OMG, on a 49er forum about can the Seahawks be dethroned


Mar 31, 2013
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loafoftatupu":1swvw08j said:
Giedi":1swvw08j said:
Both are good QB's and both seem to struggle in the opponents back yard.

huh? Both of which QBs? I didn't mention anything about another QB. Did you get off your meds Giedi?

Are you talking about Wilson? Struggling in SF? Hmmm... he has played there twice. Struggled to get completions in the first game, but the second game was 15/26, 199, 1TD and 1 INT (on a Hail Mary at the end of the game) outplayed Kaeperchoke in his own house. Is that considered struggling in a SEA/SF matchup? Better look at those CK numbers Giedi.

CK struggles against the Hawks period. Home or away. There isn't anything wrong with that.
The reason for the struggles for both QB's is the very strong defenses each team has. With the fact that Seattles defense was stronger than the 49ers defense last year. Seattles home field advantage, is of course, *legendary!*

Having said that, I think Pete got lucky with Wilson. A 3rd round pick, and we had a 3rd round pick that was pretty good too. As for CK, there are I think, some Hall of Fame QB's that lost a couple of super bowls before they won one or two. Elway being one that I can remember off the top of my head. So who knows about Kaepernick, absolutely don't know what he will do in the future, but from my perspective - which I find is quite *different* from Seattle 'Hawk fans for some reason :mrgreen: -- his future is bright.


Mar 31, 2013
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The_Z_Man":50wwjlb4 said:
Giedi":50wwjlb4 said:

I was trying to me nice. Maybe **too** nice. :th2thumbs:

You said it. You can get diabetes from posting stuff like that on a rival teams board.
:th2thumbs: You can get a lot of things by posting on a rival teams boards, I agree! But I think diabetes isn't one of them. :mrgreen:


Mar 31, 2013
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The_Z_Man":1o6ob0o0 said:
loafoftatupu":1o6ob0o0 said:
What? A theory that the League set up the Hawks to win? And that the rules are changed for the Niners to win this year? I guess I better read. Too bad I am banned from posting.

Yea, they "allowed" the Seahawks to win last year because 48 is a product of 12. The 49ers win this year as a reward for opening up a new stadium, and because it's Superbowl 49 and the NFL is going to commemorate that with a 49er win because the NFL is run by the Illuminati and those secret satanic societies are really into that numerology crap man!

*cue eerie music*

"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!"

Well the NFL allowed the 49ers to win 5 times, then they destroyed the franchise with the Salary Cap. Welcome to the club! :mrgreen: And I hope you are right, the 49ers need all the luck and Illuminati magic they can get to deal with that awesome 'Hawk home field advantage that has absolutely destroyed so many playoff teams in the past! :? :D


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Roy Wa.
I think it looks great, that Monitor will be great to show Russell Wilson when he does his Levis Commercial. :0190l:


Sports Hernia

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The pit
Giedi":27kkmr33 said:
loafoftatupu":27kkmr33 said:
Giedi":27kkmr33 said:
Both are good QB's and both seem to struggle in the opponents back yard.

huh? Both of which QBs? I didn't mention anything about another QB. Did you get off your meds Giedi?

Are you talking about Wilson? Struggling in SF? Hmmm... he has played there twice. Struggled to get completions in the first game, but the second game was 15/26, 199, 1TD and 1 INT (on a Hail Mary at the end of the game) outplayed Kaeperchoke in his own house. Is that considered struggling in a SEA/SF matchup? Better look at those CK numbers Giedi.

CK struggles against the Hawks period. Home or away. There isn't anything wrong with that.
The reason for the struggles for both QB's is the very strong defenses each team has. With the fact that Seattles defense was stronger than the 49ers defense last year. Seattles home field advantage, is of course, *legendary!*

Having said that, I think Pete got lucky with Wilson. A 3rd round pick, and we had a 3rd round pick that was pretty good too. As for CK, there are I think, some Hall of Fame QB's that lost a couple of super bowls before they won one or two. Elway being one that I can remember off the top of my head. So who knows about Kaepernick, absolutely don't know what he will do in the future, but from my perspective - which I find is quite *different* from Seattle 'Hawk fans for some reason :mrgreen: -- his future is bright.
So you think Kraepperchoke is potential HOF material?????) LMAO! You need to lay off the LSD laced weed that Jaws has given you.
To make any comparison of Kraepperchoke to any HOF is the single dumbest thing I've read on the board by a whiners troll, and Marvin has said A LOT of stupid crap here!


