Questions for salary cap gurus.....


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Sep 21, 2013
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South Seattle
I'm not a numbers guy and don't really get how the cap works with dead money and options so pardon my ignorance.. With all our free agents coming off the books (Lynch-Sweezy-Okung), along with the dead money from Harvin, what's the projected amount of available cap that we will have for next year?


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Aug 20, 2013
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^^^ Hard to answer b/c 1) nobody knows what the cap will be next year, 2) the hawks only have 60% of a team signed for next year (33/53), 3) have seven starters who will be unresticted free agents next year, 4) and are right up against the cap this year. There's just WAY too many variables at this point to have a good sense for where they'll be, and projections have been all over the place because of all the variables.

For some teams it's pretty clear they'll have room (e.g. the 9ers only have a couple FA starters, have 49 of 53 signed, and due to all the retirments will have around 35 million in cap room even if the cap stays the same)


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Feb 28, 2007
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You can only really guess a range, because there's a lot of variables that come into play ... but my guess right now is between $13M and $18M, which in the grand scheme isn't really much.

When If added that up, I didn't consider cutting any existing vets, so that could change things.


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Aug 20, 2013
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Hawkstorian":3ksijzil said:
but my guess right now is between $13M and $18M, which in the grand scheme isn't really much.

I'd guess probably not that high. They've got 126 million on the books for next year. The cap is at 143 and is projected at about 150.

So that means 24 million on the high end, but they still need 18 more people signed to get to the top 51 for the cap, plus they've got sevens starters as UFAs.

So, even if those 18 are all getting paid league minimum and the cap goes up to 150 as projected, they're then at 15 million, and the chances of them 1) not resigining any of their starters and 2) filling out over 1/3rd more of their roster at league minimum is really, really, really low, IMO. Factor in the 1-2 million wiggle room that every team has and I think the low end up your projection is actually as high as you could possibly get on the high end, and is VERY unlikely.

Basically, to get to 13 million in cap room they'd have to not resign any of their FA starters and get from 33 players to 51 players without paying anyone over the league minimum.

(I'm not factoring in the draft pool b/c it's dependent on record and we don't know that either, but for those guys we can assume > 500K per player for the pool, meaning I'm making a conservative estimate (giving them more room)).


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Dec 31, 2014
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Seattle, Washington
Right now, the Seahawks have the 14th most cap space available in 2016:

The cap will be at least $150 million. With the new TV deals in place, it has been rumored to be closer to $160 million: ... n-in-2016/

We are in sound cap footing thanks to Schneider. Several replacements for soon-to-be free agents are already in the pipeline: Mark Glowinski for J.R. Sweezy, Kevin Pierre-Louis for Bruce Irvin, Jordan Hill for Brandon Mebane, Tyler Lockett and Paul Richardson for Jermaine Kearse, etc.


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Aug 20, 2013
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hawknation2015":x4xtyp9n said:
Right now, the Seahawks have the 14th most cap space available in 2016:

Which is why it's so hard to predict for the Seahawks. They're middle of the pack in cap space, but tied for second to last in the league for players under contract through next year.

If you consider the rookie pool, just to fill out 1/3rd of their roster with warm bodies they're in the bottom quarter of the league for cap room, and they also have a third of their starters as FAs.

It's FAR, FAR from a doomsday scenario (they literally have all of their core guys locked up, which is super impressive), but the space they're comparatively projected right now is kind of fool's gold.