Not jumping off - Just reevaluating my level of fandom


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Feb 3, 2014
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After the Cincinnati game I was not happy. I stayed away from the board. I was mad that Kam had the holdout, RW (my favorite) played hardball until he got a contract which probably makes the other players now go "you make the big bucks you fiogure it out (locker room stuff we'll probably never know). I'm sure everyone here has gone over the whys and whats. After XLVIII I was starting to think that I'm not sure what's left. I suffered through the late 80's, 90's 2005-2006 and then had the unbelievable fortune to have my team play in XLVIII 2 hours from my house and even more fortunate to go the game.
Then came XLIX which can't take away anything from XLVIII (but still hurts like a punch to the gut).
But it kind of doesn't matter.
How can it get better than XLVIII? I'll never go to another SB again as the cost was unreal and can't imagine what the cost would be to travel to one as we didn't have to add in travel costs.
3 in a row would have been nice. 3 out of 4 or 3 out of 5 would still be great but it really feels like I've been to the summit of Hawk fandom.
For everyone who couldn't make it to NJ I hope you all get to go to the SB when Hawk wins it again.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not off the bandwagon just not as intense as I used to be. You don't know how many 4:00 east coast games I have sat through where I would sit and watch the ticker on the bottom scroll across to get updates (remember back in the 90's/early 2000's they only showed scores not all the fantasy stats that take forever to get the score update nowadays).
I'll be watching tonight. I wore my 3 red practice jersey this week. I'm still a fan just deciding to not be so intense.

...of course that all changes it they reel off something like 9 straight...

P.S. Those All 22 analysis vids are awesome this year - They get my "Kearly" award for the year


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cgfcgf":1xbluzb0 said:
After the Cincinnati game I was not happy. I stayed away from the board. I was mad that Kam had the holdout, RW (my favorite) played hardball until he got a contract which probably makes the other players now go "you make the big bucks you fiogure it out (locker room stuff we'll probably never know). I'm sure everyone here has gone over the whys and whats. After XLVIII I was starting to think that I'm not sure what's left. I suffered through the late 80's, 90's 2005-2006 and then had the unbelievable fortune to have my team play in XLVIII 2 hours from my house and even more fortunate to go the game.
Then came XLIX which can't take away anything from XLVIII (but still hurts like a punch to the gut).
But it kind of doesn't matter.
How can it get better than XLVIII? I'll never go to another SB again as the cost was unreal and can't imagine what the cost would be to travel to one as we didn't have to add in travel costs.
3 in a row would have been nice. 3 out of 4 or 3 out of 5 would still be great but it really feels like I've been to the summit of Hawk fandom.
For everyone who couldn't make it to NJ I hope you all get to go to the SB when Hawk wins it again.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not off the bandwagon just not as intense as I used to be. You don't know how many 4:00 east coast games I have sat through where I would sit and watch the ticker on the bottom scroll across to get updates (remember back in the 90's/early 2000's they only showed scores not all the fantasy stats that take forever to get the score update nowadays).
I'll be watching tonight. I wore my 3 red practice jersey this week. I'm still a fan just deciding to not be so intense.

...of course that all changes it they reel off something like 9 straight...

P.S. Those All 22 analysis vids are awesome this year - They get my "Kearly" award for the year

Sooo, what you're saying is... You only really like them when they win. Got it.


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pmedic920":2y44iqql said:
I'll be monitoring this situation closely :{)

I get it. The whole, don't be holier than thou fan thing. But he literally said as much in his post. I just pointed it out.


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Mar 5, 2007
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Nothing changes for me, except my frustration level at times.

As a fan of any team there are good times and bad times and neither changes the underlying basis of one's fandom. Transitioning from extremely good to not as good is hard but I'm still a fan, just like i was when the team completely sucked. That said I still have faith this team can again find it's mojo, there is far too much talent on the roster for them not to be able to figure things out.

I have been vocal in my frustration with Bevell's offence and the repeated defensive failings through a failure to be able to defend a few passes. None of that changes my fandom a single bit, and my belief this team will finally get their mojo back. It won't take a great deal of change for that to happen, but it will take some renewed commitment to improve and some more enlightened play, play calling, and coaching.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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It's a fair discussion, so I'm not judging.

I've always watched Hawk games, but my fandom and interest in the team was and is much more during the past 4-5 years. What with the winning, interesting players, drama and age of Twitter making it easier to obsess and follow the team, along with coming here.

So I suppose I'd be on the same level as the OP if the Hawks go back to their 7-9, 8-8 ways of old. I'd still watch the games, but I doubt I'd be consumed by every minutia detail of every transaction and discussion like I am now.


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I get great satisfaction out of analyzing the games, breaking down plays, and speculating on personnel moves, etc. Sure, the winning is great, but I follow the team as ardently in the down times as in the good.