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Aug 20, 2013
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ZagHawk":1fintohy said:
I think the thing I noticed between the two sites. Is if a Niner posts here, of course Hawk fans will disagree with you, but it'll remain somewhat cordial, and lets just say our fun names for the Niners are much more tame. DenialZone and Whiners are about the worst you're going to see.

I dunno about that, man. I'm not even remotely complaining about it (I of course choose to post here), but I've been on the receiving end of more sophomoric, petty and venemous personal attacks in one year of irregular posting here than I have been over the last 15 years on a wide range of boards. I just assume folks are having fun (and if they're serious it's too comical to bother caring about), but it's really no different than the experience of the Hawks fans who post on the Zone (e.g. like here, there are a few of them who stuck through it and tend to be treated with some dignity by the posters who remotely matter over there :lol: , but the mouth breathers who don't have anything else to contribute still try to get a rise out of them).

As for it being more tame over here, I don't think so. Which poster here is it whose signature is about lynching all the 9ers players? :lol:


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Lake Tapps, WA
Giedi":2w3vkmjp said:
The reason for the struggles for both QB's is the very strong defenses each team has. With the fact that Seattles defense was stronger than the 49ers defense last year. Seattles home field advantage, is of course, *legendary!*

Having said that, I think Pete got lucky with Wilson. A 3rd round pick, and we had a 3rd round pick that was pretty good too. As for CK, there are I think, some Hall of Fame QB's that lost a couple of super bowls before they won one or two. Elway being one that I can remember off the top of my head. So who knows about Kaepernick, absolutely don't know what he will do in the future, but from my perspective - which I find is quite *different* from Seattle 'Hawk fans for some reason :mrgreen: -- his future is bright.

Wilson has never struggled in a match up that had Kaepernick starting. The last time he struggled was his first game againt the Niners in SF, where 4 very catchable passes were blatantly dropped. K-Choke didn't even play in that game, but here is the head to head numbers for K-Choke and Wilson.

Wilson: 54/90 727 - 7 TD - 3 INT - 91.4R - 8.0 AVG
K-Choke: 61/117 699 - 3 TD - 7 INT - 54R - 5.9 AVG

If I was a Niner fan that would terrify me, it certainly wouldn't give me the confidence to mention Hall of Fame QBs and K-Choke in the same conversation. Giedi posts that both QBs struggle, but K-Choke isn't even the same galaxy as Wilson. LOL...Wilson's 3 picks: 1 was a Hail Mary with receiver falling down, another was the receiver falling down and the last was through the hands of Robert Turbin into PWilly's. Wilson did throw a pick in October of 2012 to the Niners that was on him.


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Lake Tapps, WA
Popeyejones":3pfv9j7c said:
As for it being more tame over here, I don't think so. Which poster here is it whose signature is about lynching all the 9ers players? :lol:

Of course you don't think so. But we KNOW differently. Stating that Niner players being knocked out by a Seahawk is just fact. Celebrating and wishing for it is commonplace on the DenialZone.

The funny part is that Brooks and Whitner both attempted to injure on tackles, especially Brooks on Wilson, but they failed that too.


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Aug 20, 2013
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loafoftatupu":icbp5usn said:
The funny part is that Brooks and Whitner both attempted to injure on tackles, especially Brooks on Wilson, but they failed that too.

We're talking about how people act on the respective fan forums. Your one-sided conspiracy theories about 9ers and Hawks players are totes unrelated, bro.


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Lake Tapps, WA
Popeyejones":2be8j114 said:
loafoftatupu":2be8j114 said:
The funny part is that Brooks and Whitner both attempted to injure on tackles, especially Brooks on Wilson, but they failed that too.

We're talking about how people act on the respective fan forums. Your one-sided conspiracy theories about 9ers and Hawks players are totes unrelated, bro.
Is that anything like PC running an organization of steroid users?

Oh.. and conspiracy? REALLY?

