NBA returning to Seattle?

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Uncle Si

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Mar 3, 2007
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SeaTown81":2l9ctqps said:
peachesenregalia":2l9ctqps said:
One other thing, as far as I can tell, the first stones were thrown by Sonics fans against Thunder fans. They asked for a fight and they got one, then had the cheek to pull the 'classless' card when Thunder fans talked back to them.

Must be nice living in fantasy land.

You see. Just when I'm ready to move on, some dumb OKC fan has to go and say something as stupid as this. I promise this will be my last time bringing this back up. But dammit, Peaches. You asked for it. ;)

You couldn't be more wrong, buddy. You have no idea how many OKC fans constantly came on Sonics sites telling us that we didn't deserve our team. Telling us that we didn't support it. Justifying (as you are doing now) your lying scum bucket ownership. Sure, Seattle fans reacted back harshly. But OKC fans were just as complicit in any cross-country mud-sligning. And unlike Seattle, never had the excuse for being emotional.

You say "Yeah, Clay shouldn't have lied and should have been up front about it." That is freaking hilarious. Do you know why he lied? Because that was the ONLY way he was moving the team. He doesn't get the 41 year old Seattle franchise without lying. He had to lie, or Schultz wouldn't have sold. Him making a less than half-assed effort to keep the team in Seattle was part of the agreement. It was why he was taken to court by the city, and why he had to buy his way out before the trial could end. He had to pretend he intended to stay in Seattle. During his emails with his pal Aubrey McClendon about "how soon can we get out?" he was lying his ass off to Seattle politicians, offering them the worst stadium deal in Seattle sports history. He had a checklist of what he had to do to meet the terms of the sale. He did so dishonestly and was caught every step of the way. Your glorious newspaper in OKC that is owned by his wife chose to shield your fine citizens from all of it. It was complicit every step of the way. Your fans chose to bury their heads in the sand, and attacked Seattle fans for being outraged. DO NOT EVEN TRY TO SAY WE STARTED IT. You got your team, and reaped the benefits of Clay tanking for 2 years in our city. Enjoy it all you want. But you do not get the high ground. Not even a little bit.

I said this before. I dare you to watch SonicsGate. ALL OF IT. Without actually sitting down and watching it, I can't take a word out of your mouth seriously.


Can you tell just how fresh the wound is? ;) lol.

Ok, back to our regularly scheduled programming...

Look, this gets ridiculously inane after awhile. Yeah, Stern stole the Sonics away from Seattle. But to be fair to Oklahoma City, what are the fans supposed to do? Act aloof? Be politely coy about getting an NBA team? Thats ridiculous. Ofcourse they were excited. Ofcourse they wanted the team. and great for them for getting instantly behind them. I cannot with any rationality take out the loss of the Sonics on any Thunder fan, the city itself or its inhabitants. The blame lies with 4-5 people driven by business instead of tradition. Would it have been better if they sent us all a thank you card and apology letter? We will be equally excited, openly, when the Kings become the Sonics in a year or two.

Ive followed peaches comments on the Sonics. There are some times when he's had enough and starts to be contrarian. Hell, peaches is good at it. Funny as hell. We run into the every NFL teams forums each week we play them and tell them why their team and city suck, women deserve to be forcibly neutered and question why they couldnt do the completely admirable and honest thing and just roll over and be Seahawks fans. We open ourselves up to it as much as he gives it But Sonic fans (as a whole) have hit out at Oklahoma City in some vein way to get back at them with a variety of less-than-complimentary judgments on the city, its women, dental practices, animal beastiality, lack of tradition in sports.... blah, blah, blah.

Thunder fans have every right to stick their head in the sand when it comes to the origins of their team. They also have every right to scream into the rafters in support of one of the best teams in the NBA. But when Sonic fans jerk them from their stoop and start accusing them of theft, what are they supposed to do.

Grow up Peter Pan... we lost the Sonics the same way several cities have lost several teams. not the first, and obviously with the upcoming move of the Kings we benefit from not being the last. I honestly wonder how many of us will send the city of Sacramento a gift basket and flower arrangement... until the first fan is pictured on TV with some shirt that says "Suck the Fonics" or something stupidly similar.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Over heard some folks at McDonalds this morning talking about the Kings to Seattle, and they were saying it's a done deal, don't know where they get there info. So is it??!! :?


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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Tacoma, WA
If heard one of two things, it's either being finalized or done deal which is what Kevin Colabro has said he heard from his source. Either way, you guys should join me on the draft Shabazz Muhammed bandwagon as the first Sonic drafted since Westbrook and Ibaka!


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Feb 23, 2007
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peachesenregalia":3i2niyu8 said:
AbsolutNET":3i2niyu8 said:
peachesenregalia":3i2niyu8 said:
Look, how about this. Every time the Thunder lose to the Sonics, I'll start a thread in the shack to eat crow and let you all unload. In the meantime, you agree to allow me to freely discuss the NBA and/or the Thunder in a non-trolling manner at various points throughout the NBA season. Deal?

