Officiating is so bad, I quit!

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Year of The Hawk":2g3jpniw said:
Yes the refs were worse than usual but so was our offense. Our D was showing fatigue from being on field to much.
That's "TOO much".....And... what does having crappy Offensive play have to do with INEPT Officiating?...That's making excuses for the Well Paid REFEREES that are continually making piss poor calls/non-calls.
I have to accept that dishonesty exist, but what I don't have to like it.


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Oct 7, 2014
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Willyeye":1x69j65b said:
I've been a HUGE football fan for over 50 years, and a Hawks fan for over 20 years. I just can't take it anymore. For 3 seasons now, the Seahawks get screwed on calls all game long, and the refs just let every violation by the opposition slide. Today was a blatant exhibition of officiating bias against the Hawks. Every time the Hawks made a good play, it gets called back. Every time the Saints are up against 3rd down and they fail, the refs throw flags against the Hawks. It's pretty easy to succeed on 3rd down when you get two shots at it almost every time. Even when I watch games that I don't care about this year, the refs make it unbearable. They choose a team that they "help" to lose the game or they throw so many flags that I just can't watch anymore. It's become so ridiculously blatant that I just can't take it any longer. I am officially joining the 15% of football fans that stopped watching games this year. I'M DONE NFL...I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY!

You are so right. The Refs have become the true "12th" man on the field. They have influenced the outcome of many games this year. It is ruining the game and is one of the causes I'm sure for low ratings over all.


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Sports Hernia":13gs2dx9 said:
SFVikeFan":13gs2dx9 said:
Willyeye":13gs2dx9 said:
I've been a HUGE football fan for over 50 years, and a Hawks fan for over 20 years. I just can't take it anymore. For 3 seasons now, the Seahawks get screwed on calls all game long, and the refs just let every violation by the opposition slide. Today was a blatant exhibition of officiating bias against the Hawks. Every time the Hawks made a good play, it gets called back. Every time the Saints are up against 3rd down and they fail, the refs throw flags against the Hawks. It's pretty easy to succeed on 3rd down when you get two shots at it almost every time. Even when I watch games that I don't care about this year, the refs make it unbearable. They choose a team that they "help" to lose the game or they throw so many flags that I just can't watch anymore. It's become so ridiculously blatant that I just can't take it any longer. I am officially joining the 15% of football fans that stopped watching games this year. I'M DONE NFL...I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY!

So were you just as outraged when Sherman grabbed Julio vs Atlanta and the Seahawks won on a blown call? Don't get too bent out of shape, you guys blasted Falcons fans here for crying about the refs a few weeks ago. Bad calls are being whistled in every game, but you've been on the good side of plenty of them.
And Julio got away with hands to the face on the same play so the no calls on that play evened out, like it or not.

Let me know next time your team gets jobbed all game with a series of bad calls that extended opponents drives (3 times) after stops on 3rd down and we will talk, or your team gets XL*'ed in a super bowl, until then.........

Oh and If you are here to troll your stay here will be short.

Please, you think Vikings haven't been screwed by bad calls? Every Packers game we are battling the refs. Last year we were the least penalized team in NFL but vs Green Bay we suddenly rack up a slew of ticky tack calls while they never get called for offensive holding. We have seen it first hand since the Favre era. During 2009 vs. SAINTS NFCCG with Favre taking numerous illegal bounty-hunting late hits and cheap shots? We have been on the losing side of bad calls far longer, but reality is nobody likes a whiner about refs.

Just saying it happens every week. I saw Sherman mugged WR'S today too with no calls. It happens. BUT the way this board reacted 2 weeks ago towards Falcons fans who were upset at the refs ... now the tables are turned and now you're trying to play the victim card.

If you think I'm being a troll because I'm an impartial observer pointing out the irony then so be it.

Bottom line you struggled to score against one of the worst defense's in the NFL, 13 points on offense is why you lost, not the refs.


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bandiger":rqiy0w1h said:
I pretty much quit watching most Seahawks games, they are too ugly and sometimes infuriatingly close where officiating becomes a huge factor in how the game ends.

