Niner fans have no right complaining about calls


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Exactly, 67 yards and 4 first downs in the 2nd half. Like they were gonna' magically start putting up points :roll:


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Sep 13, 2009
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Mudbone's rumpus room
Good lord. How on earth did this borderline call get elevated to the worst officiating crisis in the history of the NFL??!

It's not that bad a call. It's a borderline call that home teams get from time to time. It was a classic half-cheapo, after-the-throw, not-trying-to-injure-the-guy-just-hurt-him-bad-enough-so-he-can't-keep-playing type of hit that we see all the time. Often, there's a flag. (Most of the time it's when it's a big tall white guy throwing the ball, though.) Personally, I'd love for that kind of crap to be out of the game -- I guess I don't see the excitement of inflicting damage just for the sake of damage.

Easy call to avoid.


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May 25, 2011
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We of all teams fans can brush it off as Oh well shit happens but I does bother me how big a deal Aikman and Buck were making of it. Why is it such an amazing travesty of life and justice if the Seahawks get a questionable call go in they're favor?

Did I use they're correctly?

Here's the thing that is getting overlooked and I think it is obvious. The Niners don't have the best reputation on the field for dirty tactics. Aikman himself went after Boldin publicly during the Panthers playoff game last year. You add that in to a team looking at collapse and feeling rather helpless after being demoralized a couple weeks earlier when even the officials couldn't help them and you have a recipe for a team looking to take players out and I mean dirty career ending injury out.

What I was thinking when I watched the calls like the hit as Baldwin was going out of bounds, the helmet to helmet on Richardson or the roughing the passer was the officials keeping the game in check and sending a message that that shit won't be tolerated.

The Niner fans are quick to point out a bad or questionable call when it favors them but they are even better at ignoring the fact we were called 14 times vs they're 3 in Santa Clara or that the blown call on Crabtree's fumble is the only reason we didn't sweep them last year and possibly the only reason they made it back to get their asses handed to them again in the NFCC Game.

I have no sympathy for them though. As a fan base they wish death and harm on others constantly. They whine incessantly about any call that doesn't go how they think it should and blame everyone but themselves for any loss.
In general they are the scum of the league fan base wise so they can sit and wipe the dust, rust and cobwebs off their old ass trophies that better Niner teams won for them back when their dads were fans. They don't deserve or are entitled to anything.

We went to your house and were penalized 14 times to your three and still kicked the shit out of you. If you don't like how the game is going then do something about it and don't let the officials be a factor. You know, just like we did two weeks ago in your house.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Lake Tapps, WA
The Niners have never lost a properly officiated game. There is a conspiracy to keep them down because they are so good.

We have seen the largest margin of calls against the Hawks that I can ever remember this year. It is very clear and the Hawks manage it.

Want to win in Seattle? Don't waste time in the huddle when you are down 2 scores, don't bring the ball out of the endzone when your return guy is not special, don't try to kill Wilson every time you get a chance to hit him, don't leave the coverage when Wilson scrambles, learn to tackle Marshawn Lynch before he gashes you like you are Atlanta, don't hold onto the ball when your protection is failing, catch the ball when it is thrown your way and for crying out loud throw the ball halfway accurately.

No?? OK. Just keep blaming officials. Its been working for years.


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Apr 17, 2012
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entropyrulesall":3cf5ht9h said:
lucky49":3cf5ht9h said:

Thanks for showing the greatest one handed catch in NFL history. But that can't be why you posted it. Rather, it's probably because you think Tate should have been called for offensive PI. While I can't deny that Tate shoved the defender in the back, on a Hail Mary at the end of reguation it is the culture of the NFL to not call PI on those throws. Somebody went back and showed that dozens of contact has occurred during Hail Mary attempts at the end of halves or games and never was PI called.

So yeah we got away with contact but Tate still has to make that amazing catch and hold onto it all the way down to the ground establishing contact first. He outmuscled 3 defenders and still made the catch. That is why the touchdown counted and why the NFL said nothing and hasn't changed their rules over it.



Love that pic of the game-winning Tate catch. Thanks for posting it. It always brings back great memories of the emergence of the Seahawks dynasty, and one of Russell Wilson's defeats of a Super-Bowl winning QB before he was a Super Bowl champ himself.