You've always been free to discuss the NBA and Thunder in a non-trolling manner.

Have I? Have I Matt?

Of course. In a NON-TROLLING manner.


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Mar 1, 2007
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Milwaukie, Oregon
Throwdown":cvrng75x said:
Either way, you guys should join me on the draft Shabazz Muhammed bandwagon as the first Sonic drafted since Westbrook and Ibaka!

I agree that he should be the target, but unless you win the lottery you're going to have to trade up to get him.

I bet its nice hearing "you" in terms of the NBA again, huh?


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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Tacoma, WA
are you throwing more shots at us? lol it is nice, its actually nice looking at prospects like "wow he'd be NICE", it'll be even better when I can watch a full 82 games and look at what can be upgrades and what players have unique talents than can help your squad.

I cannot wait!


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Mar 1, 2007
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Milwaukie, Oregon
Throwdown":3y78o50a said:
are you throwing more shots at us? lol it is nice, its actually nice looking at prospects like "wow he'd be NICE", it'll be even better when I can watch a full 82 games and look at what can be upgrades and what players have unique talents than can help your squad.

I cannot wait!

No. I was actually trying to be nice with that post! I'm glad the Sonics are back. It will make the sports forum more fun around here.

I'd like to see them moved into the northwest division so they could renew the rivalry with the Blazers, and of course the Thunder are in that division as well which would be great. But unfortunatly if they moved Seattle into that division then Oklahoma City would probably be the most logical to move out.


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Feb 28, 2007
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Seattle, WA
Uncle Si":1n7wu8gz said:
SeaTown81":1n7wu8gz said:
peachesenregalia":1n7wu8gz said:
One other thing, as far as I can tell, the first stones were thrown by Sonics fans against Thunder fans. They asked for a fight and they got one, then had the cheek to pull the 'classless' card when Thunder fans talked back to them.

Must be nice living in fantasy land.

You see. Just when I'm ready to move on, some dumb OKC fan has to go and say something as stupid as this. I promise this will be my last time bringing this back up. But dammit, Peaches. You asked for it. ;)

You couldn't be more wrong, buddy. You have no idea how many OKC fans constantly came on Sonics sites telling us that we didn't deserve our team. Telling us that we didn't support it. Justifying (as you are doing now) your lying scum bucket ownership. Sure, Seattle fans reacted back harshly. But OKC fans were just as complicit in any cross-country mud-sligning. And unlike Seattle, never had the excuse for being emotional.

You say "Yeah, Clay shouldn't have lied and should have been up front about it." That is freaking hilarious. Do you know why he lied? Because that was the ONLY way he was moving the team. He doesn't get the 41 year old Seattle franchise without lying. He had to lie, or Schultz wouldn't have sold. Him making a less than half-assed effort to keep the team in Seattle was part of the agreement. It was why he was taken to court by the city, and why he had to buy his way out before the trial could end. He had to pretend he intended to stay in Seattle. During his emails with his pal Aubrey McClendon about "how soon can we get out?" he was lying his ass off to Seattle politicians, offering them the worst stadium deal in Seattle sports history. He had a checklist of what he had to do to meet the terms of the sale. He did so dishonestly and was caught every step of the way. Your glorious newspaper in OKC that is owned by his wife chose to shield your fine citizens from all of it. It was complicit every step of the way. Your fans chose to bury their heads in the sand, and attacked Seattle fans for being outraged. DO NOT EVEN TRY TO SAY WE STARTED IT. You got your team, and reaped the benefits of Clay tanking for 2 years in our city. Enjoy it all you want. But you do not get the high ground. Not even a little bit.

I said this before. I dare you to watch SonicsGate. ALL OF IT. Without actually sitting down and watching it, I can't take a word out of your mouth seriously.


Can you tell just how fresh the wound is? ;) lol.

Ok, back to our regularly scheduled programming...

Look, this gets ridiculously inane after awhile. Yeah, Stern stole the Sonics away from Seattle. But to be fair to Oklahoma City, what are the fans supposed to do? Act aloof? Be politely coy about getting an NBA team? Thats ridiculous. Ofcourse they were excited. Ofcourse they wanted the team. and great for them for getting instantly behind them. I cannot with any rationality take out the loss of the Sonics on any Thunder fan, the city itself or its inhabitants. The blame lies with 4-5 people driven by business instead of tradition. Would it have been better if they sent us all a thank you card and apology letter? We will be equally excited, openly, when the Kings become the Sonics in a year or two.

Ive followed peaches comments on the Sonics. There are some times when he's had enough and starts to be contrarian. Hell, peaches is good at it. Funny as hell. We run into the every NFL teams forums each week we play them and tell them why their team and city suck, women deserve to be forcibly neutered and question why they couldnt do the completely admirable and honest thing and just roll over and be Seahawks fans. We open ourselves up to it as much as he gives it But Sonic fans (as a whole) have hit out at Oklahoma City in some vein way to get back at them with a variety of less-than-complimentary judgments on the city, its women, dental practices, animal beastiality, lack of tradition in sports.... blah, blah, blah.