^ This.

The way you minimize penalty concerns is to push a heavy offensive philosophy and go for the kill as early as possible.

PC doesn't believe in this which is why we are always talking about the refs.


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Sep 18, 2011
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Oklahoma City
SFVikeFan":3gj2y8vp said:
Please, you think Vikings haven't been screwed by bad calls? Every Packers game we are battling the refs. Last year we were the least penalized team in NFL but vs Green Bay we suddenly rack up a slew of ticky tack calls while they never get called for offensive holding. We have seen it first hand since the Favre era. During 2009 vs. SAINTS NFCCG with Favre taking numerous illegal bounty-hunting late hits and cheap shots? We have been on the losing side of bad calls far longer, but reality is nobody likes a whiner about refs.

Just saying it happens every week. I saw Sherman mugged WR'S today too with no calls. It happens. BUT the way this board reacted 2 weeks ago towards Falcons fans who were upset at the refs ... now the tables are turned and now you're trying to play the victim card.

If you think I'm being a troll because I'm an impartial observer pointing out the irony then so be it.

Bottom line you struggled to score against one of the worst defense's in the NFL, 13 points on offense is why you lost, not the refs.

This. My wife is a Vikings fan, so I watch them as well. They get more calls against them vs. GB than any other team they play. It's rather comical because she'll bitch about that but claim I'm a conspiracy nut when I point out when it happens to the Hawks as well.

Play better and then bad calls won't affect the outcome.


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Aug 17, 2013
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chris98251":3ey9ulhg said:
SFVikeFan":3ey9ulhg said:
Willyeye":3ey9ulhg said:
I've been a HUGE football fan for over 50 years, and a Hawks fan for over 20 years. I just can't take it anymore. For 3 seasons now, the Seahawks get screwed on calls all game long, and the refs just let every violation by the opposition slide. Today was a blatant exhibition of officiating bias against the Hawks. Every time the Hawks made a good play, it gets called back. Every time the Saints are up against 3rd down and they fail, the refs throw flags against the Hawks. It's pretty easy to succeed on 3rd down when you get two shots at it almost every time. Even when I watch games that I don't care about this year, the refs make it unbearable. They choose a team that they "help" to lose the game or they throw so many flags that I just can't watch anymore. It's become so ridiculously blatant that I just can't take it any longer. I am officially joining the 15% of football fans that stopped watching games this year. I'M DONE NFL...I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY!

So were you just as outraged when Sherman grabbed Julio vs Atlanta and the Seahawks won on a blown call? Don't get too bent out of shape, you guys blasted Falcons fans here for crying about the refs a few weeks ago. Bad calls are being whistled in every game, but you've been on the good side of plenty of them.

Except they ignored the illegal head slap that Jones did when he came off the line, must have missed that part I guess.

Thought the ATL comment might be coming - and it would take somebody who got their highlights from ESPN rather than by watching the game (and therefore didn't catch the illegal head slap which preceded the Sherm PI no-call).


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Aug 17, 2013
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SFVikeFan":nfsq987k said:
Sports Hernia":nfsq987k said:
SFVikeFan":nfsq987k said:
Willyeye":nfsq987k said:
I've been a HUGE football fan for over 50 years, and a Hawks fan for over 20 years. I just can't take it anymore. For 3 seasons now, the Seahawks get screwed on calls all game long, and the refs just let every violation by the opposition slide. Today was a blatant exhibition of officiating bias against the Hawks. Every time the Hawks made a good play, it gets called back. Every time the Saints are up against 3rd down and they fail, the refs throw flags against the Hawks. It's pretty easy to succeed on 3rd down when you get two shots at it almost every time. Even when I watch games that I don't care about this year, the refs make it unbearable. They choose a team that they "help" to lose the game or they throw so many flags that I just can't watch anymore. It's become so ridiculously blatant that I just can't take it any longer. I am officially joining the 15% of football fans that stopped watching games this year. I'M DONE NFL...I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY!

