Lang visited (UPDATE: signs with Lions)

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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Uncle Si":3mrhx8m4 said:
Maybe they don't share your assertions on Joeckel?

You illogically assume they didn't go up 1.5 mill because of Joeckel. Perhaps they had a number for Lang and that was that

Then I'm even more annoyed that our FO thinks the market for Luke Freaking Joeckel was 8.5M, yet we weren't willing to entertain going over the Lang number by 1.5M in guarantees.

Uncle Si

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Mar 3, 2007
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I would be surprised if AP or any free agent RB was an alternative to Oline

Uncle Si

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Mar 3, 2007
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Sgt. Largent":qed5o03n said:
Uncle Si":qed5o03n said:
Maybe they don't share your assertions on Joeckel?

You illogically assume they didn't go up 1.5 mill because of Joeckel. Perhaps they had a number for Lang and that was that

Then I'm even more annoyed that our FO thinks the market for Luke Freaking Joeckel was 8.5M, yet we weren't willing to entertain going over the Lang number by 1.5M in guarantees.

Of course you are....

Why not let all this play out first? Pretty good chance Joeckel and Lang are just a couple of a handful of names


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Nov 16, 2015
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Sgt. Largent":ge8ha6ae said:
Uncle Si":ge8ha6ae said:
Maybe they don't share your assertions on Joeckel?

You illogically assume they didn't go up 1.5 mill because of Joeckel. Perhaps they had a number for Lang and that was that

Then I'm even more annoyed that our FO thinks the market for Luke Freaking Joeckel was 8.5M, yet we weren't willing to entertain going over the Lang number by 1.5M in guarantees.

From what I read, Joeckels FA market value estimates were between 1.8 and 3.5 million per season. Obviously due to injury and performance issues. So yes, it would seem we may have over payed by a buttload.


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Apr 11, 2010
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Pandion Haliaetus":1n41ijau said:
Cyrus12":1n41ijau said:
what gets me are the posters here saying the o line is bound to improve with another year under their belt???? maybe joeckel adds something but the holes and horrible players are still there. like i said this is the year wilson goes down for the season...

Right, because returning 7 of your 8 linemen doesn't do anything, I mean chemistry isn't important on the Oline.

Because experience and development mean jack squat, it's not like:

Seahawks started a rookie college TE/ex basketball player at LT.

It's not like their 2nd year LG was a first time starter who had growing pains moving from his more natural side.

Or their 3rd year OC was an expert snapper who by all means was thrusted into a leadership role.

Or their rookie RG was a natural at the position.

Or their 3rd year RT was a converted TE that regressed likely because of playing next to a rookie that spent his entire off-season training to be the LT, only to lose valuable TC time because of a knee scope, where he was forced back to RT because Jemarcus Webb was horrible both physically and mentally.

It's not like the 3 other linemen weren't made up of 1yr, 1m free agent or 2 rookies.

I mean damn 4 rookies made half the group they ended the season with. Only 1 player of that 8 had more than 3 years of experience.

It's not like a young, very inexperience offensive line with little chemistry together didn't have to block for an immobile Russell Wilson, 2 oft-injured RBs, 1 a 2nd year player coming off a broken leg, the other a rookie who was more of a specialist than a workhorse forced to carry the load because the other 2 RBs on roster, was a blockhead who didn't run the right plays and tripped over his own feet when he had big holes and another rookie trying find his game in this system.

I mean damn, we should just give up now because experience doesnt matter, growth doesnt matter, development doesnt matter, chemistry doesnt matter, nor does the concepts of a healthier QB whose bread and butter is being elusive as all hell and adding at least 489 yards of rushing offense.

Nor does healthier RBs, who in their own right had to build their own chemistry and feel for their Olines.

That's not going to improve. Shit because players don't ever develop, they never improve, they don't learn from experience or build any familarity or chemistry together.

I guess it's time to throw in the towel, I won't watch the the Seahawks this season because there's no reason to.

The team sucks. The team cant learn or develop or build chemistry. I mean who would have thought this team won 10 games last season for as much as they are incapable of doing nothing to improve. Everything is going to be the same. Same injuries. Same performance. Same schedule. Same struggles. Same regressions. Same distractions. Because this team isn't human, they are robots set to their specifications, with out the program to transcend and learn from their mistakes.
Great Post.^^ :irishdrinkers:

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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Uncle Si":23viaanz said:
Sgt. Largent":23viaanz said:
Uncle Si":23viaanz said:
Maybe they don't share your assertions on Joeckel?