Thunder fans have every right to stick their head in the sand when it comes to the origins of their team. They also have every right to scream into the rafters in support of one of the best teams in the NBA. But when Sonic fans jerk them from their stoop and start accusing them of theft, what are they supposed to do.

Grow up Peter Pan... we lost the Sonics the same way several cities have lost several teams. not the first, and obviously with the upcoming move of the Kings we benefit from not being the last. I honestly wonder how many of us will send the city of Sacramento a gift basket and flower arrangement... until the first fan is pictured on TV with some shirt that says "Suck the Fonics" or something stupidly similar.

Whatever, Captain Hook.

Nobody said OKC fans can't enjoy their team. They got every right to. But they can't pull the moral superiority card. That's where I draw the line. And revisionist history from Peaches doesn't go without being checked. You can twist the argument all you want. But I suggest you two stick to your soccer threads. ;)

All I know is since this news made the rounds, all I've heard from NBA players, writers, etc is about how great an NBA city Seattle was, and how great it will be to have it back. That's all I care about. You guys weren't there for the OKC trolls on Sonics sites,, etc, telling us we were bad fans and lost our team because we didn't care about it. You don't see Seattle fans telling that to Sacramento fans because we know better. We've been there before. Both in terms of being in the league and in being screwed unjustly. I feel terrible for Sacramento. I will never in a million years tell them I deserve their team more than they do. They are great fans and don't deserve this. Victims of terrible ownership and a cut throat business model perpetuated by David Stern and Clay Bennett. Sorry if I take offense to being told by

Peaches can love his team all he wants. It's OKC's team. Not ours. Good on them for that. But every single thing that took place with the OKC ownership while in Seattle? OKC fans can't talk a single word on any of that other than "sorry. yeah, that wasn't cool."

Lords of Scythia

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Sep 19, 2011
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Screw that. In the WC Pacific they're with the Lakers - their old foe. The Blazers were never our rivals. We went to war with the Laker. Nick Van Exel and co upset us in the first round. Lots of history.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Wow lot of open wounds still I see, must confess to being out of touch when the Sonics left, so was unaware of the particulars. I am however very much looking forward to having an NBA team to root for again.

Uncle Si

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Mar 3, 2007
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So Seatown is talking for every single Sonics fan with boo boo feelings? How do you know where I was when the Sonics left, or how long ive been a fan. I get it, "soccer thread" you know there arent a handful of fans going onto to threads across the internet to voice their satisfaction at the righting of this injustice, and taking the screws to Kings fans who still hope to keep there team. Talk about taking a moral high ground... its like you're in the Matrix.

Perhaps I responded to the wrong post Seatown. maybe I should have searched further more diligently through the 8 pages. Youre absolutely right in everything you said regarding the Sonics and its move. And I completely agree that the basketball community in general (save Bennett, Stern and some Kings fans) are happy to see the NBA back in Seattle. But I read plenty that the city of Seattle and its tax payers didnt do enough to save the team. Believe it or not, but the same reasons you give for Sacramento losing the Kings are applied directly to Seattle losing the Sonics. I imagine Thunder fans feel that way. Why shouldnt they? and because they, or anyone, do youre somehow able to shout them out? I remember quite clearly the debate on this board when the Sonics were leaving, and how quickly fans were to ignore, persecute or attack anyone that when with the "let them go" or even worse "Im not paying for a new stadium to save an NBA team". It wasnt pretty. Remember?

while peaches may be on the wind up some times, he's taken an awful lot sh-- on here for being a Thunder fan. And Ive seen plenty of "How dare you root for that team on THIS board" kind of crap (completely ignoring the Blazer population we have on here) without so much as any moral abjectness given towards the move. Just gets old, inane. How many NBA threads in general on this board alone devolve into "I wont watch it ever again, I dont care... blah blah, sniffle, sniffle". And god forbid if you pulled for the Thunder in the Finals.

So yeah, ill bow out and return to the soccer threads and take up my persecution of Gate and all things Arsenal FC.... I celebrate the return of a franchise that I remember beating Rick Berry in the finals 30+ years ago, brought us Gus and DJ, Sikma, Nate Mac, X Man, Detlef, Sammy Smooth, Payton to Kemp, Ray Allen, James the trash bag and two great years of Kevin Durant.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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The Malloofs are idiots, and the NBA should force them to sell. They haven't got the money to not sell, and have fd up this organization beyond repair.

Uncle Si

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Mar 3, 2007
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peachesenregalia":21idw00b said:
twisted_steel2":21idw00b said:
dunceface":21idw00b said:

Serious win.

Your two posts on the subject were fantastic SeaTown. Well put.

*yawn* whatever. We'll see how much 'WIN' the Scronics have when they come down to OKC


you should probably trade us Durant back
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