So were you just as outraged when Sherman grabbed Julio vs Atlanta and the Seahawks won on a blown call? Don't get too bent out of shape, you guys blasted Falcons fans here for crying about the refs a few weeks ago. Bad calls are being whistled in every game, but you've been on the good side of plenty of them.
And Julio got away with hands to the face on the same play so the no calls on that play evened out, like it or not.

Let me know next time your team gets jobbed all game with a series of bad calls that extended opponents drives (3 times) after stops on 3rd down and we will talk, or your team gets XL*'ed in a super bowl, until then.........

Oh and If you are here to troll your stay here will be short.

Please, you think Vikings haven't been screwed by bad calls? Every Packers game we are battling the refs. Last year we were the least penalized team in NFL but vs Green Bay we suddenly rack up a slew of ticky tack calls while they never get called for offensive holding. We have seen it first hand since the Favre era. During 2009 vs. SAINTS NFCCG with Favre taking numerous illegal bounty-hunting late hits and cheap shots? We have been on the losing side of bad calls far longer, but reality is nobody likes a whiner about refs.

Just saying it happens every week. I saw Sherman mugged WR'S today too with no calls. It happens. BUT the way this board reacted 2 weeks ago towards Falcons fans who were upset at the refs ... now the tables are turned and now you're trying to play the victim card.

If you think I'm being a troll because I'm an impartial observer pointing out the irony then so be it.

Bottom line you struggled to score against one of the worst defense's in the NFL, 13 points on offense is why you lost, not the refs.
This "bottom failed to do X" in the face of SBXL-bad officiating is such a poorly conceived line of reasoning. By the time you hit the NFL, the parity is unparalleled. If you make the field in the NFL, you are one of the best in the world at your position. As such, EVERYTHING counts. Saying that officiating isn't worth talking about because any team who wants a W should be able to muscle their way into it is bush league logic - you understand it's like butterfly effect level subtleties that can impact outcomes at this level, right? So officiating, just like special teams and everything else, are worth throwing into the mix and talking about.


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Jan 13, 2013
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I don't understand the "play better and the call won't matter' argument that people are putting out in this thread. Why would that make the officiating any less bad? quite frankly this game was a joke and I can understand why some would be turned off by it


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2009
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I'm already at the point that I don't watch any other games other then the Hawks away games. I get that there's calls that go against you and for you in every game, but all I'm asking for is some freaking consistency. The bottom line is the refs over regulate by NFL design to the detriment of the product. It's simply no longer enjoyable to watch, it's actually excruciating! The problem is now, what is the NFL going to do about it......absolutely nothing, very sad!


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Dec 6, 2015
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This "bottom failed to do X" in the face of SBXL-bad officiating is such a poorly conceived line of reasoning. By the time you hit the NFL, the parity is unparalleled. If you make the field in the NFL, you are one of the best in the world at your position. As such, EVERYTHING counts. Saying that officiating isn't worth talking about because any team who wants a W should be able to muscle their way into it is bush league logic - you understand it's like butterfly effect level subtleties that can impact outcomes at this level, right? So officiating, just like special teams and everything else, are worth throwing into the mix and talking about.[/quote]

You missed the point. 2 weeks ago you were on the receiving end of bad/missed calls that resulted in a win and told Falcons fans to stop whining about the refs. Now the shoe is on the other foot and suddenly it's ok to complain about the refs. Bottom line is sometimes you get calls and sometimes you dont, but let's not act like seahawks have never been on the winning side of bad calls that determined the outcome of a game. From Fail Mary to Kam's illegal batting the ball out of the endzone vs Lions to the non PI on Sherman, you have had your share of breaks too. So pardon me if I shake my head at the people who claim to be quitting the NFL because of the refs from today's loss, as there must be selective amnesia for those who forgot the Seahwaks have also won a few games thanks to questionable officiating at critical moments. Just saying, some games you get bad calls and other games bad calls go your way.

But really some of you sound no different than the Falcons fans 2 weeks ago who were ripped apart here when they complained about the refs. I think the bigger cause for concern and bigger reason Seattle lost is the offense, which looks almost as bad as the Vikings offense. 6 points last week, 13 points against a bad defense today. I understand that bad calls hurt your chances today, but guess what? Raiders just won today despite a record 25 penalties. Good teams overcome adversity, the bad ones find excuses like blaming the refs.

