NFC West predictions for 2013

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Oct 10, 2012
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Tri Cities, WA
You do make some good points, but it's more fun to mess with the niner fan. All the same, I disagree on Kaep, I think we're gonna find when teams find away to take the option, he is gonna fail. I think Kaep is not gonna be around too long. I know a lot would disagree with me, but I really do have the feeling by the end of next season, niner fans are not gonna have so much love for him.

man i'd like nothing more than to see that happen.. i just don't see how.. if you take away his running plays, he'll kill you inside the pocket, bring pressure he'll kill you with his legs.. the only knock i can see on the guy right now, is he takes too long to throw the ball in certain situations.. he waits for recievers to get open instead of throwing them open. not always but sometimes.. i think you can take away those designed run plays for him, but you can't take away the scrambles, just like RW.. again i hope i'm wrong.. i hope he fails miserably..


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Jan 23, 2013
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hawker84":39ey33sm said:
You do make some good points, but it's more fun to mess with the niner fan. All the same, I disagree on Kaep, I think we're gonna find when teams find away to take the option, he is gonna fail. I think Kaep is not gonna be around too long. I know a lot would disagree with me, but I really do have the feeling by the end of next season, niner fans are not gonna have so much love for him.

man i'd like nothing more than to see that happen.. i just don't see how.. if you take away his running plays, he'll kill you inside the pocket, bring pressure he'll kill you with his legs.. the only knock i can see on the guy right now, is he takes too long to throw the ball in certain situations.. he waits for recievers to get open instead of throwing them open. not always but sometimes.. i think you can take away those designed run plays for him, but you can't take away the scrambles, just like RW.. again i hope i'm wrong.. i hope he fails miserably..

We had this concern as well in regards to what would happen if an opposing team took away his option to run. In fact I believe it was a topic that was brought up on NFLN and ESPN multiple times...until the NFCCG. He burned the Atlanta defense with his arm, and has done this multiple games. The bolded segment above is what makes the option so hard to defend. Eventually it will be tamed I am sure, but not any team can succeed with it. The Packers can't decide to just start running the option with Aaron because he doesn't have the scramble ability and speed that our 2 QB's have. It was mentioned last season that teams might start drafting QB's based on their ability to succeed in the option as it is a style that will be around for a while, as long as there are QB's who have the all around skills to execute it. Kaep's speed as witnessed in our Divisional win over GB shows why it is hard to defend. You give him a hole and he will burn EVERYBODY because he is just so darn fast!


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May 1, 2009
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Kaepernick does not handle pressure well a lot of the time, that needs to change before any 49ers fans start thinking he's great. Poor decision-making under pressure will keep him from ever being great if it's not fixed. Also, Kaepernick's a fast runner, but he's not quick. Chris Clemons also ran him down and forced a fumble just out of bounds, too; so I'm not sure how truly fast he is. But either way, I'll take quickness (Russell Wilson, look at that scrambling) over fast. The NFL isn't a track meet.


Jan 6, 2013
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New Orleans
Hopefully we can give all four of you one loss each... :lol:

My predictions though:

Seahawks (11-5)
49ers (10-6)
Rams (8-8)
Cardinals (7-9)

Lady Talon

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Feb 17, 2013
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NinerLifer":1zjas07k said:
Lady Talon":1zjas07k said:
Hawks 12-4
Rams 10-6
9ers 10-6
Cards 6-10

Kaepernick, for all the hype, hasn't shown he can win games when the read option is taken away. He doesn't spread the ball around like successful QBs he zeroed in on Crabtree to the point Crabs was targeted twice as much as any other receiver in the NFL. Doesn't matter how good his arm is if he doesn't go through his progressions and take some pressure off his no1. It killed him at Seattle, and for half of the Superbowl. He will get game planned out, especially in the defense heavy NFC West.

Did you watch the NFC Championship? Just to name one...

Yeah. Against Atlanta. They have a rep for blowing leads and their defense is underwhelming compared to the Ravens and the NFC West.


Jan 6, 2013
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New Orleans
Lady Talon":38ky6tel said:
Yeah. Against Atlanta. They have a rep for blowing leads and their defense is underwhelming compared to the Ravens and the NFC West.



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Apr 21, 2011
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Let's do some calculations here.

The Seahawks were beat by the Falcons.

Ok. Got that.

The 49ers beat the Falcons.

Alright, let's punch that in here.

So when it comes to the Seahawks vs. the 49ers, it comes out to......the Seahawks completely embarrassing them 42-13.


