our defense is good at home, easily beaten on the road.

The stat geeks will come firing with some crazy excuse about yards, DVOA, or whatever. Only one stat counts - WINS. We had a chance to win the game -- just like Detroit -- and we couldn't stop a high school team.

Stop with the over-hype about our defense. It ain't all that.
I've always felt the DVOA was kind of a useless geekery anyway.


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Colorado Springs, Colorado
Jazzhawk":1rw3ujeg said:
FlyingGreg":1rw3ujeg said:
I agree. There's nobody that can convince me otherwise. Tired of reading about how good this defense is...it's just NOT.

Good defenses don't allow nearly 500 yards to the damn Dolphins, P E R I O D. Our defense is good at home, easily beaten on the road.

The stat geeks will come firing with some crazy excuse about yards, DVOA, or whatever. Only one stat counts - WINS. We had a chance to win the game -- just like Detroit -- and we couldn't stop a high school team.

Stop with the over-hype about our defense. It ain't all that.
I've always felt the DVOA was kind of a useless geekery anyway.

Same here. Stops on 3rd down, sacks on the road, key turnovers -- all more important and definitive. And all things we suck at.


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Oct 11, 2012
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FlyingGreg":yplh2tsn said:
Jazzhawk":yplh2tsn said:
FlyingGreg":yplh2tsn said:
I agree. There's nobody that can convince me otherwise. Tired of reading about how good this defense is...it's just NOT.

Good defenses don't allow nearly 500 yards to the damn Dolphins, P E R I O D. Our defense is good at home, easily beaten on the road.

The stat geeks will come firing with some crazy excuse about yards, DVOA, or whatever. Only one stat counts - WINS. We had a chance to win the game -- just like Detroit -- and we couldn't stop a high school team.

Stop with the over-hype about our defense. It ain't all that.
I've always felt the DVOA was kind of a useless geekery anyway.

Same here. Stops on 3rd down, sacks on the road, key turnovers -- all more important and definitive. And all things we suck at.

EXACTLY. This is why sabremetrics for football is a fools errand. It works for baseball, because its a simpler game with mostly one on one interactions. But football is much more complex, has room for way too much false positives, and ultimately comes down to just a couple stats. 3rd down % and pts given up. Thats all I care about when it comes to judging a defense. And right now, ours sucks in both regards. Especially on the road.


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Aug 19, 2012
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Orlando, FL
One comment from Brian Billick concerns me. He commented that our Defense is built to be fast... on turf. He just made an observation that playing on grass seems to neutralize that advantage. No matter what you think of Billick, anyone think there's enough truth to this to be a valid point? If he's got a point... boy, it's beyond just simply road woes. I don't know how they would address this in the future to be more balanced without re-thinking their philosophy. If we're exposed... that is a serious problem. To me, this loss was just like the others... we were battling for a victory. So, while I'm disappointed... I know I'll eventually get over it and be as hopeful as ever against the Bears next week (on grass field.) I saw the apparent collapse of the Defense. (Was LeRoy's ankle injury anything to do with the Dolphins moving the ball so easily in the 4th? We're they gassed due to the humidity of Florida?) The Dolphins are an improving team and Tannehill is no slouch. That Miami D is pretty good. Our offensive line hasn't had consistency. I really think, while we are in need of another electric offensive weapon (please, Tavon Austin)... I think the O-Line is still not settled. So... to pin it all on our Defense - even with that monumental collapse today - isn't the only problem. I do agree with the original post that Seattle's D is not elite. But, they play like an elite Defense at times. Special teams almost bailed out this team today. But, if the offense wouldn't have stalled on that last drive (even if they wouldn't have gone BACKWARDS)... SEA could have had a long FG try and maybe we're all just grateful for an ugly road win instead. Either way... I am a bit concerned about Billicks comment. I can't completely disagree. Thoughts?


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Apr 30, 2009
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The secondary woes are caused by a few things:

Chancellor is regressing in coverage this year. He's pressing since he knows he's not doing as well as last year, but he's out of position a lot.

Our LBers aren't great in coverage. Hill and Wright are too slow to match up on TE's. You notice teams are starting to split them wide on us, a lot. We are still getting abused by backs out of the backfield, which is also our OLBers. Wagner still hasn't figured out his drops; sometimes he seems way too deep, unless it's by design, but then we don't cover well underneath.

The word is out on our run defense. People are watching tape, and seeing something I'm not (other than a few missed gap assignments by Wagner), but offenses are gashing us right up the middle. They run right at Wagner with great success.


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Bay Area, CA
I will give a D one or two bad games a season if they are supposedly elite.

The Seahawks convinced me today that they are not that. They have been pushed around in too many games by inferior teams.


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Sep 18, 2011
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Vancouver, Wa
Hawks46":1rxpi3gc said:
The secondary woes are caused by a few things:

Chancellor is regressing in coverage this year. He's pressing since he knows he's not doing as well as last year, but he's out of position a lot.

Our LBers aren't great in coverage. Hill and Wright are too slow to match up on TE's. You notice teams are starting to split them wide on us, a lot. We are still getting abused by backs out of the backfield, which is also our OLBers. Wagner still hasn't figured out his drops; sometimes he seems way too deep, unless it's by design, but then we don't cover well underneath.

The word is out on our run defense. People are watching tape, and seeing something I'm not (other than a few missed gap assignments by Wagner), but offenses are gashing us right up the middle. They run right at Wagner with great success.
ggod offenses exploit weaknesses on the other teams D, maybe we should try that sometime?


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Mar 22, 2010
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I think they really have found a chink in the armor up front that got exposed a few games ago and we can't seem to adapt. I heard an announcer last game talking about us getting gashed by the trap play and showed some replays of it happening. I think they are bringing the gaurd(s) into the side of Mebane and taking him out of the play, possibly w/ a double team. That leaves the FB on Wags and bam we are in trouble. Now, whats the answer to stopping it?

Ramblings. I think we definately are still needing serious 3 tech help via draft or FA. I am also starting to wonder about this PC scheme that is so special. I think it worked at first w/ shemey playcalling but OC's have figured it out. Seems to me we are really easy reads having to rotate tackles and DE's for passing and running plays. While I love big Red to death, I am afraid his lack of pass rush is crippling us to predictability. Do we need to go more conventional 3-4 or 4-3 w/ everydown DE's at the NFL level. IDK. I do agree we have big issue in coverage at the LBR lvl....again I would hope we address that via draft.

Here is hoping they find the answers sooner rather than later.


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Oct 31, 2010
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wow, one game? today was bad, well not as bad as you're trying to make it, they lost by 3 points, good grief

good thing you're not a Saints fan, or Browns

Tech Worlds

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Feb 28, 2007
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Granite Falls, WA
Twisted":209apb85 said:
wow, one game? today was bad, well not as bad as you're trying to make it, they lost by 3 points, good grief

good thing you're not a Saints fan, or Browns
Pull your head out of the sand. This defense isn't nearly as good as it was early in the season. We are being gashed regularly on the ground and giving up passes we wernt earlier. Huge cause for concern.


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Sep 13, 2009
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So we have all come to conclusion that the Seahawks have an average defense then?

Average defenses don't win super bowls.