Good news is AZ lost, the NFC is still wide open, nobody is a powerhouse in our conference and every NFC team has its flaws.


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Mar 5, 2010
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Toronto Canada
That is the whole point it's fixed it didn't mean anything to us to lose a game cause it keeps our division close
but what that win means to the nfc south is huge cause if u look at there division it is utter crap and the more wins u
can stuff in there the more it keeps ppl watching is there thought process it's gotten to the point now where it's so
obvious like wwe they might as well come out and just admit it that it's all about the tv rating but in fact because ppl can
see it there ratings are going down so u can scream all u want this and that but in the end depending on what gets them
more ratings over the course of this year they will do its y there are no real clear front runners in any division Sept the cheatriots


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2012
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Willyeye":ipl5smuz said:
I've been a HUGE football fan for over 50 years, and a Hawks fan for over 20 years. I just can't take it anymore. For 3 seasons now, the Seahawks get screwed on calls all game long, and the refs just let every violation by the opposition slide. Today was a blatant exhibition of officiating bias against the Hawks. Every time the Hawks made a good play, it gets called back. Every time the Saints are up against 3rd down and they fail, the refs throw flags against the Hawks. It's pretty easy to succeed on 3rd down when you get two shots at it almost every time. Even when I watch games that I don't care about this year, the refs make it unbearable. They choose a team that they "help" to lose the game or they throw so many flags that I just can't watch anymore. It's become so ridiculously blatant that I just can't take it any longer. I am officially joining the 15% of football fans that stopped watching games this year. I'M DONE NFL...I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY!


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Aug 16, 2013
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North of the Wall
well if your gonna take a break this is the year to do it since Brady and Bill have a guarateed super bowl victory this year. I know when the Hawks are done so am I. I cant stand to watch another Brady confetti shower.


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Jan 4, 2013
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Phoenix az
davidonmi":2mlx34b2 said:
I don't understand the "play better and the call won't matter' argument that people are putting out in this thread. Why would that make the officiating any less bad? quite frankly this game was a joke and I can understand why some would be turned off by it


This argument makes no sense.

You can play a really good football game, get screwed by the refs and still lose.

One has nothing to do with the other.


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Sep 10, 2012
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You can get frustrated all you want but simply blaming the refs for us losing this game is just missing the mark. Tom Cable has a lot of work to do(!) and I personally think that Gilliam is now about as out of his depth as Sowell ever was! Fant looked better than Gilliam today. And it appears to be lack of effort more than anything else. The knock on effect of playing that poorly is that it A)becomes impossible to keep your QB or your RB's healthy, B)Invites the referees to the party C) keeps your defense on the field for the whole damn game, where they can then get injured. It has gotten so bad that it is taking Pete Carrol off his game plan. We are not controlling the clock and we are losing the turnover battles! Not Seahawk football as we know it.The OL is the key to everything in our immediate future if post season aspirations still exist. The Next 2 weeks will no doubt be a tough test. Our Defense deserves a tip of the cap for keeping us in the past few games, but we simply cannot continue to lay it at their feet every game.


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Vancouver, WA
thegreeninyoureye":1xb1d1o5 said:
Jville":1xb1d1o5 said:
I luv sherm!
"We're the Seahawks so that's how it is".

Hey Paul Allen, you listening to your brightest and one of your best players? Are you even aware that opponent penalties vs. the Seahawks were lowest in the NFL in 2014, 2015 and are 2nd to lowest in 2016?

I for one no longer give a shit. Today's officiating fiasco was my breaking point/last straw. I'll follow casually but anytime there's something I'm more interested in I will do that instead. To hell with their dog and pony show.

Declining ratings indeed.


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Oct 12, 2011
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Lecce, Italy
hawksfansinceday1":6l0ymkek said:
thegreeninyoureye":6l0ymkek said:
Jville":6l0ymkek said:
I luv sherm!
"We're the Seahawks so that's how it is".

