More 49ers Drama...


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Feb 23, 2007
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It's almost as if people realize Jed is cheap and cares about dollars over wins. ... francisco/

If 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick wants out of San Francisco, he hasn’t said so in his own words. 49ers tackle Anthony Davis now has.

“I do not want to work with a front office or anyone else who seemingly doesn’t want to win as bad as I do,” David said via Twitter on Wednesday night.

“Would you happily rent your body out to people that bullsh-t you and constantly try to manipulate you?” Davis added. “I hope you’d stand up for yourself. . . . I don’t like the back and forth messy sh-t. Don’t speak to me in code.”


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Oct 4, 2009
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PoCompton, BC Canada
It's not even fun anymore. That team is a joke. Spent just enough to play well enough to get that new stadium, then went straight back to the same old cheap ass bullshit.


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This is why culture matters in NFL organizations. Baalke probably isn't any more of a penny pincher than JS is, but PCJS can convince players that they are part of a family, so interpersonal issues related to money can often be swept under the rug, and cap casualty breakups tend to be less messy.


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peachesenregalia":27neg4pf said:

This never gets old :lol:


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May 15, 2012
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I for one am happy that he spoke up. All moves since Harbaughs termination have been pathetic at best. The moves were made to lose and not win. Balke needs to go pure and simple. Jed needs to take his trust fund a go hump goats for all I care. Get them OFF this team.


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Vancouver, WA
rlkats":f143skh4 said:
I for one am happy that he spoke up. All moves since Harbaughs termination have been pathetic at best. The moves were made to lose and not win. Balke needs to go pure and simple. Jed needs to take his trust fund a go hump goats for all I care. Get them OFF this team.
Problem is, you're stuck with Jedthro as long as he wants and my guess is that will be as long as he's making money. That is likely to be many years because NFL franchises basically print cash.


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May 15, 2012
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hawksfansinceday1":2beqoc6e said:
rlkats":2beqoc6e said:
I for one am happy that he spoke up. All moves since Harbaughs termination have been pathetic at best. The moves were made to lose and not win. Balke needs to go pure and simple. Jed needs to take his trust fund a go hump goats for all I care. Get them OFF this team.
Problem is, you're stuck with Jedthro as long as he wants and my guess is that will be as long as he's making money. That is likely to be many years because NFL franchises basically print cash.

If it does not get better. One of two thing will happen.

1. I find a new team to root for
2. I stop watching football.

I feel #2 is the correct choice.


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May 19, 2012
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Smelly McUgly":8jbn7ykm said:
Eh, I don't believe this. Anthony Davis isn't on Marv's approved list of people who report on the 49ers. I can't trust that he means what he says here. It's probably just Twitter bs. I bet Kawakami put him up to this or something.

Anthony Davis is absolutely right.

And he's also a POS at the same time. It's not like this is coming from Bowman or Staley's mouth.

Davis was always a s*** stirrer, but the good times kept it at bay.

So you can squash this approved list stuff with Davis.

As far as Kawakami, he's always been about the drama and lucked out on the team going downhill from early 2014. Everything that has could have gone wrong has gone wrong.

He also is an excellent hedger because he was a bit of thorn in the side of Jim Harbaugh during the good years, and now has nothing but praise for him when it's the obvious thing to do.

Baalke needs to go at this point, but only because I feel his replacement Tom Gamble is enough of a known quantity that the risk of him being worse is very minimal (from purely a talent evaluation standpoint), and the upside on just being a personable human being will be a hundred fold.


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May 19, 2012
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hawksfansinceday1":3gpuf7v2 said:
rlkats":3gpuf7v2 said:
I for one am happy that he spoke up. All moves since Harbaughs termination have been pathetic at best. The moves were made to lose and not win. Balke needs to go pure and simple. Jed needs to take his trust fund a go hump goats for all I care. Get them OFF this team.
Problem is, you're stuck with Jedthro as long as he wants and my guess is that will be as long as he's making money. That is likely to be many years because NFL franchises basically print cash.

Jed is a bit of the problem but at the same time I think Marathe and Baalke are/were the bigger problems.

The 49ers almost/should have won a Super Bowl with York. Luck or not, he has gotten closer than many better owners in this league and it's not like he inherited the best of Debartolo's teams.

A better owner during the peak of Harbaugh/Baalke turmoil IMO would have resolved it better, but most of the NFL hasn't been in a conference championship game in the last few years, let alone 10.


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Jan 14, 2013
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NINEster":16z857tw said:
hawksfansinceday1":16z857tw said:
rlkats":16z857tw said:
I for one am happy that he spoke up. All moves since Harbaughs termination have been pathetic at best. The moves were made to lose and not win. Balke needs to go pure and simple. Jed needs to take his trust fund a go hump goats for all I care. Get them OFF this team.
Problem is, you're stuck with Jedthro as long as he wants and my guess is that will be as long as he's making money. That is likely to be many years because NFL franchises basically print cash.

Jed is a bit of the problem but at the same time I think Marathe and Baalke are/were the bigger problems.

The 49ers almost/should have won a Super Bowl with York. Luck or not, he has gotten closer than many better owners in this league and it's not like he inherited the best of Debartolo's teams.

A better owner during the peak of Harbaugh/Baalke turmoil IMO would have resolved it better, but most of the NFL hasn't been in a conference championship game in the last few years, let alone 10.

What's worse, a bad GM or an owner that fires a great coach to keep a bad GM?


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May 19, 2012
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Laloosh":18fkmie4 said:
NINEster":18fkmie4 said:
hawksfansinceday1":18fkmie4 said:
rlkats":18fkmie4 said:
I for one am happy that he spoke up. All moves since Harbaughs termination have been pathetic at best. The moves were made to lose and not win. Balke needs to go pure and simple. Jed needs to take his trust fund a go hump goats for all I care. Get them OFF this team.
Problem is, you're stuck with Jedthro as long as he wants and my guess is that will be as long as he's making money. That is likely to be many years because NFL franchises basically print cash.

Jed is a bit of the problem but at the same time I think Marathe and Baalke are/were the bigger problems.

The 49ers almost/should have won a Super Bowl with York. Luck or not, he has gotten closer than many better owners in this league and it's not like he inherited the best of Debartolo's teams.

A better owner during the peak of Harbaugh/Baalke turmoil IMO would have resolved it better, but most of the NFL hasn't been in a conference championship game in the last few years, let alone 10.

What's worse, a bad GM or an owner that fires a great coach to keep a bad GM?

Good question.

Owners have proven to be changeable to a greater degree than GMs.

Jerry Jones, Dan Snyder are all a bit better than they used to being less meddling than they used to be.

York ran into a powder keg named Harbaugh. Will he run into another one in the foreseeable future?


Now, is Baalke going to be a top GM on the 49ers or other teams based on his personality?


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Mar 3, 2007
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Hawk_Nation":m8l9knkh said:
dontbelikethat":m8l9knkh said:

Now THAT'S some funny shit

How about the prospect of a pick that refused to sign and insisted on being traded?