It was too bad the aftermath revealed a large number of butt-hurt Packer fans as brainwashed parrot-stooges of the national media and unable/unwilling to review and comprehend the rules of possession, but hey, overall, it added emotional drama and interest to the season, and people CARED, agree or disagree, and that's good for page hits and ad revenue, so in any case, the national media wins.

I'm sure it sucked to have the OPI by Tate ignored, but the catch by Tate was a brilliant effort, and the catch part, the refs got right. Thanks for bringing back the great memories. :D


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Sep 13, 2013
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WendellWent":wwt1vjro said:
THe NFL officially disagrees with you.

They also disagreed with everyone about XL. Leavy only came out about it years later because it still weighed heavily on his conscience.


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May 6, 2013
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RiverDog":168pxrml said:
RichNhansom":168pxrml said:
I could care less if they don't like the officiating. I didn't like our last game were we were called for 14 penalties while they were called for 3. They had gained more yards from our penalties than their own passes.

Last year the only reason we didn't sweep them was because a blatantly wrong call the officials deliberately changed what the call was simply so we couldn't challenge it and that bogus call prevented a Crabtree fumble recovered by us from being reviewed and giving us the ball. They scored 3 on that drive and only won by 2 and we had one less possession. If they get that call right we bet them in candlestick and sweep them last year.

I disagreed with the roughing the passer call, but the network guys made wAAAAy too big of a deal out of it. To hear them tell it, you would have thought that the entire game hinged on that one call. Although it's impossible to tell for sure, I got the sense that a 6 point lead would have stood up just as well as 10 points did.

I'd also remind Niner fans that they got away with a clear PI in the first half that cost us at least 3 points.

I think by "the network guys" you mean Aikman. Troy Aikman is incapable of being an impartial announcer. The guy always points out a bad call in favor of the seahawks and then harps on it for the next 3 plays pointing out how we wouldn't be scoring or the opponent would be scoring if the bad call hadn't been made.

He did this last year in the NFCCG when we roughed the punter with 1 min left in the half. He kept pointing our how bad the call was then he brought on Mike perreria and the two had a pity party for the 9ers. Then he extrapolated that had the 9ers got the penalty they would have probably got a fg. Even though there was 1 min left and they were 40 yards out of field goal range. He's a terrible announcer and its obvious he only likes the teams that were good when he played. He's pining for the mid 90's when the 'boys were on some good roids and the hawks were 2-14. I hope we get the cowboys in the play offs and drag their ass through a knothole backwards. Aikman needs to go especially for Seahawk games. Why do we always get him?


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Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
oregonhawkfan":1lyrpunp said:
As has been pointed out, I do not believe this had any bearing on the ultimate outcome of the game and should be considered a wash w/ other screw ups this game. The fact that clearly SF homer announcers Troy and Buck droned on about it all rest of game is rediculous at best and unprofessional at worst.

I got into a pretty good argument with a Niner's fan over in another forum regarding this point.

The key in assessing the impact penalties have on the eventual outcome is how the two teams responded to the aftermath and if they changed their approach to the game from what they had been doing prior to the call. Prior to the call, the Niners hadn't done squat on offense in the 3rd quarter, and didn't do a whole lot better after they had their backs to the wall in the 4th. To suggest that things would have changed had that call gone the other way is pure fantasy.

We would have kicked off whether we scored a touchdown or a FG, so there was no difference in where the Niners could reasonably expect to start their drive.The Niners got the ball back after the ensuing kickoff with 13:20 left in regulation. They consumed nearly 8 minutes and moved the ball 55 yards, getting stopped just short of FG range at our 38, and that's with the benefit of having gone for it on 4th down not once, but twice, during that series, and with the benefit of the Hawks defense playing rather loose and guarding against the big play.

So clearly being down by 10 vs 6 had they forced the FG did not affect their play calling, with the possible exception of a 4th and 1 at the 50 where a viable option in a one score game would have been to punt and use their timeouts to get the ball back. I also don't think it would have made a big difference in the way we deployed our defense. We would have still held to the primary objective of protecting against the big play, contain Kaepernick, keep the ball between the sidelines and keep all their receivers in front of us, and let them run the clock out for us. We would have still been in the mode of being willing to give up FG yardage in order to protect our lead.

The announcers started all this hubbub with their sensationalizing the call. They were acting as if it were the Vinny Testaverde helmet touchdown or Fail Mary. It was a critical call that for once went our way, but it was not a major factor in the eventual outcome.