You illogically assume they didn't go up 1.5 mill because of Joeckel. Perhaps they had a number for Lang and that was that

Then I'm even more annoyed that our FO thinks the market for Luke Freaking Joeckel was 8.5M, yet we weren't willing to entertain going over the Lang number by 1.5M in guarantees.

Of course you are....

Why not let all this play out first? Pretty good chance Joeckel and Lang are just a couple of a handful of names

Cause I'm a fan, and that's what fans do on a sports team forum..............discuss our opinions.

If we had to wait until things played out, then shut the forum down until September.

Uncle Si

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Mar 3, 2007
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Must be the full moon

If you want to take the post literally then so be it. But you knew what I meant. Lots of nail biting conclusions being assumed


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Mar 3, 2007
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..................... the lions had more powder.

Uncle Si

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Mar 3, 2007
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Jville":1hp09eb8 said:

..................... the lions had more powder.

Same offer by all accounts.. just IN Detroit

(let that sink in for a moment)


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Apr 11, 2010
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nash72":16hxt7bs said:
Largent80":16hxt7bs said:
ChickenLittle72":16hxt7bs said:
ChickenLittle12":16hxt7bs said:
what gets me are the posters here saying the o line is bound to improve with another year under their belt???? maybe joeckel adds something but the holes and horrible players are still there. like i said this is the year wilson goes down for the season...

Its baffling isn't it?

I teach Drums and guitar to people of all ages, and it is abundantly clear that practice makes for a much better player.

I also played football all the way through college and the same applies.

It has also been proven that rookies struggle in the NFL and we had 3 on the line last year, and one moved to a new position. If you can't see and understand these things then why even waste your time watching or typing?

I'm a drummer too (I kid you not) as well as my son. All I can say about the teaching aspect is dont you love the kids that come in and you know no matter how much they practice they just dont have it and are never going to get it? Thats how I feel about our Oline right now.

I realize rookies struggle but our line is so bad (historically bad) that the left tackle who is protecting our franchise QB's blindside was a basketball player that never played the position before. How long do you wait for that to become serviceable?
Hmmm, so you consider that because you teach drums, you are now an expert evaluator on NFL level O-Linemen?
Considering the tenacious Defenses that our Rooks faced in playing the Rams & Cards alone, Fant showed a big improvement as the Season wound down....Continuity & Cohesiveness plays into evaluating Growth.
I became a Journeyman in FOUR different fields, and an expert in all of them, BUT, Physically and Mentally, I had to put in the time and hard work to get there.


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
I would say this in the difference in Joeckel and Lang, Cable has his input on what he thinks is value and what the player can bring, John and Pete run with that.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Uncle Si":2z9dtg3c said:
Jville":2z9dtg3c said:

..................... the lions had more powder.

Same offer by all accounts.. just IN Detroit

(let that sink in for a moment)

That is not what I am reading .... [tweet][/tweet]

So ...... Lang took his Saturday offer from Seattle to Detroit and the lions countered with a $1.5M/year bump on Sunday ...... thus more powder.


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Apr 11, 2010
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nash72":24fz18zp said:
scutterhawk":24fz18zp said:
nash72":24fz18zp said:
Cyrus12":24fz18zp said:
what gets me are the posters here saying the o line is bound to improve with another year under their belt???? maybe joeckel adds something but the holes and horrible players are still there. like i said this is the year wilson goes down for the season...

Its baffling isn't it?
No, what's "Baffling", is that you and a couple others have "Tapped Out"........Misery Loves Company, and your NON-EXPERT OPINIONS are proof of NOTHING.

Tapped Out is to strong a term. Disappointed with the FO and coaching while being realistic is a better way of saying it.

If the team signs Peterson, then you'll really see my lid flipped.

You're pitting your non-expert assessments of player evaluations against the Seahawks brain trust?...Sorry, but I ain't in your corner.

Uncle Si

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Mar 3, 2007
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Jville":u39ttbdy said:
That is not what I am reading .... [tweet][/tweet]

So ...... Lang took his Saturday offer from Seattle to Detroit and the lions countered with a $1.5M/year bump on Sunday ...... thus more powder.

"powder?".. is that what the cool kids are saying these days?

Contradicts a bit what Clayton said and was quoted on here...or maybe it was just interpreted differently. Either way, Seattle did not go up the 1.5 million, even though they could have.

be interesting to see where they do spend that money


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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Sorry ..... it was used more like in the old days. Powder as in gun powder ...... for a bidding war ...... as in the lions were willing to burn thru more cap room ..... i.e. powder to win a bidding war.