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Sep 20, 2009
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Port Townsend, WA
loafoftatupu":3nirgtn3 said:
I just see SF and SEA going neck and neck until the end again. In not ready to call STL a 10 win team.

Did you somehow miss that we were the only team to beat them in the division? Did you hear Jeff Fisher is their new coach? Did you happen to watch our last game with them? I wouldn't guarantee they'll get 10 wins, but will not at all be surprised. That team is for real, and I think we'll see it next year. Plus I think if you gave him good receivers, Bradford would be scary.


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Lake Tapps, WA
SeAhAwKeR4life":1n5v8mxt said:
loafoftatupu":1n5v8mxt said:
I just see SF and SEA going neck and neck until the end again. In not ready to call STL a 10 win team.

Did you somehow miss that we were the only team to beat them in the division? Did you hear Jeff Fisher is their new coach? Did you happen to watch our last game with them? I wouldn't guarantee they'll get 10 wins, but will not at all be surprised. That team is for real, and I think we'll see it next year. Plus I think if you gave him good receivers, Bradford would be scary.

Seattle and SF are still better, not only that, but both Seattle and SF can improve on both sides of the ball and probably will next year. In not saying the Rams are 7-9 again, I just think that they will take more than one loss in the division in 2013. I can see them at 9-7 though. IMHO. I just think that while STL improves, it may not reflect as much in their record.


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Aug 19, 2012
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Orlando, FL
NinerLifer":psob6vrn said:
hawker84":psob6vrn said:
for those of you thinking the niners are going anywhere any time soon, or Kap is going to have a sophomore slump, that's just wishful thinking i'm afraid.. they have the most pics in the draft in our division, they are returning the majority of their starters, they are still young and will get younger via the draft.. Kap is an amazing athelete, and QB who will only improve having a full offseason with the 1's.. they have some issues to address , mainly db's, depth at D Line, possibly reciever... DB's being the priority.. they have a relatively easy road schedule compared to us.

Same can be said about us.. we're returning almost all the starters, got good young players in the wings, draft and FA should sew up those problem areas next season, Pass rush, run defense, nickel position.. RW will be a monster next season, our offense should be pretty darn close to impossible to stop. we address those defensive issues, we got something brewing boys. Don't forget , we have a very tough road schedule compared to them.

rams are right there as well, defense will be stellar, i think their season rest on bradfords shoulders, they'll go as far as he'll take them.. Cards are a couple seasons away from making noise IMO. i don't think this division is a gimme by any means by either of the teams..

Well said.
You are both right. They aren't going anywhere anytime soon while the Seahawks regain the division in 2013. It will be a tough division. Rams and SF tie twice. SF ties Arizona 1x.

Seahawks, Team of the Century 13-3 (There's gotta be 3's in there. 3elieve.)
St. Louis Rams 7-7-2
San FranSeattleOwned 40-Burgers "4-9"-3
Arizona Cardinals 5-10-1

Predictions are anybody's guess.


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Dec 24, 2012
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Seattle Area
JonRud":3c99hoa4 said:
The OP has too many wins for the division. 40-24 with 3 playoff teams? No way. And the Rams are not winning any 11 games with 4 games to play vs. Sea & SF.

Seahawks 12-4
49ers 10-6
Rams 7-9
Cards 4-12

Rams' record 2012 against the Seahawks and Niners: one loss. 2-1-1.

And that is with a team who won only 2 games in 2011.

You can say a lot of things about the Rams, but playing bad in the NFC W? No.


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Dec 24, 2012
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Seattle Area
RolandDeschain":ipjwnt22 said:
SeAhAwKeR4life":ipjwnt22 said:
Bradford would be scary.

The team would be scary. Not Sam Bradford. Bradford will never scare anybody.

I think this is my favorite thing I've read today. So true.


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
Seahawks 10 - 6
San Francisco 10 - 6
St Louis - 9 - 7
Arizona - 5 - 11

We beat the hell out of each other and it will be conference wins that break the tie.


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Dec 21, 2011
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RolandDeschain":1la1bdnj said:
Kaepernick does not handle pressure well a lot of the time, that needs to change before any 49ers fans start thinking he's great. Poor decision-making under pressure will keep him from ever being great if it's not fixed. Also, Kaepernick's a fast runner, but he's not quick. Chris Clemons also ran him down and forced a fumble just out of bounds, too; so I'm not sure how truly fast he is. But either way, I'll take quickness (Russell Wilson, look at that scrambling) over fast. The NFL isn't a track meet.

Honestly Roland, comments like this is why I just think you don't know what you are talking about.
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