Now you are Marvinist? I never said anything about a conspiracy. Simply pointed out what I have observed the last 3 home games in person and verified when reviewing on DVR.

The Whitner/Brooks "Rolling Pin" tackle is exclusive to those two players. I'm not even saying it is bad, just that the point of it is to injure. With Whitner it is usually when the player is already down, as Donte comes in for the "assist". He leads with his head and hits with his upper body/side as he "rolls" the downed player with all his weight. He's gone, so that won't matter anyways. You have seen the games, but I understand the reason for not wanting to see it again if you are a Niner fan.

Brooks is just frustrated, so he takes his when he gets the chance, usually pretty late, but he uses the same technique on Wilson. I really don't have a problem with it, just pointing out that there is no other point in doing what they do other than to injure. Heck, Leroy Hill ended Manningham in 2012. It was a clean hit, but low. Both teams do it.


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Dec 18, 2012
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loafoftatupu":2pd0bp1l said:
Popeyejones":2pd0bp1l said:
loafoftatupu":2pd0bp1l said:
The funny part is that Brooks and Whitner both attempted to injure on tackles, especially Brooks on Wilson, but they failed that too.

We're talking about how people act on the respective fan forums. Your one-sided conspiracy theories about 9ers and Hawks players are totes unrelated, bro.
Is that anything like PC running an organization of steroid users?

Oh.. and conspiracy? REALLY?

Now you are Marvinist? I never said anything about a conspiracy. Simply pointed out what I have observed the last 3 home games in person and verified when reviewing on DVR.

The Whitner/Brooks "Rolling Pin" tackle is exclusive to those two players. I'm not even saying it is bad, just that the point of it is to injure. With Whitner it is usually when the player is already down, as Donte comes in for the "assist". He leads with his head and hits with his upper body/side as he "rolls" the downed player with all his weight. He's gone, so that won't matter anyways. You have seen the games, but I understand the reason for not wanting to see it again if you are a Niner fan.

Brooks is just frustrated, so he takes his when he gets the chance, usually pretty late, but he uses the same technique on Wilson. I really don't have a problem with it, just pointing out that there is no other point in doing what they do other than to injure. Heck, Leroy Hill ended Manningham in 2012. It was a clean hit, but low. Both teams do it.


I have my own "".

I'm so proud.



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Lake Tapps, WA
"The Rolling Pin" - Written by Donte Whitner, performed by Ahmad Brooks.

Note that this was on a play that Wilson threw the ball away.






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Lake Tapps, WA
And the master of "The Rolling Pin".

This is funny because the tackle is made at just inside the 45 by McDonald and Whitner, but Whitner is still on top of Lynch around the 47-48 when he gets up. The play is so over by the time Whitner finishes his roll, Cowboy is standing there while PWilly is just chillin' next to Baldwin. This was from the NFCC, but the week 2 game had a lot like this. Even the 2012 game did.







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Jul 24, 2013
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Has anyone been on that thread and pointed out all the ex niner legends that think the Seahawks are creating a dynasty?


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Apr 2, 2014
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UK_Seahawk":2vbllj8f said:
Has anyone been on that thread and pointed out all the ex niner legends that think the Seahawks are creating a dynasty?

No, but I know you just got banned from it lol.
Not to hard to figure out who you are over there


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Jan 14, 2013
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Sherminator":3pkf16xu said:
UK_Seahawk":3pkf16xu said:
Has anyone been on that thread and pointed out all the ex niner legends that think the Seahawks are creating a dynasty?

No, but I know you just got banned from it lol.
Not to hard to figure out who you are over there

What did he do, disagree with someone?


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Apr 2, 2014
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Laloosh":2otwxef2 said:
Sherminator":2otwxef2 said:
UK_Seahawk":2otwxef2 said:
Has anyone been on that thread and pointed out all the ex niner legends that think the Seahawks are creating a dynasty?

No, but I know you just got banned from it lol.
Not to hard to figure out who you are over there

What did he do, disagree with someone?

Lol I'm not even sure it was him, just assuming.
Someone just posted to stir some of the veteran posters up, pretty funny watching both sides defend their teams. 1 clearly trolling and 3 acting like Satan is posting