Hey Paul Allen, you listening to your brightest and one of your best players? Are you even aware that opponent penalties vs. the Seahawks were lowest in the NFL in 2014, 2015 and are 2nd to lowest in 2016?

I for one no longer give a shit. Today's officiating fiasco was my breaking point/last straw. I'll follow casually but anytime there's something I'm more interested in I will do that instead. To hell with their dog and pony show.

Declining ratings indeed.

I 100% agree with this sentiment. You've got Josh Norman going off on officials, Carson Palmer doing the same and now Sherm. That is just today. The whole thing has grown tedious and unfun. I've got better things to do with my time. While I'll enjoy games casually, I can't remain emotionally invested in something that is so clearly being heavily influenced by the real 12th man, the officials.

After XL* and the last two weeks...nope


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Apr 27, 2012
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I will never be convinced that today's officiating was just "bad". It was an INTENTIONAL beat down from the league and the refs for whatever reason. Goodell can kiss my ass.


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Mar 30, 2015
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I've been thinking about everything and have a few things to say. I am probably far too addicted to the Seahawks to quit them, but I am definitely never going to watch an NFL game again, including Seahawk games. I'm going to restrict my Seahawk addiction to just reading about them. I'm going to start watching a lot of college ball. I won't be buying any Seahawks gear again. I'm not a conspiracy kind of guy, but I'm beginning to think there's a lot of stuff in this world that's rigged including the NFL to some extent. There's been talk about parity since I was a kid some 40-50 years ago. The salary cap was pretty successful for parity, and I now believe that the league uses the refs to assist them in their quest for parity. The bottom line: it's all about ratings and money. They can have their money but I will never give them another penny. I think the refs are used to help certain teams lose and certain teams win.

Another example: the Raiders were flagged 24 times today...the Bucs only 6 times. One might respond by saying, "Yeah, but the Raiders still managed to win the game". Consider this: the Raiders outyarded the Bucs 626 to 270. Think about that...the Raiders played so much better, but yet, because of the refs, they barely won the game, and that was in OT. BTW, the Raiders were 5-2 and the Bucs were 2-4. It really made me wonder if there was some master plan for the NFL to make the NFCS look better than it actually is.

I can't believe that the refs actually called a 3rd penalty on the Saints in today's game, besides the two 5-yard false starts. They did call one offensive holding on Zach Strief...but then again they called it on a 5-yard sack of Brees knowing that the Hawks would decline it. What a bunch of crap. Just way too many coincidences to just be random.

I just can no longer believe that so many poor calls and non-calls are caused by human error. I think they are simply used by the NFL to improve parity. I don't think allowing the Seahawks to win SB's helps with ratings in the rest of the country. I even remember thinking prior to the Rams game that the NFL most likely wants the Rams to beat the mighty Seahawks in L.A. in order to excite one of the most populous regions in the country. Then in the game this bs happens with the OPI calls on our offense. I remeber the season after the win in SB48, noticing how biased the refs seemed against our Seahawks. Check out this stat on penalty differential for the 2014 season. The Hawks differential was -3.75 penalties per game, the next closest were the Patriots at -1.75. ... tial/2014/ #32. In 2013, we were #31. In 2015, we were # 29. Guess who was #1 in 2015...the Cardinals. I remember in the 2014 season the Rams averaging like 8 penalties per game, but only getting called for 2 or 3 against us. I think the Chiefs had 2 penalties in their game...both of them delay of games called at the end of the game to run out the clock. The Cowboys game was similar to the Rams numbers.

I've come to the conclusion that NFL refs don't like to throw flags on Seahawk opponents. It's blatant. I remember last season when our guys even recovered a few fumbles that were called incorrectly and then even the reviews confirmed the cheating refs bad calls. It's not always's fumbles, TD's, Russell getting hit on slides and it never being called. If I had the time, I could go through 4-1/2 seasons of this and write an entire book because it has happened so many times.

I guess from now on I'll just be reading about Seahawk games and maybe occasionally checking out the standings.
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