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Sep 17, 2013
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I have been a Seahawk fan since the beginning, but over all of those year there are years I pay more attention than others. I always keep an eye on how they're doing and root for them to make it to the playoffs, but when they're not that good I do spend less time watching, reading and thinking about the Hawks. I would bet that most fans are like that. Some are more hardcore and are usually judgemental about the level of fandom others show. Meh.


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Kent, Washington
In the 11 years I have participated on this forum, I cannot ever remember not checking posts multiple days in a row unless I was traveling and access was spotty before twitter and mobile phones became part of my daily life.

In the 80's I used to die with every defeat and was miserable the whole week until Thursday/Friday. I had to dial it down in the late 90s but ramped back up once Holmgren came on-board.

These guys are a special group and right now are blowing their chance to make a life-long impact on how the Seahawks will be viewed 10 years from now but as others have noted, it most likely is a temporary hiccup.

I don't think it hurts to stop and doing a little reflection since you don't want to miss the rest of your life obsessing over the sport but we do love our sports and the euphoria victories bring.

In the end, do what you need to keep yourself grounded.


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You're making an emotional investment in something you have no control over. How much time you spend on that and how that impacts your life is 100% your decision.

Yeah, it's been a frustrating year, but it's 1 year in a spectrum of dozens. Part of why I love Seahawks football is it's a story that's been going on for 40 years and will go on another 400. The future is never what it seems, so just enjoy the ride.


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East Oly
Anyone who spends less time than I do following the Seahawks is a bandwagon fan. Anyone who spends more time than I do needs to get a life.


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Yep, an up and down ride no doubt. Some seasons, it just isn't there, this isn't something new.
Still plenty of time to turn it around. And if they don't, oh well, enjoy the rest of the season.
That being said, can't lose to the Niners. ugh


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minormillikin":1r7apxn9 said:
Anyone who spends less time than I do following the Seahawks is a bandwagon fan. Anyone who spends more time than I do needs to get a life.
I think that is extraordinarily well-put.


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Hawkstorian":kx6p6k8u said:
minormillikin":kx6p6k8u said:
Anyone who spends less time than I do following the Seahawks is a bandwagon fan. Anyone who spends more time than I do needs to get a life.
I think that is extraordinarily well-put.

Goldilocks fandom is the best, QED


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May 23, 2009
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Now, this is entirely a 'me' and not a 'Seahawks' problem, as no pro sports team has any responsibility for their fan's emotions.

But, I totally re-evaluated my level of fandom after I didn't get any sleep after the Super Bowl loss. On my part, that was just not a reasonable reaction to something as inconsequential as a sporting event. At all. I still root hard for the Seahawks and root for them as hard as ever, but I do so with more perspective now. I enjoy the wins as much as ever, and don't even let the losses cross my mind once they've happened. Sports should not have any impact on our emotions or mood.


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kobebryant":2icn79ga said:
Now, this is entirely a 'me' and not a 'Seahawks' problem, as no pro sports team has any responsibility for their fan's emotions.

But, I totally re-evaluated my level of fandom after I didn't get any sleep after the Super Bowl loss. On my part, that was just not a reasonable reaction to something as inconsequential as a sporting event. At all. I still root hard for the Seahawks and root for them as hard as ever, but I do so with more perspective now. I enjoy the wins as much as ever, and don't even let the losses cross my mind once they've happened. Sports should not have any impact on our emotions or mood.

This is what happened to me too. To hurt 2 weeks afterwards like my cat died and then actually have my cat die a week after that...I just couldn't invest emotionally in this season. The stats and strategy and rosterbating is so entertaining and if I were to look at this from a dispassionate outsiders view I'd love the Seahawks for simply being entertaining every week. We haven't even scraped the surface of face melting football.


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Jan 11, 2014
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Since 1987 I have wished for one thing. I wanted to see my Hawks win the SB. I got this and got to share it with my wife and fourten year old son. Sure I get frustrated at times, but then I pop in the SB 48 DVD and remember how lucky I am. We just won the whole damn thing two years ago. How can any long time fan be questioning their level of fandom?


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Football in some form always has been and always will be a huge part of my life. The particular aspect to which I pay attention is what changes. Stopped playing after college, so now my football comes entirely from third party sources, with the Seahawks being 90% of that. 10% to UW. I've come too far to turn back now!


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Mar 3, 2007
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North Pole, Alaska
This is an honest, and perfectly legitimate topic.

I've had to back off during games and after losses because I'm a very emotional person. I've watched games with the volume off when my blood pressure gets you high, but you have to do what you have to do in order to protect yourself, and your sanity.

It's football, an emotional sport, but real life is much more important