Uncle Si

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Mar 3, 2007
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Jville":dxjehvo6 said:
Sorry ..... it was used more like in the old days. Powder as in gun powder ...... for a bidding war ...... as in the lions were willing to burn thru more cap room ..... i.e. powder to win a bidding war.

I like it. Never heard that before.


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Nov 16, 2015
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So sounds like our offer was actually the same as they paid Joeckel?

I absolutely do not get this.

Lang told a Detroit radio station Monday that he was “99 percent sure” he was signing with the Seahawks after leaving a visit with Seattle on Saturday but that the Lions then countered with the offer that he quickly accepted on Sunday morning.

And according to ESPN’s John Clayton there was a significant difference in those offers — Clayton reported that Seattle’s offer stopped at $8 million per year while Lang ended up getting $9.5 million per year from the Lions ($28.5 million over three years with $19 million guaranteed).


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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T.J. Lang’s three-year, $28.5 million deal with Detroit closed out the main group of the offensive-line market. That $9.5 million average was $1.5 million more per year than what Seattle would have paid him.

Source >>> [urltargetblank][/urltargetblank]

ALLEN PARK -- When T.J. Lang boarded his plane home from a free-agent visit with Seattle, he thought that was it. He was going to be a Seahawk.

"At the time, Seattle actually had the best offer," he said Monday while in studio with 97.1 FM, "and I didn't know Detroit was coming back with the counteroffer."

Oh, Bob Quinn came back all right.

The second-year Lions GM raised the Seahawks a three-year, $28.5 million deal that included a reported $19 million in guarantees. At $9.5 million annually, it would make Lang the fourth-highest paid right guard overall.

In other words, Quinn gave Lang an offer he couldn't refuse.

"When I left Seattle, I was about 99.9 percent sure I was flying back there to sign a contract," Lang said in the interview. "And Detroit stepped up, and things changed pretty quick."

T.J. Lang was 99.9 percent sure he'd sign with Seattle, until Detroit countered >>> [urltargetblank][/urltargetblank]


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Nov 5, 2011
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Jville":1chrzjbq said:
T.J. Lang’s three-year, $28.5 million deal with Detroit closed out the main group of the offensive-line market. That $9.5 million average was $1.5 million more per year than what Seattle would have paid him.

Source >>> [urltargetblank][/urltargetblank]

ALLEN PARK -- When T.J. Lang boarded his plane home from a free-agent visit with Seattle, he thought that was it. He was going to be a Seahawk.

"At the time, Seattle actually had the best offer," he said Monday while in studio with 97.1 FM, "and I didn't know Detroit was coming back with the counteroffer."

Oh, Bob Quinn came back all right.

The second-year Lions GM raised the Seahawks a three-year, $28.5 million deal that included a reported $19 million in guarantees. At $9.5 million annually, it would make Lang the fourth-highest paid right guard overall.

In other words, Quinn gave Lang an offer he couldn't refuse.

"When I left Seattle, I was about 99.9 percent sure I was flying back there to sign a contract," Lang said in the interview. "And Detroit stepped up, and things changed pretty quick."

T.J. Lang was 99.9 percent sure he'd sign with Seattle, until Detroit countered >>> [urltargetblank][/urltargetblank]

I agree with you here. The 1.5 mil was not all the was the 3 year deal that they probably did not counter. I would bet that the Seahawks did not get the full offer to counter too.


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Feb 18, 2015
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scutterhawk":168gxoo6 said:
Hmmm, so you consider that because you teach drums, you are now an expert evaluator on NFL level O-Linemen?
Considering the tenacious Defenses that our Rooks faced in playing the Rams & Cards alone, Fant showed a big improvement as the Season wound down....Continuity & Cohesiveness plays into evaluating Growth.
I became a Journeyman in FOUR different fields, and an expert in all of them, BUT, Physically and Mentally, I had to put in the time and hard work to get there.

If your going to butt in on the conversation, at least bother to read and understand the context of the posts.

That's great that your were a journeyman in different fields and became as you call, an expert, but how long did that take you? The window in the NFL is short and you need to win while you can. Wilson and company will either be dead or gone before those bums on that Oline become decent. How long do we wait for it to happen? The Oline is a priority and the FO is blowing it. They should be going all in on decent lineman right now and all they have done is lose out on Lang and overpay for another bum that's probably going to be out of the league this time next year.